Saturday, November 30, 2013
SATURDAY! Good morning this week end,,, hope you have a great one, and don't forget to include God in all your plans, and start now, making Christmas,,, for the real reason for this season,,, that of the virgin birth of our Lord and Savior.. and put Him on the top of all your lists!!!!
Prayer Requests: For my Son-In-Law, Todd Livingston, who has pneumonia, and the rest of the family has colds, sniffles, and all have been given medicine,, so pray for their recovery soon.
For , Peggy Dawson's Brother , Jimmy Austin, who lost his wife, Josie last Wednesday,, pray for him and all of the family.
Spike Wards family, of the lost of his Uncle Leroy, please pray that God will give this family his arms to rest in, and heal the hurt.
For Lori, who the doctors has discovered a covered mass in her brain,,, they think that she incurred a stroke as she stood by her husband Frank while on his death bed,and would not tell anyone.. please pray for this brave woman, that God will heal all of her problems.
For all families to come together, and let bi-gones be bi-gones,, open arms of forgiveness, and open arms of love of each other with God doing the squeezing... pray loudly and lots for a particular family.... request from me!
You say,,,what in the heck is a "Jesus Grin"? If you have Jesus in your heart and you have accepted Him as your Lord and Savior,,, then your heart is so full,,,that when you look at someone and grin ,,,,it shows,,,Your acceptance,,,,Your repentance,,,Your joy of Him,,,,and it all erupts,,, in a big grin,,,,a "Jesus Grin"... a sign,,, of being a kidding!!! People can tell,,,and they will want the same thing,,,it is catching,,,when we testify,,,,this "grin" is a big testimonial... God wants us to be happy,,,and He gave us the biggest and best happy pill that can be given and ingested,,,,Jesus Christ,,,,come on,,,together,,,,let's all give to all the ones we meet every day a great big ole ,
Thank You God for Your Son,,,and the happy feeling that He installs in all of us ,,,and let us grin to all we see,,,with Him on our lips...amen
John HIcks
Grinning,,,,and talking,,,join me,,,don't let your lips point down,,,turn them up,,,and let the words of God flow first .....with a great big ole Jesus grin!!!!!
Friday, November 29, 2013
FRIDAY! Good , after Thanksgiving day of stuffing so much! But thankful to God for it! I pray all had a great day and rejoiced in His blessing of this nation!
I walked up on a fellow one day,,,he had his ear to a wall,,,I looked at him,,, he just continued to listen and after a while,, I put my ear up to the wall,, a few seconds later,,I said,,"I don't hear a thing!" He said, "It's been like that all day!".
Of course this is a joke, and I have used it before as an illustration to our leaders as follows.. and also to us,,, so read and think about it! It is a lot like our leaders of our government, in their messages today...they talk, we listen at the wall, and we hear nothing,, just the wind!
But, today, there is one who calls, and calls us second by second.. This one, the Leader of all is our salvation,, and He is calling to you , to me, today, this second.. If you have not heard Him,, then put your ear back to the wall,, the wall of faith,, open your heart,, then you will hear, and then , if you have not already accepted Him, ,, you should listen and react...Yes,, once you hear Him calling,,, "Come,, come to me!",, then you need to answer right then and there,, "Yes Lord, I am here,, I confess to You my sins,, please accept me in your heart." I can guarantee you.. He has His ear to the wall, listening at all times, and once you ask, He hears, He reacts, and "bamn", you are His,.. just so simple.
We need to stop in our tracks,,, listen to this voice calling out...if we don't, and if we don't change our ways,,,and the ways of our co-existers in this world,,,we may loose it all...We cannot turn a deaf ear to this voice,,,for we are on our way to the darkest times of this world,,,and the only thing that can turn it around is this voice we hear,,,"come to me,,,accept me,,,give me your heart and soul,,,show me your faith,,,I will make it right, Just call out to me,,,,I am listening!"
Yes,, this voice ,,, is the voice of the SON OF GOD,,,JESUS CHRIST,,,CALLING OUT !
Do you have your ear to the,, "Jesus Wall"? Can you hear Him?
Lord, thank You for being at the wall of calling for us, and that You listen 24/7. I pray that all will call , and call before it is to late. amen
John HIcks
I called, He heard, how about it,, it takes very little breath to call out to Him,, have you?....Choice, yours!
Thursday, November 28, 2013
THURSDAY! Good day to all...for here it is, today, Thanksgiving Day! A day to give thanks to our God for all we have,,, now I ask , just how many will give the true thanks , and really and truly take the time to stop, just long enough and say those words,,, GOD THANK YOU FOR THIS DAY, AND OUR ALL?
ANNOUNCEMENT THIS DAY! Today, Forty Nine Years Ago,,, at 7:00 P.M. on a Saturday , this very date, Libby and I met each other at our Church, and before God Almighty, we were married,, WOW,, is God not great... 49 years together, and the love just keeps on growing! Thank You God!
Two powerful, life changing words, have you used them lately?
Thessalonians 5:18- Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is Gods' will for you in Christ Jesus.
Take the time, to say to God, thank you for all we have...and also take the time to say it to your family,, love ones, and others ,,for all those things they have done for you! You can not say it enough!
So stop as you feast today,,,reflect on what you have to be thankful for,,pray that others in this world will be as fortunate as you and I. Thank God for Jesus,,,His love for us all,,,and thank God for the U. S. A. and may He show us His mercy to continue to give us the freedom we have...may I repeat,
John HIcks
May all have a great Thanksgving Day, is my wish for all of you this day! Love to all of you from me, and from Libby.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
WEDNESDAY! Yes, it is the day of the ole camel! Ha! We all get that every week,, and it will always be with us,,, I just wish people would put a daily reminder and big push on God,, and celebrate Him as we all do with the trends of our country... me included,,, so I'll re-say, it sure is a great Wednesday,, and thank You God for it!
When someone looks at you, what, and who do they see? A Christian, or one on Sunday, looked like one, but today is completely different,, or do they see a real EVERYDAY CHRISTIAN?
You are what you show, and how you act, and speak! That is a fact , and you are you! Now if this "you" is not liking of the people, and not liking of God, then what will you do.. continue on the path of making all the people and God dislike you, see you, and turn their heads... or do you change to make the people like you, and then you can go to all the functions of the town, special parties, walk the streets and have all waving and kissing the ground you walk on because you have chosen to be for them or like them? or do you just hold your "hill" so to speak,,, and choose God over all, and call Jesus , and be, and speak, and live as a real Christian,,, and then let all else fall where ever it falls, for with God, Good will fall ,,,, maybe we don't always recognize it as good, but it He sends it, it winds up being good..sooo the question again is now that you have read this,, what do you want to be,,
SEEN AS A REAL CHRISTIAN HOLDING YOUR "HILL",,,OR just another one on the sidewalk walking and waving right on into hell? Strong, yes!
God, thank You for Jesus, and thank You for letting me stand on that hill, and declare you as Almighty God of all,, amen
John HIcks
I stand on His hill, His ground, with Him, just where do you stand, and walk , with or without.. and as you walk , do you walk the walk , talk the talk ,,, of God or,, what others like to hear? Sometimes it is better to hear rather that appear!
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
TUESDAY! Welcome to ,,, another of HIS days', given to you and me, as a gift, so open it with love, and faith to the one who gave it, for He could just as easily kept it,,, instead of giving it! Thank You God, for my day! Now enjoy it,, and read below, and think hard and heavy about it!!!
All of you have seen two escalators in a big department store, one going up, the other going down, side by side. Now I want you to picture this story,,, and then relate it to yourself..... You are an observer of this picture, and this conversation, and then you can ask yourself ,, just how would you handle it!
First , you see the escalator go into slow motion.. there stands on the 'up escalator', a small child, and one of the parents, and the parent is holding the hand of the they both are looking at the "down escalator"... on the down escalator is the other parent.. looking up at the child and the other parent... and the conversation goes as follows, the parent on the down elevator will be illustrated as the father, the one with the child will be illustrated as the mother for the story only:
Child: Hey dad,, where are you going?
Parent: I going to a place that you cannot go with me.
Child: Why?
Parent: You just can't go!
Child: I don't undeerstand, you always said, we will always go everywhere together...
Parent: I just can't go with you and mom ever, for I did not get a ticket.
Child: You always buy three tickets,, I just don't understand, for Dad , I love you, and I want you with me and mom. Mom said we are going to a place of fun, love, and no worry.. why don't you wait to go where you are going and come with me?
Parent: I can't , even though I love you so much also,, I didn't make the plans to get a ticket to go with you.. so I must go on this trip,, even if I don't like it now.
Child: Why didn't you plan to go with us,, didn't you not have a chance?
Parent: Yes, I had the chance, but I didn't take it.. now , for me there are no tickets left.
Child: But I don't understand,, did it cost too much for all of us to go together?
Parent: No, it did not cost anything for either trip, as far as money.
Child: Then I do not understand, if you love me,, as mom said you did, why are you not with me and when will I ever see you again?
Parent: I did not make the decision that your mom made , and you made at church that day, nor any day.. I choose to go a different way... and you cannot come with me, and I do love you, but I will never ever see you again!!!
Child: Bye, bye Daddy,, I love you!
and yes, the up escalator slowly creeped up into the sky, as the little child waved,, looking down,, and the down escalator slowly creeped down as the parent waved back at the little child.. both with a tear in their eyes.. and a heavy heart... and as you finish this little illustration.. think about it, and think hard about, and right now, this very instance ,,, if you do not know which escalator you are on, or your on the one going down,, then now, make peace with Jesus, and ask Him to accept you , give your all to Him... and then
God, I pray, all will ask for Your Son's hand, and take a step onto that up escalator,, the only one, and the only way to You..amen
John HIcks
I hope , and I pray, all realize just how important this is this morning,, and every time you see an escalator from now on, you will think of this.. and I pray that you made the decison to be on the Jesus, up escalator!
Monday, November 25, 2013
MONDAY! Waking up with the Lord, is sooooo good! Don't you agree?
Prayer Requests: Perry Livingston, who fell and broke his arm.. in a sling for now, and going today to have a cast put on it,, Please pray for my good and faithful friend in Christ, that God will heal him fast!
For all in our Nation, to start praying for our continued freedom to be able to pray, and live under our God freely, and that our Nation will continue to move from satan, back to God.. for if we don't, then..............!
We do need to wait until Thursday to start counting our blessings... we need to do them now.. for what we have.. for there are so many who does not have the things we have, food, drink, warm places, warm clothes, medical attention(for now), freedom,, men and women at our borders, and on the lines of other countries, fighting and protecting our freedoms.. and we must fight also,, for God will give to those who deserve,,, so ask this question of yourself today,, examine yourself this day,, are you deserving? Have you given thanks to Him.. Have you accepted Him without any strings attached? Do you talk to Him? and to others of Him,, often, like at least once a day? Why not more? For He is your life, do you not understand that without Him, you would not be? Well if you have not, and you don't believe in Him, then why are you living, for without Him, and His Son, you will surely die.. with Jesus and through the Cross, you live... soooooo come on, get that head down, and start your "THANKS" right now, and if you have not,, accept Jesus Christ, and prepare yourself for everlasting life, and I mean it.. don't wait, for I pray for all of us to be together in Heaven, and I have , well in advance have started counting my blessings ,, for my Lord knows all my secrets, and yours too.. so
John HIcks
Love my God, my Jesus, and I don't care who knows it.. and I ask ,, how about you? Well, He is listening!!!
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Here it is Sunday,, time to kick back and rest,, do nothing,, really straining,,, Can we in this time of this world,, really do this? Yes,, how? By kicking back,, resting,, non-straining,,, with God Almighty,, try it,, it works!!!
*The creative is the place where no one else has been. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you'll discover is ,,,,
This is the person who can be the greatest thing in your life ,, or the worst enemy in your life.Which one, will you decide to do with yourself... be a Christian, and live with, and for the Lord,,, or,,, be a sinner,, and live with, and for satan?
Decision time!Which one will it be? Make a decision,,, either into heaven,, or damnation,,,, and remember the one who is making this greatest decision of your life, and that is
Lord,, I pray that all decisions, will be for You,, and I pray for the forgiveness of this world.. may we see the light, before it is too late... amen
John HIcks
Decision made,, but it takes work,, for satan lays around,, and close,, just waiting for the opportunity to jump.. so always stop and think,, right before you do the thing that releases his spring! Don't eat the temptation cheese on the trap of satan,,, eat the reality of this life, and that is God Almighty, and Jesus Christ,, and they are not on a trap, only in the heart!!! Go ahead, make that decison!!!
Saturday, November 23, 2013
SATURDAY!!! A great day of the Lord,,, and what are your plans today, and do they include Him, or just you? Make a choice for He did,,, the ultimate "CHOICE"!
Prayer Answered: Marty Sanders came through surgery real good.. is doing great!
How many of us have given something good to someone and felt so satisfied within ourselves? Giving, makes us feel good,,,and we do it, even though we deny this a lot, so that we may also feel good...That is not wrong, but we must also give the thing that God meant for us to give, His word and His plan to our brothers and sisters...look out for them,,,and make sure they have the means to survive this world and give to them the testimony of Him and pray that they listen and follow the path provided... to me this is the greatest thing we can give,,, our belief in God and the plan He gave to us and to you....for what can we give,,, but His word,,, testify of Him ,,, show the love of Him,,,and remember the gift from THE FATHER,,,,,
Lord,,,thank You ,,,is the only prayer for this day,,,thank you!! amen
John HIcks
He gave to me, and I give ,,,me, back to Him...what have you given lately???
Friday, November 22, 2013
FRIDAY! Well the day all workers have been waiting on,, is here! Finish your work day, and off ,,, for two days,, I hope.. oh no!!! You have the week-end shift,, but, you have your W/E during the week? Either way,, may all have a great week-end, and as you plan, just plan God in what you do, and you will have a great one!
Prayer Request: For Marty Sanders.. who will be having back surgery in Columbus Georgia this morning... Please pray for the guiding had of the surgeon, and all the family. Marty is my nephew! May God be with him and all around him this day.
MY CUP RUNNETH OVER! ,,My cup of life is full and overflowing,, I am so blessed by my God! What more could I want?
Being a human being,, probably if I had pen and paper in hand, I could fill a book of wants,, that is not at all essential with my life of need? No, I actually need nothing! That is hard to believe, but if one will stop and look around them ,, and actually count their at hand blessing,, they might feel the same... maybe not.. but my Lord and Savior has accepted me, and that is the top,, and really only need I have ever had,, and it cost me nothing, but gave so much.. how about you?,, what do you not have , that you need to sustain this life, that you do not have.. is it Jesus, love, food, shelter, clothes, cars, any motor vehicle, warmth, cool, money? The only real need is the first one named, for that is the only need that will get you to where you are actually going.. and He is the only thing that will get you through that eye of that needle! Now, thank about life again, and see as you look down into your cup,, do you see life overflowing out of it, and with Jesus holding the handle of that cup.. or do you see, doubt, smoke, sin, dirt, mud, greed, not even half full and satan holding the handle of that cup? If you have accepted Jesus , really accepted Him,, then you will see
God, thank You for my cup of life,, my, Your Jesus, amen
John HIcks
As I walk this road of life, I lift up my eyes to the one who gave me the feet to walk this road, and I need not have to say a word, for I already know, my cup runneth over! Does yours, if not , call out to the one who can pour pure love into it, and make it run over, in an instance,, go ahead and call out!!!!!
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Today at 4:31 AM
THURSDAY- Here we are... another day, another chance to champion our Lord, and I ask first thing out of the bed,,, will you? Will you open your eyes and say good morning Lord? I love you Lord? or will you just get up , as usual , and go out into this day, as all other days, taking for granted, that you have from now till ..... Well , we never know, and there are a lot of people standing at that gate, with a surprised look on their face... and realizing that their chance to make God the Champion of each day, by putting Him first in their thoughts, and first on their tongues.. has passed and now,, well,, thank about it,,, it's your life,, and your choice....Need any other thing be said today.. I think not.. for we all are free souls, for God gave this to us, and said to us... the only way to Me is by the Cross of Jesus.. so where are you going??
Lord, I pray to You , that all will choose you as their Champion of Champions.. amen
John HIcks
May God bless each of you , just as much as you give back to Him.. now , have a great day!!!!!!!!! Tough ,, Huh?
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
WEDNESDAY! Yes, the day of the camel.. well I know,, we all do it for fun,, but today, I proclaim,,, another day of the Lord...and then I proclaim, them all ,, are His, our loan, and let's make sure the interest we pay is to live our eternity in Heaven, and not.... So let's proclaim, and let's act like it!!!!
ARMOR: a covering, to protect the body,, from hurt!
In this world today, we need to wear our armor,,, of some sorts. The protection, from crime, to keep freedom, bad economy, bad food, needed shelter, clothing to stay warm, war, all sorts of things that can hurt us. How do we find the armor that will protect us, from all of these? We can build,, or buy,,, thick metal armor,,, the thickest metals known,,, build underground bunkers,,, purchase extra clothes, grow and preserve our own food,,, have peace negotiations,,, do all of these things , and still,,, we can get hurt, diseased, and yes,,,death. Then how do we make sure we are protected from all of these elements? Accept Jesus,,,the armor of all armors..Yes,,, no matter what we do ,, Jesus comes into play with us all , for that is the only true armor of salvation that is possible...all else is false hope and burnable armor....Yes burnable!!! So the armor to wear., God made in the form, of His Son and a Cross...and He is the only armor that can protect you from all bad elements, and it is absolutely burn proof... and will take you for the ride of your life in this world, and also through eternity... So , let's all get off our butts,,,put on the correct armor,, wear in with pride,,,show it off,,,start helping in the building of Jesus' Kingdom here, and preparing us for all of eternity that follows His coming... let's all put on the shinning invincible,,,,,,
Almighty God,,,I praise you for giving us your all,,,Jesus,,,the Armor that knows no defeats...amen
John HIcks
Got my suit abut you???
From "The Thoughts For Today", published, 11/20/08,,,,
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
TUESDAY! Good morning to all! I have opened my eyes again this morning, and guess what,, yes ,, He is there,, for He is forever,, more precious than diamonds, gold, silver,, and is as a greater friend than you can find anywhere,, so why look any further, yes, I am talking about my companion of this life, my Jesus Christ! Who is that with you?
Yes, the BIBLE, has survived more things that has tired to make it extinct.. but no.. God has preserved His word , in writing, and there is nothing in this world, that will ever be able to do away with this book,, so when you get on a computer, or what-ever device man has came up with to read on, or look on,,, just remember ,, there is not another book, that has as many stories of mystery, scary, doom, love, and a saving power as much as God gives.. so when you decide you want to see something powerful, read something powerful,, feel something powerful,, as you
Lord, thank You for Your word, and that we have the privilege in this country to own, and read your word, (silently or out loud) in private, or in the open area of a park or where-ever,, except in the government houses,, out loud, and I pray for that repeal also.. amen
John HIcks
Read this book every day, and make a difference in your life,, I can guarantee it!
Monday, November 18, 2013
MONDAY! Great Morning!!!! Why do I say this? For as I opened my eyes ,, I knew that God was standing watch, as always, and when I got up,, and took the first steps.. He took them with me,, then the sip of coffee,,, and the look at the semi-fog, the feel of the temperature, and then as we set, we both said, Lord, thank You for this a beautiful day,, for He is the only real "landscaper" ,, for only He knows when to rain, soak, or just dry out.. so sipping as I love to do,,, and most of all,, knowing, I had my God right there with me.. and just how was your waking moments?
Prayer Request & Report: Yesterday,, Randy Cochran, sent a note to the church to be read by the preacher.. and it said "There is a God, and He is Holy" ! Then hospice walked in with his wife , who is suffering from brain cancer, and helped her to the altar for prayer of him, her, and all others... and I agree with Randy,,, Wow, what a God...and all the men, and all the deacons walked down, laying hands on this brave woman, prayed with her, and for her, and the family!!! May God continue to work with this family!
For Sandy Jackson's daughter, Kimberly, who will under-go throat exportation this morning, may God be with her.
We all have looked at the railroad tracks that run across our nation... and all are a certain distance in width,,or the train would jump the tracks, and could not function... and this track takes maintenance on it at all times... for not only does freight travel this track, but humans,,, and at a high speed... so the tracks must be exact.. and these people who ride, and the ones who watch these fast trains go by at a crossing, are trusting, the maintenance men, the engineer, and the faith, all have done their job!
Now, we do not live on that perfect track,, we weave here and there,, sometimes we are narrow,, sometimes we are wide,,our minds work good, and bad,, the decision is from us and it is called a brain. It is our "engineer",, and that brain has a fail safe installed in it,, and it is called Jesus,,, put there to guide us back to the straight and narrow,, that God intended us to travel... and we can get back on this straight road ,, if we will use this "fail-safe" ,,, but we have to , by choice,, utter these words to have our "track correction",, happen to us,, and that is ,,,,
God, my prayer is of asking forgiveness of all who have sinned against You, and I forgive all who have sinned against me.. Be our tracks of life, and guide us with Your son by our side, with the fuel of our faith in Him and of You as the builder of our life, and tracks of our destination.. amen
John HIcks
I get on the right tracks, then , yes I fall off them often, and I must ask Jesus for correction of my path,, and folks ,, I can feel Him inside of me,,, as He adjusts my path... who do you call on to get on and stay on the right tracks of life? Your choice,, so make it.... for it is yours to make.... so????
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Sunday-Good God's morning!You know, I wonder if the world is being run by smart people, who are putting us on, or by imbeciles, who actually mean it,, and yes,, we are believing in what they say! No, I bleive that most are the smarter ones, and believe in the written and spoken word of God!!!
Faith Again!
I have touched on this word before,, faith, (Webster: belief in the value , or trustworthiness of someone or something). This little word , believe it or not is the one word that can get you into Heaven or let you down to hell.. for it is the truth , without it , you will not get through that gate into Heaven.. You must believe in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ,, that not only is He alive, but that our God is alive also, with all your heart and soul,, total commitment, your all... yes,, that is the faith that will get you there.. nothing else. Once you accept Jesus by faith, you are on your way..
Peter had faith to start with,,, when Jesus told him to step off the boat and onto the water.. faith to start, then fright as he felt the wind, and started to sink, faith lost,, Lord save me, and Jesus immediately reach out His hand and said , "You of little faith, why do you doubt?" (Matt. 14:31)
We as humans are quick to doubt,, lose our faith for just a second,, and that can be a second to much,, for if Jesus had not reached for Peter,, Peter would have sunk,, maybe drowned.. had the faith to step onto the sea , not the faith to also face the wind,, just one more hurdle between him and Jesus. How about you ? Do you have the faith to step upon the sea, walk with Jesus, face the wind,, ? It takes but "that" of "that little seed", remember? You have it,, you just have to learn to trust in Him, when using it.. it will work ,, not for things of selflessness, but what God has in His plan for you. so , call out , accept Jesus and be reborn in the blood of Jesus Christ, recieve Him by
God , grant us faith to come to You by way of Your Son , Jesus, and may we walk with that faith until the time to come.. amen
John HIcks
I have learned to walk ,for even as an adult, I thought I was walking,, until I met and accepted Christ, for then and there, I could see my back trail ofnot steps, but knee prints, and once I cried out,, I was lifted to my feet, and walked not down, but alongside of Him.. Will you cry out now for the rescue of your soul if you have not.. choice is yours, by faith!
Saturday, November 16, 2013
SATURDAY! A very good morning to you all,,, and may God be with you in all you decide to do this day,, and be with you by your request to join, instead of observe!
Prayer Request, and Prayer Thanks , all on the same family: The family of Randy Cochran! Randy's wife was diagnosed with cancer ,,, and right after that , they found Randy on the front lawn three days ago on thatvery very cold morning, with a very, very slight hard beat,, that was three days ago, and after being in the ICU,, the doctors said , "he is on life support, and that is all that is keeping him alive, he is clinically dead. The family said , take him off life support now,, THEN the doctor said ,, let's wait and do it in the morning, well when the doctor went into ICU the next morning , Randy was sitting up, talking and breathing just fine on his own... family around him with a testimony of a big promised change in his son that al lhad been trying to get hi to do for years,,... now let's thank God for this change in the son, the father, and let's pray hard for the wife and mother of this changed son.. may all credit go to our Almighty God, for this is a true story and this miracle just happened yesterday morning!
Prayer does work, we just don't ever know how He will answer!
Ever been ready to start a game,,, and the gang decide to pick sides,,, and then they do.. and you wait with a heart beat of a long distance runner,, waiting, yes just waiting for your name to be called, and if called quickly, you jump up and down,, if not you lower your head, and then your heart is heavy, and you are very sad! The same as when you hear someone talk of a party that you feel like you should have been invited to, and was not... or some sort of trip,, something you wanted to be picked ,,, but was not.... and you had no control on these picks, and your heart stays heavy and sadden... WELL,, there is one thing you can do right now, if you have not, and that is to ask Jesus to come into your heart, accept Him as your Savior of life over death,,, be prepared for your trip to Heaven... and when the time comes... instead of just waiting while it gets hotter and hotter under those feet, and that heart beat goes down, down,, you will hear this
I PICK YOU!!! FOR YOU PICKED ME FIRST! So come stand with me, and let's go to Heaven ,,,TOGETHER,,,
and then you are not left there on the playing field ,, of life on this earth!! make a choice, today!
Thank You God for Your Son, and His saving power, and those making the right choice!
John HIcks
His servant, today, and everyday! How about you, who did you pick? Have you picked someone to join with you also on this trip,, please accetp, & testify, and make choices,, for He gave this to you, and to you alone to make!!!
Friday, November 15, 2013
FRIDAY! TGED! Welcome Friday! The day of workers to finish, then the W/E,, but to some, it is just another day , just ahead of the days you work, for you work w/e's also! Either way,, welcome this , another of one of Gods' great days, given as a greater gift than any man could ever do.. for days, nights, life, is really that of a gift to us.. from Him!
When we were kids, and we were doing something that our parents did not approve of, or even if we were at someone else's house, and someone saw the parents coming,, the word was "scatter"..and in hopes, that either none would be caught, or only a few.... but eventually,,, all would get it,,, whatever the parents decided to give out... and folks ,,, some of our neighbors,,, if it was bad enough would include us in the little stick that wheeled respect, manners, and most of all,,, discipline,,, Now,,,, this word also went with me , through school, service,, and in the service, it could be death if not heeded...and in this life of ours,, if we are in SIN,,, doing against God, and satan is at work,, or we see satan coming toward us... then we need to holler ,,,
JESUS, JESUS!,, not scatter,, scatter,,,, then watch the devil "scatter" to parts unknown, but gone!
Lord, thank You for sending us our guard against sin,, Your, our Jesus Christ! amen
John HIcks
Had to scatter a lot in my life, but I could always count on the "real thing" ,,my Jesus Christ,,, to my rescue, and folks , He is still at work on me, and millions of others,, for God gave us one thing, and we , and only "we" must exercise this ,, and that is the thing of "CHOICE".. FOR JESUS ,,, or not,, but yours and yours alone! Now, make it.. right now, later is later, and may be to late!
Thursday, November 14, 2013
THURSDAY! Good "cold" morning from "middle Georgia"! Heat on, and feels good,, WOW! We are blessed in our old age,,,, dry house, warm house, feeling great and loved in this house, and most of all, and most important thing in this house,, God, and Jesus are here, and will always be welcomed here, no matter the country's' politics, nor satans wants,,, God always wins out, He is the greatest,,, and today I ask you... how is the order of your house and WHO & WHAT comes first in your house?
I know , most of you have already forgotten what a ring of a phone is,,,most of you have some sort of ring tone of something out of the box of an old fashion ring.. right? Well I grew up with the ring of a regular phone,, and we still have our land line as it is called now. It still rings just like it the one we got on the ole farm,, only when it rings ,, we know it is for us.. for on the first one at the farm,, we had to wait and see if it was four short rings,, then it was for us... yes, we had not a four party phone, but an eight party,, to start with,, now if you could have been there to see all the faces as that phone rang... and if Mom or Dad was in that room,, you had better keep your hands off the phone,,, for one of them would answer it, Dad first, Mom if Dad didn't move, but us young ones, not a move, and when we heard their voices,, say ,,,"may I ask who's calling?",,, we all waited to hear our name , in hopes to be called,, and if it did,,,did everyone leave the room, nope,, they just set and kept on doing what ever it was they were doing... but rest assure,, Mom & Dad, heard ever word of your side, so you had to be very careful,, and wow,, did you get ribbing, if they turned and said your name, and said a girls name wanted to talk to you... you wanted more than ever to hear that, yet ,you were scared t death to talk,, for what would follow you after,, the teasing, and the finger pointing,, but with our sister,, that was not allowed.. just on the boys.. yes, there as honor in our house,,, for it was led by God fearing parents. who did not spare the rod,,,, the belt,, but never abused it either, and gave an abundance of love out... more than at the time we gave back,, so now, when that phone rings, and of course we have "caller ID",,, and one of our children's name appears on that screen ,,, and no matter how often it is that one of them calls,, or it is a brother, a sister, a love one, a good friend, my heart still jumps at the sound, and now in this time, seeing the ID,, yes, it is surely,,, a sound that some day we will hear ring, that will be even a bigger and more important ring,, yes
THAT RING OF JOY FROM OUR LORD....FOR WE ARE HIS CHILDREN, THANK ABOUT IT... and if you are old enough to have had an old type phone,,(land line) that rang,, think of the times you got calls of joy, and what I call a "heart rush" in hopes it was just for you,, maybe for the boys, a girl-friend, or for the girls,,a boyfriend!!! "heart rush!!!!" "heart rush"!!!!"
Lord, thank You for the mind to still remember all the good times of our days, just like as yesterday,, a neighbor driving by, stopping to just say,, nothing more than a hello, and give a big ole smile,, ad on their way,, for Lord it is You,,, who give us these moments, these rings into our hearts and souls,,and I say with a loud voice this day,,, thank YOU! amen
John HIcks
Thankful , for being able to express my thanks to my God for the memories, good and bad,,, and I try to put the bad ones behind me, as I learn from them all, but makes one feel better to remember the good ones, and let me tell you all,,, God loves to see you and I smile , and feel good!! Trust me ,, HE does,, so feel good today, and call someone, and make and make them smile too!!!
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
WEDNESDAY! DAY OF THE CAMEL!!! Good ole "hump" day on a crisp freezing morning down here in the south! Turn the heat on!!!! Hope all stay warm this day,,, and make your plans for the remainder of the week, and the W/E with God included,, then you can depend on your plans!!!
Prayer Requests: For Paul Irvins and family,, Paul lost his brothr yesteday, so please pray for all the family!
Please pray for Christine White. She was admitted to the hospital tonight. She has been passing out, and the doctor doesn't know why. She is in her 80s and really needs our prayers.
Please pray for a friend of Lori's ,,who rolled a four wheeler,, is in IC in Livingston, CA. and is a single father of a five year old daughter. Please pray for his healing.
A Minister passing through his church, in the middle of the day,, decided to pause by the altar,, just to see who came by to pray!
Just then the back door orpened,, and a man came down the asile,, the minister frowned as he saw the man hadn't shaved in quite a while.. & his shire was torn and shabby.. his coat was worn and frayed. The man knelt down and bowed his head,, then rose, and walked away. In the days to follow,, at precisely noon, the preacher saw this man..& each time he knelt just for a moment, with lunch pail in hand...... Well, the preachers suspicions grew.. robbery, a main fear.. then he decided to ask the man...
'What are you doing here?'. The old man said he was a factory worker and lunch was half an hour,,Lunchtime was his prayer time,, for finding strength and power, I stay only a moment.. and as I kneel here talking to the Lord,, this is what I say,,, "I just came to tell You ,LOrd, how happy I have been since we found each other's friendship,, and you took away my sin... Don't know much of how to pray,, but I think about you every day.,, so Jesus, this Ben,, just checking in! The minister, felt foolish, but told Ben , that was great! The old man said , " It is time to go back to work , for that 30- minutes is fast , for it is a long way from the factory to here".
The preacher watched this ole man for a year or two... the same routine, then he missed him for some weeks, so he went to the factory, and found out Ben was in the hospital,, and he went to visit him,, and all the nurses siad he had no friends to come visit him, nor any cards, and he only had little time left... so the preacher sat next to him, and told him ,,,not to worry, he was there.. and looking up surprised, the old man said... with a smile, the nurse couldn't have known, he's been here all the time!
The preacher looked surprised, as old Ben spoke up,," Every day at noon He comes here, A dear friend of mine, you see, He sits right down and takes my hand, leans over and says to me :'I Just Came By To Tell You, Ben, How Happy I Have Been,Since We Found This Friendship, And I Took Away Your Sin. I Think About You Always And I Love To Hear You Pray, And So Ben, This Is Jesus,
Just Checking In Today."
Lord , thank You for real testomony! amen
John HIcks
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
TUESDAY! Good morning! WOW! I was not surprised to see all the comments to Veterans yesterday, e-mails, face book,, more positive of a thing for this country than I have seen in a long time,,, and it shows ,, America can stick together,, and we will, until the next election, then I pray ,, that we all make God happy with a choice of a real Christian leader... and you? Have a great Gods day!
Prayer Request: Keep praying for help to all those in the Philippines,,, help in all ways to get them back to some sort of normal..and give thanks for our Nation and our good fortune from God this day.
Not much this morning,,, but I can't believe that Thanksgiving is not even here,, and the Christmas commercialism is already in the works! Are the people of this country going to skip Thanksgiving? and go shopping all day? no remembrance of what this country's values are? where you came from? who you came from? why we are falling through the cracks of morally? the "I don't care about tradition, just so I can buy early... and then the real buster of all tradition,,, open on Sundays,, and now more excitement of having some of your "bought" things delivered on Sunday also....
Am I just a little too old fashion, or do I just believe it what I was taught on that little ole farm down in North Alabama.. you know the values of this Nation, and what God gave us, the holidays of family values..? Have they decided to start carving the Turkey at the Malls? Is this special Thursday going to be called by a new name?
Lord, I ask for all to STOP,,, calm down, enjoy your beauty, your bounty, and have a day of Thanksgiving , to You, and keep their credit cards in their wallet, and their butts in their home , or family homes and enjoy the love of the sacrifices of the yesterday's celebration to give us that day of THANKSGIVING, amen
John HIcks
Have a great day ,, and remember to thank God for it all,,, before one day, you don't have that day of Thanksgiving of a belly full, and a warm place to lay their head, for some don't, and right here in the good ole USA!
Monday, November 11, 2013
MONDAY! VETERANS DAY! Being a vet. I want to thank my Country , The United States of America, to allow me to have served Her, with all my might, and that to serve Her, I also served our God, for this country then and now is a NATION UNDER matter what others say, and I do today,, would serve Her again, for my family, and the right to worship my God!!! God Bless these United States of America, Her past men of service, and those who gave their lives, and all those who are presently serving, again, God Bless to all!
Prayer Request: This day, that we all say a real Prayer to God for our men, and women, in uniform who serves us this day,, for God to be with them, where ever they are, and what ever their jobs are this day, bless them ole Lord!
Do you ever feel HIM? Yes,, actually feel Him? I do! No, I am nothing special, I am just another fellow human being. As I awoke , opened my eyes, took a deep breath, and moved parts of my body,,, I knew God was right there beside be, and I felt Him, as He gave me life again on this day. I then,, after thanking Him for this day, let our dog out the door, I felt the cold blast of air that hit my face, and as I drew back into the house, and closed the door, I knew two things, that cold blast was made of and from Him,, and this warm house was made of and from Him... two more things I physically felt this day.... and of course as all know, I grabbed that cup of coffee,, hot, black and deliciously tasteful,,, for me,, and I know , without my God, there would be no seeing, moving, waking up to not anOther day, and that the breath would not be there, for there would be no air.. and to walk to that door,, and open it, feel the cold, then the warmth again,,, and yes, even that cup of coffee,, all these things I felt this day,,,, and it was not any made by man,,, not even that little dog I let out,,, nor that cup of coffee I held in my hand,, but folks it was ALL MADE OF GOD,,,, and yes,,,,
Who did you wake up with,, first, and who did you feel first?
God, thank You for all I have, and God thank You for all my fellow Veterans this day of yours as all are,,, just on lone to us, for such a short time! amen
John HIcks
VETERAN, and proud of it.. Today, I stand at Attention To My Country,, as I do each day! May God continue to bless this great UNITIED STATES OF AMERICA!
Sunday, November 10, 2013
SUNDAY!!! Good Morning! May the force be with you this great morning of the day of His rest, of building it all,, yes folks , ALL... and that force is God almighty!
Today, as you read this, I am going to be short,, very short,, and ask this question,,, and you will answer it for "man" is just that way,,, and after answering it,, you will think about it for a short time, then it will be off to the days' attention of you and it...but , you really need to answer it, and do something with the answer,,, if it is not yes!
Lord I pray that all who reads this ,, will stop, answer with truth, and if needed,, change to Jesus right now and this instant! amen
John HIcks
I have planned my map, asked for forgiveness, and believe in His forgiveness, and am ready, when He calls,,, and I pray that all answers this morning are yes,, I am ready,, and you have not packed a bag, for it is not allowed! Have a great day of another of His gifts to us all...
Saturday, November 9, 2013
SATURDAY! Good morning to all! I am glad to be able to say to each of you,,, God is good, God is alive, and God is active ,, yes active this very second!!! We need to realize that our "doings",,good and bad,, are now, and they are recorded now , and they cannot be erased, but by Jesus Christ! As God and Jesus walks this earth, I am sure there is a lot of head shaking at what They see in this world, this day, this year, for we all need to talk to them more often, so start your Saturday off, and every day, with a conversation with them,,, for listening, yes they are ,, right now,, each and every moment of this world,, they are there,,, for you.. not against you!
Prayer Requests: For JoAnn Samples son,, Johnny , who fell out of a 15 foot tree while trimming it,,,,has broken ribs, possible wrist, and a bad cut on his leg from a chain saw.. and will need lots of prayer..for there is a possibility , he may loose it..
Little Eli Cooper, who had to have quick surgery for an infection, and is now doing good,, but having antibiotics, so please continue to pray for Eli!
For the Philippines, who has sustained the greatest storm in our history,,, off the ocean to shore...
As we walk on through this life in these United States,, we walk on very thin ground of freedom... with the things going on in our elected offices,, it is a plain lie of all the promises from them,, just as if we are soooo dumb to keep putting them back in office!!!,,, and the worst liar of all is our President... can he not know that what comes out of his mouth is for him, and only him,, and a lie to all of us? I say, I am political also today,, and that is that to cure the OBAMA-CARE... is to put every representative , every senator, and all the cabinet, workers in the government offices,, and especially the president and his family under OBAMA-CARE,,,, put our taxes due to ten per-cent on what we spend, and that is the only tax on the American People,,, then watch the change in Washington D.C. and the budget balance, money going overseas stopped, and people working for what they get here, will start,,, well how about it? As we pray for that great storm ever in the Philippines,,, and I refer to it as reference only,, no pun intended,, but we need to pray for the
Lord , I pray this day for all the above names, for the restoration of these United States of America, and I also ask for forgiveness of all our sins, and a great big thank You for what we do have, and that for now,, we are still the most fortunate country in this world.
John HIcks
Yes, I trudge on, by faith, for faith in the Blood of my Jesus Christ will lead me there, when nothing else will ,, will you "trudge on" with me ?
Friday, November 8, 2013
FRIDAY! TGED! Welcome to this day! Are you a Christian? Your answer is not to me,,, but to yourself, and to God Almighty! You are the one who has to make this decision,, and you alone, and once you make it, you will never be alone! Never again will you feel the loneliness of life,, no ,,, never,,, if you truly become a lover of Jesus Christ, accept within, and all the way...asking Him to forgive you of your sins! Yes, you without Christ,,, are a sinner... and the only way to Heaven, to God, and eternity with Him,,, is through the Cross..the way to ,, and through this Cross, that Jesus died on.. His blood,, shed for you & for me, all the sins of this world, the lies, the killings, the beatings, the cheating, the hurts, all the sins, no matter how big, nor how small,, was forgiven,, as this blood of Jesus ran down this Cross... and this blood , this way,, is the only way to God....the only way to have peace on this earth, to live forever... for if you accept this Son, and ask for His saving power, the old will pass, and the new will appear... WOW! Can you think of anything,, anything that beats this? Well, can you?
I say to all who reads this, if you have been to the foot of this Cross, go back, and pray again, and again, just to show others of your commitment.. for Jesus has accepted you already, the moment you ask, the moment you prayed to Him.. and for you to go out and testify of Him,, to those who have not walked to that Cross...and I ask those reading this, please search your heart, talk to God, and Jesus, and go to the Cross,. accept and be saved!!! Yes, I charge you, for as a Christian, it my duty to spread the word,,, not harbor the word, and I charge you to tell all the world of the God,,, and that is only one way... and folks that is
God, I ask all to come, to You, through Jesus, and that Cross that saves this world ,, just for the asking, and that you wipe the tears of this Nation, by all coming to you for,,forgiveness this day, this moment that they read this...amen!
I have watched a video from Billy Graham,, and if you will go to Face-book and go to my page, or to Billy Grahams page, listen to this, you too will be as fired up for Jesus, and for our Almighty God as I am... If you don't have a computer, go to a friend, if you are not on Face-book,, get someone to show you how to get there, then set in front of your monitor,, and listen, side by side or with a group,, but do this,, for it was on T.V. last night,,, and it will stir your heart to almost exploding,, and today
I say this as my testimony to you, "There is but one way,,, and that is by way of the Cross of Jesus Christ",, and judge,,, I do not, but He will..May God bless you all in all the ways you deserve...John HIcks
Thursday, November 7, 2013
THURSDAY! Today,,, the first day of the rest of your life!! Just how and with whom, will you share it with ,, from start of your day,, to the end? Choice!
Yes, yes,, when we all get to Heaven, what a glorious day it will be! Re-read this and see that this sentence has "faith". It does not say if we get to Heaven,, no , it says "WHEN WE GET TO HEAVEN"..!
First , you must accept the Lord Jesus, and be saved by faith,, then you must live by this faith through this life,, then , that faith will carry YOU to God , at Heavens Gate,, for judgment by God,,,
Your book of life will be opened ,, and all of your deeds will be read out loud,,, good and bad... but before God makes His judgment, Jesus will step in, and He will say,, these sins are upon me, and I have paid the price in full.. more faith of Jesus standing there.. for without Him , judgment will be read, and no one goes into Heaven ,,, without going through Him,, so don't delay , for the trip could start within seconds, so cry out and ask for Him to come to and within you, give your soul, now, not later.. be ready,,,to stand before God, and move on through the gates of Heaven,, and not fall through that hole to hell...
Come on, and be able to cry out now,,,,
God, I pray that all will come to You , with Jesus at their side.. amen
John HIcks
Faith,, do you have it, or do you not?,, Jesus, do you have Him , or not?,, Will He be standing beside you , or not ? Now, not later ,, is the time to make the "CHOICE",,,, of a lifetime.........
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
WEDNESDAY! Good morning! May all who reads this, say to the real God, "Thank You for my all..for without you, there would be no me, or world, so thank You for all things, and for Jesus ,,, my salvation of life!" Now , you have started your day off with the super charge from the Almighty,, what more could one ask for?
I have written on this one many times... or have you noticed? It is a picture of an old steam engine train, with the coal car right behind the engine,,, to fire the heater to create the steam.. then the cars ,, a few cargo cars,,, so the smoke from the engine will blow away before it gets to the "Pullman" cars.. and those are the ones with passengers.... but you will still get that smell of burning coal... and it almost always had a dinner car on it.. ready for cooked meals.. yes the comfort of home on tracks,, and faster than any other commercial travel of its" time... It was the way to travel, and ship,, it furnished the Nation ,,, from north to south, east to west, and finally ,, cris-cross.... all went by rail.. the stage, the horse freight wagons , gone, except for short trips.. and this train, is like life,,, yes life,,, and now I am talking about the train of God... It is on the only tracks that lead to Heaven, ,, it is the only train that runs on faith,, and acceptance of Jesus Christ, who is not only the engineer, but the engine that pulls this train,, and all the cars,, are "Pullman" cars.. for passengers who beleive in Jesus Christ, and have accepted Him only.. and if you will stop, and listen close,,, you will hear an angel calling out... at the platform "all a-broad" on this,,, the
GOSPEL TRAIN TO HEAVEN! Yes, it is up to you ,,, to purchase your ticket on this train, in advance, before that time of your trip,,, so that you are the train up, and not the one going down,, with nothing but fire blowing in your face... and how do you get that ticket in advance,,,,JUST BOW YOUR HEAD, CLOSE YOUR EYES, AND CALL OUT TO JESUS, AND SAY,, I SURRENDER ALL..AND I ASK FOR YOUR FORGIVENESS, AND MY TICKET ON THAT GOSPEL TRAIN!!!
Will you make that choice today, right now, no matter where you are, people may look,,, but God will smile, if you already have your ticket, stop where ever you are, and say, "Thank You God , for my ticket ,,,and my Engineer,,, JESUS CHRIST!
John HIcks
Have a great day, an have it with God at your side!
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
TUESDAY! Good morning to all this great and wonderful day! How do I know it is going to be great and wonderful? Because of that one who is at my side , by request, and no matter what happens, He will not abandon me,,, and He will see me through it!! Who have you requested to be at your side this day, another on those that God has given to you will all the love of the universe, and then some.. can't beat that much love? Huh?
Prayer Request: For Betty Mae,, who will be undergoing nuclear tests this morning,, Pray of God to continue to be with Betty through all her tests, and trials..
For our Nation,,, as it is still the best in the world, it is deteriorating very fast under our elected officials , top to bottom! And that is a fact, so pray and pray diligent!
Did you know that a palm tree is the tree with the most ability to with-stand the high winds of a storm? You see less palm trees down after a hurricane than any other tree. It can bend almost to the ground,, and most of the time,, it will be back, tall and straight in a few days of sunshine , with the palm leaves waving victory in the sea breeze. It is surely an inspirational tree of our faith!
WE should be like these "palm trees".. standing tall in the storms of satans sin, corruptness of teasing of things of satans many, many sins.. like greed , sex, liars, killing, children turning on parents..etc...YES, we need to root our bodies in the sand of Jesus, and then , and only then can we also survive these winds of sin that satan sends rapidly,, testing us, and then re-testing us,, one storm after another,, BUT,, if you are rooted into Jesus' sand,,, you will hold just as these palm trees hold, and after ever tease to entice us to sin from satan, we will stand tall, with Jesus' sunshiNe, and wave our arms and hands in VICTORY OVER SIN!!!! So , go ahead, and plant your feet in the solid ground of Jesus Christ,,, and let's all together
Lord, thank You for Your Son, Jesus Christ,, for giving Him to us to root us to You, and that we may stand for You, and come to You, by Him. amen
John HIcks
Proud to say, I am a believer in Jesus Christ, and I have asked for His roots to anchor me, and even as I feel myself bend, I can also feel His strength in my back ,, knowning that even as I bend, He is not going to let me break,,, He is my ever-hold Salvation, He is my backbone of this life, and will be the one following this one! We must have THAT faith! Do you? Your choice,, please make it!!!!
Monday, November 4, 2013
MONDAY! Starting the week off on the first work day with God at my side, in my heart, and on my words out of my mouth, and just how did you start your day? The same,, I pray!
Prayer Request: For the family of Colby Eldridge, Jr.'s family,,, Colby passed away yesterday morning.
For those who are in need of Him,, please pray for them and that God will show mercy upon them all.
For You to think about on this day
As the grains of the sands on the beach, that are washed in the water, then pulled back into the sea,, We are first washed in His blood, then we are pulled back into the fold! Be washed in the blood of Jesus, then pulled into His fold. A choice for you to make, to walk in the mud of satan, or on the beach with Jesus!
Jesus call Lazarus from the grave, and showed victory over death, with restoring Lazarus to life. He called him by name,,,Lazarus, come forth!! What a sight that was, and if we close our eyes, we can see this great feat of Jesus. ... My biggest "mind alarm" was,,, that Jesus did not call out, "my brother come forth", nor "come out and live"..but He call him by name,,,"Lazarus, come forth!"
I would like for all , to just stop!Just stop for one second,, the most important second of your life, and ask yourself this one question,,,,
Lord, I pray that you put all of our names in your book and when You decide to call us home, you will be able to call us by our names..... amen
John HIcks
Once nameless,, but now my name is known!!! Is yours??? IF NOT, just ask Jesus , and your name will be known and printed in Gods' book of life..... all you have to do, is call "His Name",, then it is written, forever! amen
Sunday, November 3, 2013
SUNDAY! Good morning on this ,,, another one of God's days! The day He finished making this world,,, and then rested! Wow! Have we got that screwed up also! I don't want to be negative,, and I know that "man" sinned, and so have I, but I do try,, and I fail too often , to walk as He would want me to, and I still find myself having to go to my knees and ask for His forgiveness... for as much as I try, I am still a sinner,, but give up,,, never,, I will always be for my God, for my Jesus, and I will always march to His drum beat, and I will stand and I will testify,,, for I know He does have my back, my front, and both my sides,,, so if I do fall down,, I never go back to the dirt when I fall,, for the Son , Jesus will catch me, stand me back up, and start me forward again,,, and out of my mouth, and from my tongue will be His word,,, and if you don't like this one this morning, just tough!!
I ask all to do the same,,, stand with Him on all sides, and with the sword of His word on your lips, and in your heart, and go forward into this world, as far as you can, and never let satan grab hold of you,, use the anti-grab of Jesus Christ, and slide on down life's" paths with the ease of knowing!!
John HIcks
On a Sunday,, His day, and I wake with Him, I walk with Him through the day,, and then I lay my head down with Him at night, and I am not afraid to stand and tell this story,, over and over, and I ask for all to join me, and walk with us,,, will you? Yes, as tired as I get typing it, and as tired as you get reading this,, but it is your life, and yours alone, if you choose for it can be great,, even with the setbacks, if you make the right choice,,, yes,,,, JESUS CHRIST,,, is the choice, BUT YOU MUST MAKE IT!
Saturday, November 2, 2013
SATURDAY! Here we are , another w/e! For those off, enjoy the two days off,, for those who are working, be thankful for the jobs.. and enjoy the day also... and let's all thank God for it,,, and always remember who is the most important to you in this world, and who is the most important to take yu form here to the other world, ,,the one you have asked for,, or have you really asked for the one you want...
Just how much can you love someone? How much can you love some thing? The greatest of all to love with all you have, just what is it?
Jesus said, Love the Lord your God, with all your heart, and all your soul, and with all your mind".
There is to be no other for us to love as we shall love the Lord,,, and there is no greater love than His love for us!!! Wow!!! Enough said,,for God should be
Thank You God for the love from You, and I pledge my greatest love to You,,, amen
Friday, November 1, 2013
FRIDAY! First day fo a new month, let's use it like God wants us too.. o.k.?
The "first day" of the month is usually,, the day,,, most look forward to. It is payday (for some), time to start something new. Then,, there are the things you don't look forward to,,bills due...We all get those ole window envelopes that say, "due by the 1st", if not paid at a certain day,,,the debt increases by x amount. Have you gotten some of those? I have..At times in our life, things can be very stressful, and sometimes it is just a wonder to get by... Our life is a long journal of struggles, hardships, and joyous moments,,,never dull. We are the stars of this journal and we can make our debut with God or satan ,,on any day, not just on the first of the month, or the first of the year. I choose God and His Son,,,, and the journal I want to be written about me, is in Gods' Book of Life,,,,my name only, written with the Blood of the Son of Man,, Jesus Christ.... no late fees, debt canceled by Him,,,all of my history means nothing,,, once I have my name in this book!....
How about it...which book are you having your name printed is red, the Blood of Jesus... hey,,the other is red also,,, but the fire of Hell from satan? Make a decision for YOU are the only one that can do this,,, and believe me,,,,ole satan is in there trying to show you all of the great things he can deliver,,,but God has already built and given you the world, and the breath of life to live in it, and also the promise of life for eternity(His Son on a Cross)in a place that exceeds this world....The other place , fire, brimstone, wailing, thirst for all eternity, this is what satan has to offer,,,Again ,,, which one??? YOUR choice,, make it,,, for this is,
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