Monday- 7-11,, "roll-em" and see what you get,,, just a gamble with the dice of satan,,,and they are rigged,, but roll with God,, and you get 7/'11/'11,, two wins,, Jesus, and life eternal, no gamble at all!,, so roll on folks ,, with God Almighty,, his roll is also not rigged,, it is true to the bone, so roll , roll!
Prayer Request: Tommy Mullings, who is still back in the hospital.. please pray for him,,
Joseph Hammonds remains there also...
Sue Sanders is still there,, waiting on one of the doctors to make some decisions on her throat.
Paul Ivin's, who is in the hospital , and going into re-hab for his hip,, and then chemo when he gets home.. so pray for him, he is the husband of a dear friend of mine and my family, Sheila.
LIFE! is what I am asking,,,and I can tell you , just what you put in it!!!! You ride with the devil,, then you get a ride of thrills and all kinds of things,, wow, then you get to ride at the end,, right on into hell.. wow again,, don't sound so much like a wow now does it.... for you know a small burn on a finger is like nothing compared to the fiery furnace of hell,, and you never burn up.... you just burn! and burn! for an eternity..
Now,, if you will jump in the car that I am riding in,,, no burns.. many, many thrills, the kind yo can tell in mixed company,, yes mixed company,, you can be out loud and out front with your tales of fun,, even right in front on the policeman.. and he will celebrate with you , with a smile a wave to continue your trip in that little ole roadster, that holds millions, and millions of smiling faces,, it is that little ole Heaven bound hot rod roadster of Jesus' and when you ride with Him,, then your final destination is the streets of gold, and the want of nothing, and the weather temperature is "just right".. for an eternity,, now what do you get out of life..
God, may all pick the life of the roadster with Jesus at the wheel , and ride to glory with Him to You! amen
John HIcks
Yes, I am riding in the roadster with Jesus, but it does not mean that He rides continuously,, He does pull over and lets us work for awhile, before He continues the drive,, yes , working to get more souls in the roadster, for you see , there is no limit as to how many it will hold.. it just carries those who ask to go,, the others are still standing along the road... we must continue to help as long as God allows us to breath in this world.. again come ride with Him,, Jesus.. now! Please!
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