Saturday, April 28, 2012


SATURDAY- WAKE UP SLEEPY HEADS! It is a great day to celebrate the Lords beauty, and the Lords gifts, of life , nature, air, and most of all each other... love one another, never hate, for it will get you no where, but love will get you everywhere, have a great day, HIS gift to us all!

SPECIAL TODAY: I feel like this is a thresh-hold,, accomplished by the grace of God,, this month was Jim Fryes birthday of 80 years, then Louise is 80 years old today, and they had their 60th wedding anniversary this month.. let's say Happy Birthdays, Happy Anniversary to both, who got it all done in the same month,, not many have this legacy! Thanks for being our neighbors, and best of all, THANKS FOR BEING GOOD CHRISTIANS!


I guess we all have gotten those little cards in the packages of things we purchased, that reads, "please register your item of purchase , to make the warranty good" . If you are like me,, it is according to the item, and seldom get registered.. it just slips our mind,, until we need it, and usually it is a small item, and whether it is small or large, we usually are able to replace it... which is good, and if we can't replace it, it will not kill us, and we go on about our little life!
BUT! Yes, there is always this "but",,, AND IT IS A BIGGIE! There is one item you must register, for when it is dead, it will stay that way, for we cannot fix it, but there is someone who can! How about that! Yes it is great,,, this can take you from dealth to life,,,,if you have registered,,, if not , then it could spell disaster, and disaster for an eternity! It will let you inherit the place called hell,, and an everlasting existence of burning, and the gnashing of teeth on one another without ever dying!
Now that is an incentive to not to over-look this "REGISTERING"! AGREE? It is the accepting of Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, and by doing this, Jesus forgives you of the sins you have committed,, and then beside your name, that is written in the book of life, will have this statement added on it(in red, for His blood shed).. "saved by the grace of Gods' Son , Jesus".. Now , when you do accept Him and accept Him sincerely.. you have just registered the most important thing for you in this world! You have just




Thank You God, for this registry, from Your Son ,, for all of us,, without Him and it , we all,, would surely die. amen

John HIcks
Registered, how about you? Your choice, and yours alone.. so please , please, MAKE IT!

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