Saturday, March 2, 2013


SATURDAY! First and foremost, "Good morning Lord", and second, God morning to all of you"! As I awoke much, much earlier this morning, I said to God, Thanks for this morning, and then I rested for a couple of more hours, so relaxed, and so mind free of all , if anything of problems,,, and then I realized, it was He who gave me this little extra,, a bonus of this morning, have you ever experience this, not just back to sleep, but the resting, and feeling of the freedom from the world, if for ,, a moment,, He works wonders ,,, better than any pill that I know ,,, how about it for you? Prayer Requests: For Kevin Brewer and his family, Kevin lost his brother Petey yesterday, I ask for all to pray for this family of their lost. The Faith Baptist Christian School, of Laurel, Md., this school has decided to close its' doors this end of the school year... and it will be missed by many, many who had strived to keep this Christian School doors open, and many, many children will , who is now enrolled, and those who "might have" gone ,, will miss, not only a great education, but a Christian education there also, may all who is affiliated with this school,, continue to teach in home and/or seek another Christian School ,,, may God Bless you all! Surrender, is not to fight! What is wrong with this heading? How do you surrender, but don't fight? Should it be turned around, and say ,,, fight, fight,, no surrender? No, not by a long shot! For first comes the "surrender" then the "fight " of a life time...more intense, than before the surrender... what , oh what am I talking about... well, the first thing, is, satan is fighting at the hardest pace of time, for each soul he can win to his side,, so to eliminate this,, you must first surrender to Jesus,, ask Him to come into your heart, give Him your soul,,, and now, you have surrendered to Jesus,, and the fight is on, both against satan, and his workers.... (yes his workers, for he has millions and millions, so believe me ,he is not alone by a long shot),, but the good thing, is you have the greatest leader, the greatest commander of time,,, ever, for Jesus was before satan, and will be after satan, so you see, TO SURRENDER, IS ACTUALLY A VICTORY! God, thank you for your Son, our Jesus, and may we have the opportunity to lift our swords for You, and for Your Son, and join You in days of the victory over non-satanism,,, amen John Hicks My sword is in hand,, and ready to fight for my God, and His Son, Jesus Christ! Do you have your sword, held high? And just who do you raise yours for , and against? Make the choice of a life time, for no one can make it for you, so as satan is at your face, please make the choice of Jesus, and hold it straight up and in his face,, for Jesus will give you the strength to hold it firm, and victorious! Have a great Saturday!

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