Friday, September 20, 2013


FRIDAY- TGIF-TGED! Now, it is the early morning of the day before the W.E... unless you are one of the lucky ones, and have a three day-er! You left the last W.E., and raced to the "hump day",, made plans, and then raced on to this day,,, just a bit longer,,, and yes, the w.e.!!! It will be here!!!! Are you ready? And I mean in a different way, than you think... well? We all need someone with us on our "each" of the days of our lives, so re-think, are you ready! Prayer Request: For continued prayers for Betty Morris , on her lost of Larry. ON YOUR MARK, GET READY , NOW GO...The Race of life is on! Yes, from the time of conception, we are all marching forward in a race of this life... to the next one, with God... and as all say,, "We all want to go to Heaven,, just not right now!"...Why? Yes, why do we say that..are we afraid of death... and that answer is yes, for we go on faith,, that there is a God, and that Jesus is real, and is standing for us at the right side of God,, waiting for us... and we must keep this faith...and is it hard to do... not really,,but then again,,, yes it is,, for we don't know what is on the other side. It is as if we were being "born again".. but through a different birth canal that our worldly birth.. but like the new baby, we fight the pains,,, for while still in the belly of our mother, we have all we need,, we are fed, we need nothing but her,,, so we fight to stay,,, and once we are born.. we look , feel , and know that same love of while we were in the womb... so it is , as we are alive here,, we work , and we all fight to stay alive, for we go forward at death on faith... that Jesus has us by the hand... Our belief is what gets us thorough ... and the way we live, and think about that,,, the way we live, and worship, is the way we go... so as you race through this life,, I ask this question of all,,,, WILL YOU FINISH STRONG,,, AND LOOKING UP.. OR WILL YOU JUST FINISH? Lord, I pray, that we all realize that this life has a responsibility to You, and the accepting of Your Son,and the only way to You is the Faith of Jesus and the Cross.. and that we live not in dread , but that of knowing ahead before we are called... amen John HIcks Hard to talk about? It should not be.. and I ask if you or someone you know has not accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, and peace of mind, then today, right it...don't delay... our candle is lit, and the flame burns, but all candles runs out of wax... so make your plans on how you finish this life.. and not race through it , but enjoy each second of it, as God intended you to do...Have a great God's day! ");

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