Sunday, July 28, 2013
SUNDAY- Now the second day of your w/e, and then it is back to work, or just Monday for that I have put that in your mind,, so you can enjoy this day even more... remember this,, the rung of the ladder was never meant to rest upon,, but only to hold ones foot , just long enough to enable us to put the other one,, somewhat ,, higher! So, as this day goes and the next one comes, and you step,, remember ,, put your foot on the rung with the person who is going to supply you with the next rung to go higher... and not a missing rung that lets you fall back down to the bottom... o.k. (How many know what a rung is?)
Prayer Request: For all the sick and the ones with needs, and I ask all to say a prayer today for those that are sick, and in need, and let yourself rest for today.. for if we look, we find those in worst shape than us, so "today it is un-self-ish day"!
How many know what a "bungee cord" is? It is an elastic cord, wrapped in polyester to cover the elastic.. and it is used for many, many uses...and comes in different sizes,, length, and thickness... it can stretch and tie down a load on a truck or anything else,, it can wrap around an item around a post,, and hold it in place... or it can hold one when they jump off a tower or a bridge, of 100 feet or more... The one thing about a bungee cord,, it stretches to its' limit, then it recoils back to its' original length,, when new and first used,,
BUT,, as you use it,,,, it becomes weaker,, and loses some of its' re-coil..! It needs constant inspection.. and you must keep it in a dark container when not in use ,,, as sunlight can damage it... as the sun does to a lot of things,, like skin, hair, etc......
Now, I ask you this question.. as a Christian Bungee.... have you lost any of your stretch? Do you still re-coil at the sign of the devil, and return quickly to the Lord? or do you just , like an old bungee,, re-coil slowly,, like , I'm coming , just a little slower...? As we all get older, we do lose that re-coil a little at a time.. but ,you know the one thing we have that the old bungee does not,,, that as that person is jumping over that bridge with nothing but a rock bottom below.. we have , as Christians , those "helping hands", those that grab us ,, no matter the age,, and we don't have to worry about the natural re-coil,, we have the spiritual re_coil,,,, and it does not have to be stored in a dark place to hold its' strength,,, it can be shown out in the sunlight, the moonlight.. just anywhere you want to show it off... but you have to ask for these "bungee helping hands" , for if you don't ask,, bamn, right into those rocks.. ouch!!! Without the "bungee helping hands" ,, I am afraid there is no other way to stop this crash and bamn,,, so why not ask for this now,, you do know the brand name,,,, don't you? Well it is
God, thank You for your Son who comes in all ways to our eyes and minds, and my prayer today is not only thanks, but that all will come.. amen
John HIcks
If I ever jump at anything in this life,, no matter how high or low it is,, I will be wearing my Jesus Bungee,, How about you,, the choice is yours.. don't hit the rocks.. o.k. make it now,, before the jump!
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