Sunday, January 12, 2014

Monday, January 6, 2014

(4)   MONDAY! Well, good morning to all!!! Here it is ,, another week of work, play, or just sit around, and enjoy the warmth of each other, or the warmth of the Lord, and nap, snack, or watch some t.v. ,,, for it is cold here, and the above sounds good to about you? Stay warm, and cozy ,,, unless you have to work,, and if so ,, be careful on the roads.. God Bless to all!!!! "THE CROSS" MINISTRY! A QUIET YET POWERFUL MESSAGE!!!! We at "The Cross" Ministry,, love to give out those little crosses to put in your yard,, as a symbol of your belief, and that you don't mind letting all know you believe in Jesus Christ.... and we don't profess that ,,, that little wooden cross will save you,,,, but it will make you feel different when you get one and pound it into the ground, in your yard , or under your is just the feeling I get,, you may get a different one... but a feeling, you will get ,,, I can guarantee that!!!! and it will be yours within your own heart,,, known only to you and your God! Now , back to that little white cross! No , that little wooden cross will not save you... BUT,,THE CROSS OF JESUS CHRIST,,, is the ONLY way to GOD! Jesus died on the cross,, for you, for me , for this world and their sins,, and yes,,, I guess I will have to break some bubbles this morning,, & yes their are plenty of sinners out there, and I am one, but I am forgiven by the grace of Jesus! Look at the little cross as a symbol,, for when you look at it, it is wooden, and painted white, and IT IS EMPTY,,,, no one hangs on it, Jesus died on one like it,,, then buried, and rose,,, alive and then ascended to sit on the right side of God, The Father.... so it is a symbol,, and only the reality of the history, and the reason of it,,, that will help you, if you believe and accpet Him... and this is what Jesus said to His disciples: Luke 9:23-And He said to them all,, if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow me.. That is that cross I mention of "with-in"! So this "little cross" is only a symbol of your belief, and your commitment,, only accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior can save you, but by and trough The Cross of Jesus Christ can you ever get to Heaven,, so folks, I ask for you to stand up for Jesus ,, and for God with the Cross within each of us first and foremost,, and place a little cross in your yard,, only if you want everyone to know of your belief, and your commitment.... These little white crosses are free,, so if you are close to a "Cross Ministry Garden",, pick one up, if you don't live close , let me know ,, we will get you one... go have a great day, praise God Almighty for your all,, and pray for our continue success of this Ministry,,, and all the credit and all the glory goes to our God! Lord, thank You for this Ministry, and I pray for Your continued blessing of it... amen\ John HIcks

Sunday, January 5, 2014

SUNDAY! Good day to all! As i awoke this morning,,, and I said these words,, "Good morning Lord",, and then I said "help me with my thoughts",,, and of course it was off to the coffee making, vitamins taking, browsing the FB page,, and getting annoyed, and dis-annoyed,, happy, and then un-happy,,,reading some of the things on there,,,, and all of a sudden,, I realized,, as I came upon a comment of my own , on someones post,,,and I thought,, what am I saying, I am being,, with-9in my soul, and my heart ,, a hypocrite",, then I say to me,, Please God forgive me.... for it is love I am suppose to post... and do I not have anyone to share those personal things or moments with?,, then I will get on my knees,, and talk to you God." Now, as you post think about what you are writing , and the feeling of those you write to, and about.. and be a Christian about it!! Good writing!!! Prayer Request: Paul Irvins brother ,, whose has throat cancer.. that he will take his treatments, and recovery,,, and let's pray for Paul ,, who just lost his older brother last month from cancer, and is hard recovering himself....Please pray,, Mercy oh Lord to this man, and his family. WHY This is a big word,, and it is the question to a lot of things that are said that is sent in words to you, as an individual! Yes, straight as an arrow to you... and your first re-action,, is re-action of the same,, right back at you buster!!!! BUT NO!!!! Don't go that low,, for those who do this in using those hard , harmful words, are telling you about themselves,,,, so pray for them,, and if you think it is needed ,, do it right there, and then,,,pray, ,for them and yourself... then raise your head and say this..."Lord, it is not mine to reason why, but for you to do the reasoning, and the judging, mine is for your help in enduring these "ones"... and then just look back or write back to them this word...... WHY? Lord, forgive me of all my sins, but first I ask forgiveness of those who have sinned against me. amen John HIcks Guilty of any sins you might accuse me of,,, but one thing I have in my favor, all have been confessed to God, and I have Jesus at my side, by request , and accepted Him as my own personal Savior,, so all those sins,, they are gone, past, present,,, as I pray,, will you join me this great day of His,, and pray for His Will be done, not ours, for He is the Supreme Leader, and He did make this world.....and a little humor this morning,, no matter what Obama tells you,,, the part in red is true,,,, as to who made us and who really is the Supreme Leader!!!

Friday, January 3, 2014

FRIDAY! TGIF ! TGED! Every since Perry told me about the later of the TG's,,, I like the TGED best of all,, for I feel that if God can be with us every second of every hour of every day,,, we can at least, at least say,,, "Thank You God,, for this minute, this day, being with me!" How about you? Prayer Requests: Shane Moore, having surgery on that shoulder this morning, & pray for the Doctors guiding hands , and for Shanes quick healing... and for Katie and the boys to make it with God's guidance! For warmth to all those in this frigid weather,,, for them to stay in, except where necessary NEVER ENDING SUPPLY! What is it that we have a never ending supply of and a supply of for an eternity? It is the love of God. The Son of God,, Jesus Christ, Heaven,, the forgiving of sin, just by asking Jesus,,, yes,, as Jesus' blood flowed on that day on the Cross,,, it has never ceased to flow for us,, to make a way for us to Him, and His Father.... so for us who call out to God , there is NEVER, AN ENDING SUPPLY,,,,,,, OF "HIM"! Thank you God, for being here,, now and in our faith , forever... amen John HIcks Trying to stay warm, and praying that all will do the same, and if there is anyone who needs help.. please call me, or someone.. do not freeze, for we are all one!!1 Pray, for all!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

THURSDAY! Good morning to my Lord God,, and good morning to all of you , my friends! I ask for today, if it be God's will, that you have all that you want,, and more, and that you say to our God, Thank You,,for all we have, for it is enough, even if we don't see it, or realize it, for if it was not enough,, you would take away or give more!!! Now, with this said, Have a great day, and invite God to go along, and invite Jesus into your life, if you have not! Prayer Request: For Shane Moore , who will be having shoulder surgery on Friday,, pray for a successful operation, a quick recovery,, and complete use of this shoulder when healed, and that God will set beside him in all he does,, even after the operation, and his work,, Pray also for His wife and two sons as they also stand by... IT'S COLD OUTSIDE! Brrr! Well, I hear on the T.V. our winter here in Mid-Georgia is coming to a freeze,,, and I mean for us,, a high of 34 to 40,,, and night time of 19 , 24, is a freeze! then maybe a rise in temps after this week!.. So make ready,, it is headed here.. Why the weather forecast? Well ,, I put this to me,, I sit and I look at those in other areas,,, no power, with 1 inch ice on trees, power lines down , roads.. no heat, no water, can't get out on the road, stranded , waiting and cold,, and I say,, wow, I remember those ice storms, but we don't have them here anymore..not really very many frigid nights... and I say, I'm glad I am not them! Never stopping and bowing my head and being thankful,, for what I have, and praying for His help to them,,, like I , and we all should do..and I really believe in wake up calls,,, for God looks, and is a God of truth, and action,, making one remember the truth,,, so I say, if we can walk by half of our nation in a deep freeze, and doing without while we are driving here and there, all stores open, our power on.. in a utopia compared to them,, not praying for them, being concerned for them,,, WELL,, WHAT ELSE ARE WE LETTING ,, JUST SLIDE BY? ARE WE REALLY ,,, JUST TOO COMFORTABLE WITH "OURSELVES"? God, I pray that we all will get back down on our knees, and be thankful for what we have, and that we not only see, but pray for our neighbors, no matter how far they live from us, for they are still,,,our brothers and sisters... amen John HIcks Yes, I fall so flat on my face, so many times,, I wonder,,, why God even bothers to walk over me,, much less reach down , pick me up, brush me off, hug me, gives me a kiss of His love, pats my back, and pushes me on stumbling down the walk,,, and me looking back and saying again and again ,,, "sorry God,, I won't let this happened again!",, and He, smiles, and says, "yes I have heard this again, and again also,,, so keep trying,, for I am with you always" ! Now, is God not good? You answer this!!!!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Today at 6:03 AM WEDNESDAY! HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU FOR THIS YEAR OF 2014!!! AND THANK GOD FOR THE YEAR OF 2013,, FOR IF HE HAD NOT BEEN WITH US, WE WOULD NOT HAVE MADE IT TO HERE! SO GOD WILLING, WE WILL HAVE A GREAT YEAR OF 2014, FOR I PLEDGED MY LOVE AND MY FAITH IN GOD ALMIGHTY,,, AND I SHOUT THE SAVING POWER OF JESUS CHRIST!!! Now, how are you going to start off your New Year?? With the same I pray! Love to all of those who read this from My Family to Yours,,,, John and Libby Hicks,, ,and Pug!