Monday, April 14, 2014


MONDAY! Hi,,,and a good morning to you all! Had my coffee, feel like a new man,, but kinda really like a used car,, a lot of mileage, but still cranking, running a little ruff, a few hops and bumps from an old chassis, but thank God, for all I do have, for other things,, I can do without,,, but HIM,,, I can't even vision being without!!! How is your day? Short this morning, but the question of having God with you by choice, or just having Him standing by in case you need Him, is a very big difference,, don't you agree? So , please have a great and blessed day with God at your side, by request of a lot of love, and just to have Him there and not asking for anything, but just His company and His love!! God, I pray for all today to have You as I know I have You, and to love You back as much as you give, amen John HIcks Servant! and you?

Sunday, April 13, 2014


SUNDAY! HIS!!!! As all others are! Well , we woke to coffee already made,, cups empty, just waiting on us to fill them, sip, and give our thanks,,, so up,,off to the coffee bar,, pour, mix,, on to our own little "hut" ,, we both,, take our cups, toast the Lord who gave us this day, this breath of air, this flow of blood, gave us life from the beginning, and to this day... then , yes we sipped, and took a deep breath, and folks it was soooo gooooood,,, we re-toasted God, for wow,was that a good sip!!! Now who did you have your "drink" with this great day,, His, and on loan to us? Prayer Request: For Libbey, Katherine Christine's' friend in Rome , Ga. , who will be having open heart surgery Monday.. please pray for Gods hands to become the surgeons hands and do this operation,, and success will be great, and the healing fast! THE PARTIES! I am heading this up with the word "parties",, and all will first think of the get together of group of friends and neighbors, with drinks, food, and loud music,, then off to the home with smiles(if you were drinking what you should be drinking!),, but today I am talking about the "two party" system we have in our government,, and yes , for right now, it is still our government... but I am here to tell you, we are lead by non-Christians, no matter what they say,,, and if you doubt me,, then look at the prices of food, gas, reality, clothes, and yes forced insurance,, and your income,, and then look at theirs!! They have expense accounts, free postage, more parties with abundance of free food, gas allowances, THEIR OWN INSURANCE,, their own gym(that even a reporter is not allowed to see the inside),, their government issued security, and these security carries guns,,that shoot real bullets... and then there is that smug smile,, as they tell us these three lies l. they are telling the truth, 2. they are there for you and I, and 3. they are Christians... and more...but I will not go into this. I know you are asking why is this guy witting with such force this morning on our leaders, and is so down on them...,, well somebody has to be a "Paul Revere",, and ride the streets of this Nation, that was set up as a Nation under God, and shout ,, "LOOK OUT satan is coming!" We must realize that God will adhere to His proclamations from His Constitution, the Bible, and as He let us become the greatest Nation on Earth,, that this Nation was set up with His laws to support it,,, written according to His book,,,and folks ,,, our so called leaders are not standing on this box, but the box they are standing on, is smoking ,, as they are letting this NATION UNDER GOD,,, burn to an anarchy!! So pray for the people of America to come to their senses, and find another party,, saddle up, climb aboard, and ride with me,, cry out loud,,,,, and vote,,, GOD FIRST, JESUS WITHIN, AND TRUTH FOR ALL, PRAY FOR ANOTHER PARTY, AND THAT IS IS A GOD STANDING PARTY! God be with us as we trod down the roads of Your world, and may we proclaim You, worship only You, and testify of You,,, and live as You wish us to do... amen John HIcks Fed up! How about you, or are just going to keep on setting on your butts and let satan over-run our country? or do we return and call on our one and our only God, who is over satan in case anyone forgot,,, satan does report to God!! Thank about that for a while!!!!!

Saturday, April 12, 2014


SATURDAY! Good morning this fine day of our Lords! Oh ,yes it is His, and as I always say,, it is just on loan to us,, so get up, invite Him along, and go enjoy it! YOUR BIBLE! How do you read your Bible each day, or do you? No,,, you are not going to hell if you don't , but , it is for me, something I enjoy doing, reading my Bible each day, and the freedom to do so... for yes, some countries still prosecute, jail, kill, and burn all the Bibles they find, and we are still sending them out,,, by the millions.. so here are some facts of how most of America is reading their Bibles: The American Bible Society reports that 88% of families in U.S own a Bible; 41% use the internet to search and read the Bible; 29% use their phones or digital apps to read the Bible; 17% use an electronic version of the Bible internet of the Kindle or iPad.(Picked this from Harris Malcolm's fb post) Soooooo,,, only 1% is reading their Bible, from their own personal Bible? and what are the other 13% reading?..oh by the way, if you believe in this,,,the number 13 is an unlucky number, and even though I don't believe in this ,, it is a great comment on this mornings thoughts.. worked out right ,, huh? Now for the climax.... HOW DO YOU READ YOUR BIBLE, OR DO YOU? Lord, Thank You, for Your written word, and I pray that all will pick one up and not only read it, read it daily.. BUT heed it! amen John HIcks Servant of God, and proud of it..BOASTING????? , YOU BET I AM!!!! JOIN ME!!! (The road to hell is not accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Savior!),,and to do this, that of accepting Jesus ,,, the Bible is a great tool to get you there, and also a great tool to have,, while you are awaiting your trip to heaven!)

Friday, April 11, 2014


FRIDAY!!! Welcome to TGED! and we need to do this on a daily basis,, for each day is His,, given to us as a bonus,,, for our days are His, and He is a great and loving God... and we need to always ask that His will be done, not ours... and I ask this,, just who have you decided to invite with you today,, and if it is God,, do you need to change your previous plans? Prayer Request: For our Nation, our world, and for those who are running it,, that they all do this first, call on God for focus, and direction, and make laws that not only are for the people,, but for them also,, for we need to pray that they understand,, that they are people,, just like us..... BY GRACE AND CROSS! We must all remember, we are saved by His grace, and the only way to Him is through the Cross of Jesus Christ, for Jesus died for our sins,, Folks, can all get it in their heads, that our God is a God of so much love, that HE gave HIS only SON,, to us,, and we crucified Him, buried Him, and HE arose,,, and is alive today... all the suffering, His death, paid for our sins, and all you have to do is come to Him, yes that is all,,, so simple ,, yet we make it so hard!!!! And folks, after we come , accept Jesus,, we are not is for us to testify of Him, and seek others who are lost.. to come, come to Him, and be saved,, yes,, this the one job you do not get to retire at , until you get to folks let's get busy, and do some praying, and opening our mouths, and don't be afraid at testify...and then we also can not only have that experience of His Grace, and the Cross, but we can have that experience of seeing others come to Him.. and folks that is an eye full, and heart full of an experience you will never ever feel with anything else.. so OPEN YOUR MOUTH,,,,, AND TELL THE STORY OF JESUS, AND HIS SAVING POWER!! Lord, bless this Nation, and all who is in need of You. amen JohnHIcks Servant to my God,, who do you serve?

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


WEDNESDAY! Oh yes,, it's that ole "camels'" day!!! We have had a week-end of feeling great, sad, and then rich in feeling again, and again,,, and God's good feeling is the biggest thing we could have , and to continue to have. I want to thank again, Lovejoy Baptist,,, you are all sooo great to me and Libby! I want to say this to the children of JoAnne Crow Sanders who went to Heaven this week,,we (Libby and I) was of course was worried about Bobby, JoAnnes Husband,,(Libby's brother) for the two of them were so close to each other, you never seen one ,, without the other,,, BUT,, as usual, as we watched, their children, and grandchildren, rally around their Daddy,,,and the love they showed, as they were right there beside him, and watching them and giving of themselves, before he could even ask,,showed us , just who was in charge,,and we knew God gave them these children, and never have I saw three children, and the grandchildren of parents,,come together to hold their Daddy, and Grand-daddy as they did!! You had to see it to know why I dedicate this today to them, and to "The Cross" Ministry!!! May God bless this country, and you all ,,, the way we were blessed this week,, as an earlier title said,,, A TIME TO CELEBRATE, A TIME TO MOURN, and as we left those we love and are talking about,, on Sunday, and yesterday,, we today are re-saying this GOD IS FOREVER, AND IS TO BE CELEBRATED HERE, AND LATER IN HIS HEAVEN,, is our motto now,,, again, I say God bless all those that I encountered this week,,for surely God was with us in all areas ,, no doubt at all!!!!!! Prayer Requests: For Jackson and Jacob Moore, the little men(8)our neighbors,, who are battling real hard against the stomach bug!!! Dennis May, who will be in to have a reconstructive collon started!! Medicine is wonderful, with the great physican present!!! Brittany Self Ellington's, Aunt Nancy Wigley, whose cancer has returned and she starts her chemo again.. pray for complete cure this time!!!! Lord, I pray a thanks for all You have given us today, my family who was at my side of a celebration, and right beside their Mother, and I, at a time of mourning... and those children above, the gandchildren also, and all those in our requests.. and all those in need of You.. big list,, but I know, God, You are the biggest, and only God,. and in You I pledge my love , and my requests! John HIcks Servant of God!

Monday, April 7, 2014


MONDAY! Good morning, and yes, it good to wake up with my God, and His Son to carry me , once again , through another one of His days... I pray that when you laid your head on your pillow, you thanked God for your day, not matter how good it was , or how bad,,for you had a bed and a pillow....more that some, and as you awoke , you smile, stretched, yawned, and said, thanks Lord, for a good night and for the coming of the day, for I know it is YOUR will, and I accept it with all my gratitude to You!!! Prayer Request: Continued prayer for my brother -in- law, Bobby Sanders in his loss of his wife, and perfect partner , JoAnne... Today is her celebration of life, her funeral,, and I ask for prayers of all the children , grandchildren, and the rest of the family. Prayer of Thanks: To "the Cross" Ministry, who gave me, and Libby, one of our greatest days, on the celebration of us at the Lovejoy Baptist Church! A TIME TO CELEBRATE, A TIME TO MOURN! Yesterday, I went to Lovejoy Baptist Church, to celebrate, "The Cross" Ministry mission that had been within my heart to big, and all the people who had worked to get these little Crosses out,,, this Quiet , But Powerful Message, but it turned out to be a surprised , for they had declared it "John Hicks Day" for all Libby, my family, and I had done to make the Crosses,, and wow, was I surprised,,, may God bless them and may all the credit and glory go to Him! Then we were all off to Perry, Ga. to be with Libby's Brother, on the passing of his wife, JoAnne, and his and her children, Randy, Peggy, David, their spouse, and all the grandchildren and family... We met , we mourned our love to JoAnne, to Bobby, and to each other,, and as I walked around and looked and listened, it was as if JoAnne was there, present in the spirit,, for the gathering, after mourning , took on more of a celebration.. of HER,, about HER, and that we all knew of HER good, and the SHE was in the hands of our God.. so folks,, yes, yesterday WE DID CELEBRATE,,,WE DID MOURN,, WE DID INDEED,, RE-CELEBRATE! AND ALL OF IT WAS IN THE NAME OF OUR GOD, IN ALL ASPECTS OF OUR ACTIONS!!! Thank You God for our all, amen John HIcks Servant,, and proud to be one... how about you, are you proud?

Saturday, April 5, 2014


SATURDAY!!! Good morning to all,, and as I wake this day,,, I ask for God to bless you as He has blessed me.. with the love of family above all,, and right next to Him, in all we do!!! ZIG ZAG! How many times have you heard this one.. you should have zagged instead of zigged? I have heard it all my life. I always figured you had really messed up if you had zagged, before you zigged! I guess I have done some zagging in my time here in this world, as I would figured at one time or another , even if we don't want to admit it,, we all have done some zagging or sort.. How about it,, have you? A question? How many has had a chance to accept the Lord as their personal Savior,, & did not,,, asked to do something by God, & did not,,, asked to testify,,, & did not,,, asked to reply to a challenge for God,,, & did not,,, given "choice",,, & did not? Answer these questions,, for I asked these to myself,, quite a bite,,and you would be surprised at the answers,, of how many times I have to hit my knees,, head dropped in shame for I "did nothing",, when I should have... like a lot of us,,,, ZAGGED, INSTEAD OF ZIGGED! how about you? have you zagged, when you should have zigged? Almighty God,, I ask that You give us the strength to "zig" instead of "zag" , and stand for You, in all we do. amen John HIcks Come and zig with me,, and let's not do anymore zagging,,, will you? The reward is greater than any other!!!!!

Friday, April 4, 2014


FRIDAY!!! Welcome to my day! Yes, given as a gift from my God, and yours,, right? Yesterday, had a great day,, we kept the two Grandsons,, today, I get to keep the two girls,, and I am so excited,,, and found out, the boys father, and the boys are loading up,, to come again,, now you tell me,, Is God not Good, to give, and keep on giving ,,,even as we keep on keeping on, ignoring His great works..for I stop at times, like yesterday, gaze into the Heavens,,,, and see the magnificent sight of Him in the sky,, and think,, God how can you be so great, and let man tear down your beauty and be so sinful to You? THEN,,, I remember,, He is God , maker of all,,, forgiver to all that ask,, and can re-create,, until He does say enough is enough,, so enjoy it now ,,, for it is yours, given out of HIS love,,, just for you... I smile, and am filled with His love again, and again,,,what do you fill up on each day?? I invite you to grab His hand, and hold on tight, if you have not already done this,,, and maybe,,,,just maybe,, sometime you will also look up,, and say to yourself,,, behold, there is my God,,,, up , all around, and under me,, holding me,, with strong and loving hands! How about it ? Want to look ?? Go ahead , for He IS looking down at us all,, and don't forget that,,, for at a later date you will understand!!! Have a great God's day, and stop , smell the flowers, relax, and enjoy the gift, and quite complaining, and start thanking, and right now, start living the rest of your life,, with rather that without!!! May God bless you as He has with me!!! John HIcks Thoughts Today of "from the heart" !

Thursday, April 3, 2014


THURSDAY! Good morning,, and as I sit , with coffee in hand,, waiting and watching my God , by His will , send another rising of His sun to light my way of this , another day , also given by His will,, I run this through my mind,,, How much longer will You forgive us, and let us keep using and destroying the greatness and the wonders of Your love that You have built here, and through out the Universe,, and all I can say is,,, "Thank You God,, for my all!",,, and just how did you start your day? With Him, and on your mind,, or just alone? Prayer Request: For those Victims at Ft. Hood,, , ,, those fallen , and those wounded, and for their families... God has taken those slain, and will heal those wounded,,, and pray for all the other soldiers that are suffering from this same "mind" wounds,, that our government will go and help them before...God be with all our soldiers! LEADERS OF THE FLOCK!!! No matter the type of religion, what is wrong with our preachers of these "great" churches, those on T.V. ,,, those priests,, that are taking the money in His name,, and living the lavish lives of a King,, and taking most from the ones who may or almost are just looking to make it till the next payday,,, or someone to give them enough to eat? Joel, to name one, takes, and preaches,, and talks of all the money they have collected,,, and writes books, and sells those books, sells tickets to his traveling gatherings... priests building multi-million dollar homes... and of all things, the Pope is showing his love of God , by living as the poor commoner,, as an example,, and then that priest that says,,,"I will ask my parishioners what do they think I should do with my 5 million dollar home"! ( I applaude the woman on T.V. who said,, "heck, I have never been invited to a hot dog grill out or any other thing by him"(the priest who claimed ,it was for having this home was to have over the parishioners)Is this the kind of leaders we want to head up our churches,, and I will say,, we have many, many committed to God and only God and live as they should and live...comfortable, with no "Cad's" or "Mercedes",, but I see those "gathers of money",, instead of souls in Jesus name,,, and living like kings the same as I see our government officials,,, so today, I ask for all to pray , and pray hard for the REAL LEADERS OF GOD'S FLOCKS,,,THE REAL "GOD-CALLED FOR REAL" PASTORS AND PRIESTS!!!!!!! Lord, please be with those at Ft. Hood who are wounded and hurt, and be with families of those who have lost love ones... and Lord I pray for our leaders of both,, Your churches, and Your nations, seek you first, serve you first before the almighty dollar,,,, for all is Yours.. amen John HIcks Opinionated ,, you bet!!! For I believe in God, Jesus , the Bible, and all those words given to us by Him,, and I stand with Him and never against Him,, Who do you stand for?

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


WEDNESDAY! Good morning to all,, and I hope all are waking or when you do read this ,, are having a great day,, and you have invited the one most important person, (person? yes, for He is alive and well) in your life to be with you in all you do! Leaning,,, yes I do, each minute, of each day,, have to lean and lean hard in the arms of my Jesus! Who do you lean on? Prayer Requests: Margene, and Richard Trimble, classmates,, Margene who has a cancerous tumor on her kidney, and will have it removed today..please pray for her, and Richard. Prayers of Katie Copeland, who has been having health problems. For our Nation, and for our World! Much needed!!! Lord, today I pray for the above, and all who is in need of you... and thank You Lord for all my, and our blessings ,, that you have be-stowed upon us already, and for all those to come, for our faith says, they will come... amen John HIcks Servant,,, of Him!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Thoughts for Today

TUESDAY!!! APRIL FOOLS DAY! Look out today for all those jokes,,, I usually get taken ,, more than I give out... so,, yes I am gullible! The one thing I am never fooled about,,,, is the Love of My God, and The Saving Power of My Jesus Christ!
Have a great day,, and may God bless you in a very special way,,, just for you!
When you go to a lake , or to the beach,, and you see a dock built out in the water to just set on,, fish on,, look out over the water,, or board a boat...a place to go and just look, rest or travel. Airports, Train Stations, Bus Stations,,, have boarding "docks",, buy a ticket, and go anywhere in the USA, or the World,, even , now into,, to and back again, and again...
How about the "dock to Heaven" ,,, just where is it located, and how do you get to it, and what do you climb on when you find the dock,,, to get there, and when is the right time to go to that dock? One thing at a time... Now is the time,, for none of us know when the flicker of our candle flame will go out..that is God's choice, and only He can change that ,, by His will! And the dock? His Son, Jesus Christ, by the way of that Cross that He died on,, for you, and for me,,, for our sins.. IS THE ONLY WAY,, IN BOTH CASES, TO THE DOCK, AND THE "ALSO RIDE TO HEAVEN"!!!
Oh yes you and I are sinners!!! Not matter how goody , goody or rich , poor, middle-class , or color,, you and I are sinners.. and the only way we become sin free, IF we call to Jesus, and ask for our sins to be forgiven,, then and only then,,, are we saved,,, so we Have The Dock, the way to the Dock,, and know that our ticket is punched, just don't know when,, but by doing first ,, the walk,, the asking for Jesus to enter you, give Him your heart and soul,, it will not matter of the punch date.. do you get what I am saying,,
UP,,UP,, AND AWAY??????
God, I pray for all,,including myself,, to pray to You for, forgiveness of our many, many sins... make us clean, and may our choice be You, and Jesus our carrier to Your Heaven... amen
John HIcks
Things written today,, is a promise ,, if you will accept Jesus, then become worry free...try it,, and feel the GOODNESS OF JESUS CHRIST ENTER IN!!!!!!!!