Friday, November 8, 2013
FRIDAY! TGED! Welcome to this day! Are you a Christian? Your answer is not to me,,, but to yourself, and to God Almighty! You are the one who has to make this decision,, and you alone, and once you make it, you will never be alone! Never again will you feel the loneliness of life,, no ,,, never,,, if you truly become a lover of Jesus Christ, accept within, and all the way...asking Him to forgive you of your sins! Yes, you without Christ,,, are a sinner... and the only way to Heaven, to God, and eternity with Him,,, is through the Cross..the way to ,, and through this Cross, that Jesus died on.. His blood,, shed for you & for me, all the sins of this world, the lies, the killings, the beatings, the cheating, the hurts, all the sins, no matter how big, nor how small,, was forgiven,, as this blood of Jesus ran down this Cross... and this blood , this way,, is the only way to God....the only way to have peace on this earth, to live forever... for if you accept this Son, and ask for His saving power, the old will pass, and the new will appear... WOW! Can you think of anything,, anything that beats this? Well, can you?
I say to all who reads this, if you have been to the foot of this Cross, go back, and pray again, and again, just to show others of your commitment.. for Jesus has accepted you already, the moment you ask, the moment you prayed to Him.. and for you to go out and testify of Him,, to those who have not walked to that Cross...and I ask those reading this, please search your heart, talk to God, and Jesus, and go to the Cross,. accept and be saved!!! Yes, I charge you, for as a Christian, it my duty to spread the word,,, not harbor the word, and I charge you to tell all the world of the God,,, and that is only one way... and folks that is
God, I ask all to come, to You, through Jesus, and that Cross that saves this world ,, just for the asking, and that you wipe the tears of this Nation, by all coming to you for,,forgiveness this day, this moment that they read this...amen!
I have watched a video from Billy Graham,, and if you will go to Face-book and go to my page, or to Billy Grahams page, listen to this, you too will be as fired up for Jesus, and for our Almighty God as I am... If you don't have a computer, go to a friend, if you are not on Face-book,, get someone to show you how to get there, then set in front of your monitor,, and listen, side by side or with a group,, but do this,, for it was on T.V. last night,,, and it will stir your heart to almost exploding,, and today
I say this as my testimony to you, "There is but one way,,, and that is by way of the Cross of Jesus Christ",, and judge,,, I do not, but He will..May God bless you all in all the ways you deserve...John HIcks
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