Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Welcome to this TUESDAY!,,, One of Gods' days built and given to us,, out of a great love,, one of the biggest loves ever .....His.
Prayer Request: Pam Burnette's Nephew, who will have open heart surger to replace the arota pulmonary valves on Wednesday morning. Please pray for the surgeorns hands to be guided by God, and surgery will be a success!
(Originaly sent out on 12/10/09, felt like it needed to be repeated, with the season coming, with Christmas, & our leaders giving us more and more anti,, rather than believing in Him)
The Cherokee Indians had a way for their youths rite to passage.. to become a man. The boys father would take him deep into the forest,,, find a stump,, sit his son on it, blindfold him. The youth had to set on that stump until he could feel the sun on his face,, then he could remove the blindfold. He could not peek,, even when he heard the animals creep around in the night.. there were mountain lions, bears.. snakes,, all sort of animals, killers in his mind. Even , if he lived through this,, he could not tell anyone of the experience,, only that he made it, and did so with faith that he would live through this night, and become a man and a warrior. Wow, as the night went on,, he could almost feel the dangers creep up , almost to him , on this stump , blindfolded,, and never even thinking of pulling off the blindfold,,even though he was alone deep,, deep in the forest. I guess you could call it blind faith.. Well ,, as the night wore on,,the morning started to arrive,,, he could tell light was coming,, relief was in his heart, his faith had carried him through the dark,, and as he felt the warmth of the morning sun hit his face,, he removed his blindfold,, and behold ,, who was that sitting out on a stump also?,,, his father,, watching over him through the night, and proudly watching his son,, who had just become a man,,through blind faith, making sure no harm came to him! Just think of the pride of that father as he watched his son, sit in the danger of maybe losing his life,, looming in the youths mind,, and listening, in his mind, to his father saying,, all would be alright as he left him there,,,. Having faith, yes blind-faith, that he would make it through the night,, yes BLIND-FAITH!!!!
Now,,as you read this story,, how about you and God,,, how about your faith in Him and His salvation? Do you have that kind of faith as that young Indian boy? Do you have that
God, I pray that we all have that kind of faith,, and may we proudly show it daily. amen
John HIcks
My faith is there,,, whether it be dark or light... where is yours? Have you accepted the CROSS OF JESUS? Turned your light on within ,,,to guide you through the darkness of this life,, and to make it the headlight of lights..
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