Saturday, May 3, 2014
SATURDAY! Good morning! Hope all woke up this morning , ready and willing to take God with them from start to finish,,and that is 24/7,, with no real about it? Ready to start today?
Prayer Request: For Angeline Hughes, who will be having her heart stopped, then restarted, so she can have more oxygen to her heart. Please pray for her and that God will be the stopper, and the starter, is our prayer.
You can have the treasures of the Queen of England,, the treasures of all the sheiks of Arabia,, the wealth of the greatest diamond mine in Africa,, all the gold out of the biggest gold mine in the world,, and then you can have the love of the Son of God,,, which one will you take? Will you take the chance of one over the other,, one for life here,, or life after,, which one will go through the eye with you? Which one will go with you to the grave? Which one will be a victor over the grave with you,, and give you life eternal? Well, here we are with that word again ,, "choice".. I have made mine and I invite all who will listen, to come, and join me in the treasures of the heart and of life,, the treasure of my Jesus Christ, His saving power, His love of me , even to give His life for me.... and I did not have to do but one thing to get this treasure,, and that is ask for it,,believe in Him,, and bam! I am the richest person on this green, God's earth!
How about it,, want to ride on my treasure ship with me?? Then do the same,, accept Him and be richer than rich! Come and take Him,, and with Him,,, take all of the offered riches of His Father ,, the greatest of all the
God, thank You for giving us this treasure ,, just for the taking,, Your sacrifice,, our way to You.. amen
John HIcks
I believe! I am rich!,, even if my pants have patches on the knees,, I am the most well dressed person,, with all the treasures of Heaven... come , walk with Jesus, and be as rich as I am... how about it?
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