Saturday, February 21, 2015
SATURDAY! A very good morning to all, and may all wake up the Lord with you by request, and I pray for all t be safe and warm! We travel from our homes to our shopping places of need or for just play of shopping...we ride in a warm car/truck,, we rush from vehicles to the shops in our heavy coats.. and with socks, yes with socks.. and yet, I am just as guilty to write down ,,,please God help those who are homeless, cold, no warm clothing, no coats, no shoes much less socks ,, nor food this morning to eat,, as we rush into our fast foods for our morning biscuits and hot coffee...or our warm comfortable kitchens, that are warm, and our automatic coffee makers, with coffee already brewed so we can click on the T.V. or our phones.. to see the outside,,, yes,,, me, I am just as big a hypocrite as we all are, really, and I admit, that it is hard to give when we read of those who abuse these "hand outs",,,but should we judge? Or should we just continue to set and pray, just a little harder for God to take care of the problem!!!!
Prayer Request: As we have Jesus in our hands and heart today, I pray that also we hand off our testimony to all we meet, and not just hold Him to ourselves, for He belongs to all,,,for my Father in Heaven sent Him , not to save one, but to save the world, so let's all today ,,,,"hand off a testimony, or two, or more"!
God , give me the energy to give a coat, a meal, a warm place to anyone I may see today without, and may all who reads this do also, lets be the "Good Samaritans" we claim to be,, instead of wailing out our wants of You to take care of all.. and give us the want , and the faith that You instilled in each of us to do as you would,, and that is to will help others in distress,, amen
John HIcks
This morning , I am going to load up extra coats.. and when I see someone cold, I will stop and give them the coat,,, or maybe a blanket, and then drive and get them a hot meal and take it back,,,for I make that promise this very day!
I had nothing t write this day, but well you see, it is all about ,, what I am professing, and what I am not doing!!
Make the choices today with me!
Monday, February 16, 2015
MONDAY! Burrrrrrr!!!! Here in the deep south, it is cold,,, but we know, we are clear in most places,of snow and ice,, and we are in prayer for those in those snow covered, so deep,, they can not see the streets, and are running out of places to put it! Too bad, they can't take the stuff by Jet, to the places who are under droughts! How much can a tanker hold? Not funny!
Well, we will just continue to let God be in control! He made it and He will deal with it,, and this , I do believe in!!!!! Keep your faith for the warmth of the Sun of Summer will come, if He so desires it to come!!!
Today, I will warm my heart with the belief of Jesus, and of God,, and of His teaching of while He was here with us as a man.. and now with us a spirit , and has not changed one bit! No, He is as He was ,,, for He showed Himself before He ascended.... and folks,, I know that what He gave us, and what Our Father God gave us(His own Son),,, stands today,, and even thought some do not live , nor read the word, His Bible,,, I do.. and I will stand. and I will pray for the stoppage of the ISIS, and put all my faith in Him! all I ask today is just where do you , or what do you
LORD,, I pray that all will rush to YOU, and be saved! Amen
John HIcks
Thursday, February 12, 2015
THURSDAY! Good morning to all! First,,let me thank you all for your prayers, and concern for Libby, for we do put God first, and He has shown already to start the healing,,,her breathing is now up to 92-94,, from 87,, so oxygen if off for now,, temperature finally broke to normal, even thought her statement is "Almost there,, BUT not quiet"...then that little weak smile..still not allowed to get up and walk without a "lending person" at her side,,,,, so all in all ,, She IS improving, and we are still praying. so please continue as we pray for all of you and all those others who are worse, and need Him more than we! So ,let's remember,that no matter how bad we are, there are those worse,, we are only one grain of sand on His beach, so pray not always for want, but just to talk to Him, and share YOUR love back to Him...May all have a great of another God's days... and remember, if you are in need, PRAY! , for HE listens 24/7, and HE loves you 24/7!
God , please look down upon all those that are sick, and not only the body , but sick of the soul also, and please give us the words, and the way to witness to them to bring them back to Jesus and You. I give my and our thanks for all the blessing we have , for we know all comes from You, and we just have to have the faith, again ,, thank You Lord, for our blessings..amen
Love to all,,,
Sunday, February 8, 2015
SUNDAY! The day set aside for rest! So, you must decide what is rest to you, and what is work! some people have to be doing something,, they just cannot set around and "do nothing"! Some can just set by "work" of any-kind,, any time of any day,, it is just a "built in time for them"! lol. So? Work or pleasure? You must make the decision, for you will answer for your decision one day,,, so never , ever make a "quick decision",, WHEN it come to a decision on what is right, and what is wrong! It seems around here, I am always wrong, and guess who is always right? I say this in fun, for it , here is always a 50/50 decision, and always will be! So, today, it your decision, now stand up to the test! Look it up in Websters,,, or are you too young to know who Webster is,,, and if you are then just "Google it"!
WHERE IS satan?
Lord , thank You for our day, and all we have, and we ask only for continued love , as we continue our love of You, amen
John HIcks
Friday, February 6, 2015
FRIDAY! Well, another of His days,,, and welcome to it...and after talking to Him, I feel as if we are all on the right track!,,,, IF WE ARE PUTTING HIM FIRST,, US LAST! And you did which?
Prayer Request, and Prayers of Thanks: Pray for Mandy Vaughn Newby,, that her "re-shock " of her heart is successful, and the rhythm will keep solid and beating right for all times!
Thankful for Bootsie doing good! and all those others whom we have been praying for!!! Makes us know that God is real, and not real close, but right on top of all!
Marjorie Walden,, successful knee surgery, now on the way to home and mending.. praise God!
For Perry Livingston, who is doing good, with his outpatient surgery, again, praise God!
For all the Pastors of this world, that are God called, and preach the word of God as truth, and the saving grace of Jesus Christ, as our only Salvation!!
You know about the "mustard seed" ,, so how many mountains have you moved today? You and I need to practice what we preach, and we need to look at that mountain, and rethink of our faith..... of what we say we have, and why is that mountain still there! Make sense, then let me know! Some will smile, some will answer, but will any pray for that missing faith , that we claim, but do not have as much as we think we have, and we ask for help to the one who told us of this
"mustard seed"?
Yes,,, I know,, this message has been on ere by me time after time,,,(as our prior pastor , Steve McGuire knows of how of his sermons were repeated, and was told so by Jack Mitchell) ,, if so on we go, and I will just say as Steve would laugh and say from the heart,, "Well, did I do any better this time?"... so there you go.. did I
Lord, thank You for the message today, for as I set down , I had none, but when I sigh my name today, I can say,,, "Yes, it was a good message!"... again ,, thank YOU GOD FOR IT! amen
John HIcks
Thank You My God!
Thursday, February 5, 2015
THURSDAY! Happy day to all of you,, and I ask, have you thanked God for it,,yet? I have prayed for the words today,,, for I have none , except my own... and when that happens, then I walk , still forward, never backwards.... for even God will turn over the words to someone else once in a while for He leaves little messages, and He gives His own, messages to keep close to the heart.. of Him...and folks, those of "His",, not one person but all, for we all are His! It is up to us as to how we use this closeness! For He,,, if you have accepted Him, and Jesus, is within ,,,,,, so never are you lost, just HE says ,, to write or speak,,, what I have already put in your heart!
So , today, I write this,from my heart , and my want!!! This is for all those who have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, don't hide it, let it just flow from your mouth, your actions, the no doubting, but the positive,, and if you have already accepted Jesus,, and you feel like you want to re-dedicate your self to Him,, then do it, either within your prayer closet, or out at anywhere, for He, and The Father are always there!!!! ,,,,Those who do not know the "accepting" Jesus as your personal Savior,,,please STOP, and think, then please do so... and make Him your own personal Savior, for nothing in this world , can you use to get to Heaven, but Jesus, and nothing,,, here can you take with you!!!!
So folks that is what is in my heart today, the salvation of all of my friends, and all the people of the world,, for the world is HIS!,,,, Not ours.. for we are only traveling through it for such a short time, but IF we will travel with Him ,,,then we will continue to travel from here to there, and then it is boundless, with no ends! Tell me ,,, can you even imagine that?,,,,,,,,
Prayer Request Today: For Becky Akins, Ruth Bachmans' daughter , who is sick and needs your prayers!
Lord, thank You for my day, and I ask that it be filled with Your wants, today, and not mine! amen
John HIcks
You know "love" comes to one, in many, many ways, and most people go through life without ever knowing this love,, never hold back this love. give it freely,, for our Savior died on The Cross,, so terrible a death,,,and as the ones who was treating Him with so much disrespect. and so much hate, HE WAS RADIATING LOVE BACK TO THEM,,,AND FORGIVING THEM AT THE SAME TIME,AND SAYING IT SO ALL COULD HEAR!!! so you see LOVE is very precious, so tell it!!! To say, I love you!! is always welcome, but when you say it ,,,, MEAN IT!!!!!
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
WEDNESDAY! Good morning! Guess what day it is? As my friend, William McChargue reported already ,,, take a back seat ole camel,,, for it the day of the Lord, and He is the one ho has given it to you,and to me!!! Now, why don't you return the favor or HIM saying , by waking you, "good morning",,, back to HIM, "Good morning God, and thank You for my, another day!"
Take a blind man or woman , that has been blind for there entire life, a deaf man who has never heard a word, a mute, who has never spoken, a born crippled person, who has never walked, heard or seen anything, and yet they all know of God, of Jesus, and that Jesus is the Son of God, and if they receive Him, they will be taken to Heaven ,,, and will be normal,, even though they do not know what normal here is....but they do know what normal is there!
We, the sighted, the hearing, the talking, the walking, the smart ones, the educated, can read of all this in the true BOOK of our God.. and we are taught these things, YET, we choose this world...and are lost forever,, for once cast into that lake of fire, it is for an eternity, screams, biting, hitting, begging for just a drop of water, but never dieing,, just suffering, and then there are those who DO believe in God, understand Him, accept Jesus as their Salvation,, and they come forward publicly,, and accept Him, and give their heart, and their soul to Him... and then when they appear in front of God, they are directed into Heaven,, and not into that lake! How ,,, just how do all those above ,, all of us know of this, for many have asked this question, and the only answer I have ever came up with is this, he entered my mind, told me of His all,, and then I had to either believe or not believe.... so I just say this....
HOW DO I KNOW THESE THINGS, FOR HE HAS TOLD ME SO!!! and brothers ans sisters,,,,,,
that is all I need! How about you,, what do you need, a lighting bolt or some sort of ,,,, what?
Lord, thank You for speaking to me,and I ask that all those others you speak to , which I know is to all...that they too,, will say YES to YOU! amen
John HIcks
Yes, I know ,,,,,,,, for He told me so!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Thoughts For Today-Tuesday-02/03/15 (4)
Today at 7:11 AM
TUESDAY! I have awoken to another of His days, by His mercy, and His good will,,,and to serve Him in a good way,,, and folks ,,,that is why I am alive and up this morning,, just how did you wake up? The same way, even if you don't realize it, He is for real!!!! We, today are off to another of Libby's therapy, and she is improving so very much, thank God for His work!!!
Prayer Request: Thomas Osborns' dad, went to ER with leg swelling real bad!
Dana Stephens dad who is in the Medical Center in Macon, GA.
Marjorie Walden as she enters her surgery, for God to guide the drs.
JoAnn House Samples, that God will revoke satan from her and David and deliver to her all her needs, for we know that satan will try us over and over,, and as JoAnn keeps her faith. let us pray with her... for God to show up full force !!!! and give her relief!!!!! and we know He will!
Lots to pray for today, our wants and our and those of others needs.. so let us pray, without ceasing!!!
Prayer of Thanks: For the Yatesvile water meter reporter. who looked at my meter, realized that we were using much , much to much water,,, went and reported to our city clerk, Connie Vaughn,, and upon looking and seeing we had used 22,000 gallons more,, her husband Jim Vaughn, undertook the trek to come to us at we could close our meter, and get our leak fixed! Now, you may live in place of "no care", but we do live in a place call,,,,"A CARING COMMUNITY",,, and this proves it once more, and I say to them all thanks, and I also say, a big thanks to God for them , and here!!!!
Another Prayer of Thanks: Names are not to be present here , just me and friend!!!! As I set yesterday , all day in pj's, figuring out why I was here, and why I should do anything, as I wasted a day of God's gift,, and then the phone rang, a great and good friend called, and after a great conversation, I again was back to myself and knowing just where , and why I was here! Have you ever had this happen to you, if you have, then do as I did, say "thank You God!, and thank You for this friend and Your guidance of this event".. and the rest was easy, go to work for Him!
God, today, I have asked and you have once more gave me the answers.. and now I say to You God, thank You for Your answer, so simple and yet so missed by so many..again, God thanks to You,,, for the answer! amen
John HIcks
Well to all who reads this???? What else can it be.. for He gave me Jesus , to make sure I was with to eternity, and the on, and on.. so yes folks it is that simple, SERVE HIM!
Monday, February 2, 2015
MONDAY! Good to wake up with the Lord Jesus, and accepting Him as your only way to God, and Heaven, that is to stay up there!!! and to put Him in charge of the highway that you travel through this life! If you have made this choice, you have made a choice of a "lifetime eternal!". if not, you still have time to do it,,,right this second,,, maybe longer, maybe not! but it is certainly
Prayer Request: That the world will turn to God, accept Jesus as the Savior of this world, and the only way to God, is by Him! Let this world be your soapbox, and I ask for all to pray for more REAL CHRISTIANS to move to that soapbox, STEP UP ON IT, AND GIVE TESTIMONY TO THE WORLD!
God, thank You for this life, Your guidance of it,, and as I have accepted Jesus, I look forward to meeting you, instead of dreading it. amen
John HIcks
Servant Only.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
SUNDAY! Good morning this great day of the Lord!! This, today will have to be short,, as after the going under the house yesterday, no sleep, last night, just toss and turn, up at three, drinking coffee,, walking very unsteady, and dizzy,, I will just say this, we have water.... thank God!
May God bless each one of you and may you have a blessed day!
Prayer Request: For my little Grand-daughter,,Anna Claire Franklin who has the flu, her mother Terri Hicks Franklin, took her to the "doc in the box" in Griffin, and she was very sick with high fever, and sick,, and quickly diagnosed with the flu! Gt well,,, Anna we love you!
Lord, thank You for our all..amen
John HIcks
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