Saturday, January 15, 2011


Saturday- Wake up to this great W/E,, get out of bed, shake the dream dust off, and get ready for some fun! God has made these days of yours to enjoy,, so don't waste them with a "lip down turn", "eyelids half closed",, "head down", "dragging out of bed"! Perk up, for some can't,, turn those lips up,, into a smile, open those eyes and see,,, hold that head high, jump out of bed with a bang! Now , you are ready to grab Jesus' hand and do some real enjoying.......


On this day of your life,, sometime today, it is not too late to invite Jesus into it, if you have not. If you already have accepted Him, it is also not too late for you to invite someone else to Him.
It is not only our duty to invite others to Him , but to live an example to others of Him!
So, when have you actually said to someone lately or ever,, "do you believe in God, have you accepted Jesus as your Savior?". Well it is time to do so,, God gives us chances around all corners of life, it is up to us to recognize them and act upon the chance to testify of His saving power.
If it was something we needed , we would not hesitate to ask God for it.. we all have that much faith!
So lets have a saving party! Invite those who have not been saved by Jesus, for at our party,, there are more smiles, more balloons, more dancing of the hearts, and more full-filling of souls , of all times,, so come on ,,,open that mouth,, invite someone,, to accept His loving , forgiving and eternal life , for ever and ever... come on , let's party ,, make it today, it's


God, give us the wisdom of how to testify and bring in the ones who have not yet accepted,, some of the lost sheep.
Lord , give us the know-how of bringing in the flock to You. amen

John HIcks
I find it harder to retrieve , than to reach-out,, it is as if my voice just goes , puff!,, and there is no listening,, just a stare,, no reaction... It seems like me making cross' , they are easy to build, but hard to get them into circulation.. and they are free, just like Jesus.It is as if,, maybe some,, some,, are not wanting to hear,,, because then, they would have to show,,, maybe...........?

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