Sunday, March 31, 2013
EASTER! HE HAS RISEN! HE IS ALIVE! Yes, that was the cry , back 2013 years ago, of those who were so chosen to see Jesus after His Resurrection! As He appeared to some they still doubted, some cried out, my Lord, my Lord, but before His Ascension, all who saw,, believed, and today I believe,, how about you,,,,do you believe that our
Let us give our thanks to God the Father of all, for His Son on this Easter Day, and before we hide and hunt Easter eggs, let all know and realize the real reason for this great celebration,, the freedom for sin,, through Him, yes, we celebrate His life, and are thankful for Him giving us ours back by being reborn through Him..
John Hicks
Saved today by His Grace!
Saturday, March 30, 2013
SATURDAY- Good morning to all,,, and I hope as you read this, you are already having a wonderful day! God is Good,, if we will just stop thinking of ourselves long enough to look around at His world, and what He has given us,,, WOW! What a God, and you know, He is the ultimate and the Only Real God, and yet , He gives , and gives , freely, and with so much love,, are we not fortunate to Have Him as our God, and His Son for our salvation? Just wanted to ask you to stop for a moment today, and ponder these things within,, then go .. out into His vast world, and enjoy.... for this day (that started with the virgin birth in that little stable back 2013 years ago on a dark night, lite woth light from above,, by a great star in the east,,) this day was and always will be
God, not only do I want to thank You for this coming day of Resurrection of Jesus, but for Your continued love and affection to a world, and nation , that has slide back to so much sin, I ask again for forgiveness of all, as I forgive those who have sinned against me... amen
John HIcks
Sitting here with coffee in hand, and thinking of how I am His!!!!, and proud to say it! Will you profess Him today? and every day? May all have a great day!
Friday, March 29, 2013
GOOD FRIDAY! The day that God started our Salvation...
On this day, long ago, man hung a man on across,, between two thieves,,, an Innocent man, the only one that has ever been completely sin-free! This man was JESUS, the SON OF GOD,,, put into this world for you, and for me, so that our sins could be forgiven,,, by Him giving His life, shedding His blood, for our sins, for HE was perfect, completely Innocent, sin-free, perfect of a man! This is how much God loved us, and how much Jesus loved us also.....
Think, after much lashes of the whip as Jesus struggled with just the carrying of that heavy cross up to the top of the hill , and the soldiers placed Him on that cross, nailed his hands through the tendons, with 8 inch spikes, and then his feet also.. with this done , a spear wound in His side, a crown of thorns pushed deep down into His forehead, then they picked Him up and dropped the cross into a hole, made for holding crosses.. already dug,, and let it drop, bamn , to the bottom with a thug.... when it hit, think of the pain Jesus felt , even over the spikes, the wound, the crown! Then given vinegar to drink, being mocked,, by the soldiers, and proably more.
And as Jesus suffered, hanging there on that cross the love of His words ecohed across the universe... as Jesus said these words,,, "Father , forgive them, for they know not what they do." Can you believe this, a man suffering as Jesus, still called out to His Father , "FORGIVE THEM FATHER!" , when all He had to do was ask God to remove this misery, this hurt above all hurts of man.. and God would grab Him in His arms and stop this Crucifixion, but no,,, God loved this world so much,,, that He gave His only begotten Son, ..
For on each side o f Jesus , two thieves hung on cros that day also.. and one thief called out "if you are the Son of God, save Yourself and us,, and the other one said , we are being done just for our crimes,, for we are thieves.. and we are guilty.... this Man has done nothing, and to Jesus, "Remember me when you come into Your kingdom",, and Jesus said unto Him "Today, you will be in paradise with me!"..
Now at about the sixth hour,,, the darkness came over the whole land,,, until the ninth hour,,, the sun stopped shinning, the curtain of the temple tore in two,, and Jesus called out with a loud voice,,,
FATHER , INTO YOUR HANDS , I COMMIT MY SPIRIT!" and with this, He breathed His last breath!
Yes, on that , this day, long ago, Jesus died , for my sins, and for your sins, and the sins of this world!
But wait for three days and see the conclusin of this great love of our God, and His Son!!!!
But,,,,, He has never let us down, NO, NOT ONCE!....praise be His HOLY NAME!
Have a great day of remembrance!
John HIcks
Thursday, March 28, 2013
THURSDAY! Good morning to all of you! I have my coffee cup in hand,, hot, smoking, and tasting like ,,,, well like a great cup of Java tastes to a coffee lover upon their waking moment. This moment is one of greatest importance to me, and should be to you,, for it is like the saying, "breakfast is the most important way to start your day, and the healthiest!",,,,well waking up and saying,,, "Good morning God!",,, is THE greatest way to start your day, and the most healthy of all,, and after you have said this,, and smiled really big, then comes the o.j. the cereal, the eggs/ham and toast, OR ,, ha,, the cup of coffee! Yes,, God first in all we do, makes sense to me, for we were His first! Have a great day to you all!
What would we be doing and what would we be thinking, this very moment, back 2013 years from now? You know that tomorrow, you are going to die, not just die, but you are going to die of one of the most painful, horrible death that befits any one person! You already know that those large nails or going to penetrate your hands, your feet, the spear into your side, all the blood drained from your body ,, while hanging up on a wooden cross ,,, while some people will cheer and dance, and others, will cry out their hearts ,, to no avail.... and you are going to have to die, just so they, and all generations can have the choice of going to Heaven, sins forgiven, and all this rests on your shoulders,,, and it is your Father ,, who is letting this happen! You can , and have the power to stop this horrible event,, you have the power to turn the events, or wipe out all who are there,, and walk away, and right on up the steps to Heaven, and the Father, with no pain, and leave each one behind you,,,, just
Most will say , go to the cross, but most of us would run like the wind ,,,,but in our hearts we would want to go to the cross, but only ONE, had this love for His Father, and us , first and foremost.... Praise God, for Jesus, and thank YOU GOD, for HIM! amen
John HIcks
On this day before, in this time ,,, wondering, just what would I have done, really, in real life , knowing how it was to be done, and when.... think about it... for real!
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
WEDNESDAY! "HUMP Day", for those who are planning their W/E,, today. For all others,, another day of this week,,, planning only for today,,, and I pray, planning that they all invite God along with them down all avenues of this life. May all have a great day!
Prayer Requests: For the family of Marsha Kendrick Royal, who went to the Lord yesterday,, pray for Gods comfort to all of her family,,, Jennifer, Anne, Jason, & Dale.
Larry Ragdales' mother, who passed away on Saturday. Please pray for Larry and all the family.(Larry was a classmate of mine, in Cullman, AL.)
You, and I are not as fortunate as the "Energizer Bunny",,, and run on and on,, not in this life, and no where that I know, do we have a re-charge station! Now what do we do to keep on keeping on? as this "bunny" that goes around beating those drums, night and day,, 24/7? Is there a station we don't know about ?,,, or one we don't use? Now the answer to this is YES! But where, oh where,,,, is the questions coming in like the flakes in snow flurry! Well,,
Now, that is a real "charge",,, and guess what? It is just there for the asking? SO ASK!
God, I ask that you be with those families who have lost a love one here on this earth, and give the knowledge, that those love ones are now with You, and Lord I ask also for all those on this earth, of Yours,,, ask Jesus into their heart, and give it freely, and be charged with Your spirit for ever! amen
John HIcks
Have a great day, with the Lord, as you walk about this beautiful world of His.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
TUESDAY! As we open our eyes this day,,,just what do we expect to see? Have we all planned a day of "want",, or a day of rejoicing of what we have? Maybe we should start the day off with a thank you for what we have, and smile and walk through this day with Him, for that is what it is all about,, what He has given,and that He is by our side!
What and where is this "Temple of Life"? The real temple on this earth, the one that matters the most to our God? It is you!,,, Yes,, our body, is our "Temple"... and just how do we treat and care for our temple? Most of us , badly,,, and let it go,,, in looks, and workings of the inner parts, especially the heart , and the soul!
NEVER,,, put anything in or on this temple that is not pleasing to God! Do not listen to satan, and let him put "sin termites" in this temple,, nor any of his other "sin rot"... keep the foundation, and the interior, and exterior shinning ,,,with the concrete, furnishing, and paint of the blood of Jesus, and it will not only stand through all the storms of this life, but even into eternity!! Know any other structure on this earth that will withstand all,,, and I mean all, and come out on top,, that is,, if it is furnished and covered by Jesus? Always,, do one thing,, and that is
keep the door closed to satan, and open only to God!
Lord, may all clean their own house, and then have you live within us all,,, and have the cleanest temple of all... amen
John Hicks
Yes, still cleaning my temple, for,, we all have to work and pray to keep the dust of satan from settling on and in our temple... Have a great day with the Lord to you all!!!
Monday, March 25, 2013
MONDAY! Good morning to all,, and I hope and pray that all will have a great day, and will invite your God, to your day...
God Bless our Armed Forces, and our Law Enforcements, who stand in harms way for all of us to have the freedom we all enjoy so much. We do not always take the time to ask God to bless all of the above.. Without them, I really do not want to think how our country and lives would be.
So when you see someone in the Armed Forces,and Law Enforcement, stop and say, thank you , for when they are there to put their lives on the line for us, it can be too late to say thank you, so let's all look to them with a hardy and admiring wave and a kind word NOW.Each day, bow your head and thank God for our freedom and the ones who guard our lines, abroad , and here on the home front. I say to all
Lord, I ask that you continue to walk and to hold close, these men and women who protect us and give us the right to worship you, we pray in your name. amen
John HIcks
Thankful , for God, Country, and those who really and truly protect us, daily, hour by hour, with God at their side,, those mentioned above! Today, get on your knees and pray for two things, first their safety, and all a pay raise, for they are definitely under-paid for what they do...agree?
Sunday, March 24, 2013
SUNDAY! Good morning to all,, on this day of His , for rest, after the miracle of six days,,, how can someone look around and and say the word,,,"evolved" ? How long would it take our Congress, and President to make the plans, then appropriate the money with taxes, send to committee, then sub committee, call in all the "porkies" for their lobbing, to build this world,, and if that was the case, the "evolvement" would still be the amoeba in the water,, oh,, well, with them, no water,, no world, for they are still debating.. while traveling from here to there,,, So now you tell me again, how does someone say, "evolved" over these words,, GOD IS REAL, HE MADE IT, AND HE LIVES TODAY!,, and folks that is real and not needed to be with quotes!! Today, say to God, I believe in you and only You,, that is enough ,,, then kick back and rest!!!
Prayer Requests: For Little Eli Cooper, and Tripp Halstead,, continue to pray for these two little ones , for Gods mercy and love ,to abound upon both.
Family: a group of people connected by blood, or marriage
The most important word in our vocabulary ,, next to God, and Jesus!
We look to the head of the household, Mom and Dad, from our first seconds on this earth,,with love of the smell, the touch, the sight, the unbounding love to a parent and it never , ever leaves us... We then are bound by this bond,, that none of us can explain,, we just accept it,, and if someone tries to harm one of our family,, then there we are,, standing right there,, in the line of fire,, and if not there instant, on our way, with the speed of light! We are family!!!! From Mom, Dad, Sons, Daughters, In-Laws, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins,, on, and on, as far as the blood flows toward "Family" ,,, we are FAMILY! We worry about one another,, we long to visit one another , to see each other.. and we cope with disappointment... but we never stop loving,, not for an instant!
Now, how about our God? Do we all hold this love, this sharing , this standing in the line of fire from satan to another, voice our opinion,, race to help another Christian,,, look for the lost with a want to help in their salvation by testifying,,, well
For through good times, and hard times, sick, and the first time He saw you in the flesh , He has loved you,, for He made you, and He even sent His Son, to die for you, now think about how He treats you, and then think about how you treat Him! Yes!!!
Lord, my prayer is ,,all will open their eyes, and fall down on their knees and thank You with words of love and devotion,,, amen
John HIcks
Have a great day,,, of rest and relaxation with God , and Family!
Saturday, March 23, 2013
SATURDAY! Wow! What a week! It was awesome,,, as all are, crosses made, which is always first priority around here... as it should be , for the mission is always on-going... and then just kicking back,,enjoying all the aches and pains... but guess what? I thank the Lord for all those aches and pains, for without Him, I would not be able to get up and get out and do the work,,,, nor have the pleasure of a side by side relationship with yes today, as I awake, with coffee in hand , I will have to say, still, my first priority is Him and the mission He has layed before me,, & I ask,, what is your missinn, and does it include Him?,, It should ,,, for it will end with Him,, and folks that is His choice, but as to how you arrive and in what shape, He has given that choice to your... so ,, today these thoughts are it... Now think about them...real hard, and then if you don't know your mission, I can suggest where to start ,,on your knees to God, and He will deliver,,, if you will just listen!!!!
Lord, thank You, for all I have... amen
John HIcks
Up early, on this Saturday morning, with a smile, and saying to all of you ,,, good morning , and happy traveling, to where ever this day shall take you, and HIM!
No red today, you decide where the emphasis should be,since it is your decisions, of your planned mission, and with who(Iwhom?)!
Friday, March 22, 2013
HI,,, ON THIS TGIF, IT'S FRIDAY! Spring is here,, by the calender,,,, but the thermometer says ,,NO!,,, but this July, I will say, ,wow, is it hot! Ha,, can't satisfy any of us...glad we are NOT in control,, just look what we did to a perfect North America.. we civilized it!!!,, and to think , they were savages here who believed in a higher power, and a happy hunting ground,,, they were believers, really committed, and practiced daily,(not counting the medicine man, he is another subject later) more than most of us,,,and by the history books, we could learn a lot from these "uncivilized" people..whom we civilized! God gave it to us, and we did not cultivate it as He expected it, but I thank Him,, for He still loves us, or we would be "civilized "by someone else,, if we are not experiencing it now,, ,I am beginning to feel like a "Native American", run over, and false promises!!!!
As you walk around on a cloudy day, and see your shadow,, wait, did I say ,, see your shadow on a cloudy day? Hey, maybe it's not YOUR shadow! But,, just which shadow do you want to cast? You know you have the choice and the ability to cast a big one, whether the day is dark or bright sunshine,,,or even at night,,, a shadow,, yes,, it is a "soul shadow",,, the one you carry with you, and the one whom you have given it I ask
(hey that choice is yours, as to the image you cast to others)
Lord, I ask for the strength to stand tall and firm against satan, and all his workers,,and stand for You only and cast my shadow of You, and Your Son, Jesus. amen
John HIcks
Standing with Jesus,,and casting my shadow of Him,, who is that beside you?,,, the shadow I mean! Your choice,, as to who you want beside you, so make it,, don't delay, for when it rains, and you see no more shadows, it may be fire you see, even in the rain,,, am I trying to scare you? Yes! For I want you on the side of God,, now,,, and then!!! Get it?
Thursday, March 21, 2013
THURSDAY! With this new time,, or now, it should be just DLST... I can't wake up early,, so I now get up later than usual..but I still wake up with the Lord, and my coffee,, no matter the time, my mornings starts the right way,,, according to me! How does your day start,,, with the Lord, or not?
Prayer Request: for all those who are lost from the Lord,, may they all, this day realize they are lost, and call out to Jesus, and let Him lead them to Him, and His flock... please all pray for this... we need a big revival in this nation!
Compass: instrument to determine geographic direction(Jesus)
Compassion: Sympathy for someone(Jesus)
Compatible: Live together harmoniously(God, Jesus, and You)
Eternity: Forever, the immeasurable extent of time,, un-ending(place you and Jesus are going)
Hell: the abode of the dead souls condemned to eternal punishment(the place you are going, with-out Jesus)
Heaven: the abode of God, and His angels, and the blessed souls of the dead(the place your soul will live, after you have accepted Jesus)
With the above words put into use,, they will lead you to the place in-which God will save you. As to which way you line them us or use them... is strictly up to you. Now read them again, put them into your life, and then at the end , with Jesus as your Savior ,, you see the way to Him, and not the other way!
Lord, may all line up in front of You with Jesus by their side, than not. amen
John HIcks
Not perfect, nor even near,, but one thing I have, and no dictator, country, or anyone, can take from me... and that is my Jesus, and my belief in God,, do you have this also?
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
WEDNESDAY! "HUMP DAY"! Now as I sit here with coffee in hand, and praising my Lord for the morning, and the day, I ask,, who did you recognize as you awoke this day, and did you speak softly to Him, and tell Him of your undying love , and thankfulness of His presence?...WELL,, you need to! Now, have a great day that He has allotted to you!
Prayer ! Anywhere!!, Anytime!
Prayer is an essential part of a healthy Christian life and without it, is like leaving off a healthy vitamin. You can become stale without prayer,, and lost!
Just jumping out of bed and saying a few quick words, is not enough, you should set aside time for prayer with God, and if you do this , you will find that you will be saturated all day with prayer in your heart and mind. I always say that God loves to hear from you and talk to you, , so pray , anywhere and anytime, He is there,, waiting to hear from YOU.
Have a good conversation,, you and Him!
Have a blessed day to all!
Lord, thank You for being at our side, 24/7 and watching over us, and giving us this wonderful garden of yours to care for.. amen
John HIcks
Do you know anyone who might would like to receive these comments each morning?.... As always ,,, if you decide you don't want them, just drop me a note. May God bless all of you as He has bless me!
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
TUESDAY! All who was in the storms across the southeast,, I pray you all made it through in good shape. I know lots are still without power,, from MS. Al. through GA. Be patient, the guys are out there working through the night with very little food, and drink, to get those lines back up,, and think about how dependent you are on electricity! We should express our same urgent need of our God,, more often, and all of us get out there and repair those lines that are down due to satans storms causing those to fall,,, we need to pick them up ,, and tell the story , and we should be working just as feverishly as those guys of the power company! Do you think?
We will survive, someway, somehow! How? For all that believe in God, and that Jesus is the Son of God, and that both lives today, and we show that faith,, then folks, there is but one way,,, and that is continued victory, for this belief is how we will survive satans quest! What do you think? Do you have enough Faith in God, or do you put your Faith in the almighty dollar, and the almighty elected representatives? Both have been de-valued, lost their real value in America! What do you think? Again , it falls into our laps,, as to the word of God to continue as in a revial, each day, of every day!!! Come join me in prayer, and example! It is up to us,,,
Lord,. thank You,, for You, and may we have the words, and the strength to stand for You through all we encounter..amen
John HIcks
Striving to be the Christian God wants me to be,,,, not what other wants of me.. how about you? ,,Your choice,,, and yours alone! Have a great day with the Lord!
Monday, March 18, 2013
Welcome to Monday,,, may your day be bright,, and shinning,,, and not blue,, if blue,,, what a waste,, for it was intended to enjoy, and do work for Him.... in an array of colors, on the outside, and the inside, right?
How many of us go to some kind of job each day,,, all of our adult lives,,, some of us do it only 3 days,, some 4 days,, some 5 days,,, etc..... but we all do a job,,, public ,, private,, own,, house,,, moms,, dads,, grandparents,, all kinds of jobs. How many hours do we put in on these jobs? 20,,,,30,,,,40,,,,50,,,,more? We have to do these to survive in this life,,, don't we?
Well,,, how about our spiritual life? How many hours do we spend on it? My,,,my,,, did I say hours? WOW! I wish WE all would spend just an hour a day,,, heck,,, I will take 5 minutes from each a day,,, to spend talking to God,, or Jesus,, or both!
How about that,,, not much,,, but can you afford this time with Him? Well,,, the big question is can you afford not to? Think about it,,,, how much time do we spend on all of the worldly goods, and how much time do we actually spend with Him. God made all of this world for us,,, to enjoy,,,but to do it with Him,,, and not just on our own.... so let's all, take Him with us wherever we go and be able to say that when we do finish our hours of work,,,that we did it, but we had the Lord with us,,, and then we can continue to do great things when we are at our place of
WORK, where ever that may be!
Thank You,,, God,,, for giving us this world and the time here to enjoy it...amen
John HIcks
I do now,,, but there was a time,,, as I awoke, I had a quick word with Him, and nights , I signed off the day with Him, but as I worked with lots of people,,, I was spiritually really alone,,, day long,,, without Him,, left , as most do, with that early morning rising, then it is off to work, play or whatever,, alone!
Now I work on all things with Him, right beside me,,, and it is a much more enjoyable work time in all I do... How about you taking Him with you... He will even carry your lunch box... yes,, He will......and you will find out , He makes for so much of a better day!!! Make that choice!
Sunday, March 17, 2013
SUNDAY! HIS,,, and don't forget it! This day, He had finished making this world, this earth, and all that are in it.... no big bang, no,,, He just made it as He wanted it to, no explosions, just a wave of a finger or hand.. or even maybe a blinking of an eye,,, but folks ,, look around you,, and see why He had to rest,, it's a big world,, and a big Universe... now kick back, rest with Him, as You praise Him and His Son, for His son was before He made this world..think about it!
Prayer Request: Pray for Frank and Lori,, Frank was rushed to the hospital yesterday afternoon in really bad shape, so give your prayers to Him and all his family.
I am going to put an email in the thoughts today, that hit me ,,, just how big and amazing God is... you be the judge of how amazed you are also... thanks for sending it to me Christine Hilley.
Lawrence Anthony, lived from 1950 to 2012, and this is what happened when he died......
Lawrence Anthony, a legend in South Africa and author of 3 books including the bestseller The Elephant Whisperer, bravely
rescued wildlife and rehabilitated elephants all over the globe from human atrocities, including the courageous rescue
of Baghdad Zoo animals during US invasion in 2003.
On March 7, 2012 Lawrence Anthony died.
He is remembered and missed by his wife, 2 sons, 2 grandsons and numerous elephants.
Two days after his passing, the wild elephants showed up at his home led by two large matriarchs.
Separate wild herds arrived in droves to say goodbye to their beloved man-friend.
A total of 31 elephants had patiently walked over 12 miles to get to his South African House.
Witnessing this spectacle, humans were obviously in awe not only because of the supreme intelligence and precise timing that these elephants sensed about Lawrence 's passing, but also because of the profound memory and emotion the beloved animals evoked in such an organized way:
Walking slowly - for days -Making their way in a solemn one-by-one queue from their habitat to his house.
So, how after Anthony's death, did the reserve's elephants - grazing miles away in distant parts of the park - know?
"A good man died suddenly," says Rabbi Leila Gal Berner, Ph.D., "and from miles and miles away, two herds of elephants, sensing that they had lost a beloved human friend, moved in a solemn, almost 'funereal' procession to make a call on the bereaved family at the deceased man's home."
"If there ever were a time, when we can truly sense the wondrous 'interconnectedness of all beings,' it is when we reflect on the elephants of Thula Thula. A man's heart's stops, and hundreds of elephants' hearts are grieving. This man's oh-so-abundantly loving heart offered healing to these elephants, and now, they came to pay loving homage to their friend."Lawrence's wife, Francoise, was especially touched, knowing that the elephants had not been to his house prior to that day for well over 3 years! But yet they knew where they were going.
The elephants obviously wanted to pay their deep respects, honoring their friend who'd saved their lives - so much respect
that they stayed for 2 days 2 nights without eating anything.
Then one morning, they left, making their long journey back
You explain this,, I don't even have to ,,, not to myself, for I believe in Him!
God, thank You for showing us , just how big you are,,, we need this whack over the head, and our hearts touched ever so often,, amen
John HIcks
Have a great day, this day of HIS!!!
Saturday, March 16, 2013
SATURDAY! Welcome to His day,, for all are His, and given for us all to enjoy! Now,, as to wether we do or not,, is really up to us,, and our surrounding of this day! so, get up ,and get aout and enjoy His, and your day!
Which Light Bulb?
There are many kinds of light bulbs out on the market, and now we have been given back another one of our freedoms,, yes we can pick the old type or the new type, and folks that freedom was almost lost....
We all want to get the ones that will last the longest. Right? We want, but do we want to pay for it? The best, costs a lot more. With light bulbs, you can get the "Dollar store, Wal Mart bargain, or you can get the best, a higher cost, but lasts for years.
We all also, want the "Light" of our lives to last a life time. We can get this and more, and it is free, and it does burn for an eternity. The cost has been paid in full! To get this "light",, you have to accept Jesus as your Savior,, have faith in Him, and that is all you have to do to receive this Light.. this "light bulb" called JESUS, then you will have an eternal burning
Light Bulb, within yourself!
God, thank You for Your Son, and His everlasting light upon us all,, amen
John HIcks
I hope you all have a great day,, and may God bless you in all You do!
Friday, March 15, 2013
TGIF-TGED-IT'S FRIDAY!!!! Well , it is a new day, and the wonder of what be-stowes us this day! Mine is to function as a Christian,,, what is yours?
Prayer Request: Brent Franklins" Grandmother, Phylis Franklins" mother, Ruth was taken to the hospital yesterday,, pray for her that she will be o.k.
WORRIES: troubled,, tugging at oneself.
CONCERN- Sincere interest.
If a situation is a worry, find out what God would have you do and let go of the anxiety. What is the best way to deal with stress and anxiety? Prayer, believing, and faith, that is all, now that should be your first
Lord, deliver us , from all of the anxieties of this world, and let us know, and believe in Your complete healing, of all our concerns. amen
John HIcks
Believing , always! Are You?
Thursday, March 14, 2013
THURSDAY! Good morning to all... waking and starting my day with the Lord, I send out an invitation to all to join me, no matter when you read this ,, morning, noon, or night, join in the crusade of the Lord,, and let's all together tell Him of His greatness, and tell all we see and talk to of Him also,, walk and talk to the Lord, and all your friends.. and love ones... of the wondrous story of this Savior, sent by God, and sets this day not only on the right side of The Throne of God, but within the hearts of all who requests Him... Have a great time with Jesus, at your side!
Prayer Requests: Ray Nolls,,who needs all of your prayers and ask God for His healing, and strength for his wife as she stands beside him.
Joesph Fink(my nephew) who is having a tumor removed from his voice box, and for his wife and little new baby.
Faith Baptist Church's leaders, especially the pastor, in Laurel , Md. , as their church loses members, deacons, and closing the Christian Academy... they need your prayers, and for God to help them...
Kristi Mullings Hayes,, who is about to bring Hayden into this world,,,on Friday,, pray for her and family, that all goes as well as we all know it will,,, for God is with Kristi, and her family.
Lets all join with the Catholic Church in asking special prayers and blessing for the new pope , Pope Francis, that he may not only be an example, but lead by the word of God.
Today, I want to just give a little humor... sent by Rhonda Ruffin on Facebook..I hope you all enjoy it ! I did, and am still laughing!!!
Billy Graham was returning to Charlotte after a speaking engagement and when his plane arrived there was a limousine there to transport him to his home. As he prepared to get into the limo, he stopped and spoke to the driver.
'You know' he said, 'I am 87 years old and I have never ... Driven a limousine. Would you mind if I drove it for a while?'
The driver said, 'No problem. Have at it.'
Billy gets into the driver's seat and they head off down the highway. A short distance away sat a rookie State Trooper operating his first speed trap.
The long black limo went by him doing 70 in a 55 mph zone.
The trooper pulled out and easily caught the limo then got out of his patrol car to begin the procedure. The young trooper walked up to the driver's door and when the glass was rolled down, he was surprised to see who was driving.
He immediately excused himself and went back to his car and called his supervisor. 'I know we are supposed to enforce the law.... but I also know that important people are given certain courtesies. I need to know what I should do because I have stopped a very important person.'
The supervisor asked, 'Is it the governor?'
The young trooper said, 'No, he's more important than that.'
The supervisor said, 'Oh, so it's the president.'
The young trooper said, 'No, he's even more Important than that.'
After a moment,the supervisor finally asked, 'Well then, who is it?'
The young trooper said, 'I think it's Jesus, because he's got Billy Graham for a chauffeur!
Lord, thank you for the humor we share, for this is what being saved is all about,,, it's fun, thank You for Your all,, amen
John HIcks
Loving Life,, do you? You should, and never pass up a chance to say "i love you" to all who are special,,, and love all, for they are all special to God! Have a great day,,, and make a choice, the right one, you decide, for it is your eternity,,and yours to route your soul..!!!
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
WEDNESDAY! Welcome to the "middle day" of your week! You have walked to this point,, in anticipation of the coming week-end,, and your two days off,, well most of you will be off, but we all have had to walk to this day,,, now to walk to the early morning of Saturday! Now , I ask the question I always ask,,, who did you walk with to the middle, and who will you walk to the end with... and folks ,,,, I am not just talking about the week-end, I am also talking about the make a choice,, walk with Jesus to eternity, and be proud, or not, and just walk to really, nowhere!
Prayer Request : For Little Eli Cooper , in Children's Hospital in Birmingham, Al. with a trouble of swallowing,, due to problems from part of his brain. He swallowed some yesterday, so pray He will keep on, and God will heal him.
I Saw God , and I Felt Him!
You say, you didn't see God, not really,,, did you? Yes, but not as you are thinking, but yes I saw Him, in this way, and my way, but really Him,,, and each of you can do the same , if you just think about it, the way I have.
The other day, I was looking at the clouds , one was very dark, one was a medium gray, and the dark one was traveling north west, the medium gray was traveling south east, and as they crossed each other they left a small hole of the deepest blue color as I have ever seen. This was definitely the work of God. No person could ever create something as spectacular as that, for those colors were so true , and so outstanding, that they not only floated,, but they opened a hole of pure blue color.
As I walked around, the wind started blowing with a bending of ones body back, and hard to stand, then no wind, then,, again, the gust of strength to bend one back again, then a gentle small wind, then another gust, then quite,, no wind,, definitely another of God's works.
A play on words? Yes and no, for the works of God,, is God, as "All Is God!! So , I saw God(the clouds), and as the wind blew(again, God), I felt Him, as I feel Him within everyday. So , look around and "open your eyes" and see Him and look at the other elements, sun, wind, rain, temperature, and feel Him! Ask Him into you, within you,,, if you have not, and then you will not only feel Him around you with the elements, you will feel the stir of the movement,,, with-in,
ask and see, I know you will feel Him.. outside, and inside!
Lord, I ask for all to ask Your Son, Jesus into their hearts, give Him their souls, and feel the stirring of You and Him with-in, and then really see,,,, You! amen
John HIcks
Yes, God is around us, He gives us the world, the day, the night, the rain, the clouds, our all,, and we can thank Him for it,,,, yes we can, IF we will! Take a walk ,,, and feel Him, whether it is day, night, calm, windy, clear, or cloudy, but take a walk, and feel Him! Make a choice , if it is only to take a walk, that is a start!!!!
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
MONDAY- Here it is , seven a.m. , and just getting started,, gotta get this time straight,,, or just say, there are 24 hours in a day, no matter what the clock says,,, so, I guess I need to practice , spending it with the Lord, daylight, or nightlight! Maybe we all need to spend more awake time with Him,, especially our "leaders" in Washington,, but as we spend the time, we need to open our ears, eyes, heart, and the want to do the right thing,,, agree? Have a great day,, on this day of His,, light or dark to the eyes, but light to the soul !
Prayers For: Yesterday, I lost a good friend of mine, Charlie Buck Dawson. Buck will be missed by lots of people here, but has been greeted by multitudes in Heaven.. I am a better person for knowing this good man,, and I ask prayers for his family during their grief.
I have written gloom, and doom of this Nation,, and it seems that I see lots of smiles on the news, and on the other "gab" programs.... and even at the stores as I shop,, what is going on? Well, unemployment is down,, but for those who still do not have a job, their is now hope, that this trend will last.. houses are selling, and being re-sold, and built.. cars are selling, gas is still going up and down,,, groceries, are going up,,, not down... global warming is still getting hotter, now the penguins are in danger from man,,, but in the overall,, things are getting better,,aren't they? So, as things get "better" , we all smile more, and sometimes we smile because it is contagious,, and we can't help but smile in a crowd of smile-rs.. so start the smiles..and see all those who will smile back, kinda like a yawn, Ha!
Well, this is something you have to make a judgment on...that things are getting better as you pull out those monies to take care of all those "deadbeats", "Porkies", and Obama-care!
Now, for all of us,,, it is a time, to make our "pack" with Jesus , and it is a shorter time to do so, than we had yesterday... for as we enjoy the thrills of this world, we never know when it will be the thrills of Heaven, or the downfall to hell! Now is the time to let loose of those hang ups of pier pressure to sin,, and do your thing, and let loose the inner gospel of the word of God, the greatness of Jesus Christ , and His saving Grace, and power, for He is the only one who can give you eternal "good life",, or not ...
Your choice, so I say today, let's start
God, I ask that all will open their harden hearts, and let their love flow to You, and to Your Son, and accept His teaching, and proclaim Him to all they meet, with pride and not lowered eyes, amen
John HIcks
Head held high,,, eyes wide open, mouth telling the story, the story of my Jesus, His saving grace, and of my God, who made all, and is very much alive , and caring for us this very minute of each day... how do you walk, see, talk? Of God, and Jesus, or of worldly things,,,, a choice that needs to be made, and only YOU can do it!!!!! SO?????
Monday, March 11, 2013
MONDAY- Good day to all of you this fine day of our Lords! I hope and I pray , that all of you will
"do your day", for Him this day,and all those that follow, for He is today, and He is the future,,,and never ever forget, it is tomorrow only by His grace,,Have a great day this day of His!
Today, I would like to wish my wife a very Happy, Happy Birthday,and that God continues to bless her with all His might, as He as been doing...Happy Birthday Libby!
This is an old saying,, and it sure does apply to God and His Son. If you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, then you accept God as your Living God and only God.
He accepted you from the beginning, and gave you the choice to accept Him and make the circle complete, from Him , to Him. a perfect circle.
He gave you life, and once you have accepted Him,, then you will feel and know what the saying above really feels like,
Lord, may we all accept You ,and know Your eternal and saving love. Bless all who needs You,, and forgive us,,, as we forgive those who have sinned against us. amen
John HIcks
Yes I do!!!!
Sunday, March 10, 2013
SUNDAY! Waking up, but late?,, Well by the clock I am late, but by body, until I get used to this "spring ahead" time, will have to adjust,, and get back in time, body time that is! How about all of you, I vote to leave it one way or the other, but I am going to say, for "the time at hand",, I am thankful to my Lord today for it,,, who are you thankful to?
Genesis 2:7(NIV)-the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life,, and the man became a living being....
Genesis2:18(NIV)-Now the Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone,, I will make a helper suitable for him."
Genesis2:19(NIV)-Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air....
Genesis2:20-24(NIV)-So the man gave names to all the livestock , the birds of the air, and all the beasts of the field. But for Adam no suitable helper was found. So the Lord caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made awoman from the rib he had taken out of the man and he brought her to the man. The man said, "This is the bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman' for she was taken out of man.
" For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and they will become one flesh.
Almighty God,,, please -re-instill your word, your way, back into the hearts of all on this earth.. both Man and Woman,, amen
John HIcks
Enough said with the Word of God,, from His book,, that I believe ,,, and I hold that belief above all things on this earth..... He wrote it,, and this I believe!!!! Your choice to make, believe in God, Jesus Christ, and the Bible,,, or not... think very careful as you make the choice of belief, for you will have to live with it, forever!
Saturday, March 9, 2013
SATURDAY! Good morning to all,,,, got up early this morning with the Lord in my day,,, anxious to get up and get busy, if it is nothing but reclining, or working, either is good, for I am celebrating another day with the Lord, and I have invited Him to share this day, beside me, not behind me!Who are you sharing yours with,,, and did you at least invite Him with all the others? I did, and that is why, each day, I look around at any given time, and know ,, there He is,,, now you just look at where you are and your surrounding, can you see Him? or are you trying to "kinda" avoid being seen, well it won't work!
O.K. an old one today, and a short one, I think , or least at this time,, it is or course,where and when do the fingers stop?
Today, lets all back up our vehicles,,( us),,, hook up the U-Haul Gospel Trailer,, and lets
Lord, thank You for the ability of our knowledge, no matter how small it is, but the one outstanding part, is the knowledge of You ,,and Jesus,,, is our ability to share this knowledge of Your saving Grace,, amen
John HIcks
Hooked up, and ready to haul... if you don't have Jesus, just ask Him into your heart, give Him your soul, and you are ready to make a "haul" go for it,,, Have a great day !!!!!
Friday, March 8, 2013
john hicks
To john hicks
FRIDAY-TGIF-TGED! Good day to all, and I hope your day is going great, and that you have invited the Lord to share it with you, and that you have given Him all your troubles! He loves us all, more than we can ever imagine, so give a little ,or a lot,, back to Him! Amount is up to you!
Prayer Request: For the continued healing of Dian's mom , who is at home, doing better, so let's give them both out prayers.
Bobby Sanders, our continues prayers, and his wife Joann.
D.D. Suggs, for continued prayers, in ICU, headed to therapy, before long.
Joann Samples husband, David went through back surgery well, and is at home, may God continue to bless these two.
Dorthy Maddox, who fell and broke her hip, and will be having surgery today,, plaese pray for her, the doctors, and all the family.
Most of us Christians are on the river floating?,,, just coasting along, looking over the scenery of life,, only using our oars to keep us off the logs, rocks, or someone getting on our boat,,,right? Not all,, but, it seems that we are the minority in working for our beliefs, for look at the neon,, you will see who is up in lights and with the invitation of "good times"... really,, there are too many of us who need to do more work paddling , that not paddling...
Oh ! That is not a bunch of Christians, nor you on those floating, non paddling boats? Well ,,, now ,, who are those out there paddling here , there, shouting, cursing, drinking , grabbing things that belong to others, and not one of us is speaking back,, or trying to stop them,, as those "floaters" go right on by, minding their own business!
This is the way satan works,, great crowds , loud, inviting you in to join the "so called fun", right into the furnace of his domain...
Christians, need to be more vocal, and more vocal than satan and his followers, let those who are in the wrong boat hear YOU, not the "others"..
Really,,,, a good Christian,, is paddling ,, wearing out those oars, to get to those others and testifying to them.. and they are trying to stop the drinking, cursing,, on that river of satans boats,,,
Well how about it ,,, are you a
Lord, I pray that all Christians, will take their paddle, and row , and beat satan back behind all, and take him out of the picture of this world, and shout for You, as they row into glory! amen
John HIcks
Want to ride on my boat, you will have to paddle ,,, we will all be on the greatest boat ever made, and that boats name is Jesus,, and Gods' angels are His rowers.. want to join, and be a rower now,, today,,,then make the choice for Jesus and God,, then jump on the boat, and grab an oar! Your Choice!
Thursday, March 7, 2013
THURSDAY! For all of us, as you read this, when-ever,, morning, or afternoon,,, stop & say, "Hello God, thank You for all I have, for I know all comes from you,, and ends with you!",, Now have a great day of what part is still left , and then do it,,, first thing each morning as you wake up, and end the above saying with , "Also come, accompany me where-ever I go, for I want to show You off!" After this, the day belongs to You as His gift,, and I am sure , you will enjoy it much better and so will He! Then at bedtime, tell Him of the wonderful time you had with Him, with a big ole "Thank You God for my all!".
Prayer Request: For Frank in MD., who is still not doing good. They have discontinued his chemo, and he is at home,,, with good spirits,, so to speak... and needs your prayers as does his family!
For David, Joann Samples husband, who will be having back surgery today, please pray,, for God to guide the surgeons hand, and David will be recovered and home before too long.
For all of us to think is going on full time,, what we think sometimes is uncontrollable,,, some is controllable.. this morning is an un-usual writing, see if you get the real meaning!
Uncontrollable,, something that happens around your hallo of hearing or sight, and you make an uncontrollable thought of what is happening,,,,,
Controllable,,, something you control as you hear or see, or make a statement,,,
Now if you see an explosion, you think,, get out of here as quick as you can!
If you see satan at work ,,, why not the same?
If you see Gods" works, which is all around you , how can you not think of Him, and not "how was this or that evolved?"... this is one time you control not only what you think, but where you wind up in
Lord, may all think of You before they think of all else,, amen
John HIcks
Thinking is tricky, so you and I need all the help we can get ,, so ask God for help, and guess what, if you have just thought of that,,, it is a "think",, so have a great day, and keep up the "good" thinking!
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
WEDNESDAY! HUMP DAY! Waking up listening to the wind blow, and gusting,,,cold here about 25 degrees! I am blessed to have a warm house to wake up in,,, let's all pray for those who slept in cardboard boxes, or a cold car or a bench with ragged coats, trying to keep warm here and up into the real cold places... we are so blessed,and we should be giving coats, and food to those who want to work, and can't,,,those less fortunate than us! How about your day, can y0u drop off something to someone? Listen to the word, this is part of our orders, from Him! Have a great day, and please ask Jesus to go with you, to where-ever you go, even if you have to change your plans, and that would be a wonderful treat to Him!
Prayer Request: Bobby Sanders, my B-I-L, who is still experiencing blood lost , and having to have transfusions, please pray Bobby will find out why he is anemic, and correct this,,,and please pray for his wife ,our S-I-L, Joann, whose has breathing problems, and needs your prayers also..
D.D. Suggs, my B-I-L, whose is in the hospital with a bleeding colon, and will have surgery today,, and needs our prayers ,,and lots of them for all knows how critical this operation is.. I ask God to bless all three of these mentioned above in my prayer requests.... please pray with me!
Of course this choice is yours, and yours alone. This is something Mommy, and Daddy can't do for you, rich or poor,,, for after the age of accountability,, that choice becomes yours.. and it is to go one way of two,,,, with Jesus or satan! Have you made this choice? If you did not pick Jesus,, and want to change, do so, for He waits patiently, and with open arms for you to just ask Him to come into your heart, and that you give Him your all,,, accept Him as your one and only Savior,, and ask Him to kick satan out of your life, then BAMN!!! out goes satan, and in comes Jesus, like a flash,, and as you keep the faith, He keeps you, and He will be with you forever and ever,,, and will stand beside you in Heaven when that time comes.. and this life will be even greater, of having the wealth of Him with-in.... so ,, accept Him, Jesus,,, or accept satan, for which ever you do, and I recommend Jesus,, but these two will account for the way
YOU WILL BE RECEIVED BY GOD , THE FATHER,,, now "stay up" with Jesus in Heaven,, or "fall down" to the en-less pit of fire, with satan! It is your choice,, so make it!
God, I pray that all will understand that the only way to You ,is through Jesus and that Cross,,,and that they will make the right choice. I also ask for your healing of You to the above three, so dear to me and my family... amen
John HIcks
I made my choice, and my God never fails me, all failing of me, is within my own choices, what is yours,,, for I put all my faith in Him, who do you put yours in? Make the choice, now... have a great and wonderful day of this gift of another day from Him, for they all come from Him!
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
TUESDAY! Up with the Lord, and my coffee,, and feeling great! When the Lord is with you, even the ole creaks and cracking of the old bones, and stretching of the muscles don't bother you as much as it sounds, so that is why I try to smile more,, for I can feel Him,,can you? We are back home, and had a great trip,, God was with us, and gave us the top treatment, and we thank our children, and Him for our mini vacation... May all of you have a great day with the Lord at your side this very day, another of one of His, given to you, with all His love,,, so please enjoy, and don't waste it ,,, with sin!
Prayer Request: For Dian Summers' mother,,, who had to go to the hospital Sunday, and had her gall bladder removed, and is still there. Please all say a prayer for her,, to continue to get well , can come home, and please pray for Dian as she also cares for her and is staying by her side at the hospital.
Pray For This Nation, for we are in trouble with our leaderships, and also the feeling we are about to flex some muscles in the troubled area of Syria, when this Nation needs attention of its' muscles flexed of the utmost,, right here,,, and we need it now.. our leaders are very rich minded, and self minded for all things ,, and this in my opinion! So please pray for Her this day, and every day.
Are we living in a time of the greatest greed of our time? I feel like not all, but too many! I think that is one of the reason our elected officials are the way they are,, so many are lining up for something "free" to be tossed to them, that the want , and the dream is like the lottery, they play these people day after day in hopes of a change or a tossed item of good will reach them,, only to continue to see these "porkies" stuff their "personal freezers" with greed. Yes, some are seeing this now, and this is not what God intended for in this great Nation... He gave it to us with love, and we then where led by Christians, who prayed for this Nation, and for it to stay Under God! Forgive Her when she makes a mistake,,, ,,, and led by their Godly example,,, but now our leaders lead by example, but it is seems down,, into the "sink hole" of hell.. so please ,, let you and I stand tall, say, and mean it.. we are of and for our Living God, first, we have accepted Jesus,, we pray for them to be within our nation also , and within us, and that greed of all who are here will cease, and the energy of those making the major decisions will do it without the "take home" greed,, and also those who support these "porkies" will also turn in His direction....
Yes, I am critical,, but look around you and see if we really have leadership for the people, and of the people ,,, or just those in office ,,,, or do we have the "party " atmosphere from the top to the smallest elected official ,, and those with the outstretched arms grabbing as if they were being thrown food scraps when starving? Well, what is your opinion, and what do you pray for????
(not a lot of hi-lited red points today,,, you re-read,, and you put them where they go!)
Lord I pray to You , for Your will to be done,,not mine, nor anyone elses, but only Yours, amen
John HIcks
Still spouting off about the "porkies",,, and praying to my and your God, the One who built it all, just for us, ,and gave it with no ties but love,,, how do we give back? Thank about it,,, are we like "those" others?
Again have a great day, and may God Bless These United States of America!
Saturday, March 2, 2013
SATURDAY! First and foremost, "Good morning Lord", and second, God morning to all of you"! As I awoke much, much earlier this morning, I said to God, Thanks for this morning, and then I rested for a couple of more hours, so relaxed, and so mind free of all , if anything of problems,,, and then I realized, it was He who gave me this little extra,, a bonus of this morning, have you ever experience this, not just back to sleep, but the resting, and feeling of the freedom from the world, if for ,, a moment,, He works wonders ,,, better than any pill that I know ,,, how about it for you?
Prayer Requests: For Kevin Brewer and his family, Kevin lost his brother Petey yesterday, I ask for all to pray for this family of their lost.
The Faith Baptist Christian School, of Laurel, Md., this school has decided to close its' doors this end of the school year... and it will be missed by many, many who had strived to keep this Christian School doors open, and many, many children will , who is now enrolled, and those who "might have" gone ,, will miss, not only a great education, but a Christian education there also, may all who is affiliated with this school,, continue to teach in home and/or seek another Christian School ,,, may God Bless you all!
Surrender, is not to fight!
What is wrong with this heading? How do you surrender, but don't fight? Should it be turned around, and say ,,, fight, fight,, no surrender? No, not by a long shot! For first comes the "surrender" then the "fight " of a life time...more intense, than before the surrender... what , oh what am I talking about... well, the first thing, is, satan is fighting at the hardest pace of time, for each soul he can win to his side,, so to eliminate this,, you must first surrender to Jesus,, ask Him to come into your heart, give Him your soul,,, and now, you have surrendered to Jesus,, and the fight is on, both against satan, and his workers.... (yes his workers, for he has millions and millions, so believe me ,he is not alone by a long shot),, but the good thing, is you have the greatest leader, the greatest commander of time,,, ever, for Jesus was before satan, and will be after satan, so you see,
God, thank you for your Son, our Jesus, and may we have the opportunity to lift our swords for You, and for Your Son, and join You in days of the victory over non-satanism,,, amen
John Hicks
My sword is in hand,, and ready to fight for my God, and His Son, Jesus Christ! Do you have your sword, held high? And just who do you raise yours for , and against? Make the choice of a life time, for no one can make it for you, so as satan is at your face, please make the choice of Jesus, and hold it straight up and in his face,, for Jesus will give you the strength to hold it firm, and victorious! Have a great Saturday!
Friday, March 1, 2013
FRIDAY-TGIF! TGED! Well ,, it is time to put the stamp of approval on our week-end.. for it is just a day off... so when you plan, remember to ask for your plans with "if God will permit", before your planned next day, or days, for you are not promised, but only if He so desires, so as the old saying is, "don't leave home without Him",, (of course , I changed "it" to "Him", glad you were paying attention, ha!) that you have included your God in your travels ,, have a safe day, and safe week-end, and a good one!
Definition:..person who claims to foretell the future: prophet seer.
Jesus said , beware of the astrologers, and soothsayers. Just what did he mean? Palm readers, fortune tellers. They will charge you to tell you mostly what you want to hear. The most important thing to them is what you give them,,, not you, they are after cash,, and they can read the future, when they see you walk in, they can say, "ha! here comes money"!.
No one can tell the future, except God. He made us, and He has made the plan for us. We can control things only by the way we live and by doing what God wants us to do. In the old testament , God entered into the dreams of hand picked people and in the new testament, Jesus gave this gift to hand picked people. Now , He does call workers, but He calls them as Christians, Preachers(God called). How do you tell the difference? Look at where they are and what they are doing and claim to do, the ones God and Jesus picked, was always done in His Name. Want to know the future, don't worry about it, just concentrate on today, and beware of
God, I ask that all seek You for their future, and not anyone who claims to be a "fortune teller", amen
John HIcks
Looking to You , never behind, but forward, with You at my side, and I ask , who do you move through this life with... or without?,, A choice , you must make, so make it.. don't ask someone who claims to be a teller of the future to make it for you,, for you have to make this one, yourself!
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