Monday, September 30, 2013

MONDAY! Last day of this month,, so as you rise, thank God for the month passing, and ask Him to continue to be with you in your future months, and days! You did invite him for this last month ? Didn't you? I hope the answer is yes...and if not, then I pray that you correct this error of your priorities..and invite Him to be first , and with you for the rest of your lives... Have a great day, you and Him, together, hand in hand! PASTORS! When was the last time you really, and truly,, told your pastor, that you appreciate him..or her?Today, start letting our pastors know how much we appreciate them, and realize that they have one of the hardest jobs on this earth, leading people by faith, people who are blinded by this world and all the traps in it, but yet they still get up and preach the gospel of God each Sunday and then minister the rest of the week. Could you get up and do this , week after week? Could you stand tall, and fast with all that goes on in this world, and still have that faith, that belief? You may say say, but try it,,, and you get up each week or each day and profess it ,, not depress it? They not only go through rain, snow, wind, storms, mud, and all that other stuff,, putting one foot down, then another , while you and I are leaned back ,,thinking how faithful we are,,, well put your feet in their feet, and follow in the footsteps of who they follow..and then you too will be ready to say,,,"Yes, it is time, that you, and I say to all the clergy,,, THANKS,, FOR BEING THERE,, STANDING FAST AND FAITHFUL, for us and for GOD!" From me: "Thank you Terry Treadgill"! HOW DO YOU BECOME SAVED? "That if you confess with your mouth 'Jesus is Lord', and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."Romans 10:8(NIV) Lord, thank you for our pastors, and I ask that You continue to put your hand on these called servants of Yours, that preach Your word each week, and pastor all week .... amen John HIcks Have a great day, and remember who made you, where you came from ,, and that you are really special to Your Lord! So now you know it, talk to Him and let Him know ,just as you let your pastors know also. ");

Sunday, September 29, 2013

SUNDAY! Woke up this morning late,, round about 6:00... Got that cup of Java, and off to the carport,(with a flannel on),,,, and then came Libby,, ha! Had to light the heater in her "little girl cave" in the utility room... and then I left and came back in,, but right before I came in, I took a deep , deep look into the dark skies,,, and after a deep , deep breath,, I thanked God for that night, and the light he put in the sky for the dark,. and that crisp oxygen he put in the air,, and then I exhaled,, and fed the plants... He sure planned each move.. didn't he? Sound crazy ? Not to me, for all of His ways is a reflection of Him and they are always good, so think about what He gives us each day!!! Yes,,, life! Prayers Requests: We ask for special prayer for Sue Burkett . She was having tests all week. Now the tests are back. She is now having a blood transfusion. The doctor will talk to her and her husband on Monday morning and decide which route to take. He may do major surgery or start chemo first. Please keep Sue in your prayers. From Christy Hicks,, please pray...we just heard that my sister in law has been rushed to the hospital. She was unresponsive and it has been said she may have had a stroke! Thanks for much, much prayers. DO YOU SEE? We sometimes end a lot of our sentences with this question... "Do you see?"... We are really asking "Do you understand"... This English language is a very special language.. and if raised in it, it is easy,,, but I am told , if you are not.. it is the hardest one to master... but there is one who can interpert any langauge... for He created them all,,, yes He did, at the tower of Babbel! Can you imagine,, all the different languges come from one sweep of his hand? How can you not know believe in God... and that He is the only God,, and that Jesus is His Son, and that He gave this Son, to us , for our sins, so that when we die in this life, we have life eternal, instantly.. yes, I know of all the "learning " of this nation and of all the "teachings" of this great Nation.. and I have to ask on that question of believing in God and Jesus Christ as your Savior..... DON'T YOU SEE? Lord, I ask that all eyes be opened to see You, and Jesus, and to come to know You, on a persnal side, and to not only see You,, but accept You as their one and only God, and accept Your Son , Jesus as their personal Savior.. amen John HIcks I hope all have a great day, and may God bless you with all your desires.. and may you give Him back all His desires of YOU!!! O.K.? ");

Saturday, September 28, 2013

SATURDAY! Have you ever wondered why I start most of my "Thoughts" off with the day of the week in red? It is to give those who read them a big "Eye Boost" of energy that will run right to the brain,, and believe it or not, will make you feel excited of the day.. Believe it or not! And feel free to go right ahead and have a great and happy ,,, another one of many,, of God's days!!! Prayer Request: For all those who are in need of God,, and who have not accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior... that they will see the light of Him, and will accept Him not only in their heart, but will come forward publicly to announce it.. please pray for this ,, and if all will come,, ,watch this Nation, this world ,, flourish,,,, yes Prayer can do all kinds of miracles, so pray, daily, and even more often for He loves to hear from us.... PRAYING ON A FLAT ROCK , OUT IN A FIELD! This , today has to do with a testimony I was privileged to hear ... and first of all ,, it was not a brag of money, but that of an answered prayer.... and I may not get it exactly as I was told ,, but I will get the story here goes.... This man found out that 92 acres of land next to his old home place , and where he lived,,, was up for sale,,, He went to the owner and asked the price of the land,,, The owner told him,, he would have to have 7000 dollars and acre for it... Man that was high,,this man wanted this land, but knew there was not way to ever buy that land,,, so as he was in the field one day, he bent down on his knees on a "flat rock" , and prayed not for God to give it to Him,, but how could he ever afford that price and what should he do..and please help him if it was God's wish...then the man walked away, and went home. Well , a few days or a few weeks went by, and he thought , someone else will buy that land .. even at that high of a price.... Now this man already had another 92 acres elsewhere... but the kind of a price was very, very high.. so he only dreamed , and wondered , "will I ever be able to own that land"?.. and still left it up to God. An then one day, as he sat on his porch, a stranger walked up,, and introduced himself to this man.. told him he had been to the county records office and found some land he really wanted... and found out who this land belonged to , but was told , it was not for sale as far as anyone knew... well guess what? It belonged to this man on the porch, and this land was exactly 92 acres... and he answered quickly,,, yes I own the land and I will sell! and the question right back at the man was of course, how much? The man on the porch said without missing a beat , except that of the heart... 7000 dollars an acre..exhaled a little, and the man looked down, then up ,,,, and two months later ,, this man who was sitting on this porch, well ,, he owned that 92 acres that joined his home place...and he told me that a little white cross given to him had brought him back to God... and the moral of this story is that prayer , and the faith in prayer, with that faith of praying, and then walking off and leaving it in God's hands will be fulfilled in what ever way God determines, and that was the way this prayer was prayed,and that was the faith of that prayer.. OF LEAVING THE DOING TO GOD, AS THAT PRAYER ON A FLAT ROCK IN THE FIELD, OF FAITH WAS DONE! This is the story of praying for with faith, not asking for God to beam down and answer it, but that God hears, and maybe you will pray for something, and be on a porch, or in the yard swing, or driving and the answer will come,, and it may not be as the above 92, for 92, but folks ,, He will answer, and whether it is on a flat rock on your knees, prayer will always work as long as your Faith is being that prayer, and God will answer it, as HE SEES FIT ,,, not always as we ask,,so remember who is in complete control... and maybe I got most of it right, but the message is there! Lord, thank You for the meeting I had yesterday with two or your great Christians, the fellowship we had, the laughing we did, and some of the purest joy of this world ,, for Lord, You were no only there, but it was by request,,, and I ask that more invite you in to their lives,,, as we did yesterday...amen John HIcks Enough said for this day,,, may God Bless You All,, as He has for me! ");

Thursday, September 26, 2013

THURSDAY! Yes, we start off another of Gods' days,, and so we start by thanking Him for the past days, and the night we just had, then thanking Him for this day? OR,, do we just get up, go about our business and tell people how great we are, or how lucky we are, or what we need and don't have? Well, I can say, we , or at least I,,, am one who has planted my fate in the hands of my Savior , Jesus Christ, and my Almighty God... and what ever comes my way, I look at it, try to de-code it, and if I can't de-code the days happenings,,, I just go on ,,, by faith,, and as I know God, & that is what He wants... SO DON'T WAKE,, AND LEAVE GOD OUT! WAKE WITH AN INVITATION,, OF PLEASE ACCOMPANY ME NOW, THIS VERY DAY, AND ALL MY DAYS!! Prayer Request: Billy Austin, Peggy's brother who had a stroke is not responding,, and is being transferred to a different hospital... pray that he will respond, and will recover. May Gods' will be done as always.. God, I ask for Your help in all I do, and I also put my faith in You, and please give me, and "us", of the ones who read this, your continued blessings over all those other great ones you have already blessed us with. Amen John HIcks Yes, the ones we have already received,, for if you don't think you are blessed,,, just stop, close your eyes and look around at all things you have... with eyes closed? Yes , it is called using your brain,,, by retrieving your memory of all you have had, and have at this very time... now do you know what your blessing are? ");

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

WEDNESDAY! Wake up America... from your sleep of greed, politics,, me more than you attitude... let's just STOP! OPEN OUR EYES!!! and see where we are, what we are doing to our Nation, & to each other,,, and let's say with a loud , loud voice, I HAVE HAD ENOUGH! ,, and all ,,,, let's hit the knees, and cry out to our God,,, please forgive us, and please take us back,,,, for He is here,, and He is waiting on US, yes US,, to call out,, for He sits on ready.... will you call out.. or will you just hang in there until the sin of erosion gives out under you, and you fall down,,, straight into hell? Too, tough this day,,, well I meant for it to be.... so get with it, and quit denying your Maker,,and put Him first, and then our Nation will become "OUR NATION AGAIN"! Lord, I ask forgiveness upon this Nation,,, and I ask forgiveness of Her sins,,, and if it is Your will , restore to what She was made for... freedom ,,, freedom to worship You, and put You in front of all we do. amen NOTE: Of interest ,, as I was typing , I noticed something,,, I typed in God , and I forgot to put Him in upper case of caps... and also satan , left him in lower caps on purpose... then I hit "spelling correction",,, and the computer told me I had mis-spelled satan, for I had not put him in caps, as a proper noun, and did not red-line God,, and that tells you ,,even if we are using these devices, please be careful, for whoever designed them, are not up on who is proper and who is not.. try this and see if your page will do this. John HIcks Have a great middle day of this week, plan ahead with the correct planner,, for you do want to do what is approved,, don't you! ");

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

TUESDAY! Good morning on this, another of Gods' great days! As you wake up, remember to , as you shake of the sleepy head feelings,,, stop, then and there, and tell God of your thanks for him being there, and since you are already up and reading it,, just stop, shake your head around, back and forth,, then as people think you are crazy,,, if you are out in public reading this on your carry alone brain,, the Ipad, or your cell phone, and say it out loud,, "Lord, thanks for my being,, for I am yours, and you are mine, amen!" I double dare you to do it!!!! Most of you will not,, but it's a good thought for this day! (question: can you go five days without your cell phone, Ipad, computer?,, just one day?) Prayer Requests: Billy Austin, Peggy Dawson"s brother who had a stroke yesterday, pray for Gods' healing hand upon him. Continued prayer for Shelia Moon Ivin's, B-I-L,,who is now in ICU in Bucks Co. Pa. HUMMINGBIRD AND FAITH Today's thoughts is short, but I think big on facts. How big is a hummingbird? Not very big, one of the smallest birds I know of. The eggs are so small , you can hardly even see them and the nest they build is also so very small. They come , fly at a standstill, move from one side to the other with a quick and precise movement..... amazing what God has created, so small, yet a living thing. They are so small , yet have the instinct(faith) provided by God to survive. They work to feed their young , from morning to dark,, they stay around here(in Ga.) for the summer, then these little birds, fly to Fla. in Oct. and feast on a certain plant there, and then fly across the gulf to parts of Mexico, and Central America... yes they are small, but all with the drive God has given them, and work they do..... Now, we are in a Nation of Milk and Honey,,, we do not have to migrate to other places for the winter, so do we work, or do we sit on our backsides, and hold our hands out ,,, for free samples of others kindness who does work? Well ? Are we not, much, much bigger than the hummingbird, and do we not have the same built in work ethic from God? Yes we do,, and for what we get ,and let's put some work in it, and use that outstretched hand to work for what we get,,,, and not snatch.. Let our faith in our God,, spark out voices and speak out and work for Him with the vigor of a small Hummingbird? Can you, and I,,,, not build our faith and work more for Him than ourselves?.....How about it,,, do you have the faith in our God and the belief in Jesus the Son, to go out there and work more for them,,than for our selves?.. and pull back that outstretched hand of want only for ourselves, and be A HUMMINGBIRD,,, WORKING HARD FOR OUR FELLOW MAN, AND NOT JUST FOR OURSELVES? God, thank You for giving us examples to go by, for you feed them, and they sow not, and your love for us is even greater,,, Thank You God...amen John HIcks Not as small as a "Hummi",,, but I am trying to work as hard, and with His help, I will continue to gain, for I ask for His help... do you talk to Him? at any time,, I ask you? ,, really talk to Him? or do you only ask of Him?

Monday, September 23, 2013


MONDAY! Wake up! Get out of that bed! Smile real big! Take a deep breath! Shake real good(kinda like an ole dog does when its' wet)! Now, don't you feel great! Now, thank God for being able to get out of bed, smile, breath, & yes, even shake,, for without Him ,, you just would not be! Prayer Request: April Stevens.. who lost her speech after a terrible migraine headache. Pray for her speech to return back to normal. Pray for Betty May's niece Susan Burkett. She is having tests done starting tomorrow. There is the possibility that it could be cancer of the uterus. Pray for healing and peace for her and her family. Pray for Shelia Irvins cousin who was rushed to the ER yesterday evening, that they are o.k. REMEMBER: The best sermons are lived, not preached! Think about it! SOLID! Be as solid as a rock for your God. Don't bend, sway, break, or deny your God. He is the only God to have in front, back, side, or within yourself.. When you worship , worship Him, put all things, including self, aside. Talk directly to Him! Stay away from the sandy places, so that you may stay steadfast, and not wash down the stream of non -believers. Make a foundation, pour yourself with prayer, let God be the re-bar that holds you strong, and together, where you will not break, nor wash away, and be steadfast,,, Hit the knees, and start the foundation by accepting your Savior , Jesus Christ. Once this is done, the re-bar is in place.. do this!!!,,, and have a great and real SOLID LIFE! Re-bar: is the steel in the concrete foundation of a building,,just in case you do not know what re-bar is. God, thank You for being my re-bar and keeping me strong in You. amen John HIcks I have my re-bar in place, He is in my heart, and has my name written, that is the faith of Him keeping us strong within ourselves and able to fend off the satan of all sin,, How about you? Have you been on your knees and invited Christ into your life, and let God put your re-bar in?

Sunday, September 22, 2013

SUNDAY! Welcome to another of Gods' days, and also the first day of Fall! I hope both are a great day for you! Remember: When you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty! Prayer Request: For Cheryl Sanders who lost her father, William Beachman, yesterday. Please pray for her and all the family . THANKFUL FOR IT ALL!!! I think often, that we just don't praise our God often enough for all we have....David sang praises to God , glorifying Him, and no I will not sing, for those who know me,,, would head for the hills, but I will cry out of His greatness, I will praise Him for all that I have, for I know all came from Him....even life itself.....death, and resurrection.... all from The Living God,,, our God of kindness, and forgiving heart....Praise be to Him,,, and His Son , Jesus..... who died for us all... CAN THERE BE ANY GREATER THAN GOD? THANK YOU GOD FOR ALL WE HAVE!!! God , Thank You!!! amen John HIcks So thankful for my blessings.. are you, I mean really, really?

Saturday, September 21, 2013


SATURDAY! Good morning on this day,, here in middle Georgia, we have a small fall cool breeze,, a day early... but it feels good... We are all blessed with His greatness... and so shall we rejoice in it,,,and share it with the world,,,right? Have a great day!!!! TODAY I SAY,,, YOUR ARE A CHRISTIAN, OR YOU ARE NOT... THERE IS NO IN-BETWEEN! Lord, I ask that all who are not Christians, will come forward and accept Jesus , and become one, and then live like one. amen John HIcks,,One liner this morning,,, but it is the truth and the way,, there is no other way, but with God,, Now you can agree, or disagree,,, that is the freedom that He gives us all.... so ,,,, it is strictly up to you, but my, and your job as Christians ,,, is to tell all we see and touch ,, about Him , and His greatness... and that is a fact!!!!!! Have you shared yours with anyone lately?

Friday, September 20, 2013


FRIDAY- TGIF-TGED! Now, it is the early morning of the day before the W.E... unless you are one of the lucky ones, and have a three day-er! You left the last W.E., and raced to the "hump day",, made plans, and then raced on to this day,,, just a bit longer,,, and yes, the w.e.!!! It will be here!!!! Are you ready? And I mean in a different way, than you think... well? We all need someone with us on our "each" of the days of our lives, so re-think, are you ready! Prayer Request: For continued prayers for Betty Morris , on her lost of Larry. ON YOUR MARK, GET READY , NOW GO...The Race of life is on! Yes, from the time of conception, we are all marching forward in a race of this life... to the next one, with God... and as all say,, "We all want to go to Heaven,, just not right now!"...Why? Yes, why do we say that..are we afraid of death... and that answer is yes, for we go on faith,, that there is a God, and that Jesus is real, and is standing for us at the right side of God,, waiting for us... and we must keep this faith...and is it hard to do... not really,,but then again,,, yes it is,, for we don't know what is on the other side. It is as if we were being "born again".. but through a different birth canal that our worldly birth.. but like the new baby, we fight the pains,,, for while still in the belly of our mother, we have all we need,, we are fed, we need nothing but her,,, so we fight to stay,,, and once we are born.. we look , feel , and know that same love of while we were in the womb... so it is , as we are alive here,, we work , and we all fight to stay alive, for we go forward at death on faith... that Jesus has us by the hand... Our belief is what gets us thorough ... and the way we live, and think about that,,, the way we live, and worship, is the way we go... so as you race through this life,, I ask this question of all,,,, WILL YOU FINISH STRONG,,, AND LOOKING UP.. OR WILL YOU JUST FINISH? Lord, I pray, that we all realize that this life has a responsibility to You, and the accepting of Your Son,and the only way to You is the Faith of Jesus and the Cross.. and that we live not in dread , but that of knowing ahead before we are called... amen John HIcks Hard to talk about? It should not be.. and I ask if you or someone you know has not accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, and peace of mind, then today, right it...don't delay... our candle is lit, and the flame burns, but all candles runs out of wax... so make your plans on how you finish this life.. and not race through it , but enjoy each second of it, as God intended you to do...Have a great God's day! ");

Thursday, September 19, 2013


THURSDAY! Good Morning God! and what did you say,, when you opened your eyes this great morning? for no matter the situation,,, if you have God,, then it is in good hands,, so have faith,,, for He is in charge! Now,, say thanks to God, right after you say either Good Morning, or Hello! Prayer Request: For Larry Smith, still in ICU with a blood clot last night , and Betty, right at his side! WOW! THE WORLD HAS CHANGED! Yes it has! From my childhood, of before the chip,, the days of latching only the screen door.. no phones, and yes , not even a car... only a one horse wagon! Now , I am not a hundred, but close, ha! We all have our memories, but we all live in the present... and wow, this world has changed! We live in a world of more "non-marriages", just live together,,,abortions & abortion clinics,, more bars,, more food restaurants with bars,,less revivals, less having Jesus as our rock of existence , cell phones(and answering them while in a conversation with someone by holding your hand up and saying, I must get this,, what did you do when you didn't have one?), Ipads same as cell phones usage,,, all kinds of electronic devices.. modern medicine, yet still not able to cure a lot of diseases... morally,, mostly gone to pot... heads of county, cities, state, and nation,, morals lower than low... for not many will even pray in public nor admit God in public , nor their convictions,,,but will honor the almighty dollar... and yes, I am sorry to say,,, lots of the people of today worship the almighty dollar over all else....the more the better, never enough... and the publicized cursing in most all the movies, shows on t.v. and porno, everywhere ,, even on billboards on I-75 south of Macon, Ga. Enough,, enough is my cry!! What can I do to change it, for I am only one? I can tell all about God, then live a life as God wants me to.... and ask for more to join me,,, and in groups of abundance .... as those marches of legalizing things such as abortion, and dope.. and Obama-care.... but marches, and gathering of Christian Groups marching on telling and speaking His word, and we as Christians make headlines,, oops,, no major network will cover these, but we can still do them, and be Christians,, not act like Christians.. for I am here to cry out,, yes cry out.... THE WORLD MIGHT HAVE CHANGED,, BUT GOD ALMIGHTY HAS NOT CHANGED, AND IS STILL GOD! God, thank You for being You, and being my God, first and foremost, and I pray more will testify,, and show this belief in You more in the public eye... amen John HIcks God is real, God is the same as He was before He even created this Earth, and man,,, and yes, he did, even if some think they did, such as our...............! Now who did you fill in the bank with? ");

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

WEDNESDAY! Hump day! Can you ever believe that a camel would ever have his own day? Ha! Well, now that you are on the top of the "hump",, first who helped you up?,,,,, and who will you call on to get you down... just remember, with Jesus, no splinters on the slide down to today and on to the W.E.,, without,,, OUCH!!!!!! I choose my Jesus,,, will you, or will you just go on being lost, and full of splinters? Prayer Request: For the return safely of the young girl abducted in Atlanta yesterday... for God to protect her! Questions,,, Do you believe in God? Do you believe in Jesus? Do you believe that God made this world and universe? Do you believe that God made you? Do love your fellow man/woman? Do you testify for Him? Do you stand up for Him,, when someone else does not? Have you accepted Jesus? Where will you go when eternity comes? Are you completely prepared? Do you pray? Answer these questions,, the answers are yours and only yours,,, After you have answered them,, just set back and reflect on your answers ,,, very ,,, very seriously... Lord,, I ask for all to come to You, and those who claim to be Yours, really become Yours... amen John HIcks We are a great Nation... we lack great leaders.... but pray that we last until we can vote again, and maybe,,, just maybe those who want a free ride, will be defeated,,, Let's all continue to have faith,, God will prevail,, if we will keep this faith, and continue to go to Him in prayer and thanks for what we do have! ");

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


TUESDAY! The waking, the walking, the having,,, the best of the day,, all of this ,,,,is having Jesus at your side ,,,all the time,, and showing it by your actions... twenty four hours a day,,seven days a week,,, and all 52 weeks of the year,,, and maybe, just maybe,, it will 're-catch' back on... and all will be doing the walk and the talk of our God, and of the Son who gave His life, for us, and rose up from that dark grave,, alive to set on the right side of His , and our Heavenly Father,, as your final "lawyer",, and will step froward and say these mighty, mighty words,,, "Forgive them my Father, for I have paid the price!"...think about it as you go through this life on a minute by minute time frame! PRAYER REQUEST: For all the families of all those victims at the Washington Naval Base yesterday that lost love ones.. and pray for the wounded ones to not only survive, but heal. WHAT GREATER LOVE THAN HIS? There is none! Just that simple! We can say "we love you so much,,, and love you more than anyone else can ever imagine.",,,, and this may be true ,,,, from us to another one of us,,,BUT, the Lord , our God loves us ,,, even as sinners,,, He does not love sin, and if we deny Him,, then we will be punished,, but His love is so great, He gave us an out for all these sins, and we all are sinners.. so don't set down and try to be a mightier than He,, admit it, and ask for forgiveness by accepting this love from God, and that is His Son! He gave us Jesus, to atone for our sins, by actually dying on a cross,, one of the worst deaths we can imagine,, spikes nailed through hands, feet, piercing of his side, crown of thorns pushed down into His forehead, and fed vinegar for water... until all the blood had drain,, and then with His last breath,, He was asking His Father to forgive us!!! Wow,, what greater love from God,, to give His Son , for us? Would you give your son, or daughter? All would say yes, but no,, you would not... no not willingly....and I know I will be told I am wrong on that statement, but folks, we are man,, remember we got kicked out of a perfect garden of life,,,, because of sin,,, but then He, our God had so much love for us,, He sent Jesus to us,,,and are we so lazy, so great on our selves that we can not stand up to satan, and these leaders of satan, and proclaim Jesus as the ultimate,,, the only way to God? Come on this morning,, let's get off the backside, and let's spread the word louder, and louder until all hears this statement..... WHAT GREATER LOVE THAN THE LOVE OF GOD IS THERE,,,, NONE OTHER! God, I thank You for creating me, and I thank You for all the love You give me each second of each minute, of my life, and I thank You for Jesus...amen John HIcks Yes, I am one who says we are sinners, and sometimes seem like little hope for man,,, but as long we love BACK our God,, as He love us,, there is hope for man.. Will you pray for that love to be re-stored by all?

Monday, September 16, 2013


MONDAY! Good morning to all... enjoying the cool mornings drinking my coffee under the carport,,, and this morning watching the sun rise,,, and it is so awesome to watch God change the night to day,, and the twilight that slowly creeps into full light of day! God is awesome!! Just think, if man was in charge of the rising of the sun,, there would be a loud pop, and it would be light and hot in an instant,, if they didn't break it! Ha! We sure are fortunate to have a good and great One to take care of us... even if we do think we are the chiefs of all....we are not,,, He is the Chief!!! and man had better revamp, and realize that again ,,, in this time of our lives!!! Prayer Requests: For Susan Lowe Roberts, who will be having surgery today, and for her son Kevin , who is recovering from his accident, may the Dr. be under Gods hands, and may He be at the son's side. Makyla, 15 yr. old girl who is losing her eyesight in one of her eyes, and they do not know the reason, and are skeptical of the other eye... please pray for God to have mercy on this young person. THE DINOSAUR! Wow,, how can something so big just disappear,, extinct? No more! No eggs? No seed! Man is still guessing why the dinosaur disappeared.. it is a mystery that only can be scientifically "guessed". We find remains buried for centuries,, almost intact, some are put together, and gives us the picture in our heads of how these monsters looked. These were God created as all things are,,, and disappeared by Him,,, this I believe,, why? I do not even give it but a small tiny thought, for God made, and had His reasons... just like a tree, first made, with 100 rings, and tell me how old this tree was, for it was created instantly by God.. yet we count it by rings today,, so no, I do not doubt what God made. Now ,, God created us also,,,, and Adam was created from the dust, and was up , grown, walking at an instant, same as the tree,,, and then God created woman, for man, alive and grown,,, and then man, and woman sinned,, and we were given a death sentence from God... and then God gave us a way out of this thing called sin, by sending us His Son,, and we accepted Him, this Son, who died for us, and was raised from the dead,,, and as we accept Him we become Christians... Now we are called Christians,,, and we are working at going extinct also,,, will God let us do this? Certainly He will,,, for He gives us "choice",,,even though, He would be sadden so much,, that when we deny Him ,, He will destroy us all,, for in my mind ,, He will never let this earth go "satan" all the way... We, as "Stale Christians" are ,, as it seems,, letting satan work,,,, in our schools,, government,, our public,,, our homes,,, and yes,,, in some of our most sainted places.... We must all stand up for God,,NOW! SPEAK OUT!! Turn this trend of sin, from going forward , to satan, and we must move back to Jesus, and the Father, God,,, Yes, we must go to work, not just set back on our backsides,, mouth closed,,, heads drooped in shame,,, for denying Him, and letting satan ride over this world,, and make us extinct as the dinosaur,,, NO!!! WE MUST HIT OUR KNEES AND PRAY TO GOD, AND BECOME MEN OF HIS FAVOR ,, AGAIN, BEFORE !!!!!! WE BECOME EXTINCT ALSO! Lord,, I pray for the strength to stand tall for You,, speak for You,, of You,, and Lord I pray for a stampede of others to stand also... amen John HIcks I will fight for Him to the death,,,, I will pick up the sword of Christianity,,, and fight the dragon of sin,,, Are you with me or will you continue to sit on your backside,, and burn???? ");

Sunday, September 15, 2013

SUNDAY! Yes, today is His,,, the one he kicked back and rested,,, maybe watching us and wondering,, I really must love these guys and girls, for if I didn't,, I would just take it all back and start over... maybe, just maybe they will all wake up and remember me! What do you think of this statement?? I know ,,you are saying I remember Him,, and I pray to Him,, and then I ask all ,, do you ever thank Him, and respect Him and talk to others in a relaxed conversation of Him , and His greatness,, or just when you need something? Just a few statements of the mine that I have this Sunday morning, and what it is producing,, so if I have stepped on any toes with the above, well, move your feet toward the Lord, and they won't get stepped on!!!! Prayer Request: For Millie's niece, Taylor,, who had a suspicious spot removed,, pray that all is o.k. Taylor is a student at Salisbury University... Continued prayers for the family of Dorthy Maddox. Something to think on: Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave,,, unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. Lord , I say today, thank You for my all, and for Your being so lenient on this world, amen John HIcks Have a great ,,, another,,, of Gods' days!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

SATURDAY! Waking up with the Lord at my bedside, same place He was when I dozed off last night,,, who did you have at your bedside? Well ,, whether you know it or not, He is always there, but it sure is better when it by request,,, just ask Him! You do talk to Him , don't you? Prayer Request: That all will turn to the Lord this day, accept Jesus Christ, and watch this world change,,, for the better,, you bet!!! So pray,,and pray not like you mean it, but pray... to mean it! RUNNING MAN! There is a movie titled "Running Man",, staring the past governor of California,, Arnold,, It is about an innocent man , breaking jail,, being caught,, then set up to run a course ,, chosen by a T.V., with a tyrant for a host,,, and chosen celebrities(strong men) to run after him (and others caught after the escape)..and kill them in front of a national T.V. audience watching and cheering... Now at hand,,,, are you running,, are you trying to escape,, running from God,,, or something else? How many of us,, hear someone talking about God or Jesus,, and turn our toes in a path that travels just around those talking,,, avoiding a contact with them,, or even an acknowledgment that they are there? Do you have a tyrant host mapping out a course for you? When someone asks you for an opinion,,, how many times do you include God,, and the salvation of Jesus in that opinion,, or in your conversation??? Yes,, how many times a day,, do we deny our God? If you will just think,, it will be more than Peter did in a day.... doubt me? Keep records! Listen and see if you hear the cry of satans' angels,, or God speaking,,Now re-call,,, how was your outing yesterday,, and how is it going to be today? Will you be RUNNING FOR GOD? OR WILL YOU BE RUNNING FROM GOD? These thoughts for today is inspired by a new friend of mine, Jimmy, whose testomony was of runnng from Jesus, and His story of the day he stopped running while in escape mode in his truck,, and Jesus grabbed hold of his heart and soul,,, and never let go.. thanks Jimmy! Lord, thank you for giving us a brake for our mouths when it runs off about sin,,, a brake of eternity,, called Jesus,,, amen John HIcks Run more miles than I want to remember,, but thank God,,, my "now brake" works ,,and never has to be relined... Is your working? ");

Friday, September 13, 2013

FRIDAY! TGED! NOT JUST ON FRIDAYS!,, RIGHT? As I arose this early morning, and got the first cup of coffee,, set in the silence of the early morning darkness, ,, I looked at my little dog, Pug, and I thought ,,, as God has said, we should not worry , for who feeds the birds, and clothes the animals.. not us,, and I thanked Him for looking after my little "animal",, for he ran ,, rather straight, and then crooked, but he ran, he panted,, and looked up to me as to say,,, "yes here I am, alive, and well",, and I rejoice to know that my Savior did this very thing, and His father had just put a reminder in my heart,, of Jesus, rising up from that death on the Cross, and out of that tomb and saying to us all,,,,Yes, I am alive, and I am well, and I am yours!!!! Wow, how God talks to us,, if we will just stop and listen.... and it sure did make that coffee taste even better! Prayer Request: For the family of Dorthy Maddox,, who went to Heaven yesterday, at 95,, and is having a great ole time there this very moment....Her and the family are not only friends of ours, but good Christian people , just as Dorthy! Pray for their understanding of the why. Logan Winkles, who underwent knee surgery in N.C. yesterday, and will be out of FB for the season, pray for his healing and back at it next year. WEEPING! The tears of losing ones love, of someone, should be the weeping of one who is still left behind, and the wish of joining that one who has gone on! Can we as "humans" ever get that far? I still pray that we do, and we rejoice when we lose a good Christian.. for we know they are with God, and if we accept Jesus, and we go by that Great Cross, and only by that route, we will to, someday, and until then ,, testify to and of Him, at all times! WEEP OF SORROW ,, NO MORE! God, I pray that all will come to know the different in tears of joy, and the tears of sorrow of missing,, and cry in both ways as they live this life. amen John HIcks Today, talking about one of the hardest things to do, and that is shed tears of joy on losing a loved one, but knowing it is from His word. Today I say to all , God Bless This Nation, and all of YOU! ");

Thursday, September 12, 2013


From john hicks To john hicks THURSDAY! Good morning Lord! Good morning folks! Today is another gift of anther day of opportunity for us to get out and wittiness for our God! Now the big question to answer is,, WILL WE? Are we strong enough to look at people in the face, and be a wittiness, or do we drop our head, and go around sin,, and hope we are not seen? Answer,, we are all under surveillance ,,, not the government, but God,, and remember this above all! Prayer Requests: For Gladys Hicks, who has returned to the nursing home, pray she gets better and is able to return home soon! For Larry Smith , who is under treatment for cancer ,,, pray for relief on these treatments, their cure, and not to be so bad on him, and for Betty who has stood fast on not only his side, but for God , and doing so openly, and bravely! God bless her so much! For all those neighbors, that drive by, choose to ignore those in need,, and let their being slide by for the "not to want to get involved, or not enough time in their life".. pray for a revival of America, and of her people.. For Jerry Snow, who fell , and hurt his shoulder really bad, that he may mend quickly, with little pain. CARING! This word is not for family only! It is for all who we know who is hurt, sick, in need, and this can be in many ways. Hurt of body, or of soul... Sick of body, or soul...In need of body, or soul..... Hungry, of body... hungry for testimony of God to you or me.. Prayer... from us, in our homes, and in theirs! Yes,,, caring is a thing that is going away.. the caring of our neighbors,, our family, our friends, our Godly care.... just stuff them away,, turn our head as we drive by,,hoping we don't see the look on their faces,,, of why? And I am giving this to me , as much as others..... and I applaud a lady who had the guts to print it in the paper,, and shame all involved... and must we all think about this, and ask ourselves... have we done this? I can say for me, the answer is YES, I have, and I ask God to give me the strength to not do it again.. and your answer is your own... but let's all stop and pray for guidance and help to get us all back to really and truly CARING ,, NOT FOR JUST OURSELVES, BUT FOR OTHERS ALSO,,, FOR IT IS GODS' WORD TO DO SO, ALSO! Lord, give us , the ones who can, the want, and the do, of caring,,and helping those who are less fortunate than us, and to help those who cannot help themselves.. amen John HIcks Telling it like it is,,, but realizing that I was doing the talk, and sitting on my butt, and not doing the walk after the talk,, but will correct this,, you can bet on that!!! Will you, or will you just keep on driving by, looking out the "other " window?

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


WEDNESDAY- Hump Day, the day of the camel..and as you wake and are on top of the hump, and look down, be as brave going back down to the ground as you had when you climbed us to the top of the hump,,, and I pray ,,,,, you will climb down, with your plans for a great week-end, with the same one you climbed up with, and that is God, with Jesus holding your hands ,,, on the complete trip, up, down, and the rest of your life,, if not , just stop and ask Him ,,, invitation needs no RSVP,,, for He will automatically rush to your side, grab your hand and never let go!!! Have a great Gods' day,, His to you, with love! TODAY,, 12 YEARS LATER! Twelve years ago, I was walking through the Textile Plant, in McComb MS., when someone rushed up to me and said a plane had crashed into one of the Twin Towers,, I would never believed a terrorist had hit our soil, and then as we rushed to a T.V. at the owners house,,, we saw, and it brought tears within us all,, and I knew we were not an island of solidarity,, and I went back to the plant, and I bowed my head, to my Lord.. and now as I look back, I thank my Lord for His love thus far on us,, and so should all of you,,, for we lost so much, yet we did see of the need to TURN BACK,,,to our God,,,, for we then was in deep sin in this nation,,, and I am here to say,,, we still are... We are in deep trouble,,, for our Nation is walking the plank of lost honor.. and we need our leader to either step up to the plate, or retire,, or we may get more of the same,,,, so,,, please,,, all pray for our leaders to go to God, and then make a, and not say these same words TWELVE YEARS LATER! God, I ask that all know the way, and their eyes are open, if not already, that through Jesus and that Cross, is the only way to You and life eternal, and to not worry of the life here, for it , with Him at the helm ,,, will take care of it ,, amen John HIcks Patriot,,, and I do believe in the way of the Cross,, and I ask for all to come, come to Jesus, and for all who reads this, I charge you this day,,, to profess His love , and His way to all you see...and now as you ask , how can he charge us... and I say, by His request to us all, just read the Word, and you will serve Him also,,, any takers? Go ahead and respond,,, if you don't mind having your name out there in the open...tough huh? ");

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


TUESDAY! And God said to all who was listening as they awoke this day,,, "Good morning, my children, I have prepared a great day for you, now go out there and enjoy it, and do so in my name!",, Now, as you rise and go into this day,, will you carry His Name, and Him with you? or will you just go? and what will you say as your book of life is read... look down to see who is on that down-gone cell phone? Such dis-courageous behavior in this land, I have not seen, than that,, "have to look at that ring, or that buzz,, more important than the one you are talking to, or listening to... right?" What a wonderful world it was ,, before the "chip" .. most don't know of this time , but we,,, who were here as it became known, remember, and believe me, if you could have one month in that time, you would never want to go forward!!! Yes, , an old timer,, and proud to be! Hard times in those days, but wow, different attitude of all,, if you didn't have a belt to hold up your pants, then you had a cloth suspender,, but your pants stayed up on your waist,,, and the talk was that of respect ,,, no cursing, and in songs, they were songs of words children could hear, and could be played , even in a church,, yes it was a different world,, and I miss it!!! Have a great day, with God, family, & friends! Prayer Request: for all to pray,, that our leaders are very, very careful in their decisions of war on Syria,, this is one of the biggest decisions for this Nation, and this world.. so pray, peace first,, war only if our borders are threaten... pray that we stay at home and turn our Nation, back to God, first,, and war on satan,, right here! Lord, take care of this Nation on it's quest to continue to stand for You and Your standards, guide our leaders... and give us the strength ,,through You,, to repel satan out, and You 100% in, amen John HIcks I think the opening is enough for this day,, plus the prayer request, ,,think about,,, o.k.? Post on Pug,, Vet said, "Lots of progress",, he is on meds for awhile more, but able to walk, run a little, but no steps,, lots of love, and TLC... and he sure is getting that... spoiled little baby! ");

Monday, September 9, 2013


MONDAY! Good morning,,, and a happy Monday to you all! I am late today, I ahd to get some help on my house, and take Pug to the Vet... He got a good report,, he is 80% to where he wa, and althought he may or may not ever get any further, we are thankful for the report! Today, I want to wish our Daughter, Terri,,, a happy birthday! We are so proud of her, and love all our children! WHEN DOES LIFE BEGIN? I believe life starts at conception. Let's just see how life begins after the great event of coming into this world. With a blast , you are here, relief to your Mother, and a shock and scary time for you, until you are placed in the arms of your mother. You then are comforted by the arms and love that surround you, you are safe!!!! Well, from there you go the accountability of your life, this is what God says. When you get there (you will know your age of accountability), you are then responsible for your life and your actions. You can pray and accept Jesus, and just as you felt the arms of comfort from your mother at birth, you will feel this warm wrap around you as you have never felt before. He will carry you through all good times, and hard times. You just have to call on Him. So your life has begun, and then we sometimes, stop and say, when will my life begin? This statement is one of misdirection. Life has and is going at full speed. Your requests may have not been met, but that only means that you need to look at the fork in the road , and see what God has posted for you to follow. It will show two signs, you, and God! Follow the sign that reads"God", and then your life will re-begin,, in His name and not your wants.... What ever will come, will come,, trust me, even if it is not exactly what you had in mind, but you will feel the direction, just give in and accept it. Get out there in this world and participate with His world, and get away from the cocoon of safety. Work for His cause and then you will see THAT LIFE IS AT FULL SPEED, IT HAS ALREADY BEGUN !!!! DON'T WASTE WHAT GOD HAS GIVEN!!! Lord, thank You for being the driver of my life, and may we all put our full trust in You , amen John HIcks IT IS TIME FOR US TO GET OFF OUR BUTTS, AND CARRY THE WORD OF GOD TO ALL WE MEET, AND ALSO I THINK WE NEED TO BE WORKING IN OUR OWN COMMUNITY ,, VISITING, AND HELPING THOSE WHO NEED OUR HELP... I AM ONE WHO IS AT A BIG FAULT OF THIS...BUT WILL CORRECT IT!! THIS IS IN CAPS, FOR WE ALL NEED TO READ THIS, AND BE ABOUT GODS BUSINESS, INSTEAD OF OTHERS! Have a great day!,, and may He bless each one of you! ");

Sunday, September 8, 2013


SUNDAY-- Wake up to God,, I wanted to put the follow post from a friend of mine that I think says it all for this waking day! Please read and do!!! HAPPY SUNDAY!! Wake up with a heart full of God! Then get up, have a cup of java, or what-ever you like, then go out and give some of your heart to everyone you meet,, for if you do, just remember this,,, you will never run out,,, for God is forever and He loves it when we do this!!! Now, go out there in this world and give God some happiness!!! Thanks Diane Lord, please give all a great blessing this day,, just as big as the one of being at their side as they awoke, and the one of you by their side as they slept... and may we all give you that same love right back, amen John HIcks American,, yes, just an American, no prefixes!

Saturday, September 7, 2013


SATURDAY! YEA!!!! Here we are,, first day of a week-end, and I ask , now just how did you arrive to this day? With God at your side, or did you just coast on in, hoping all will turn out great? Well, I am telling all, you might think you coasted in alone or with "someone",, but guess what? Oh yes! God was there, and with His little book,, called The Book Of Life,,, and yes He was writing, so maybe re-vamp your plans, and ask, will You, God , and Jesus, come along with me? Now that you have done this, then do as the picture so states,, o.k. The picture here was of footseps, with this on them, 'FOLLOW JESUS" Prayer Requests: Louise Frye,, who is experiencing health problems, please pray for God to continue to be with this great lady, for she is devoted to Him, and does not mind showing it.. so pray for God's blessing! For Adrian , a young man in California, who fell, causing brain damage, and is paralyzed on one side of his body, please all pray for Gods blessing on this young man! For a dear friend of mine,, to continue to be as in Daniel 10:18 & 19,, BE STRONG, BE STRONG! For all: information on "Pug",, he is 70-% better,,, and I think gaining, going back to the vet Monday, will report more then! God, I want to think You first this day, for all of our blessing, and then ask that You be with those mentioned above, and also be with those You know , that are un-mentioned, and I ask that You watch over our Nation, and its" leaders as we face this big, big decision on Syria! John HIcks May all have a great and beautiful Saturday, and may He bless each one of you, as He has blessed me! ");

Friday, September 6, 2013


TGIF-FRIDAY-TGED!!!! Good morning to all, and I say this day,,, May God be with you, this Nation, and the decisions of our leaders... for only God knows the outcome of this one if it is war,, so be with us Lord, and care for us is my prayer today! Prayer Request: For a good friend of mine, Bruce Jackson, who just had kidney surgery, a stint put in his tubes, and much pain, now home, but Monday will have stint removed. Please pray for this man, he has suffered a lot. TODAY! NOW! Today ,, right now, and for the rest of your life,,,, whether you go to Heaven or not ,,,, is in your hands. What? Yes,, from right now, forward,, what you say, do, how you live, is the road you make for you,, and no one else! It is called as I have stated before,, a matter of "CHOICE"..You accept Jesus Christ ,, or you don't! This simple! So ,, short and sweet,, what is YOUR CHOICE,, TODAY, RIGHT NOW? Lord almighty, I pray for each soul, including mine,, that we all make , and live by the choice of accepting Jesus, Your Son, as our highway to You, and Your Heaven.. amen John HIcks I have made the choice,, and I stand upon it.. I am for the Lord,, and I will not alter.. how do you stand this day,,, for or against? Your Choice, JESUS, OR satan? ");

Thursday, September 5, 2013


THURSDAY! Good morning to all this great morning! I have awoke with God already stirring in my heart,, feeling the excitement of ,, what is in store for me?, what does He plan to do with me today?,, I have plans, and I pray to Him, they are of His approval,,, how about your plans? Prayer Request: For Betty Mae, who is not doing good, after her leg surgery, she is having heart problems, and other things effecting her health.. Let's all pray for her, and also pray for her to realize, God is there, right there beside her! Also, for a good friend of mine , whom I respect for how she has handled her life,, for today, is the anniversary of her losing her son.. in this world, and pray with me, that God will keep His hand on her each day, but a real comforting hand this day,,, may He bless you real special this day, my friend! FOR THE LOVE OF HIM,, USE UPPER CASE! Today, I was inspired again,,, about putting satan in his place on words of given as spelled incorrect on this computer,, and that is never to put him in caps. Webster defines him , as a proper noun, and caps...and this computer will underline his name each time I write it, showing it is misspelled and should be capitalized,, but I deny him this right,, I put him in lower caps, and as an improper noun and person... for he is. A fallen angel , put out by God,, forever to be damned in hell, and I will not deny the work of God,, and you had better not also. For satan works each second, of each day, to lure you away to the darkness of his smoking , burning inferno of hell.. So stand tall for God, and Jesus the Son,, put your Cross out in front of you and your words, for this is the one thing that will turn satan to the side, around, and backwards from you.. back where he belongs, but you must keep Jesus there in front at all times...satan was there to tempt Jesus, but to no avail, and just as God put the purity in His Son, and the ability to repel satan and sin, (for sin is satan,,,) He put it in us also, through The Son Of Man, Jesus Christ! Now I ask that each of you use God, and Jesus with respect, and love them foremost over all things, and make sure that when you use them in word, or in writing,, you choose to to put them IN THE UPPER AND PROPER CASE!!! God, I put You first and foremost in my life, and I pray that all who reads this, will also, and that all will testify of You to all they meet. amen John HIcks I always put satan where satan belongs, out of my life, but I have to call on Jesus all the time,, for I am man, and I have my faults, but I also have Jesus, and folks ,, that is not a fault, but the best blessing one can ever receive, and if you have not... call out to Him today, and feel that feeling!!! May all have a great , another one of His days! Count the times satan is used in this days thoughts, and see how many times this computer tried to put him in a raised position! ");

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


WEDNESDAY! Yes,, the ole "hump" day! Plans being made, for this week is half over,, but as I always say,, STOP! Experience what God has given you this very instance,,,for He is at work now, and He says ,, sure,, plans are great, but always be prepared for the now, for He is the Flame of Your Candle,, so don't hurry to extinguish it too "pre-mature",, live as He wants you too,now! Plan for Him first, then the rest of this day, and this week, the week-end, all second! Have a great God's day, for all of them are His!!! Today's "Thoughts" are late,, for yesterday , a I tore down the back of my roof,, one of the large boards, un-be-knowingly,,, hit my little Pug in the back of his head, knocking him out for a time, as I did not know it had back-lashed off the house and hit him,,until I heard him , moaning, awake, but unable to move ... rushed him to the Vet.. examine, steroids administered, x-rays taken, nothing broken, but spinal cord was swollen.. lost control of both front legs, this morning he had gained some standing on his left leg, and his right was completely life-lessly hanging.. he tired to walk but fell each time.. Libby and I , as I put my hands on his hurt leg, prayed to God ,, and I acknowledged to Him, of our and my faith of His instance help.. and folks , believe it or not,, after the prayer,, Pug got up hopped, fell, and then started walking some with less balance and falling , until we had to rush to the gate and close it... for he had already fell, making it to there, then off to the yard, hopping and falling, then a little more use of the r left leg,, then the right leg with very limited use, but some.. then on to His pad, and relief from him and us, as He looked up at us, and closed his eyes, and rested,then we shouted praise to God, and cheered to Him, and then to Pug, and then Libby went and cooked him ham & eggs, and He ate like there was no tomorrow...I am reporting on this as my testimony of how quick our God hears, and how quick He answers,, even when sometimes we think of Him being too slow , He still answers as He sees fit,, and well on this one ,,it was instance.. so don't ever doubt the Lord, even on your pets, for He answers prayers from you,, of all kinds,,, Praise God, for He gets all the credit, and glory!!!!! Pug is still resting after that big meal,, and we will see what God has in-store for him and us,, this rest of His day! TESTIMONY OF,, AND TO,,, MY GOD! THANK YOU GOD! John HIcks Tears of joy runs down my and Libby's cheeks and they are tears from my Lord of Happiness! I hope I did not bore you this day, but I do not apologize for talking of the miracles of my God! Have a great God's day! Glory to Him!!!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


TUESDAY- Welcome to another of His days,,, may you treat it, like you treat Him! Kinda make you nervous on how your day is going to be? Wouldn't have to be nervous,, if you Treat Him like the King He is!!! Agree? KEEPING PRIORITIES IN ORDER! This should be a question asked instead of a statement , stated! For it is your life, to go forward, you can't go backwards,, as much as we would like to.. it is only forward, and as you lean into your future life, be sure to have that hand of Jesus holding on to your lean, to keep you from falling down on your face,,, and just in case you have already fallen,, you can get up,,,by just uttering the words, Jesus , I accept you, and I ask you to lift me up and out of sin... and you will think your body is filled with helium,, for you will rise just like a balloon, and then life,, will go upward, and forward, hand-in-hand with Him... if you so desire, and you have and keep,,, YOUR PRIORITIES IN ORDER,,, OF PRIORITIES OF NEED! Lord, I pray for me, and all to keep You, not only holding our hands to keep us from falling from grace, but to be able to loosen our tongues to put forth Your word, and not that of the words of want to hear, from man to man,, amen John HIcks Just being me, and standing for my beliefs,, sometimes I tread on toes, but I have some sore ones also , for mine have been tread on also... so how do we walk on tread-ed sore toes.. with God in our hearts, and God as our number one priority, and as we walk in His steps, our toes, and feet are healed! Agree?,, asked "agree",,, again!

Monday, September 2, 2013


MONDAY-LABOR DAY! This is the day we all celebrate our "labors" of our lives.... yes the work force, some still at it,, lots, would like to have a job to labor at ,, others retired,, or other options.... but all of us are celebrating this day,, as "ours ,,of our labors"! Have a great day, and in your labors, make it one with Jesus at your side, for it makes for a better life! Prayer Request: For Paula Turner, and Pam Burnett's sister Shirley, who was rushed to the Hospital yesterday with a possible heart attack.. For all those who have requested unspoken prayers, please pray,, for God knows of their reasons.. and it is for us to pray with faith.. so pray for all! FULL ON WE!!! Yes, this means you, and me! I catch myself using more of "me",, "my",, as if "I" was the first on my list of all things,, when it should be He, His, that is God, Jesus, for that is what has made me, gave me what I have, and is my today, and my future, SO, today, I ask all to stop,,, think of your words you utter, and put them first, and others after, and then "you" will be taken care of by HIM! Now , after you have thought on this,, answer the statement,, are WE ,, TOO FULL OF WE? and not enough of the real reason of life, and that is WITH GOD FIRST! Lord, Forgive me of my trespasses, as I forgive those who have trespassed against me...and Lord, I invite you to be within me at all times, I give You my all, and I pray all others will step forward and do so, YOU, first.. amen John HIcks Yes, we all ,, and with we, I mean me also,,have to back off, and realize this is His world, and we are only visitors here.. our real home is later, with Him, and that will be our final home.. think about , then react!

Sunday, September 1, 2013


SUNDAY! Welcome to the first day of September! Middle of the Labor Day Weekend,, and I hope all have included their best friend to be with them,,, and you know who it is,, I don't have to tell you,, for if I do,, you don't have Him with you by invitation,,, ,but remember ,, He is standing in the area around you,,, waiting on your personnel invitation... Make it, and make Him smile on this day,, of His rest! Have a great day, and may He bless you in all your wants! Prayer Today: Is one of THANKS to God.... no asking for,,, but thanking for... amen? MATERIAL? Short this day,,, but remember the old saying I have said long , long ago.... you never see a cargo carrier on a hearst! So , by this , and putting very little thought in the saying, put all your treasures in the hands of God,,, and your soul in Jesus' hands,, for when that time comes,,, it will be Jesus who will come forward at your hearing before God, and when that book of life is opened,, with Jesus accepted before-hand, , it will not even be read, without Him,,, will be damnation,,, forever and ever... Now folks this is a "non-brainier"... so make your decision,, now! ALL YOUR MARBLES IN THE BANK OF MAN, OR ALL YOUR REAL TREASURES IN THE BANK OF GOD? God, I place my all in Your hands, and Your decisions... amen John HIcks Finding still ,, each day,,, that He is in charge, and He will take care of all... if you just relax and let Him,, and remember,, WE ARE HIS!!!