MONDAY- Today,, remember as you hit the floor, walk through the house, and then eventually go outside, to play, work, or just a walk on the street or track... be sure you have asked Jesus to come along... and don't look back to see if He is behind you, or look to see if he is beside you, but keep Him just a little ahead of you, and then you will know ,,, you are definitely ,, on the right track through this life, and will also be on the right track to the next life also! Make a choice, and make it the right one!
Yes, today just read this passage, and then let your mind listen, for some read , and never hear what the words are saying.. these words will tell you just who Jesus is, and after reading,,, ask a question.....
"I am the bread of life," Jesus told them. "Those who come to me will never be hungry: those who believe in me will never be thirsty." (John 6:35)
Do I believe this? If your answer is yes, then you know Jesus, for He is life, without Him , there is death, without Him you will die, and be lost forever, and ever. But with Him, you will live forever and ever...make your choice!
After you read that passage, did you listen, after you got through reading it?
Lord, I pray that all accept Jesus, and come to You with Him, and not without Him. amen
Monday, April 30, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
SUNDAY! It is time to get up out of those beds, shake the sleepy dust off , and start enjoying this great day, for no matter the ups and downs,, Jesus will be here to help you through them all.. so give a big ole smile, shout hallelujah,,,and put a little skip in your step,, and have some fun,and enjoy YOUR day,, He gave it to you,,special...
How much is two bits? I have heard this all my younger life. You don't hear it now,, we have grown out of it. Why? Two bits won't buy much! It went along the same route as the five and dime,, the" poor mans store". Now we have the General Dollar, Fred's,, The Green Dollar(which is really the only dollar store), but they are what I call the "poor mans store",,, and I go there regular,, they are "my" store.. My "four bits" store. Now you know how much two bites is ,, one fourth of a dollar.. use to be a small fortune to a young kid, barefooted , in overalls,, or the shoe shine boy.... a tip to the waitress.. worth so much in its' time... lost by mans progress and inflation...
How about our God? Has He lost out with our progression? Have we replaced Him with a more expensive god? Have we advanced, and left Him behind? I say , yes ,, lots of people have left God behind,, and have taken up with that other god,,the almighty dollar!!! Bought items have replaced Him, where there is money enough to do so with.. but when the time comes,,, they will not be alble to drag these items through that eye of that needle,, that we all must go through! So , I say to all, and I ask all who reads this, to shout out to the world,,, that God is still here, He costs nothing,, just the love from you and I,, the faith that He will improvise all things for us... Yes ,,,HE is worth more than all the gold in this world,, He is worth much more than that little fortune of "yester-year",, that
God,, thank You for not throwing us to the side like we do You.. when we see the folded stuff,, and stray off the road to You,, May we all accept Jesus and follow the path to You with Him ,, and throw the treasures of this world to the side , and worship only you... amen
John HIcks
I realize we are not worth two bits,, but that our Lord is priceless.. how do you see it?
How much is two bits? I have heard this all my younger life. You don't hear it now,, we have grown out of it. Why? Two bits won't buy much! It went along the same route as the five and dime,, the" poor mans store". Now we have the General Dollar, Fred's,, The Green Dollar(which is really the only dollar store), but they are what I call the "poor mans store",,, and I go there regular,, they are "my" store.. My "four bits" store. Now you know how much two bites is ,, one fourth of a dollar.. use to be a small fortune to a young kid, barefooted , in overalls,, or the shoe shine boy.... a tip to the waitress.. worth so much in its' time... lost by mans progress and inflation...
How about our God? Has He lost out with our progression? Have we replaced Him with a more expensive god? Have we advanced, and left Him behind? I say , yes ,, lots of people have left God behind,, and have taken up with that other god,,the almighty dollar!!! Bought items have replaced Him, where there is money enough to do so with.. but when the time comes,,, they will not be alble to drag these items through that eye of that needle,, that we all must go through! So , I say to all, and I ask all who reads this, to shout out to the world,,, that God is still here, He costs nothing,, just the love from you and I,, the faith that He will improvise all things for us... Yes ,,,HE is worth more than all the gold in this world,, He is worth much more than that little fortune of "yester-year",, that
God,, thank You for not throwing us to the side like we do You.. when we see the folded stuff,, and stray off the road to You,, May we all accept Jesus and follow the path to You with Him ,, and throw the treasures of this world to the side , and worship only you... amen
John HIcks
I realize we are not worth two bits,, but that our Lord is priceless.. how do you see it?
Saturday, April 28, 2012
SATURDAY- WAKE UP SLEEPY HEADS! It is a great day to celebrate the Lords beauty, and the Lords gifts, of life , nature, air, and most of all each other... love one another, never hate, for it will get you no where, but love will get you everywhere, have a great day, HIS gift to us all!
SPECIAL TODAY: I feel like this is a thresh-hold,, accomplished by the grace of God,, this month was Jim Fryes birthday of 80 years, then Louise is 80 years old today, and they had their 60th wedding anniversary this month.. let's say Happy Birthdays, Happy Anniversary to both, who got it all done in the same month,, not many have this legacy! Thanks for being our neighbors, and best of all, THANKS FOR BEING GOOD CHRISTIANS!
I guess we all have gotten those little cards in the packages of things we purchased, that reads, "please register your item of purchase , to make the warranty good" . If you are like me,, it is according to the item, and seldom get registered.. it just slips our mind,, until we need it, and usually it is a small item, and whether it is small or large, we usually are able to replace it... which is good, and if we can't replace it, it will not kill us, and we go on about our little life!
BUT! Yes, there is always this "but",,, AND IT IS A BIGGIE! There is one item you must register, for when it is dead, it will stay that way, for we cannot fix it, but there is someone who can! How about that! Yes it is great,,, this can take you from dealth to life,,,,if you have registered,,, if not , then it could spell disaster, and disaster for an eternity! It will let you inherit the place called hell,, and an everlasting existence of burning, and the gnashing of teeth on one another without ever dying!
Now that is an incentive to not to over-look this "REGISTERING"! AGREE? It is the accepting of Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, and by doing this, Jesus forgives you of the sins you have committed,, and then beside your name, that is written in the book of life, will have this statement added on it(in red, for His blood shed).. "saved by the grace of Gods' Son , Jesus".. Now , when you do accept Him and accept Him sincerely.. you have just registered the most important thing for you in this world! You have just
Thank You God, for this registry, from Your Son ,, for all of us,, without Him and it , we all,, would surely die. amen
John HIcks
Registered, how about you? Your choice, and yours alone.. so please , please, MAKE IT!
SPECIAL TODAY: I feel like this is a thresh-hold,, accomplished by the grace of God,, this month was Jim Fryes birthday of 80 years, then Louise is 80 years old today, and they had their 60th wedding anniversary this month.. let's say Happy Birthdays, Happy Anniversary to both, who got it all done in the same month,, not many have this legacy! Thanks for being our neighbors, and best of all, THANKS FOR BEING GOOD CHRISTIANS!
I guess we all have gotten those little cards in the packages of things we purchased, that reads, "please register your item of purchase , to make the warranty good" . If you are like me,, it is according to the item, and seldom get registered.. it just slips our mind,, until we need it, and usually it is a small item, and whether it is small or large, we usually are able to replace it... which is good, and if we can't replace it, it will not kill us, and we go on about our little life!
BUT! Yes, there is always this "but",,, AND IT IS A BIGGIE! There is one item you must register, for when it is dead, it will stay that way, for we cannot fix it, but there is someone who can! How about that! Yes it is great,,, this can take you from dealth to life,,,,if you have registered,,, if not , then it could spell disaster, and disaster for an eternity! It will let you inherit the place called hell,, and an everlasting existence of burning, and the gnashing of teeth on one another without ever dying!
Now that is an incentive to not to over-look this "REGISTERING"! AGREE? It is the accepting of Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, and by doing this, Jesus forgives you of the sins you have committed,, and then beside your name, that is written in the book of life, will have this statement added on it(in red, for His blood shed).. "saved by the grace of Gods' Son , Jesus".. Now , when you do accept Him and accept Him sincerely.. you have just registered the most important thing for you in this world! You have just
Thank You God, for this registry, from Your Son ,, for all of us,, without Him and it , we all,, would surely die. amen
John HIcks
Registered, how about you? Your choice, and yours alone.. so please , please, MAKE IT!
Friday, April 27, 2012
FRIDAY! Welcome to Gods' World! Yes it is! Did you think it was yours? Well, He gave it , to enjoy,, not destroy,, so let's all of us get out there and enjoy His world,, and the best way to enjoy it,,,, is to take Him, and His Son, Jesus along with us, where-ever we go, and as we go , share our thoughts of Him with all we meet.. will you?
Remember one thing today,,, REAL Christians stick together , like super glue!
Where will you be??? and when will it be???
So where will you be ,when the opportunity comes, where someone is lost and just waiting on the invitation to come to Christ???? and when will it be that the above happens???
It could be anywhere,, and anytime! Yes there are opportunities galore,,, we just don't see them,,,or is it that we don't want to see them ? because of being ashamed? or embarrassed? to say anything, for we might stand out in front of some who are "strong prier pressures" to all around them, we don't feel comfortable in talking "God" talk?
Well,,, stop in your tracks,,,, and as you probably have guessed by now ,,, that from me,,,,, the where is NOW,,, the time is NOW!There is nowhere that Christ does not fit in,,, no pier pressure so great that it should bother anyone(Christian) to talk about GOD,,, and the time is the tick of every second. We should be ready to testify, for any opportunity left,,,, isan opportunity gone,,,,, right?Well,,, just think about it,,, and see if you have passed on being there for Him ,,,, know
Thank you God for the time,,, and the voice to shout Your Name,,, anywhere and anytime I can,,, I pray to be able to keep this freedom... and to share it with all I meet,,, amen
John HIcks
I have Him in heart,,, in sight,,,, in sound,,, come on join me, and let's set the match to the fuel of His Word,,, and let it spread all over the a blaze that shows,,, from,,, to from!!!!!
Remember one thing today,,, REAL Christians stick together , like super glue!
Where will you be??? and when will it be???
So where will you be ,when the opportunity comes, where someone is lost and just waiting on the invitation to come to Christ???? and when will it be that the above happens???
It could be anywhere,, and anytime! Yes there are opportunities galore,,, we just don't see them,,,or is it that we don't want to see them ? because of being ashamed? or embarrassed? to say anything, for we might stand out in front of some who are "strong prier pressures" to all around them, we don't feel comfortable in talking "God" talk?
Well,,, stop in your tracks,,,, and as you probably have guessed by now ,,, that from me,,,,, the where is NOW,,, the time is NOW!There is nowhere that Christ does not fit in,,, no pier pressure so great that it should bother anyone(Christian) to talk about GOD,,, and the time is the tick of every second. We should be ready to testify, for any opportunity left,,,, isan opportunity gone,,,,, right?Well,,, just think about it,,, and see if you have passed on being there for Him ,,,, know
Thank you God for the time,,, and the voice to shout Your Name,,, anywhere and anytime I can,,, I pray to be able to keep this freedom... and to share it with all I meet,,, amen
John HIcks
I have Him in heart,,, in sight,,,, in sound,,, come on join me, and let's set the match to the fuel of His Word,,, and let it spread all over the a blaze that shows,,, from,,, to from!!!!!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
THURSDAY! Umn ,,, waking up to the aroma of fresh brewed coffee,,,, knowing already just how good it is going to taste... as we open our eyes, our mouths are watering,, for that first little sip,,, NOW why don't we have that kind of faith in our Lord, and Savior.. we can trust that ole coffee pot... why not Him? So now open your eyes and heart each morning to Him, for as the coffee did not turn on until the set time, He was turned on all night, and ready to go the day with you..... Say thanks Jesus, and slide out of that bed, and the two of you go have that cup of java! O.K.?
Prayer Request : For our nation , which is still the best country in the world,, but for how long? Each day the Supreme Court gets closer, and so does our present administration of taking our freedoms from us,, Pray that God will forgive, and help put His people back in office.. and oust the greedy, and the faithless!
CELEBRATION ANNOUNCEMENT! Two of our readers are , today,, celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary! Congratulation to Jim and Louise Frye... may you have many, many more, and may both of those precious smiles, always be on your faces... again , congratulations of those 60 years together!
Randy Travis put out a song back in the 80's... the debut on the CMA.. and it was on the top charts for over 5 weeks,, our favorite song, "Forever and Ever, Amen". It tells the story of a man telling his love mate,,, just how he will love her through out their life together, if she will agree to come be with him.. and the story is of the things that can happen during their life together,,but he still proclaims his love , no matter what ,,,, and then at the end of the song,, he hesitates , then again sings those words,,, it will be forever and ever.. then slowly... AMEN!
Now , why do I tell of this song,, that I love to hear over and over... it is special to me,, just like the love of the two above, Jim and Louise,,, so is the old, old story of another LOVE,,, FOREVER, AND EVER, FROM START OF ACCEPTANCE OF EACH OTHER,,THROUGH LIFE , NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, THAT LOVE STAYS, NEVER FALTERS.. THERE ,,,YES THERE
Lord, thank You for that love from You and from Your son, and may we all realize this love, and give back 100 % of the same love,,, forever and ever. amen
John HIcks
Listen to songs, poems, stories, for the Lord works in ways that we may never realize , unless we listen, for that song means one thing, but just stop , take a deep breath and then it reminds me of another love.. just listen , for He sends different things,,,, to different people...what is He sending to you? Keep those eyes and ears open....have a great God's day, it is free,, paid for on that Cross!
Prayer Request : For our nation , which is still the best country in the world,, but for how long? Each day the Supreme Court gets closer, and so does our present administration of taking our freedoms from us,, Pray that God will forgive, and help put His people back in office.. and oust the greedy, and the faithless!
CELEBRATION ANNOUNCEMENT! Two of our readers are , today,, celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary! Congratulation to Jim and Louise Frye... may you have many, many more, and may both of those precious smiles, always be on your faces... again , congratulations of those 60 years together!
Randy Travis put out a song back in the 80's... the debut on the CMA.. and it was on the top charts for over 5 weeks,, our favorite song, "Forever and Ever, Amen". It tells the story of a man telling his love mate,,, just how he will love her through out their life together, if she will agree to come be with him.. and the story is of the things that can happen during their life together,,but he still proclaims his love , no matter what ,,,, and then at the end of the song,, he hesitates , then again sings those words,,, it will be forever and ever.. then slowly... AMEN!
Now , why do I tell of this song,, that I love to hear over and over... it is special to me,, just like the love of the two above, Jim and Louise,,, so is the old, old story of another LOVE,,, FOREVER, AND EVER, FROM START OF ACCEPTANCE OF EACH OTHER,,THROUGH LIFE , NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, THAT LOVE STAYS, NEVER FALTERS.. THERE ,,,YES THERE
Lord, thank You for that love from You and from Your son, and may we all realize this love, and give back 100 % of the same love,,, forever and ever. amen
John HIcks
Listen to songs, poems, stories, for the Lord works in ways that we may never realize , unless we listen, for that song means one thing, but just stop , take a deep breath and then it reminds me of another love.. just listen , for He sends different things,,,, to different people...what is He sending to you? Keep those eyes and ears open....have a great God's day, it is free,, paid for on that Cross!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
WEDNESDAY! Slide day for the workers! All others ,, just a regular day! But,, we all need to prepare for the slide of our life, and we need to have Jesus Christ on this slide with us.. for without Him , you will just land in hot, hot water..... and many other hot things, so slide with the cool one, Jesus, and stay cool for an eternity... your choice!
Today is your invitation, or re-invitation to accept Jesus Christ as your own personal Savior from satan, and all of satans sins that has been piled upon you. Yes , we all have sinned, there is no one, except one ,that has gone through this life without one sin, and that is Jesus.. and we crucified Him for that....and He in turn gave us His love, His forgiveness, His life, for our sins.. and the way to The Father,, by Him, and only by invitation through the cross,,. an invite,, laid out to any who might request it... their only way to eternity with God in Heaven IS TO ACCEPT THIS INVITE!
Invite: To issue an invitation , to request the presence of
Jesus came into this life to save us all,, first He taught us the laws, showed us the greatness of the Father, and then laid His life down for us, died, rose from the dead , appeared to man, and has given this invitation to you ..with love, open arms,, just a yes,, and he will embrace you! How can you say no? But there are some who do say no, and I pray for those.. Now,,, will you make the greatest decision of your life,
God, I pray that all will hear the invitation, and open their hearts, and accept Your Son, as their Savior, amen
John HIcks
Accepted Jesus, join me on this journey from here to there, with no worry of the trip, for He is my guide, and my strength.... and today for you is the greatest choice you will ever make, and remember one thing, it is your choice and yours alone!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
TUESDAY! Brr! Cold here in middle Georgia this morning,, but summer will prevail, I have no doubt, but till then , I will just wrap myself in the arms of my Lord and Savior,, Jesus Christ... and He will provide the warmth, cold,, or what-ever we need! Just have the faith , and trust, and He will deliver... if you BELIEVE... do you?
You know this is one of the hardest things we have to over-come besides sin.. and I wonder sometimes, if this is not a sin in it's self. People get stuck in what they think, do, and put themselves in as judge and jury of their thoughts, and their actions.. Are you one of these? Do you walk the walk with head high, blinders on, mouth chattering only your beliefs, not listening to others feeling , nor their thoughts.. their beliefs,, no.. just yous, and only you, that is all that matters! Never giving in,, always, your way or the highway! I think we all do,, at one time or another, including me!
O.K. enough is enough,, yes , at one time we are all like something,.. you be the judge of that,, for I can not judge any , but my own sins, and God will be the final judge of them . So really, we only perform, and then we are judged in finally, by God.. so live as the Bible tells us to .. be sin free,, seek forgiveness for those sins that we do invoke on ourselves,,and others, and remember not "our" feeling when we speak , but the receivers feeling , for that is where the words will hit, and tear down, or lift up..try lifting up! and remember ,,,, to do this, "DO UNTO OTHERS, AS YOU WANT THEM TO DO TO YOU"!,,, for it is
God., thank You for the love You have installed in my heart, and may You help me to pour it out to all I meet, and all of those who reads this. also.. amen
John HIcks
I am exactly what I am, and only have to stand before my God, no on else, and I have chosen Jesus Christ to stand next to me on that day,, Who have you chosen? Your choice!
You know this is one of the hardest things we have to over-come besides sin.. and I wonder sometimes, if this is not a sin in it's self. People get stuck in what they think, do, and put themselves in as judge and jury of their thoughts, and their actions.. Are you one of these? Do you walk the walk with head high, blinders on, mouth chattering only your beliefs, not listening to others feeling , nor their thoughts.. their beliefs,, no.. just yous, and only you, that is all that matters! Never giving in,, always, your way or the highway! I think we all do,, at one time or another, including me!
O.K. enough is enough,, yes , at one time we are all like something,.. you be the judge of that,, for I can not judge any , but my own sins, and God will be the final judge of them . So really, we only perform, and then we are judged in finally, by God.. so live as the Bible tells us to .. be sin free,, seek forgiveness for those sins that we do invoke on ourselves,,and others, and remember not "our" feeling when we speak , but the receivers feeling , for that is where the words will hit, and tear down, or lift up..try lifting up! and remember ,,,, to do this, "DO UNTO OTHERS, AS YOU WANT THEM TO DO TO YOU"!,,, for it is
God., thank You for the love You have installed in my heart, and may You help me to pour it out to all I meet, and all of those who reads this. also.. amen
John HIcks
I am exactly what I am, and only have to stand before my God, no on else, and I have chosen Jesus Christ to stand next to me on that day,, Who have you chosen? Your choice!
Monday, April 23, 2012
MONDAY! Wake to the new week, and all can start to plan the week-end, BUT, wait! Start your plans on this day,, and ask and let God plan the rest of the days of your life.. for He is in control,,Right?
While we are busy telling everyone else how to be a Christian,,, are we being one, or are we just acting and telling?.... Maybe this day, WE all need to re-think,, before we go telling a story of being saved, and being a real asking ones self, am I a Christian?, or not?, do I live like a Christian? or not?
When you have answered this to God's satisfaction,, not yours, for He is the one who you answer to... then please,,, get up and go out, and testify, to all you meet, never pass up a chance,,, it may not come by again.... for Christians , real Christians, are out at all times , just looking to
Lord, thank You for giving us the ability to go out and testify to others of Your great saving grace, amen
John HIcks
Making a choice,, are you?
While we are busy telling everyone else how to be a Christian,,, are we being one, or are we just acting and telling?.... Maybe this day, WE all need to re-think,, before we go telling a story of being saved, and being a real asking ones self, am I a Christian?, or not?, do I live like a Christian? or not?
When you have answered this to God's satisfaction,, not yours, for He is the one who you answer to... then please,,, get up and go out, and testify, to all you meet, never pass up a chance,,, it may not come by again.... for Christians , real Christians, are out at all times , just looking to
Lord, thank You for giving us the ability to go out and testify to others of Your great saving grace, amen
John HIcks
Making a choice,, are you?
Sunday, April 22, 2012
SUNDAY! As I awake this morning , I am proud to state to anyone that I do believe in God, and Jesus Christ... and I am proud to wake with them in my heart and soul in their hands , rather than not waking up without them ! Make your choice now, not later!
"I don't set trends, I just find out what they are, and exploit them", by Dick Clark 1929-2012
This was and should have been one of the most important things a president could do..and when done,, was done in a wrong way.. It should have been made to educate a student to the standard to be promoted with his original classmates... no just moved along so that all social standards could be met.
I remember seeing children that could barely read , and could barely write,,, in grades of 6 or higher,,why? Because they were not left behind! This was not the teachers fault , but the "so called " government we have had and definitely have at this time... more on records, than on realization.. the real thing,,,, education ! Not merely ,,," no one left behind,, but educate, and then on to better things and better living!
Well, how about our beliefs? Are we on a "no one left behind", or are we as a nation, A CHRISTIAN NATION,,, setting on our backsides, and letting our government also tell us we can do this to our children's education , but we cannot do this for our children and our fellow mans' souls, as far as talking, telling, advertising, teaching , reading the Bible, having our "Christian" prayer in public at functions, with more than one present, such places as baseball, football, graduations , or anywhere that atheists and the government can kick you down, and censor you.. ? Are you ready to sacrifice,,, are you ready to give YOUR life as our SAVIOR did,, for the Father,, our God, Our LIVING GOD? Are you ready to stand tall enough, open your mouth to whoever.. not worrying about if they will talk to you at work ,play, or wherever later? Are you
God, give us all the power of speech of Your word, the meaning of it , and Lord give us the right words to reach those lost, and help guide them to YOU,, and Lord , give us the strength to stand against all of satans attempts to destroy,, for without YOU we cannot stand, but with You we can stand a lifetime ,and longer..amen
John HIcks
Believing we can help in "no one left behind, in sin".. will you join that crusade.. or will you just agree , and then set back and watch satan devour our population? YOU, make the choice, for it is YOUR CHOICE!
"I don't set trends, I just find out what they are, and exploit them", by Dick Clark 1929-2012
This was and should have been one of the most important things a president could do..and when done,, was done in a wrong way.. It should have been made to educate a student to the standard to be promoted with his original classmates... no just moved along so that all social standards could be met.
I remember seeing children that could barely read , and could barely write,,, in grades of 6 or higher,,why? Because they were not left behind! This was not the teachers fault , but the "so called " government we have had and definitely have at this time... more on records, than on realization.. the real thing,,,, education ! Not merely ,,," no one left behind,, but educate, and then on to better things and better living!
Well, how about our beliefs? Are we on a "no one left behind", or are we as a nation, A CHRISTIAN NATION,,, setting on our backsides, and letting our government also tell us we can do this to our children's education , but we cannot do this for our children and our fellow mans' souls, as far as talking, telling, advertising, teaching , reading the Bible, having our "Christian" prayer in public at functions, with more than one present, such places as baseball, football, graduations , or anywhere that atheists and the government can kick you down, and censor you.. ? Are you ready to sacrifice,,, are you ready to give YOUR life as our SAVIOR did,, for the Father,, our God, Our LIVING GOD? Are you ready to stand tall enough, open your mouth to whoever.. not worrying about if they will talk to you at work ,play, or wherever later? Are you
God, give us all the power of speech of Your word, the meaning of it , and Lord give us the right words to reach those lost, and help guide them to YOU,, and Lord , give us the strength to stand against all of satans attempts to destroy,, for without YOU we cannot stand, but with You we can stand a lifetime ,and longer..amen
John HIcks
Believing we can help in "no one left behind, in sin".. will you join that crusade.. or will you just agree , and then set back and watch satan devour our population? YOU, make the choice, for it is YOUR CHOICE!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
SATURDAY! Week-end here! For most, ,,, a time of kick back and rest, for others , get'er done while you have the time... for the retired,,, well I ain't bragging, but...... I either can do it today ,, or wait! Yes, I admit,,, it is kinda bragging... but I do thank my God for all to have this day.. and in all we do, let's do it in His name, in His presence, and let Him know that we love Him and give Him all the glory , and all the praise for what we have, and what we are about to receive....
For this day of thoughts,,, I think if we will re-read the part of thanking God for all.. and giving Him the glory and credit,, is better than all the words that I can come up with on this Saturday,, IF you will utter them, and mean every word of it!
Have a great God's day, for they all are His, given to us to use , for only a short time. so use them wisely!
John HIcks
I am His, "whose" are you?
For this day of thoughts,,, I think if we will re-read the part of thanking God for all.. and giving Him the glory and credit,, is better than all the words that I can come up with on this Saturday,, IF you will utter them, and mean every word of it!
Have a great God's day, for they all are His, given to us to use , for only a short time. so use them wisely!
John HIcks
I am His, "whose" are you?
Friday, April 20, 2012
TGIF- FRIDAY- As your eye lids open slowly this day,, breath deep, and long, and then with a long sigh,, say these words, ,,"Thank You Jesus for standing over me last night, and that you are here now, ready for the day,,, will you go with me for all times..and His answer to you will be ,, "Yes , I am here, ready, and I will"!
Prayer Requests: Lori Mays sister, Joni, who had a heart attack yesterday, and is having heart surgery today.. pray that God will guide those surgeons hands, and correct this heart, and make Joni well again.
Lori's mother also, who is home after a stroke(and a mild heart attack),Pray for her recovery to full status also....
I know that at one time in our lives, we all feel like we "have fallen, and cannot get up" ,, this is a natural thing for all humans, for we lose our "want ",, another natural for humans... But one who can, if you let him, will put his foot on you, hold you down to the ground with your face hidden in the dirt,,, trying to keep you there ,, with your eyes hidden from the light, and that light is Jesus,, and without that light, he, satan , will eventually get you to his burnig hell..
This foot hold , that satan holds you down with is called "lost soul", or too much gravitation of earths gravity.. holding you down ,, off your knees and in "sin" ,, yes "sin",, satans world here in this world,, and yes it does exist... Just look left and right as you drive down the roads of America! What do you see? Yes, now you know, for I think you did anyway... for you have been on this road , and this drive before, looking at the bill-boards, the business's advertised.. and this is some of satans invitation.. How do we stop this? How do we get his foot off our backs? How do we become "found",, and not "lost". HOW? By calling out to Jesus,, who can hear us ,no matter how far down our faces are buried in the dirt.. for we can call out with the heart if satan has stuffed our mouth, Jesus will hear, and he will pull you up, clean you up, wash you in His Blood, and when you do this, then and only then, will you be saved for the ascent to Heaven on the day of calling by the Father.. Yes, until you accept Jesus with your heart, and give HIM your soul,, you will contiue to be pulled down, & held down with "too much gravitiatin.. so call out to Jesus , and get
God, thank You for Jesus,, and giving us the chance to be forgiven for our sins, and come to You.. amen
John HIcks
I have called, I have been accepted, I am floating with His name on my lips at each chance I get! How are you doing, have you called out, have you asked Him in, and do you take Him with you,,, to work , play, sleep, all of the places you frequent each day? If not,,, then do, for it is by Choice! and it is YOURS, and YOURS alone! Take the pill!
Prayer Requests: Lori Mays sister, Joni, who had a heart attack yesterday, and is having heart surgery today.. pray that God will guide those surgeons hands, and correct this heart, and make Joni well again.
Lori's mother also, who is home after a stroke(and a mild heart attack),Pray for her recovery to full status also....
I know that at one time in our lives, we all feel like we "have fallen, and cannot get up" ,, this is a natural thing for all humans, for we lose our "want ",, another natural for humans... But one who can, if you let him, will put his foot on you, hold you down to the ground with your face hidden in the dirt,,, trying to keep you there ,, with your eyes hidden from the light, and that light is Jesus,, and without that light, he, satan , will eventually get you to his burnig hell..
This foot hold , that satan holds you down with is called "lost soul", or too much gravitation of earths gravity.. holding you down ,, off your knees and in "sin" ,, yes "sin",, satans world here in this world,, and yes it does exist... Just look left and right as you drive down the roads of America! What do you see? Yes, now you know, for I think you did anyway... for you have been on this road , and this drive before, looking at the bill-boards, the business's advertised.. and this is some of satans invitation.. How do we stop this? How do we get his foot off our backs? How do we become "found",, and not "lost". HOW? By calling out to Jesus,, who can hear us ,no matter how far down our faces are buried in the dirt.. for we can call out with the heart if satan has stuffed our mouth, Jesus will hear, and he will pull you up, clean you up, wash you in His Blood, and when you do this, then and only then, will you be saved for the ascent to Heaven on the day of calling by the Father.. Yes, until you accept Jesus with your heart, and give HIM your soul,, you will contiue to be pulled down, & held down with "too much gravitiatin.. so call out to Jesus , and get
God, thank You for Jesus,, and giving us the chance to be forgiven for our sins, and come to You.. amen
John HIcks
I have called, I have been accepted, I am floating with His name on my lips at each chance I get! How are you doing, have you called out, have you asked Him in, and do you take Him with you,,, to work , play, sleep, all of the places you frequent each day? If not,,, then do, for it is by Choice! and it is YOURS, and YOURS alone! Take the pill!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
THURSDAY! Waking up late,, smelling my favorite,, coffee , brewed, waiting on me,, Wow! what a way to start the day.. for my blessings have started! First I awake, in good health, a loving home, loved by family, by friends, a car to go in, breakfast later... and all blessing given , even before I was awakened,, by who? The one who gave,,, was was standing beside me as I awoke, and knowing all of the above was from Him, with more love than I could give back! I utter these words humbles as one can get.... "Thank you God for this and all the mornings!" Who do you thank for your morning? Have a great God's day,,,,this day of His!
We all know of the story of how David slew the giant, Goliath,, with only a sling shot, and of course the most important weapon of all,,,GOD! Well ,here goes a story of the same.. but we replace the stone with?...... as you will will find out!
David, (real name)_ travels some on jobs... He was in a Waffle House, north of Atlanta... He and three other men ,and three wait-tress' working there,, was all that was there... Someway the name of God came up in the men's' conversation, when one of the wait-tress' came to the table, made this statement,,"I and the other two girls, are atheists, we just don't believe in your God!" The other two was listening, and concurred to these men with smiles on their face. David, looked and told them a little about God, but to no avail..Then David told the to all... wait, he would be right back,, and out to his truck David went , and armed himself with, one small 18" white wooden cross, a tri-fold brochure about that little wooden cross, of and about "The Cross " Ministry... walked back into the Waffle House, and set down,, The girl asked him, "what is this?", He explained only a little,, then told her, I ask you to just go home, even though you don't believe in God,, read this brochure and hammer this little cross in the front of your yard,, that is all I ask you to do, and I will say no more! Will you do it? The one girl agreed,, the others would not David left...
Now a week or two passed,,, David went back into that Waffle House , to eat, and that same wait-tress was working,, she ran to him, and said to David,, "Listen to me,, I went home , I read , and I hammered that little cross in my yard, and as I was finishing with that hammer,, something happen to me, I had this feeling of warmth, of love, of ,,oh so much, I felt God run all over my body,, sir,, I am a believer in that God you talked about,, He is now my God, and yes, now I am a believer ,,, thank you for my cross!" (God had been at work, and slew satan)
David was weak, but sturdy,,, as he knew ,,it was God , not Him, but he was only the delivery man,,, praise God!.. You tell me.. for I already know,, for yes,, more and more Goliath's (satan's workers) can be slain,, by the David's, (the delivery people..),,, will you join us all and help deliver this WORD OF and carry your stone,, if not a cross, or whatever, carry the word, on your tongue,, and yes, you,,, then you and I can go out , armed with God in our heart, and Gopd on our topngues and yes we can slay a
Thank You , God for this true story, of this day, to be passed on, and on, I pray! amen
John HIcks
WOW! WHAT A STORY ,, WHAT DO YOU THINK? This story was told to me by David just yesterday in my shop, "The Cross Factory",, as he and his wife picked up another 100 crosses to paint, and 50 painted to get back out on the gospel
We all know of the story of how David slew the giant, Goliath,, with only a sling shot, and of course the most important weapon of all,,,GOD! Well ,here goes a story of the same.. but we replace the stone with?...... as you will will find out!
David, (real name)_ travels some on jobs... He was in a Waffle House, north of Atlanta... He and three other men ,and three wait-tress' working there,, was all that was there... Someway the name of God came up in the men's' conversation, when one of the wait-tress' came to the table, made this statement,,"I and the other two girls, are atheists, we just don't believe in your God!" The other two was listening, and concurred to these men with smiles on their face. David, looked and told them a little about God, but to no avail..Then David told the to all... wait, he would be right back,, and out to his truck David went , and armed himself with, one small 18" white wooden cross, a tri-fold brochure about that little wooden cross, of and about "The Cross " Ministry... walked back into the Waffle House, and set down,, The girl asked him, "what is this?", He explained only a little,, then told her, I ask you to just go home, even though you don't believe in God,, read this brochure and hammer this little cross in the front of your yard,, that is all I ask you to do, and I will say no more! Will you do it? The one girl agreed,, the others would not David left...
Now a week or two passed,,, David went back into that Waffle House , to eat, and that same wait-tress was working,, she ran to him, and said to David,, "Listen to me,, I went home , I read , and I hammered that little cross in my yard, and as I was finishing with that hammer,, something happen to me, I had this feeling of warmth, of love, of ,,oh so much, I felt God run all over my body,, sir,, I am a believer in that God you talked about,, He is now my God, and yes, now I am a believer ,,, thank you for my cross!" (God had been at work, and slew satan)
David was weak, but sturdy,,, as he knew ,,it was God , not Him, but he was only the delivery man,,, praise God!.. You tell me.. for I already know,, for yes,, more and more Goliath's (satan's workers) can be slain,, by the David's, (the delivery people..),,, will you join us all and help deliver this WORD OF and carry your stone,, if not a cross, or whatever, carry the word, on your tongue,, and yes, you,,, then you and I can go out , armed with God in our heart, and Gopd on our topngues and yes we can slay a
Thank You , God for this true story, of this day, to be passed on, and on, I pray! amen
John HIcks
WOW! WHAT A STORY ,, WHAT DO YOU THINK? This story was told to me by David just yesterday in my shop, "The Cross Factory",, as he and his wife picked up another 100 crosses to paint, and 50 painted to get back out on the gospel
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
WEDNESDAY! BIG SLIDE DAY! KNOW AS THE "HUMP" DAY! Well you know some camels have two humps! Oh! You thought,, just get past the "hump", to the top, then I can slide down to my w/e with the greatest of ease, and be happy, for two more days,,yea! Whether you are on "the two hump", or "the one hump weekly middle day camel',,, you should be living a happy day , each day of the week. Some don't have that privilege, to be in good health, happy, a job, etc.. so be happy... EACH DAY,,, if you don't have Jesus in your life, get Him in your life, if you do, invite Him along ,instead of hiding Him out until Sunday,, and you will find out that the WHOLE week will be more of a "happy week", and the slide will be as one on a water slide, on a hot day,, fresh, and fun, so now , get "Happy , get Jesus", or if you have Him, bring Him along ,by invitation, and be HAPPY,,, ALL WEEK! O.K.? Slide on my friends!
Prayer Request: Remember Frank and Lori,, Frank is back in the hospital,, hurting in the pancreas,, where he has his cancer, he is almost down to nothing, the Lord is there, the decision of course is His. please pray for Franks relief of suffering and pain in what ever way God decides, ask Him to go ahead... give Frank relief, and pray for Franks soul, for we are not sure He has ever accepted Jesus.
Lori, with the mass in her neck, radiation left her to where she could swallow very little , but some. Sunday she got choke, then could not even swallow water, she is i n another hospital from Frank, they have discovered another large mass in her throat.. please pray for her also.. Her mother is trying to work two days, and travel between hospital, so give her some prayers also..
John, the drug addict ,has admitted himself into a Catholic re-hab place, please pray he gets a cure while there..
Millie,, goes into second cataract eye surgery today, pray for her...
You and I woke up with problems this morning? We just thought we did. Just look at the prayer list,, look at the beds in our hospitals, filled to capacity, look at the dry weather , the farmers are suffering from, some of the population, already buying water... killings for nonsense.. robberies. hate to one another.. folks ,, it is time to forget the worry of the problems, and start praying, no , I mean sincere praying,,, for we are in deep trouble, and even thought we have it made in this country,, we are far off coarse of what if should be, and that is because of fallen morals,,check yourself, not the one next to you, and yes I will check myself,, for I have a lot to be thankful for, and more to correct! We, you and I are the ones who can correct lotS of these problems of this country , and this world, by SINCERE PRAYER TO OUR GOD... AND THEN THE FAITH OF IT COMING TRUE! CAN WE DO THIS,YES! if, WE WANT TOO.. FOR GOD IS STANDING HERE , WITH HIS SON, WAITING, WAITING ON US!!!!
John HIcks
Prayer Request: Remember Frank and Lori,, Frank is back in the hospital,, hurting in the pancreas,, where he has his cancer, he is almost down to nothing, the Lord is there, the decision of course is His. please pray for Franks relief of suffering and pain in what ever way God decides, ask Him to go ahead... give Frank relief, and pray for Franks soul, for we are not sure He has ever accepted Jesus.
Lori, with the mass in her neck, radiation left her to where she could swallow very little , but some. Sunday she got choke, then could not even swallow water, she is i n another hospital from Frank, they have discovered another large mass in her throat.. please pray for her also.. Her mother is trying to work two days, and travel between hospital, so give her some prayers also..
John, the drug addict ,has admitted himself into a Catholic re-hab place, please pray he gets a cure while there..
Millie,, goes into second cataract eye surgery today, pray for her...
You and I woke up with problems this morning? We just thought we did. Just look at the prayer list,, look at the beds in our hospitals, filled to capacity, look at the dry weather , the farmers are suffering from, some of the population, already buying water... killings for nonsense.. robberies. hate to one another.. folks ,, it is time to forget the worry of the problems, and start praying, no , I mean sincere praying,,, for we are in deep trouble, and even thought we have it made in this country,, we are far off coarse of what if should be, and that is because of fallen morals,,check yourself, not the one next to you, and yes I will check myself,, for I have a lot to be thankful for, and more to correct! We, you and I are the ones who can correct lotS of these problems of this country , and this world, by SINCERE PRAYER TO OUR GOD... AND THEN THE FAITH OF IT COMING TRUE! CAN WE DO THIS,YES! if, WE WANT TOO.. FOR GOD IS STANDING HERE , WITH HIS SON, WAITING, WAITING ON US!!!!
John HIcks
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
TUESDAY! Up, out of that bed,, smile real big, and say,, Thank You God, for this day, that I know will be great ,,because You're here beside me... and yes, I have that faith! Now , GO have that cup of coffee, FEEL GREAT,,, and have a great day!
When you pray for others, God listens to you and blesses them, and
sometimes, when you are safe and happy, remember that someone has prayed
for you.
Have you had those days, when, nothng seems to go right? You are down-trodden, feel depressed, like , no one cares,, no,,, no one.. You want to just kick back and say, "I just don't care"! Lots of us, have those days,, and that is something that YOU can also reverse ,,, When you see someone ... you see YOU and now it can work two ways, one to them, one to you! You see them, head slightly pointed down, lips turned down, a slow walk ,, no zip at all,, and all of a sudden ,,,,, you see,,yes ,,, you!
Now as you approach them, give them this,,, and you will see a change in them, and you will feel with-in you the same as you just saw in them,,as you do this thing,,, as you pass them by,, look them in the eye,,,, and
At once ,you will feel like a different person, for when you bring God into any part of your life, you bring,
God, thank You for being in the lives of those who need You, those who already have You, and for all that love and help You give out so freely,,, each minute of every day! amen
John HIcks
Humble, smiling, greatful, here if needed. so is Jesus, there at your side, waiting for that call,
When you pray for others, God listens to you and blesses them, and
sometimes, when you are safe and happy, remember that someone has prayed
for you.
Have you had those days, when, nothng seems to go right? You are down-trodden, feel depressed, like , no one cares,, no,,, no one.. You want to just kick back and say, "I just don't care"! Lots of us, have those days,, and that is something that YOU can also reverse ,,, When you see someone ... you see YOU and now it can work two ways, one to them, one to you! You see them, head slightly pointed down, lips turned down, a slow walk ,, no zip at all,, and all of a sudden ,,,,, you see,,yes ,,, you!
Now as you approach them, give them this,,, and you will see a change in them, and you will feel with-in you the same as you just saw in them,,as you do this thing,,, as you pass them by,, look them in the eye,,,, and
At once ,you will feel like a different person, for when you bring God into any part of your life, you bring,
God, thank You for being in the lives of those who need You, those who already have You, and for all that love and help You give out so freely,,, each minute of every day! amen
John HIcks
Humble, smiling, greatful, here if needed. so is Jesus, there at your side, waiting for that call,
Monday, April 16, 2012
MONDAY! W/E over! For all you who have jobs to go to...thank God you do this morning, quit complaining,,, there are plenty who will take it for you,, so if you don't want it, make a call, and let those who are without ,, take it.... God gives, and God takes away,, so be thankful for what you have , no matter how dark it seems now, if you have Him,, there is a bright light ahead,, I guarantee it, so keep your faith,, He will deliver!
Prayer is not a "spare wheel" that you pull out when in trouble, but
it is a "steering wheel" that directs the right path throughout.
We have a great gift from our maker... no matter how hard we try, we can't make another world, like this one...we can improve on things , by His wishes, not ours,, for He gave us a mind, in which we only use about 15% of it.. so you see there are still a lot of dummies out here.. me included...
Now back to trying to be "god",, we can never make it, so why try? We are made by Him ,, we are not even close to being Him.. so let's just go ahead and enjoy this world,, worship Him, do all we can to spread His word, be good ambassadors of Christ,, to those who do not know Him, and folks , there are plenty here in the good ole USA, you don't have to go outside of our borders(yes , what borders with our current administration?) do you agree, quit trying to be God, quite trying to act like a God... for even when you do,, people know better, so quite making a ,, (words I just can't bring myself to use), but quit being one!... and get on the ride to telling the good ole story of God, Jesus, and that road to Heaven,, if you will just accept Jesus Christ as your Savior,, and then walk around with a big smile on your face,, as you travel this life through
Lord, thank You for this great gift of this world, and Your greatest of gifts, Your Son, Jesus,, just for us! Wow,, thank You God, thank You! amen
John HIcks
Enjoying my world,, given by my Master,, The one , the only living God! Will you come join me? Ask Jesus , and He will come to you and with you also, and then you will enjoy.. even better,, so go ahead, make a choice!
Prayer is not a "spare wheel" that you pull out when in trouble, but
it is a "steering wheel" that directs the right path throughout.
We have a great gift from our maker... no matter how hard we try, we can't make another world, like this one...we can improve on things , by His wishes, not ours,, for He gave us a mind, in which we only use about 15% of it.. so you see there are still a lot of dummies out here.. me included...
Now back to trying to be "god",, we can never make it, so why try? We are made by Him ,, we are not even close to being Him.. so let's just go ahead and enjoy this world,, worship Him, do all we can to spread His word, be good ambassadors of Christ,, to those who do not know Him, and folks , there are plenty here in the good ole USA, you don't have to go outside of our borders(yes , what borders with our current administration?) do you agree, quit trying to be God, quite trying to act like a God... for even when you do,, people know better, so quite making a ,, (words I just can't bring myself to use), but quit being one!... and get on the ride to telling the good ole story of God, Jesus, and that road to Heaven,, if you will just accept Jesus Christ as your Savior,, and then walk around with a big smile on your face,, as you travel this life through
Lord, thank You for this great gift of this world, and Your greatest of gifts, Your Son, Jesus,, just for us! Wow,, thank You God, thank You! amen
John HIcks
Enjoying my world,, given by my Master,, The one , the only living God! Will you come join me? Ask Jesus , and He will come to you and with you also, and then you will enjoy.. even better,, so go ahead, make a choice!
Sunday, April 15, 2012
SUNDAY! As you open those sleepy eyes, rub them,, take a deep breath, smile, and say "Good morning Jesus, did you rest as good as I did,,, thanks for sleeping over!" Now get up, and go have a great Gods' day,, the "two" of you!
We come to love by not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person, perfectly!
Prayer Request: John Kenney,, a young man who is dealing with satans drugs,, satan has a deep root in this young man, who has had one overdose days ago, had to be revived, released himself out of the hospital... re-drugged up and sitting on a curb, waiting on a delivery.. pray that God will come to this man, and deliver him where ever he will be safe from satan and all his fallen angels...
For the above, whose Mother sets from a window, afraid to let him in, she is afraid of retaliation from others.. in a wheel chair, on dialysis, heart problems , and in real bad shape herself, but crying and praying for that son.. will you pray with her? She needs prayer also,,, if it was your son,, you would pray as she is doing,, so pray , pray for Gods' intervention in this situation.... please!
What is more important in this life , other than God, Jesus, and the pursuing of lost souls.. than your family? Nothing ! So why do we tend to put other things of this world ahead of family? It is the human thing? No! It is by choice... so today, let's all make that special deal,, let the things of this world slide, and let's just call, go see and say to our family members ,,, I love you! God's plans for all of us is to live in harmony with each other... and reading the above prayer requests , makes me feel lucky of how much our family loves... each other, but I pray for all the ones going through the above situations of today. The one who called me and asked for those requests, is having the same type problems,, with her son, yet she is praying for her own family, and other families also... so , ,yes ,,,,we all stick together!,,,,with what glue do we find to hold this bond that satan so feverishly tries to break,,, the glue, the bond of Jesus Christ, the bond that satan cannot break.. so keep it close and lets pray for , and send our much, much love to our
God, thank You for my family... and I ask that you touch that young man on the shoulder, and bring him home to you, and the one who is reaching out to You for that man, please re-send hers back with You in his heart, and reunite all the families who need You,, and put those drugs from satan,,, back into hell where they belong..amen
John HIcks
We come to love by not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person, perfectly!
Prayer Request: John Kenney,, a young man who is dealing with satans drugs,, satan has a deep root in this young man, who has had one overdose days ago, had to be revived, released himself out of the hospital... re-drugged up and sitting on a curb, waiting on a delivery.. pray that God will come to this man, and deliver him where ever he will be safe from satan and all his fallen angels...
For the above, whose Mother sets from a window, afraid to let him in, she is afraid of retaliation from others.. in a wheel chair, on dialysis, heart problems , and in real bad shape herself, but crying and praying for that son.. will you pray with her? She needs prayer also,,, if it was your son,, you would pray as she is doing,, so pray , pray for Gods' intervention in this situation.... please!
What is more important in this life , other than God, Jesus, and the pursuing of lost souls.. than your family? Nothing ! So why do we tend to put other things of this world ahead of family? It is the human thing? No! It is by choice... so today, let's all make that special deal,, let the things of this world slide, and let's just call, go see and say to our family members ,,, I love you! God's plans for all of us is to live in harmony with each other... and reading the above prayer requests , makes me feel lucky of how much our family loves... each other, but I pray for all the ones going through the above situations of today. The one who called me and asked for those requests, is having the same type problems,, with her son, yet she is praying for her own family, and other families also... so , ,yes ,,,,we all stick together!,,,,with what glue do we find to hold this bond that satan so feverishly tries to break,,, the glue, the bond of Jesus Christ, the bond that satan cannot break.. so keep it close and lets pray for , and send our much, much love to our
God, thank You for my family... and I ask that you touch that young man on the shoulder, and bring him home to you, and the one who is reaching out to You for that man, please re-send hers back with You in his heart, and reunite all the families who need You,, and put those drugs from satan,,, back into hell where they belong..amen
John HIcks
Saturday, April 14, 2012
SATURDAY! As you open your eyes this great and wonderful morning of our Lord, take a deep breath, and then thank Him for sharing another one of HIS days with you! Then as you smell that coffee , go drink a cup, and invite Him along on your days journey,, then you and He will sure enjoy this day together,, if you will just ask Him to join you. It is your choice now, His later, so don't screw this chance up of no only inviting Him along today, buy inviting Him into your heart, and giving Him your soul!
Often when we lose hope and think this is the end, but GOD smiles from above and says, "Relax, sweetheart, it's just a bend, not the end!
Prayer Request: For Jim Harp, who has not been feeling good lately,, went to the doctors, pray for good results, and that he is feeling better..
We all are at some time of our life, been in denial of something, whether it be our "good "decisions, our friends, our love of someone,, or just our actions in general..
Now to address our "actions in general",,, this is the biggest denial of right and wrong we do... oh yes , I said WE! We don't just second guess some of our decisions, we actually live them after we make them, knowing they are wrong.. Why do we do this? We are "humans",, we sin... then we deny it..for we ,, within think we are close to perfect,, we just don't see our-selves from others eyes,, and we must remember in all our decisions,,, there is someone watching us, recording our ever move, our ever word,, and it is not "big brother" in Washington,, it is our God, the only God! We will be re-reading all these decisions. and actions,,,for ALL is written in our book of life.. so don't let your mind keep you in denial of anything, put it all out in the open,, confess to Him,, let it be known that you are im-perfect, sinned,, ask Him in, and then let all know that you have the perfect one, Jesus, within .. then make all your decision with Him included, and you will never have to worry about being in
Lord, Thank You for opening up your arms to all of us,, to come in out of this world of sin, and denial of You,, and into belief , and love of You, and Your saving grace. amen
John HIcks
May all come forward,. stand up for God, put satan and his angels of destruction back down into hell , where they all belong, It is a choice of ours, and we can do it , if we let Him, Jesus, be our "Commander In Chief" let's continue to fight for God, and Him alone ,,, make that choice now!
Often when we lose hope and think this is the end, but GOD smiles from above and says, "Relax, sweetheart, it's just a bend, not the end!
Prayer Request: For Jim Harp, who has not been feeling good lately,, went to the doctors, pray for good results, and that he is feeling better..
We all are at some time of our life, been in denial of something, whether it be our "good "decisions, our friends, our love of someone,, or just our actions in general..
Now to address our "actions in general",,, this is the biggest denial of right and wrong we do... oh yes , I said WE! We don't just second guess some of our decisions, we actually live them after we make them, knowing they are wrong.. Why do we do this? We are "humans",, we sin... then we deny it..for we ,, within think we are close to perfect,, we just don't see our-selves from others eyes,, and we must remember in all our decisions,,, there is someone watching us, recording our ever move, our ever word,, and it is not "big brother" in Washington,, it is our God, the only God! We will be re-reading all these decisions. and actions,,,for ALL is written in our book of life.. so don't let your mind keep you in denial of anything, put it all out in the open,, confess to Him,, let it be known that you are im-perfect, sinned,, ask Him in, and then let all know that you have the perfect one, Jesus, within .. then make all your decision with Him included, and you will never have to worry about being in
Lord, Thank You for opening up your arms to all of us,, to come in out of this world of sin, and denial of You,, and into belief , and love of You, and Your saving grace. amen
John HIcks
May all come forward,. stand up for God, put satan and his angels of destruction back down into hell , where they all belong, It is a choice of ours, and we can do it , if we let Him, Jesus, be our "Commander In Chief" let's continue to fight for God, and Him alone ,,, make that choice now!
Friday, April 13, 2012
FRIDAY! TGIF! Your slide to the week-end is just about there ,unless it is a three day one, and it is here unless it is a Monday three "dayer"!... so come in slowly, not to fast , and keep your head up and out of the dumps,, by holding on to Jesus ' hand, He will keep you up and out of the filth of this world.if you will just ask Him along.. Well ,,, what are you going to do, ask or not? Your choice!
Yes , that is a big word... it means: to show consideration, or esteem for; to relate to; courtesy or considerate treatment. Now that you know the meaning,, do you have it for the ones you come in contact with? If you do , do you practice it, or let it lay dormant? Most have it,, even if it is very little and they do practice it,, even if it is very little,, then you have the ones who have a lot,, and practice a lot.. What is the difference? There are many reasons, some are the way a person is taught in the home,, at school,, in the church.. in life as it goes. Our parents are the ones who should be the ones that teach it to us in a very early stage,, from birth. Yes , from birth, in our voices, as soon as you hold that child,, they began to learn,, from their little ears to their brain.. so be careful what you say , and how you say it to everyone,, for it is respect.. and to give ,, one must have it within themselves first. If one does not respect their self, then how can one respect others? A good question,,, one needs to have their God within,, and respect His name in all that you utter in this life,, If you do not have respect , then go to the Lord, and accept Him and He will give you that inside feeling of respect. Now , think about what all this says, means,, and then when you open your mouth next time,, stop,, think , and then say , what I am about to say , I say it with
God, thank You for giving us the mind, to understand respect, and that we do respect you , and all we talk to also. amen
John HIcks
Respect is earned also, and I give it out abundantly,with admiration of it earned! How about the Lord,, do you respect His name, in all of your actions? Choice, choice,, all yours!
Yes , that is a big word... it means: to show consideration, or esteem for; to relate to; courtesy or considerate treatment. Now that you know the meaning,, do you have it for the ones you come in contact with? If you do , do you practice it, or let it lay dormant? Most have it,, even if it is very little and they do practice it,, even if it is very little,, then you have the ones who have a lot,, and practice a lot.. What is the difference? There are many reasons, some are the way a person is taught in the home,, at school,, in the church.. in life as it goes. Our parents are the ones who should be the ones that teach it to us in a very early stage,, from birth. Yes , from birth, in our voices, as soon as you hold that child,, they began to learn,, from their little ears to their brain.. so be careful what you say , and how you say it to everyone,, for it is respect.. and to give ,, one must have it within themselves first. If one does not respect their self, then how can one respect others? A good question,,, one needs to have their God within,, and respect His name in all that you utter in this life,, If you do not have respect , then go to the Lord, and accept Him and He will give you that inside feeling of respect. Now , think about what all this says, means,, and then when you open your mouth next time,, stop,, think , and then say , what I am about to say , I say it with
God, thank You for giving us the mind, to understand respect, and that we do respect you , and all we talk to also. amen
John HIcks
Respect is earned also, and I give it out abundantly,with admiration of it earned! How about the Lord,, do you respect His name, in all of your actions? Choice, choice,, all yours!
Thursday, April 12, 2012
THURSDAY- Today is another one of His days.. oh! You thought they were yours? Well,,, now you know! So why the turned up nose, the turned down lips?... Now that you know they are just borrowed, don't you think you need to be thankful, happy, and turn those lips up, that nose down a little , brighten those eyes a lot, and say "Thanks God, I will come with You today!",,,, Instead of Him ,,waiting in the high seats ,,waiting on YOU.. to say come go with me today.. I like the better, of Him saying, "Come,,, be with Me today, and let's have a heck of a good time"!,,, NOW SMILE REAL BIG , AND TAKE OFF ,,, WITH HIM!
I think if we will re-read the above, take heart , we will see who really is in charge of us each and every day... the path we walk is by our choice only,, and after we make that choice , which is really ours, and our alone, then He takes charge, and assigns us our due,, a guardian angel to walk with us, or "you know who".. to walk with us.. of course it all starts with that decision,,, called choice, do we say it?
Lord thank You for the invitation,, I pray, all will take it...and as we know , when we do, we will have one heck of a day,,, Thanks again for the invite! Amen
John HIcks
Loving my relation with the One , and the only God, how about you.. do you have a relation today? If not ,, just call out , Jesus is ready, and He is waiting for that call,, so go ahead, and make a choice.... it is yours , and yes, yours alone! Have a great day... and congratulations on your decision,, to pick Jesus to come along on your day!
I think if we will re-read the above, take heart , we will see who really is in charge of us each and every day... the path we walk is by our choice only,, and after we make that choice , which is really ours, and our alone, then He takes charge, and assigns us our due,, a guardian angel to walk with us, or "you know who".. to walk with us.. of course it all starts with that decision,,, called choice, do we say it?
Lord thank You for the invitation,, I pray, all will take it...and as we know , when we do, we will have one heck of a day,,, Thanks again for the invite! Amen
John HIcks
Loving my relation with the One , and the only God, how about you.. do you have a relation today? If not ,, just call out , Jesus is ready, and He is waiting for that call,, so go ahead, and make a choice.... it is yours , and yes, yours alone! Have a great day... and congratulations on your decision,, to pick Jesus to come along on your day!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
WEDNESDAY! What is in store for you today? Making plans for the new w/e already? ,,, or just making them for today? Either way,, just include the savior who wants to go with you, and is waiting for the ole wave of the hand, come on..invitation,,, so go ahead do it.. and don't forget why He is with you, to ask Him to just stay with you,,, through-out the rest of your life.. o.k.? Have a great day!
I was traveling around yesterday,,, and I looked at all the beautiful landscapes... for I am a "Yard Person",, I love to work outside,, and spring is my favorite time, getting out, and sprucing things up, putting out flowers,, and maybe planting some tomato plants... anything to be outside! The only thing is painting, but I do it ,,when have to.
I look at how spectacular things are kept in yards... and can tell a lot of how people are by the way they keep there yards spruced up, decorated, and it tells me, yes they are out-door-er also.. and I see lots of crosses in peoples yards..and that makes me proud.. for it is getting to where you see more and more, and I know that God likes this, for what I saw in one yard,,, was an inspiration ,, for right in the middle of all the decorations was a little white cross,, and it was leaning , slightly ..and I just burst out in that old song , heard so many thousands of times in our churches from youth to now... yes Leaning On The Everlasting Arms! It felt so good to sing it , even inside, and be inspired by this memory.. so the moral of this story is , that even though I make thousands of crosses , help paint some,, ask people to get one , WHEN I see one in a yard , it is like electricity,, and it make me so grateful for God to allow me to do this,, so this little white piece of wood, actually turning to something that make a difference in It's real meaning. so join me this morning as I again am , in my mind , humming
God, thank You for this gift , this Cross of Salvation, that You, and You alone gave us..amen
John HIcks
Just looking around and getting inspired by God's beautiful nature,, come drive with me and enjoy it also... it is sooooo great!
I was traveling around yesterday,,, and I looked at all the beautiful landscapes... for I am a "Yard Person",, I love to work outside,, and spring is my favorite time, getting out, and sprucing things up, putting out flowers,, and maybe planting some tomato plants... anything to be outside! The only thing is painting, but I do it ,,when have to.
I look at how spectacular things are kept in yards... and can tell a lot of how people are by the way they keep there yards spruced up, decorated, and it tells me, yes they are out-door-er also.. and I see lots of crosses in peoples yards..and that makes me proud.. for it is getting to where you see more and more, and I know that God likes this, for what I saw in one yard,,, was an inspiration ,, for right in the middle of all the decorations was a little white cross,, and it was leaning , slightly ..and I just burst out in that old song , heard so many thousands of times in our churches from youth to now... yes Leaning On The Everlasting Arms! It felt so good to sing it , even inside, and be inspired by this memory.. so the moral of this story is , that even though I make thousands of crosses , help paint some,, ask people to get one , WHEN I see one in a yard , it is like electricity,, and it make me so grateful for God to allow me to do this,, so this little white piece of wood, actually turning to something that make a difference in It's real meaning. so join me this morning as I again am , in my mind , humming
God, thank You for this gift , this Cross of Salvation, that You, and You alone gave us..amen
John HIcks
Just looking around and getting inspired by God's beautiful nature,, come drive with me and enjoy it also... it is sooooo great!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
TUESDAY! Waking up to the smell of coffee,, and the realization of a great day to come! How do I know a great day to come? For I woke up with my Jesus, and that is a great hint of great-nest to come... and I will take Him with me,,, where-ever I go... how can I lose? Who are you taking? Mnnn,, this coffee is good!!!!
Yesterday, I heard loud and clear of a message for this days' "thoughts". I visited with Amanda Newby at the hospital, yesterday afternoon. She was doing better, sitting up in a chair in her room.. She beamed as usual when we walked in,, as she always beams when she is around someone or someone walks up to her on her porch at home, always a smile and a welcome...and her being in the hospital, no change in that attitude!
As we talked,, we talked of the way she was, so up and out-going, talking , joking , just full of energy on that day ,,,,,, as usual, when all of a sudden her body started a shut down,, and after almost two weeks , now, she is conscience,, sitting up , and has walked from her bed to her door, and down the hall,, just a bit... and she will tell you quickly, it is all as God has planned......
So , here comes the question in all minds, if this is what God wants,, then why all this ,, almost shut down, and that calling her to home , only to stop this .. and start her back to healing and getting ready to make plans to come on home, this , her worldly home ?
Her answer... well ,,, the Lord changed His mind,, (and yes He can, He is God, and He made you, so why not change His mind, my I am glad He hasn't decided what we deserve,, don't you?) well back to what Amanda said,,,, Once He decided to keep her here, in this world,,, ,,, He provide the best of care, the doctors, the nurses, all involved, HE gave them the knowledge to cure her with His guiding hands... and to continue to make her strong... for she said,,
God, we thank You for Your decisions, and we do not question them ,, only to listen, and try to serve as You want us, and to do the job or jobs You send to us... amen
John HIcks
An amazing story this morning, and an amazing attitude of a lady, who looks not at the sunshine, but into the sunshine--and warms herself with His rays....what do you think?
Yesterday, I heard loud and clear of a message for this days' "thoughts". I visited with Amanda Newby at the hospital, yesterday afternoon. She was doing better, sitting up in a chair in her room.. She beamed as usual when we walked in,, as she always beams when she is around someone or someone walks up to her on her porch at home, always a smile and a welcome...and her being in the hospital, no change in that attitude!
As we talked,, we talked of the way she was, so up and out-going, talking , joking , just full of energy on that day ,,,,,, as usual, when all of a sudden her body started a shut down,, and after almost two weeks , now, she is conscience,, sitting up , and has walked from her bed to her door, and down the hall,, just a bit... and she will tell you quickly, it is all as God has planned......
So , here comes the question in all minds, if this is what God wants,, then why all this ,, almost shut down, and that calling her to home , only to stop this .. and start her back to healing and getting ready to make plans to come on home, this , her worldly home ?
Her answer... well ,,, the Lord changed His mind,, (and yes He can, He is God, and He made you, so why not change His mind, my I am glad He hasn't decided what we deserve,, don't you?) well back to what Amanda said,,,, Once He decided to keep her here, in this world,,, ,,, He provide the best of care, the doctors, the nurses, all involved, HE gave them the knowledge to cure her with His guiding hands... and to continue to make her strong... for she said,,
God, we thank You for Your decisions, and we do not question them ,, only to listen, and try to serve as You want us, and to do the job or jobs You send to us... amen
John HIcks
An amazing story this morning, and an amazing attitude of a lady, who looks not at the sunshine, but into the sunshine--and warms herself with His rays....what do you think?
Monday, April 9, 2012
MONDAY! Welcome to the start of another week,, and I pray that you all had a great Easter, & kept in mine why, and what it meant,, and put the cross way ahead of the bunny! Now , have another of God's great gifts,, another day of your life , given with the same amount of love,,, as the "Cross"!
Yes, yesterday is like Christmas, a gift given beyond any that we can give, a Son born to serve the world, teach us the way, die for our sins at an early age.. and all controlled by the Father of all.. the maker of the Universe, the world, the day and the night, and us... given with love, yes letting His Son die on a cross, not just death, but a terrible death,, done by man, and yet done for man....God is great, and with all the love He gives us over and over, we seem to listen to the wrong .. the one who has already fallen from Heaven, kicked out by God Almighty..
We must stay on the path with the Lord, and not sway at all... faith, and loyalty, that is what we all need and to practice... and after all of us "taking up the cross for the day of Easter, The day of Resurrection" I ask this question,, "How may will today lay down that Cross to participate in this day of this world,, for it does not fit into your way of life, except on Easter, or on Sunday?" Yes, I must admit, there will be a number that will do this very thing... and just like Peter, will utter thiese famous words..,,never, never my Lord will I ever deny You!.....we must not let this be us! We all must pray and have faith, and not let this happen,,, we must stand tall for Him, our Jesus, without fail,,, and continue to carry this
God, thank You, for your great sacrifice for us, and may we re-pay you by giving our hearts and soul to Jesus just as you gave Him to us... we give ourselves back to You, through Him. amen
John HIcks
Yes, yesterday is like Christmas, a gift given beyond any that we can give, a Son born to serve the world, teach us the way, die for our sins at an early age.. and all controlled by the Father of all.. the maker of the Universe, the world, the day and the night, and us... given with love, yes letting His Son die on a cross, not just death, but a terrible death,, done by man, and yet done for man....God is great, and with all the love He gives us over and over, we seem to listen to the wrong .. the one who has already fallen from Heaven, kicked out by God Almighty..
We must stay on the path with the Lord, and not sway at all... faith, and loyalty, that is what we all need and to practice... and after all of us "taking up the cross for the day of Easter, The day of Resurrection" I ask this question,, "How may will today lay down that Cross to participate in this day of this world,, for it does not fit into your way of life, except on Easter, or on Sunday?" Yes, I must admit, there will be a number that will do this very thing... and just like Peter, will utter thiese famous words..,,never, never my Lord will I ever deny You!.....we must not let this be us! We all must pray and have faith, and not let this happen,,, we must stand tall for Him, our Jesus, without fail,,, and continue to carry this
God, thank You, for your great sacrifice for us, and may we re-pay you by giving our hearts and soul to Jesus just as you gave Him to us... we give ourselves back to You, through Him. amen
John HIcks
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Yes , today,, more that 2012 years ago , our Lord, our Jesus ,,, ROSE FROM THE GRAVE,,, VICTORY OVER DEATH! ,,,,
Yes, He rose,, for you, for me, and for all the sins of this world....
Thank You God for this act of the most Love, ever!
John HIcks
Happy Easter Everyone!
Yes , today,, more that 2012 years ago , our Lord, our Jesus ,,, ROSE FROM THE GRAVE,,, VICTORY OVER DEATH! ,,,,
Yes, He rose,, for you, for me, and for all the sins of this world....
Thank You God for this act of the most Love, ever!
John HIcks
Happy Easter Everyone!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
SATURDAY- Roll out of that bed with eyes open wide , and God in your heart! Yes first things first, and to me , God is first! So first, give thanks to Him for this new day, then, off to life as you choose,,, for it is your choice, and yours alone! Now get out there , make the right choices, and enjoy the heck out of it! Have a great day!
Prayer Report : Amanda walked from bed to door yesterday,, a couple of times. breathing doing o.k., blood pressure is good, colon is still doing good, kidneys working better, but still on dialysis.. Thank you all for your prayers!
For as they laid Jesus in the hollered out rock tomb, pushed the gigantic rock over the entrance.... they did not realize that Jesus had told them of this happening,, and as they sat sadden of "His Death", they were not thinking ,nor remembering His words of "in three days".. so with guards standing by,,, mother, friends, disciples in mourning,,, God was preparing the miracle of miracles.... tune in tomorrow for the headlines,,
God, thank You for your sacrifice! Your love of the man You created, given choices, and then he, betraying You, and You forgiving him by giving Your only Son to die on a cross, a miserable death.., just for us.. WOW,,, what love! Praise be to you, and all glory given to You!,,, Again , Thank You Lord..amen
John HIcks
What else could be said... your comments welcome please!
Prayer Report : Amanda walked from bed to door yesterday,, a couple of times. breathing doing o.k., blood pressure is good, colon is still doing good, kidneys working better, but still on dialysis.. Thank you all for your prayers!
For as they laid Jesus in the hollered out rock tomb, pushed the gigantic rock over the entrance.... they did not realize that Jesus had told them of this happening,, and as they sat sadden of "His Death", they were not thinking ,nor remembering His words of "in three days".. so with guards standing by,,, mother, friends, disciples in mourning,,, God was preparing the miracle of miracles.... tune in tomorrow for the headlines,,
God, thank You for your sacrifice! Your love of the man You created, given choices, and then he, betraying You, and You forgiving him by giving Your only Son to die on a cross, a miserable death.., just for us.. WOW,,, what love! Praise be to you, and all glory given to You!,,, Again , Thank You Lord..amen
John HIcks
What else could be said... your comments welcome please!
Friday, April 6, 2012
GOOD FRIDAY! The day that God started our Salvation...
On this day, long ago, man hung a man on across,, between two thieves,,, an Innocent man, the only one that has ever been completely sin-free! This man was JESUS, the SON OF GOD,,, put into this world for you, and for me, so that our sins could be forgiven,,, by Him giving His life, shedding His blood, for our sins, for HE was perfect, completely Innocent, sin-free, perfect of a man! This is how much God loved us, and how much Jesus loved us also.....
Think, after much lashes of the whip as Jesus struggled with just the carrying of that heavy cross up to the top of the hill , and the soldiers placed Him on that cross, nailed his hands through the tendons, with 8 inch spikes, and then his feet also.. with this done , a spear wound in His side, a crown of thorns pushed deep down into His forehead, then they picked Him up and dropped the cross into a hole, made for holding crosses.. already dug,, and let it drop, bamn , to the bottom with a thug.... when it hit, think of the pain Jesus felt , even over the spikes, the wound, the crown! Then given vinegar to drink, being mocked,, by the soldiers, and proably more.
And as Jesus suffered, hanging there on that cross the love of His words ecohed across the universe... as Jesus said these words,,, "Father , forgive them, for they know not what they do." Can you believe this, a man suffering as Jesus, still called out to His Father , "FORGIVE THEM FATHER!" , when all He had to do was ask God to remove this misery, this hurt above all hurts of man.. and God would grab Him in His arms and stop this Crucifixion, but no,,, God loved this world so much,,, that He gave His only begotten Son, ..
For on each side o f Jesus , two thieves hung on cros that day also.. and one thief called out "if you are the Son of God, save Yourself and us,, and the other one said , we are being done just for our crimes,, for we are thieves.. and we are guilty.... this Man has done nothing, and to Jesus, "Remember me when you come into Your kingdom",, and Jesus said unto Him "Today, you will be in paradise with me!"..
Now at about the sixth hour,,, the darkness came over the whole land,,, until the ninth hour,,, the sun stopped shinning, the curtain of the temple tore in two,, and Jesus called out with a loud voice,,,
FATHER , INTO YOUR HANDS , I COMMIT MY SPIRIT!" and with this, He breathed His last breath!
Yes, on that , this day, long ago, Jesus died , for my sins, and for your sins, and the sins of this world!
But wait for three days and see the conclusin of this great love of our God, and His Son!!!!
But,,,,, He has never let us down, NO, NOT ONCE!....praise be His HOLY NAME!
Have a great day of remembrance!
On this day, long ago, man hung a man on across,, between two thieves,,, an Innocent man, the only one that has ever been completely sin-free! This man was JESUS, the SON OF GOD,,, put into this world for you, and for me, so that our sins could be forgiven,,, by Him giving His life, shedding His blood, for our sins, for HE was perfect, completely Innocent, sin-free, perfect of a man! This is how much God loved us, and how much Jesus loved us also.....
Think, after much lashes of the whip as Jesus struggled with just the carrying of that heavy cross up to the top of the hill , and the soldiers placed Him on that cross, nailed his hands through the tendons, with 8 inch spikes, and then his feet also.. with this done , a spear wound in His side, a crown of thorns pushed deep down into His forehead, then they picked Him up and dropped the cross into a hole, made for holding crosses.. already dug,, and let it drop, bamn , to the bottom with a thug.... when it hit, think of the pain Jesus felt , even over the spikes, the wound, the crown! Then given vinegar to drink, being mocked,, by the soldiers, and proably more.
And as Jesus suffered, hanging there on that cross the love of His words ecohed across the universe... as Jesus said these words,,, "Father , forgive them, for they know not what they do." Can you believe this, a man suffering as Jesus, still called out to His Father , "FORGIVE THEM FATHER!" , when all He had to do was ask God to remove this misery, this hurt above all hurts of man.. and God would grab Him in His arms and stop this Crucifixion, but no,,, God loved this world so much,,, that He gave His only begotten Son, ..
For on each side o f Jesus , two thieves hung on cros that day also.. and one thief called out "if you are the Son of God, save Yourself and us,, and the other one said , we are being done just for our crimes,, for we are thieves.. and we are guilty.... this Man has done nothing, and to Jesus, "Remember me when you come into Your kingdom",, and Jesus said unto Him "Today, you will be in paradise with me!"..
Now at about the sixth hour,,, the darkness came over the whole land,,, until the ninth hour,,, the sun stopped shinning, the curtain of the temple tore in two,, and Jesus called out with a loud voice,,,
FATHER , INTO YOUR HANDS , I COMMIT MY SPIRIT!" and with this, He breathed His last breath!
Yes, on that , this day, long ago, Jesus died , for my sins, and for your sins, and the sins of this world!
But wait for three days and see the conclusin of this great love of our God, and His Son!!!!
But,,,,, He has never let us down, NO, NOT ONCE!....praise be His HOLY NAME!
Have a great day of remembrance!
Thursday, April 5, 2012
THURSDAY! Who is that ,,, that is waking you up? Same one who has opened your eyes each day since you were decided,,, notice the words, "decided",,, Now you choose Him , as He has chosen you , and your eyes then,,, will be completely open!
Yes, I believe that God had us already in mind, and in line with His plan from his decision of this world..,,, then as His plan came about, we were conceived.. and life is real from that day of decision and a baby is alive when they are conceived..
Why do I believe in this, for He tells us this in His word. He is that great, and I HAVE THE FAITH IN HIM... on all things..... for I believe all that we request,, all we do ,, is given by about you..
Have you accepted Him as your Savior,, for even though He made you,, gave you life, He also gave you that one thing for you to be with Him,,, always, and that is ,, CHOICE! YOU OF HIS SON!
The celebration of His plan for our salvation is coming up, THE GREATEST ACT OF LOVE EVER,, to man,, the part God gave us so we could live eternally with Him... Just another one of those things He has .....
Lord, may all read these lines and understand just what the meaning is,, amen
John HIcks
Get ready to celebrate the most unselfish time of an act that can ever be imagined, for the ones ,,,, from the One who loves you soooo much! Do you know of any other? I don't ! Have you made your choice? Please do,,, if not!
Yes, I believe that God had us already in mind, and in line with His plan from his decision of this world..,,, then as His plan came about, we were conceived.. and life is real from that day of decision and a baby is alive when they are conceived..
Why do I believe in this, for He tells us this in His word. He is that great, and I HAVE THE FAITH IN HIM... on all things..... for I believe all that we request,, all we do ,, is given by about you..
Have you accepted Him as your Savior,, for even though He made you,, gave you life, He also gave you that one thing for you to be with Him,,, always, and that is ,, CHOICE! YOU OF HIS SON!
The celebration of His plan for our salvation is coming up, THE GREATEST ACT OF LOVE EVER,, to man,, the part God gave us so we could live eternally with Him... Just another one of those things He has .....
Lord, may all read these lines and understand just what the meaning is,, amen
John HIcks
Get ready to celebrate the most unselfish time of an act that can ever be imagined, for the ones ,,,, from the One who loves you soooo much! Do you know of any other? I don't ! Have you made your choice? Please do,,, if not!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
WEDNESDAY- Good morning to all, I hope you wake up with good feelings of great things to happen this day , given by the Lord and His love of you , to enjoy and have fun, even if you have to be at work.... just remember who gave it to you, and that He will get you through it with a blast! Have a great "middle day" of this week!
Prayer Report- Amanda is improving,,, colon working some, blood presure is good, ventilator: going to try to remove, as it is only having to produce 20% oxygen, kidneys still working some.. prayer works, so please keep up the prayers for her, and ask God for the help to all those who are so much in need , even if it means taking some from us..
Yes, as we do things in this life,, we , as humans and sinners,, do things that we put out front of our life,, yes out in public for all to see... then.... there are some things that we stick behind us and completely out of sight! Most of the time , these items stay there , but some times they get aired out and it is hurtful, or embarrassing to us.. We are all guilty of doing this,, you just have to admit to it, and for us all , that is hard to do...
So, when you start to do something , think before you act..and say to yourself,, would I put this on my front clothes line, or on the back one that no one can see?...then continue on with that decision made.. but remember one thing on all of our laundry that we create... it will be aired out when we all get to judgment ,,,,, and one way to insure that your dirty laundry is gone and you will be whiter than that sheet you have bleached so bright, you will be whiter than new snow...and that is to accept Jesus as your personal Savior.. once you have , guess what , that ole clothes line in the back, is gone... He has it, and so He will stand before His Father at judgment,, and your laundry,,
Lord, thank You for all that you have given us in this world, this life, and most of all God, thank You for Your Son, Jesus Christ who came to save us all..amen
John HIcks
I have found out that the best suds to clean all things ,,, is the Blood of Jesus... just what do you wash in? Make your choice, for God gave you that choice and no one else,, so as you stand there at judgment, remember now, for then it will be too late , you are the one who has made the decision as to who airs your laundry......... so make a choice, but make it now!
Prayer Report- Amanda is improving,,, colon working some, blood presure is good, ventilator: going to try to remove, as it is only having to produce 20% oxygen, kidneys still working some.. prayer works, so please keep up the prayers for her, and ask God for the help to all those who are so much in need , even if it means taking some from us..
Yes, as we do things in this life,, we , as humans and sinners,, do things that we put out front of our life,, yes out in public for all to see... then.... there are some things that we stick behind us and completely out of sight! Most of the time , these items stay there , but some times they get aired out and it is hurtful, or embarrassing to us.. We are all guilty of doing this,, you just have to admit to it, and for us all , that is hard to do...
So, when you start to do something , think before you act..and say to yourself,, would I put this on my front clothes line, or on the back one that no one can see?...then continue on with that decision made.. but remember one thing on all of our laundry that we create... it will be aired out when we all get to judgment ,,,,, and one way to insure that your dirty laundry is gone and you will be whiter than that sheet you have bleached so bright, you will be whiter than new snow...and that is to accept Jesus as your personal Savior.. once you have , guess what , that ole clothes line in the back, is gone... He has it, and so He will stand before His Father at judgment,, and your laundry,,
Lord, thank You for all that you have given us in this world, this life, and most of all God, thank You for Your Son, Jesus Christ who came to save us all..amen
John HIcks
I have found out that the best suds to clean all things ,,, is the Blood of Jesus... just what do you wash in? Make your choice, for God gave you that choice and no one else,, so as you stand there at judgment, remember now, for then it will be too late , you are the one who has made the decision as to who airs your laundry......... so make a choice, but make it now!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
TUESDAY! Wake up to the knowledge that God and Jesus are right at your side,,, just waiting on having a great day with you... God has made this day, given us Jesus , and waiting patiently on you.. now,, you did invite Them to come along didn't you? Or are you going or doing something you had just as well not have them there? Think about it as you continue to wake and go through this day of yours!
Prayer Report: Amanda, breathing is better, only using 20% of the ventilator,, blood pressure is better, kidneys are starting to function some,not all the way, but some,, still problems with colon,, doctors still have not given a diagnosis. Please continue to pray for her.
On a conversation with a newspaper reporter yesterday,(on The Cross Ministry), with Jimmy and myself. I kept hearing this statement,,, " I just don't get it,, what is there to understand?"
Now what was this exclamation due from, and I will say, we heard this not once but many, many times with real concern.
Exclamation due to these statements,,,, as I or Jimmy would tell of stories of giving out crosses,,,,and making presentations,, we would tell of the ones who rejected these crosses.. We would always say, it is a choice that we give, and try to give a reason of & it is of two things , freedom to do it and the ability to to do it ,,, should your faith, & your belief,,,and of those who would tell us a few things of why they did not want anything to do with them... and yes, we are disappointed with any rejection,, just as all (salespeople) who represent something , and have a no sale,, we want all to take one, but we know better,,,, The reporter would say, "I don't get it,, so why don't those who do believe in "The Cross" and do believe in God, and Jesus, reject this? I get it,, just why don't they?" Well, we could not answer this,, except for this,, if they believe and they decide to put forth the effort of their belief, and their faith, and want others to know.. then they must make the choice,,,
Lord, may we continue to go forward, and not judge others,, for we don't know reasons as you do in why, and it is yours to judge,,, not ours, so give us the strength and the wisdom to continue on with your word, and a tight tongue on judgment. amen
John HIcks
Just can't pass up an opportunity to wittiness, ,, and make no apologies for it,, how about you, are you witnessing enough, or at all? Make a choice,,, for it is yours to make , and there is plenty of space on Jesus' side... make it today!
Prayer Report: Amanda, breathing is better, only using 20% of the ventilator,, blood pressure is better, kidneys are starting to function some,not all the way, but some,, still problems with colon,, doctors still have not given a diagnosis. Please continue to pray for her.
On a conversation with a newspaper reporter yesterday,(on The Cross Ministry), with Jimmy and myself. I kept hearing this statement,,, " I just don't get it,, what is there to understand?"
Now what was this exclamation due from, and I will say, we heard this not once but many, many times with real concern.
Exclamation due to these statements,,,, as I or Jimmy would tell of stories of giving out crosses,,,,and making presentations,, we would tell of the ones who rejected these crosses.. We would always say, it is a choice that we give, and try to give a reason of & it is of two things , freedom to do it and the ability to to do it ,,, should your faith, & your belief,,,and of those who would tell us a few things of why they did not want anything to do with them... and yes, we are disappointed with any rejection,, just as all (salespeople) who represent something , and have a no sale,, we want all to take one, but we know better,,,, The reporter would say, "I don't get it,, so why don't those who do believe in "The Cross" and do believe in God, and Jesus, reject this? I get it,, just why don't they?" Well, we could not answer this,, except for this,, if they believe and they decide to put forth the effort of their belief, and their faith, and want others to know.. then they must make the choice,,,
Lord, may we continue to go forward, and not judge others,, for we don't know reasons as you do in why, and it is yours to judge,,, not ours, so give us the strength and the wisdom to continue on with your word, and a tight tongue on judgment. amen
John HIcks
Just can't pass up an opportunity to wittiness, ,, and make no apologies for it,, how about you, are you witnessing enough, or at all? Make a choice,,, for it is yours to make , and there is plenty of space on Jesus' side... make it today!
Monday, April 2, 2012
MONDAY! Wake up and thank the good Lord for this great day! How do you know it is going to be a good day, for you Know Him, Love Him, Believe in Him, and Have FAITH in Him! Right? Good! Now go and have that great day!
What is your quest for this life,,, do you have any goals? We should all have and keep goals in front of us. When you don't, then life doesn't mean as much, for as you complete one goal,,, you have another to go to with the feeling of satisfaction of already completing one. It doesn't have to be a big goal,,, but just some small goals. We tend to make them so big that we can't complete them, and then we just lay back and say to heck with it and let life run its' coarse.. this is not what our Maker intended for us to do.. God made this world for US,, not anyone else,,, He gave us dominion over all things on this earth,,, and He gave us so much,,, so we could enjoy our life, so let's put our trust, belief, and love back to Him,, our Creator,,, and renew our goals to Him first, life second. Look on the bright side,, for there is a bright side,,,, if you go through Him to get to your goals,,, so let's all make some goals for life,,, beautiful,, not bare and dark,, but let the light of God shine on all of your
God , please continue to shine on this nation, this world, and all of us. amen
John HIcks
I have made my quest with Jesus at the helm.. make yours today, don't waste time, for it could be critical! Make a choice and that is strictly yours!
What is your quest for this life,,, do you have any goals? We should all have and keep goals in front of us. When you don't, then life doesn't mean as much, for as you complete one goal,,, you have another to go to with the feeling of satisfaction of already completing one. It doesn't have to be a big goal,,, but just some small goals. We tend to make them so big that we can't complete them, and then we just lay back and say to heck with it and let life run its' coarse.. this is not what our Maker intended for us to do.. God made this world for US,, not anyone else,,, He gave us dominion over all things on this earth,,, and He gave us so much,,, so we could enjoy our life, so let's put our trust, belief, and love back to Him,, our Creator,,, and renew our goals to Him first, life second. Look on the bright side,, for there is a bright side,,,, if you go through Him to get to your goals,,, so let's all make some goals for life,,, beautiful,, not bare and dark,, but let the light of God shine on all of your
God , please continue to shine on this nation, this world, and all of us. amen
John HIcks
I have made my quest with Jesus at the helm.. make yours today, don't waste time, for it could be critical! Make a choice and that is strictly yours!
Sunday, April 1, 2012
SUNDAY! THE LORDS DAY! Did you awake today, and realize that you arrived to this, His day, with Him and not without Him, and if you did not arrive with Him, don't go another minute until you have accepted His Son , Jesus,and then continue on with a smile on that face! Will you?
Prayer Request and Report: Amanda Newby,,, she has a breathing tube, has had dialysis, and eight intestinal cleaning( which non of teh eight has worked),, she is accepting oxygen better.. but no other improvements. Please continue to pray for Amanda to recovery completely,, ask God's hand upon her this very day! Prayer will work,, and only in His way,,, Pray for all, and for His will to be done in all of our prayers,, and then have faith in the results of these prayers.
Peace: defined as a state of physical or mental tranquility, calm, the absence of war, peaceable.
Now, if you cannot see yourself in this definition of "peace"... then you need to re-evaluate your life. Physical and mental tranquility, the calm, absence of war within ones own soul, the feeling of peaceable...
that is the presence of God within ones-self.. and when you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior , then all this will come about..... I don't say all will be a straight and narrow road, with no pot holes or speed bumps in the road, for satan continues to put obstacles in our way,,,but with Jesus,, you have a satan plow in front of your travels on your road,,, so all in all,, to fill that definition above,, and to have full
Lord, thank you for Jesus, and I pray that all will accept Him on their way to You.amen
John HIcks
Peaceable,,, what a word also in it's on meaning, and to have Jesus with-in your heart, can you actually feel this,,, please , make sure you have Him,,today, don't delay!
Prayer Request and Report: Amanda Newby,,, she has a breathing tube, has had dialysis, and eight intestinal cleaning( which non of teh eight has worked),, she is accepting oxygen better.. but no other improvements. Please continue to pray for Amanda to recovery completely,, ask God's hand upon her this very day! Prayer will work,, and only in His way,,, Pray for all, and for His will to be done in all of our prayers,, and then have faith in the results of these prayers.
Peace: defined as a state of physical or mental tranquility, calm, the absence of war, peaceable.
Now, if you cannot see yourself in this definition of "peace"... then you need to re-evaluate your life. Physical and mental tranquility, the calm, absence of war within ones own soul, the feeling of peaceable...
that is the presence of God within ones-self.. and when you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior , then all this will come about..... I don't say all will be a straight and narrow road, with no pot holes or speed bumps in the road, for satan continues to put obstacles in our way,,,but with Jesus,, you have a satan plow in front of your travels on your road,,, so all in all,, to fill that definition above,, and to have full
Lord, thank you for Jesus, and I pray that all will accept Him on their way to You.amen
John HIcks
Peaceable,,, what a word also in it's on meaning, and to have Jesus with-in your heart, can you actually feel this,,, please , make sure you have Him,,today, don't delay!
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