Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Welcome to Tuesday, again? must have had a "senior " moment yesterday! Oh well, I got caught back up today,, if you can't enjoy a laugh on yourself, then you are a prune! Today is a wonderful day, why, for I awoke with God in my heart, and eyes,, yes my eyes also, for when I opened them and looked around the house, then outside, I knew then and there , I was looking at God, and then I smiled, & realized also, there He was ,,just looking back!


Whoa , you say, what is this guy talking about? His moment with God? Yes, I say, my moment with God! What ? You never had one? Why, I have had many.. in fact , every time my heart beats is a moment with God, for what do you know that works like this , that is man made.. nothing!!.. replicas maybe, but no real flesh and blood. Built right from the DNA of God. Whoa, there he goes again, saying his DNA is that of God! And I say, YES, it is!!! We are all built in His image, and from that image was we formed, out of dirt, but when God breathed into our lungs, we became a likeness not only of body, but of Him.. that means to me, that chain of DNA make up, is , of course , His.
So at all times we have our moments with Him.. for as we walk and talk , so does He, we can listen by looking, receiving,, and giving back , and enjoying the moment,, for without that moment , we would not be here. Folks , we are His!! Do you really get what I am saying,, if not , then "re-receive" Jesus Christ as your Savior, trust in God, then stop in your tracks, take a deep breath,, and open your eyes, and then you will also realize , you have just had one of Your moments with God ! Now ,join me as we today, bow our heads , pray together and


God, thank You for walking , talking and sharing the moments with us all, amen

John HIcks
Sometimes it is hard to understand what God is using you for, then you get just one e-mail, or just one word from someone, or (this will blow your mind) a look that says with a nod and a smile, thank you,, nothing at all said.. just the gesture, and you know it,,, how about it, have you made a gesture towards your Master today,,, or are you just looking in the mirror of ego?

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