Tuesday, April 30, 2013
TUESDAY! Good morning, and may you have a blessed day this great day! I have my cup of coffee in my hand, God on my side, and folks ,,, it don't get no better than this! Again I ask,,, just who do you invite to wake up with each day? Make a choice,, for asking that same one to lie down with you and sleep with you through the night, is a big choice also... and their is no fall out with sleeping with this one! Make the choice!
This morning, I would like to pass on you all something I saw on Cheryl Sanders FB page.. I had never heard of this before, and I thought all of you would like to read this, and ponder it in your mind ,, and yes , he will be back, ... just keep your eyes toward the East! Enjoy!
Why Did Jesus Fold the Napkin?
This is one I can honestly say I have never seen circulating so; if this touches you, you may want to forward it.
Why did Jesus...s fold the linen burial cloth after His resurrection? I never noticed this....
The Gospel of John (20:7) tells us that the napkin, which was placed over the face of Jesus, was not just thrown aside like the grave clothes. The Bible takes an entire verse to tell us that the napkin was neatly folded, and was placed separate from the grave clothes. Early Sunday morning, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and found that the stone had been rolled away from the entrance. She ran and found Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one whom Jesus loved. She said, 'They have taken the Lord's body out of the tomb, and I don't know where they have put him!' Peter and the other disciple ran to the tomb to see.. The other disciple outran Peter and got there first. He stooped and looked in and saw the linen cloth lying there, but he didn't go in.
Then Simon Peter arrived and went inside. He also noticed the linen wrappings lying there, while the cloth that had covered Jesus' head was folded up and lying to the side.
Was that important? Absolutely!
Is it really significant? Yes!
In order to understand the significance of the folded napkin, you have to understand a little bit about Hebrew tradition of that day. The folded napkin had to do with the Master and Servant, and every Jewish boy knew this tradition.
When the servant set the dinner table for the master, he made sure that it was exactly the way the master wanted it..
The table was furnished perfectly, and then the servant would wait, just out of sight, until the master had finished eating, and the servant would not dare touch that table, until the master was finished. Now, if the master were done eating, he would rise from the table, wipe his fingers, his mouth, and clean his beard, and would wad up that napkin and toss it onto the table.
The servant would then know to clear the table. For in those days, the wadded napkin meant, 'I'm done'.
But if the master got up from the table, and folded his napkin, and laid it beside his plate, the servant would not dare touch the table,
because........... The folded napkin meant,
John HIcks
Have a great day, and I hope you enjoyed this article!
Monday, April 29, 2013
Papper Towell Chiristian!
MONDAY! Good morning and a good start for this week! I hope your plans are as mine, and it is to start and keep on going each day, with the Lord at my side , by request... how about it,, will you?
You get a spill and you go to wipe it up, and it may take one or more paper towels to absorb and clean up the spill.
Paper towels come in "super absorbent", and "claim to be" super absorbent. You use the "claim to be", and as soon as it touches the water, it breaks up and does not do a good job, and gets thrown to the side to rot away. The super strength one, absorbs the spill, rinses out, hung to the side to dry and use again, and again.
Well, there are Christians just like these paper towels. some work part time, and some work on and on. Which are you? Do you talk big, but do little, or do you talk little on other things, but talk Christian when you do talk, and just say the right words when needed, and keep a good profile on doing a good job?
What if God was like the cheap towel, only listens sometimes, and helps part time? I am glad that He is the Super Absorbent one,, and is there for us at all times, so let's return the favor and do as He wants and set the example, let's be there all the time, every time,, let's you and I be the
Lord, thank you for being there for us all the time, and every time . May we be strong enough to be good Christians, with your help and forgiveness. amen
John HIcks
A keeper, not a throw away!! HOW ABOUT YOU????
Sunday, April 28, 2013
SUNDAY! Waking to His day,, a day of rest and kick back, and worshiping Him! Can you imagine, a force as big and great as God,, making not only this world, but the Universe that surrounds it? Then , after making all this,,,with all this wealth of power, knowledge, wealth of as we know wealth , all the gold and silver anyone could ever imagine,, He made us, than gave us His love,,, and His helping hand to guide us,, when we strayed, and gave us His only Son,, Jesus, just to forgive us our sins, and a way to live with Him, after this life,,, can you absorb this? this greatness of this God,, the ultimate God of all ... so kind, so fierce , yet so loving,,,, will you worship Him today, and each day?
People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they're not on our road,,, doesn't mean they've gotten lost.
How do you plan your path? By thinking about it, by making sure you can do what you plan, physical, mentally, and monetary. Then you dress for it, if driving, fill the tank, if walking, put on your walking shoes,,, you do what you have planned for!
THEN, why do you mess around with your future,,,, and I am not talking about your worldly future,, but your future, future!!! Yes, the one beyond this one... the trip to one of two places,,, Heaven, or hell..! This is a plan that has been given to us,,, and I believe in it with all my heart... and that is to first ,,, believe in God, as the Supreme Being, the ONLY God, and that He did build this world..and you and me,,, and that He did send us His Son, Jesus to live , teach , give us the directions, and that He died on that Cross, for you and for me... and rose up from death , back to life in three days, and ascended to Heaven with His Father, stands on His right side, as our Savior... that He died for our sins, and the way,, and that is, to bow to Jesus, ask Him in to your body, give Him your heart and soul, completely... no holding anything back, this has to be 100%,,, profess this to Him, and profess it publicly!,,, then you have made
but remember the big thing, it is your choice and yours alone to make!
God, I pray that all will bow their heads, ask Jesus in, and pave their way to Your throne! amen
John HIcks
I have paved, and I have made pot holes in my path, but as I know , I have re-surfaced with my Jesus,, and my path is "whole " and I know where I will be traveling on that day! Now ,you think about too, and make sure ,,you have made your choice, of what you really want, and let it be known publicly!!!!
Saturday, April 27, 2013
SATURDAY! Here it is, the week-end! Is it what you planned, or did you plan, and include the Lord, and that is what makes it "your plan",, for without Him, you really have no plan, not a real one, just one for here,,, so better make a choice now...and that is what I call "real planning"! Right?
Prayer Report: Tiffany Whitley (surgery went very well)
Dwell on The Good!
Look to the good around you, and enjoy what God has provided for you. There is no better place on earth than where we are now. We have the freedom that no others have, the freedom to "Choose" , and that freedom can only be made, by you.. not just another choice, but
Thank You God for all the Good, and keeping the evil at bay! amen
John HIcks
My week-end was sleeping late,,, what? I'm retired, so I could do this all week,, well you can see, I need help! Ha! May all of you have a great of another of God's Days!
Now time for another cup of that coffee!
Friday, April 26, 2013
FRIDAY-TGED- Good morning o this great day of His, given to us as a gift of love!What have you given back lately?
God loves a cheerful giver: 2 Cor 9.7
Always give with your heart, and not your want.
Lord, walk with us by request from all of us this day!
Have a Great Friday,
Short today, but sometimes small is better than big!
John Hicks
Thursday, April 25, 2013
THURSDAY! Good Morning! Waking up with God is the greatest thing one can do, not only this morning, but any morning, or at any time, the waking of ones self of the having of God within, and Jesus as your Savior,, is the most, and greatest event of your life!
Now , if you have , great, if not, think about it, for all choices are yours, and yours alone,, so make it ,, one way or the other,,, and I pray it is with God, and Son, Jesus! Have a great day!
Prayer Requests: Tiffany Hammonds Whitley, who is having very serious surgery today at Emory Hospital , in Atlanta,, pray for the guiding hands of these doctors, and nurses, and for Gods' healing hands ...
Betty Morris, who will be having surgery on Monday,,, please , lets start praying for Betty now..
Is this you? Many folks want to serve God, BUT only as advisers, and not doers!
Work to build a future, and store up a good retirement. It is a hard thing to do, discipline to save and not touch your hard earned money. You put it up in 401K, or other savings to keep from paying taxes. This is good, but do one thing, while your are preparing, prepare your treasures in Heaven also.
No matter how old your are , and no matter if you are still working or retired, you can still build your treasures with God. This it the "treasures" you can take with you, when you go to meet the Lord.... that treasure you take , is the one who will stand beside you, and in front of you, with your sins attached to Him, and that is Jesus Christ! He will take those sins, that you deposited to Him,, and at that time, your return is payed in full, by Him ,, giving you an eternity with God, Him, and Heaven!
So now,,, start your account of savings , and if you have already started,, add to your account daily! How do your open your account? Just kneel and bow your head to Jesus, and ask Him to accept you, as you accept Him as your personal Savior, and just say to Him, "Jesus , forgive me of my sins, and I accept you as my Savior, amen". It is so simple, and costs you only time, and a dividend of eternity in Heaven! You can't find this kind of "TREASURE" anywhere else,,, right? Now, that you have done the above, you have just built ,,
Lord, thank You for being the Banker of Souls, for this world and giving us the way to Your Father, and an eternity of peace and tranquility. amen
John HIcks
Depositing everyday!!! Make out your deposit slip TODAY!!! Your choice!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
WEDNESDAY! Who will be your traveling partner today? Will you be loving enough to say "Lord, how about being my traveling partner today, and everyday, and this by my personal request, and not to just leave you to chance?"...then your day will be set! Try it, HE will like it!
What has happened to the common games of our children, and us? The games of , marbles, hopscotch,, red-rover.red-rover, hide-n-seek, tag? You can probably think of more! These were the games that took energy to do. These were the games that made you laugh ,, to yourself and in a group,, & laugh out loud and laugh a lot . These were the games that kept our weight down,, some were called exercise. These were the games that got , sometimes a scrap on ones knee or elbow,, no ambulances, no suits in court,, no fatalities,, usually just a "ugh", maybe a little tear, but back to play, right after the Mercurochrome(do you know what this was? Iodine was the one we ran from or had to grit out teeth!) was added(no band-aid for the boys , for this red colored applications were trophies). These were the games that taught us all how to mix with each other,, how to communicate in groups,, and also for some , maybe that sweetheart would be in the crowd, and the girls would smile and wink at that boy,, make him uncomfortable,, a little red faced, but deep in his heart,,, a pounding that no one but he would ever know... Yes these were the games..
No guns,, & each boy, probably had a jack knife in his pocket,, only for whittling,, nothing else on his mind ,, just had one in his pocket, seeing the police car roll by and all of the kids waving,, for a cop was a hero,, boys and girls, wanted to grow up like them,, instead of demonstrating.. heck they were just kids,, the only thing they seen with violence,, was at the movies ,, once in a while,, and if they did go,, they got to see a cartoon ,, each time... Oh how it was ,, when we all were so ,, under the influence of peace,, driving 60 mph, and actually doing the speed limit on the two lane road,, some paved , some dirt.. and usually ,, a car full of all of the family,, going to a baseball game, a football game,, a basketball game,, or even counting "electrical poles,,,(ha, but true, for speed was slower on those two lanes), not to the mall, or the large doom of a game room.. yes , we all were with the family, each other,, and all playing a game outside,, if raining, too hot, or cold,, a game of checkers or monopoly , even , sometimes with mom or dad,,, just a good ole fashion
No joy sticks, no killing nor devil videos, no prono,, just kid fun,, simple!
God, thank You for those times,, and may we have them again,, within each family,, amen
John HIcks
Yes , I look at the past , and remember the simplicity of it.. what do you see.. when you look today?
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
TUESDAY! Waking up with the Lord is the easiest thing to do, for it costs nothing, and all you have to do is go to bed with these two requests,, "Lord, keep me through the night, and wake me in the morning",,, and it is done.. and He will be there, and now it is time for the other request,, "Lord, thank You for being here, and will you accompany me through the day?" Now , go out there and have a another,,, of a great God's day!
Prayer Request: Get well prayers for Gloria Johnson,,, mother of Craig, and MIL of Kristen, and please pray for God to continue to be with her,, and to heal her.
One of my favorites of the old songs is "So Long Until We Meet Again!" I guess the one I remember singing it the most was Roy Rogers and Dale Evans,, at the end of their TV show... do you remember them?,,probably not,, unless you lived back in the late 50's..and watch them on the Double RR ranch show.. but to the point of today... from then to now.....
This song is a real message,,,if you think about it,, it is a plan of our future,, and it is telling us what to do in a broad aspect of our life now.....for there are times and circumstances that we will part from each other , by moving,, or for any other reason.. and not see each other again in this life,, and we all need to make sure that this only happens in "this" life,, for if you will accept Jesus as your Savior, if you have not, then you will have made the decision to,, in reality,, carry out the words of the title of this song ,, for in Heaven,
Lord , thank You for this promise, and our way to not only to You, but to all who have gone on before us, and will come behind us..amen
John HIcks
Just singing this song,,, come on and sing with me,, it kinda gets in your head..if you make room for it ,,,, and for Him,, just making a choice, are you?
Monday, April 22, 2013
MONDAY! Here it is ,, the start of another week,, the "week-end " is over! Be glad of the day... for it is a gift, and never dread a day, be glad of it, for we do not ever receive gifts as big as these! Now, if you really think about this, then your Monday will be bright and not blue!
Prayer Request: For Lori, who lost Frank yesterday and now his battle of suffering is over,, and God has shone him comfort, and rest...and now is the time for all of us to ask God to be with Lori, give her comfort, give her closure, and for her to wrap her arms around her Jesus, and may be free from her sufferings, and hurt.
Have you ever been sitting, or walking into a room,, or working in the yard,, and all of a sudden a sort of shadow or movement goes past you, sometimes at your side, and sometimes right in front of you,,, pow, like a flash? I have, and no I am not crazy,, nor do I claim to see ghosts... but I can never explain it,,, but some doctors of great minds,,, say, it is a movement of nature that we cannot explain.. so I explain it this way,,,and not at all scientific nor exact either, just a maybe.. or maybe not,,, so I choose this,,, Angels just flying by, checking on things, and reporting back to the head Man, God...So as "far out" as this seems, well maybe!!!... so always be doing good,, as you
(Today, this is to be taken as humor, and as serious..for if you really know God, all is possible)
Lord, I ask that You continue to be with us in all we do, and bless all those around this world, and forgive this world also, of our many, many sins.. amen
John HIcks
Loving my Lord, at all times, not just when it is convenient... How, and when do
Sunday, April 21, 2013
SUNDAY! Good Sabbath morning! Waking up with God is easier than waking up without,, so why don't we all practice this, and how do you do it? By request, the night before, that's how!
Prayer Request: For all those victims of all the disasters here and abroad!
We are always asking, accepting, and praying for something, but today,, let's just Give Back!!!
Smile at everyone, say something nice, and let people know that you are a Christian. Pray to God and just say , "Thank You" and He will take care of all else, don't worry, He is here!!
So today , let's all just , for once, don't ask for, just
Thank you God for all that we have, we owe it all to you! amen
John HIcks
Thankful, and Humble!!
Saturday, April 20, 2013
SATURDAY! Happy day to all of you, and I ask God today, to bless you all real good! Get out and enjoy it, as he meant for you to do... for a gift is to be opened and not keep closed, and happiness is one of those you do not want to pass up,so what-ever it is that makes you happy, then do it, as long as it makes Him happy also, if it does not make Him happy, then it in not true happiness,, right?
Prayer Thanks: For the capture of the second bomber,,, maybe, just maybe , we will hear of why,,, and I also pray, that he is the last of the plot....and Thank You God for the capture, and I still pray for those victims.
This is what is wrong with most of us.. we are all in such a hurry,, we don't stop to "smell the roses". What is there to be in such a hurry for? Only emergencies.. If it is not an emergency,, life or death,, take your time.. look as you go! Stop and look at things you usually pass by.. for if you don't,, you just passed up something you will never see in that prospective again.
We tend to run through this life , in this space age time of the world! So,, STOP! Yes,, STOP! Now think,, what am I doing right now, that I can't take it slow and easy.. I bet you will find out that you can.. just cruise.. (that is going back to the 50's, & 60's,, just go cruising,,,) instead of doing 25 over the speed limit... how about it,, can you slow down,, can you walk,, what happened after you learn to walk?,, it was run, and you never stopped.. did you? Now we all need to learn to walk all over again.. don't let life run by you at 80 mph. slow down to 25 mph at least . O.K.
Now , join God and walk with Him through His garden of this world,,smell all the good stuff,, hold on to Him tightly at times of bad stuff,, He will hold on to you,, and He will even carry you ,, across a falling bridge,, so don't go running wide open, unless you are doing your exercise, or running a marathon.... so come all and let's slow down to a crawl, enjoy this life,, and be a
God, thank you for life, and I ask that we all realize that we do not need to rush through it, and that we all slow down, and enjoy what you so lovingly made for us,, and then also give a big ole "thank You !" for it all..amen
John HIcks
George Carlin once said, that at four years old , we will say, we are 4 & 1//2 , then at 17, we are 17 & 1/2 and again at 20, we are 20 & 1/2,,, then at 39, women jsut stay there, for ever,ha, and then when we all get to 70, 80-, 90, we all start with that 1/2 again, only thebn do we slow down.. but what happened to those other years... slow down and enjoy, this day, yes today, for God will take care of tomorrow, with yu or not.. so enjoy what He has given you!
Friday, April 19, 2013
TGIF-FRIDAY-TGED! Good, as we all get up, grab our favorite wake up device(mine ,of course is coffee), stop! Take a moment to just say, "Thank You God, for being at my side, and thank You , Jesus for carrying me , as You carried that Cross, and died for me"... then ask them to accompany you through out your day!
Prayer Request: For all those in Waco, TX., who are suffering from that gigantic explosion of that fertilizer plant.. may all be surrounded by the Lord, and by your prayers!
Love is a great commodity for us to have!! It is not only cheap, but we have it in a great abundance, sometimes held back, and not released.
We have a tendency to keep it, and as some think, it is not good to show too much,, of this thing called "LOVE". God gave it to us from Him.. His Love is so great,, and He shared it with the world,, by giving His Son,, for us ,and our sins. Who has more love than that?
So all of us need to :
Give Love to our Mothers / Fathers
Give Love to our Husbands / Wives
Give Love to our Children
Give Love to our Brothers
Give Love to our Sisters
Give Love to our Grandparents
Give Love to our Friends
Give Love to all of our Neighbors
Give Love to the most gracious ,, our God, and His Son, Jesus
Give Love Abundantly and Graciously To ALL.
Lord , we thank You for your love of such greatness, we cannot even comprehend it...but we accept it, and Lord, I and we, give back to you ,,,our love,,, amen
Thursday, April 18, 2013
THURSDAY ! Good morning! Are you glad to be able to wake up in a free country,, yes free, able to say what you want, go where you want, worship who you want. Now you have many, many choices ,, as to where you go what and who you seek, and who you worship! Now , take that step into His world... with Him or not, that is your choice, and my prayers are that yours will be,,,,, with!
As a Nation, I believe we have taken a giant step from being dominated by one, who has tried so much to get their way, almost like a spoiled child,, now being told, NO! Our leaders in Congress did not let the flying in on "the plane", and the pushing of the grief of some of the ones who had just lost love ones, make a bad decision,, no,, they stood tall on this one.. so as much as I have laid the whip to them, today, I take my hat off to them,, they showed true colors to me,,,
If you take away the guns from common citizens,, you only give the criminals the freedom to reign,, and as I have said before,, what did Cain us to slay Able? God gave us a mind to use , to know right and wrong! I still believe,, if we will continue to pray to God, and ask Him for help, and have enough faith in Him,,, He will deliver us from evil.. I believe, and you also have that right! The question is ,,
God, thank You for being with us, and forgiving us of many sins,,, You are the ONE, and the Only ONE, and my prayer also is,, that as Adam did in Christys' office ,fall to their knees,, and choose You! amen
John HIcks
Stepping forward with God at my side, and still telling it as I see it...and we all have opinions, and choices, and we must listen to others , respect their choices, but if a Christian, you must continue to testify, and live by example. If you say you will, then do it!
P.S. to the reference to Adam in the prayer,, Christy Hicks was the wittiness to a young man falling to his knees at the front of her desk in her office,,,and accepting Jesus Christ as his Savior, yesterday.. I thought this was great for she also witnessed another do the same on a bus trip with her just the other day,,, God is working , all the time, glory to Him!
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
WEDNESDAY! Better know as "hump" day! The middle of the week! Even the retired plan their week-ends, even if it is just setting in that recliner... oh ,, gosh I forgot, that is what we do all week.. oh well it is still a good plan! But the one thing,, that should not be forgotten, and that is who will get you to this coming week-end,, and that is God! Right?
No matter what you say, it is He who gets you there, and as for how it will be, again it is He, who will determine that also... Now ,, think of this middle day of the week, live it,,, for it is a gift of today, and tomorrow, is not promised,, so as you plan the slide to the W/E,, wax your slide with a lot of the Holy Ghost of God, and grab the hand of Jesus to slide with safety,, and to hit the bottom of the slide standing and not bouncing on that thing that you sit on! O.k.
Now ,today,,, I think this is enough for all to digest,,, on this Wednesday! Enjoy the day,,, and the week-end?,, Well plan it with Him in mind, and then,, let Him lead you there, right on through Thursday, and Friday,and "life"!
Have a great Wednesday!
God, forgive us of our many sins, as we forgive those who have sinned against us. I also pray for those victims in Boston,,, who are still recovering from the terrible explosions of a manic,, and I ask for your continued strength to these survivors.. amen
John HIcks
Standing for Him, talking of Him, trying to be an example of what He wants, and I did say trying, and for an easy task, it is the hardest,,,, why,, for I am man! Who do you stand for, and who do you talk of, and who do you try to be an example of? Make a choice, for it is yours , and yours alone...
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
TUESDAY! Welcome to the day! We all need to plan our days very careful, for we know not what comes from one second to the next, but we need to plan by faith, and go out and enjoy it with Him and all the rest of the world,, for planning is to take away worry, which is a sin anyway, so plan with Him, and travel this day with faith!
Prayer Request: For all those injured and for those who lost love ones in that awful bombing in Boston, yesterday. May God be with all! amen
When we get our hands dirty, we wash them, when we get dirty all over, we take a bath or shower the dirt off! Yes, we claim to be the cleanest Nation on the earth!,,, BUT , have you been close to some , that claim they are clean, look clean, but can "smell" them a mile away, or hear their dirty words also a mile away,, even the actions of these so called "clean" people of this Nation? Yes, claimed clean,, does not make one have a clean body, mind , nor spirit!
We can take soap,, and wash the dirt of the world off,,, we can clean our mouths with better educated words,,,(for cursing is a sign of ignorance of the use of another word),,,, and the spirit, well that is easier that any, even washing with soap,, and that is washing in THE BLOOD OF JESUS, and then your spirit is clean also... so now you have some real choices to make today as you read this, and that is to make sure that you have not only a clean body, and a clean mouth of words, but also a
God, thank You for You giving us Your Son, His Blood for our sins, and making us clean of satan. amen
John HIcks
With faith, prayer, and ASKING Jesus into my heart, ,, I can stay spiritually clean! Have you had your "Jesus Bath" yet? Make the choice, now , today!
Monday, April 15, 2013
MONDAY! Good morning on this day, and may God bless you this day with all you desire!
How will you start your day? Will it be waking up with God at your side, and an invitation to go with you through-out your day, and really your life?,,, Or will you start out with just your self, and only yourself in mind,, and you know who, punching at you to sin, as you move on out into your life of this day?
Be like you were made to be, and no let that ole satan in to your heart. You were built to serve the God who made you,, and the biggest choice He gave you is to make the choice of Him.. but yes, He did leave that up to you.... now look up to Him, and ask Him to come into your life now,, for later when you look up, as yu feel the heat and the flames licking your toes,, is too late to look up for help,,,, from Him, for there will not be any ,,for you will had made the wrong choice.. don't make that choice,,, but look up now, and
God, I asked for Jesus, and I feel Him , and You within, and my prayers today is for all to feel that feeling also. amen
John HIcks
Yes, before I grab that cup of coffee, I grab the hand of my God, for my guide through my pathway of my life,,, and He invites you to grab hold also, for He can hold the world ,, so what is another hand? Make the choice, before you feel the "heat"..
Sunday, April 14, 2013
SUNDAY! Good morning to all on this this great day of God's,,,, may you enjoy it , and reverend it! Have a great one!
Prayer Requests: For the Family of Ruth "Babe" Russell, who went to the Lord yesterday. Keep the family in your prayers, daughter, Phyllis Russell Franklin, and her Son, Grandson, Brent Franklin and his family.
For the family of Cathy Watson, who went to the Lord Yesterday also, her Son Jess, two sisters, and one brother.
Character is like a tree, and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing!
We all have our own "cup" of something we like to drink , our own vice,, no matter if is is an ole soda pop, that is bubbling all over when we open it... or shake it...(as my little grandson does mine, when I am not looking) , or that cold glass of "southern sweet tea",, and of course that cup of real java,,, I so have to have first thing each morning! We not only have one cup of our liquid drink, but several,, until we are overflowing!
Now, how about your love of another? Yes, not yourself, but another, others.. plural, yes many, many! Do you, or do you hold it in to just one, a few, three, or lots, to large lots?
"God so loved the world , He gave His only Son, not to destroy the world , but to save the world"! and with no price, His love has been free , since the creation of time, and the world(and yes, He did make the world),,,, Can you say you have this kind of love? How about being like the Son, Jesus, for He gave His love, His life, for us,, on that Cross... wow, love so abounding , given out to us all, with no holds, free for the taking, just ask Him, He is here. in the now, yes right now.... His Cup Runneth Over, with love to you, and to me... then why do we accept His, and not
God, thank You for Your love so overflowing, so pure, and given with abundance to us all. amen
John HIcks
Giving out LOVE!,,, reach out and grab yourself a handful, and then give some of it out of yourself, for love is free, but it must be given from the heart...for love is that special! How about you, are you giving it out,, by the cup and in abundance? Have a great and "lovely" day!
Saturday, April 13, 2013
SATURDAY! Good morning to all on this great day! I pray that you did stop to pray yesterday, and prayed a big thanks to our God,, and that you do it again,today, and tomorrow, and forever!! Now, have a great week-end, and remember who made you, and who loves you!
Prayer Request: For Ruth "Babe" Russell, who is in the Hospital. Pray for her well-being, and comfort.
When we do things for another,, did we do it for them,, or for us?I have touched on this before, but I see the things done, done for that person,, more and more. I am not judging , just observing, and I may be wrong on what I see, so that is why I observe,, and leave the judging up to Him...
When you give , do you give from the heart ? or do you give for the flash of the camera of the ones looking on?All gifts,, material, work, love, whatever,, must be from the heart,,, to be a gift of reality.. What if God said ,, if you want my Son , I will give Him to you , nailed to a cross,, but you must give me ten pieces of gold to have Him as a Savior,, or other items of payment.. but did He?No.. He just said ,, "here is My Son, nailed to a wooden cross,, and He is my gift to you for a life of eternity, and when you see and believe this,, you are saved from damnation, and hell & it is all paid for in full". Yes, Gods' gift from the heart with nothing to pay for it,, for He paid it for us.. free, from the heart! Can you say,, that what you give, or do, is from the heart,, with no return expected? Given to a friend, a relative, to your God,,, but given from the heart! Not for ones self,, or ones reimbursement of recognition,, but just for that friend, that relative, for your God,,nothing expected in return? Now , is that who
Almighty God,, may we all work for You, and not for ourselves, and realize that what goes to you will return in ten fold,,, if we do it just for You... and may what we give to our friends and relatives be from the heart with no attachments..amen
John HIcks
I had rather give,, than receive.. how about you? For real !!!
Friday, April 12, 2013
FRIDAY-TGIF-TGED! As our eyes have opened, we are seeing the world, as He built it, and we are tearing it down! Let's all , today,, do one thing to make the world cleaner, and safer. One thing might be pick up a piece of discarded trash, move a broken jagged item,, speak with a soft voice, and clean words, and actions.. just only a few ways to help keep, and re-built what HE built , and gave us to cultivate,, a garden of wonders.. and have we? Think about it, today, another one of His days , given to us by a choice of a great love of us all!!!!!
Pray! Do You?
Prayer is our way of talking to God,, even if you are looking up, down, to the side,, it does not matter.. the bowing of the head(which I believe is best) is for reverence to Him.. and an exclamation of "Oh My God",, is not a prayer!
God, gives and gives, and we give so little back, and yes this is all of us... just look around you, and see what you have been blessed with... and to just to ask each of you , this day, stop and say a prayer, one of reality.. one from the heart... for God gives, and I can tell you, He loves to hear from us all, and hear not always what we want, but a thank you, and just some "small" talk.. Try it, and see how it will lift your spirits of the day, and when you lie down tonight, you will smile, as you say,
Lord, I thank You, for all I have, and for this world,, a gift from You, and I will do my best to keep it as You made it, and I pray all others will do the same! amen
John HIcks
HIS,, whose are you? Your choice , and He is the one who gave this choice it to you!
Thursday, April 11, 2013
THURSDAY! Good morning to all,, as you start your day,, stop!,,, and remember this....
Stop long enough to reflect on how much you are really blessed with,, more of the things you do have, and not what you don't have.... for God has supplied you with this world, your grant of life here, to live as you choose, with all choices,,, yours.. your food, clothing, (whether a mink coat or rags, to cover your body),,, a heart that not only pumps life giving blood, but His love from one end of the body to the other end, never ending, until HE calls you Home... water to drink and remove the thirst,, the Mom, the Dad, the brother, the sister, the friends, all the relatives , and those who love you so very much,, and have placed a place in their heart ,,, just for you, right next to His place to share themselves with Him, and you, all of these blessings, happened each day,,, and we need to give thanks daily, and more... so stop, after reading this and think,,
God, thank You for my all...amen
John HIcks
My reflections today, is my thanks to my God, who has blessed me beyond my "deserves"!
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
WEDNESDAY! As you climb out of bed, start your day,, stop , for just for a few seconds.. not long, right?,, and just say , "Thank You God, for this day,, all my gifts of this life, (whether big or small), and please come with me on this my day,, from You, for as You give it to me, I would like to share it with You! Will you? or will you just open your eyes, and get up ,, and business as usual?
Prayer Request: For Little Bo, who fell and hit his head yesterday,, pray all is well with Him.
In this nation we are all equal,, if you dis-believe, just ask your congress or your president! In God we are all equal,, and you don't have to ask anyone! Is this not a great statement? for with God we are His, and He loves us , no matter, BUT, as for us to love back, is up to each of us, and it is not left to a vote, nor what we pay in tax, but by choice and example,,, that only!!!! Don't you wish our government was really run by the people , for the people,, Well, that is what God had intended for it to be,, and He gave us that choice. Now I ask , do you think He is really satisfied with what He sees in this Nation, and in this World?
Few equalities: You need to get permission for a teacher to give your child an aspirin by your request.. but not to get an abortion; the want of the government to ban more than 20 rounds of a reload on a rifle,, but give jet fighters to a crazed government in the middle east; children are removed from good parents who give their children spankings, and leave others in drug , and filth related homes with both parents being addicted to those drugs; where a woman from young to old, has to be stripped searched to get on a plane but a woman in a hi-jab, is only searched around her neck and head; and many, many other equalities we are handed out by our piers!
Not with God! As I said before, the only thing you get bad, is what you ask for , for in the now, and in the end we are all treated equal in His eyes... even if you don't see it personally, nor feel it as you live now, you will see it in the end,, and you will understand then, that indeed,
For remember, He did create you! Oh no, you did not evolve, nor did you make yourself? He did it all,,, think about that, even you, yourself!!!!
Lord, I pray that all will come to you FIRST,,, and LOVE YOU, back as much as You love us, amen
John HIcks
You may think I am down on my Nation, I am not completely down with it, but I am very concerned with the thousands of laws that give to the wrong, and take from the not wrong, the giving to the lazy,, and taking from the workers... other than that and drifting from God,, I am O.K. with my nation, yes mine, for I served her, with pride.. but I serve my God with shield and His word,, and will do , forever ,, and ever!
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
TUESDAY! Good Morning! Just what did you have as plans for your day? I have but one question, and bt one statement, on this today, did you wake with God beside you, by your request, and did you invite Him along with you on all you undertake this day? Well, He gave it to you, so be thankful to Him who provides all! And don't just say it today , believe it, in your heart, and on the surface,, so all can see!
Prayer Requests: For Little Eli Cooper , in Alabama,, who is still suffering,, with feeding tubes, and is gaining, but still needs lots of prayers..
For Little Tripp Halstead,, who is still suffering from that limb,,, please say prayers for him also, this little guy has suffered so much for so long... please God have mercy on these two little guys!
"Weather Report"
Where are you on Your Weather in Life?
Sunny? Fair? Stormy? Severe?
Can you change the weather forcast for your life?
YOU BET! God is so forgiving! I wish we could be as
forgiving as God. How do you change Your weather?
Pray and ask God from your Heart and you will see
Sunny Skies!!!!!
This is one of the "Thoughts For Today" that was sent out back on 04/09/2007, and we are still
God, I pray for all our lives will be cloudless, and the sun shall shine bright, and we will live in Your sunshine now, and in eternity, amen
John HIcks
Always ready to profess my belief in God, Jesus, and I will stand for Him in private, and in public, and I challenge all to stand up today, and say the same thing, will you?? I pray you will be Christian enough to
Monday, April 8, 2013
MONDAY! Waking up and ready to start a brand new week!,, We all have made our plans of the things to do,,, but have we included our Lord? Have we put Him in front to lead us, have we even had a word with Him,, well,,,, you know ,,, it is a choice you make, and only you can make it!
How many grains of sand are there on the beach, from Maine to the tip of Florida? What ! You don't know? Well,,, I know someone who does actually know that number,,, and so do you,,, it is of course God... He is the all knowing ! If you will look at the news of this world,,, you will see that there are about that many people, as the grains of sand on the beaches, in this world,,, Think about the population of the USA,,, then look at China,,, North Korea,, South America,,, Africa,,, yes people are like the grains of sand,, there are so many of us. So where does that put you and me on the map, of God's love? As hard as it is to comprehend,,, He knows each of His creations,,,and HE KNOWS US BY NAME,,, He loves each of us,,, and He longs for us to return that love,,, for not all do return this great love,,,, only a handful,,, compared to the population... and yet He continues to give,,, give,,,, He treats us like we are the biggest boulder on a mountain , rather than a small grain of sand... wow what a God! Let's get out there and do our job,,,, and that is to testify for Him,,, we are His,, so let's start acting like it,,, and not like we own, our own selves,,, for we can only exist,,, have any kind of life here,,, and have a life of eternity,,, if we believe in Him ,,, accept His Son as our personal savior,, by confessing our sins to Jesus,,, only then will we have a place on the beach of Heaven,,, So,,, be a boulder for God,,, and not just another
Lord,,, thank You for knowing each of us,,, carrying for us,,, accepting us by confession of us to You,, give us the strength to carry that word of You, to all corners of this world.. amen
John HIcks
Thankful for His favor to all of us,,, and not shy about letting the world know it,,, how is your standing up, and testifying for Him,,, doing?
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Saturday, April 6, 2013
SATURDAY! Good morning to all.... I was looking on FB, and this is what I saw,,, an illustration of how someone answers a hit from satan... and wins every-time,, I love it when TimTebow bows his head at any event ,, and any one else also.. I am sending this out to show, not all famous, are bad nor disbelievers. lots are good... and let's not judge, but be an example,,, as this fine young man does... read and enjoy!
I WILL INSERT THIS ON THE BLOG,, sin the article wswill not reprint:Tim states, that when yu marry yur wife, you tell her how much you are in love with her, and you tell her then that you love her. Now do yuo not tell her anymore? or do you tell her daily, or any chance you can, and it does not matter who sees or hears you.. you are not ashamed of her! Well , that is the way , He said He is about Jesus Christ, He lvoe Jesus everyday, and anytime he gets a chance to tell Him, He does, and anywhere He can! Great testomonny , back t a person who had said, he had enough of "te-bowin", and that tTim shjould not be doing it,, I thi nk, Time came out on to of this one!
John HIcks
Also a profound believer in strutting Jesus anywhere , anytime!! How about you?
Friday, April 5, 2013
FRIDAY! TGED- Waking up with God at your side, and laying down at night , to sleep, is better than anything else I can think of.... how about you?
How do you keep this body going and in good spirits? It is like any other well oiled and well working machine.. it takes good preventive maintenance. So , how does one do this,,, well you can copy things from the newspaper,,, listen to the news casts from radio, t.v.,, or computers,,, and read books by the millions on the care of the human body.. what to eat,,, how to exercise,, how many hours to sleep,,, even how to talk and and act. Yes ,,, there are millions of things to read on this subject,,, but the only real book of instructions to keep this well oil machine going ,,, and going in the direction it was built to go,,,, is the only one, with real instructions of self care, and it is truly, the one and the only one,,the real
Almighty ,, thank you for this owners manual, written for us and preserved for us,,, through all times,,, Your word, written in Your Book,,, the Bible... amen
John HIcks
A believer in this "Owners Manual",,, and a reader,,, join me ,,, it can be enlightening!!!
Thursday, April 4, 2013
THURSDAY! Up and atta'em this great day,, for God has given us another, so let's get up, give Him a big hello, and thanks, let all know who you believe in, and who has your point to the W/E, and all the days of your life! Can you do this? Can you be an example? Maybe it will take some change, or a big change, but if you do not have God taking the "Point" of your travels, then YOU are headed to a great fall, and the bottom is endless, and hot... so make a choice today, as to who heads up your path of life,,before the trip wire,, of the fall to hell.... o.k.?
Everything that irritates us about others , can lead to a very real understanding of ourselves!
Lord, thank You for being at the head of my path, leading, and I , following,,,and my prayer also today is that more will ask you to walk point in their life also.. amen
John HIcks
Short this morning , but to the point,, and sometimes we need less to get more!,, Thank about it..and make your choice for the most, not the less... Have a great day, with the Lord out front,, leading you!
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
WEDNESDAY! Welcome to the middle day,,, and as you are planning this day, the next days ahead,,, the W/E's,,, have you included the most important item of all, God? As I awake ,, I invite all to grab that out-reaching hand of Jesus, who is always smiling, reaching for you, with all the love you can ever feel ,,, and forgiveness of your sins,,, oh yes, we all have ! Today, make your daily planner, with Jesus first, on each square of each day! Make the choice, time is wasting away with the tick of the clock!
Prayer Request: For Lori Mays nephew.. Scotti Jr.. Her brothers oldest son... who they lost unexpected on Good Friday. Please keep this family in your prayers.
Yes, it is time , for the flowers of spring to raise their heads, and shine their beauty to all who are looking, and even if your weather is still cold, spring has some sort of a spring flower for you... God did not leave anyone out.. all are blessed with some sort of beauty of these spring flowers. They are not planted each year,, these are the ones that come up,, unplanned , uncultivated,
unfertilized,, but sprouting up and out of the ground with a rising by God Almighty. How do I know this,, for HE told us that in the beginning,,, of His word, in the Bible....
Now,,, as you look at these little wonders of God, I ask that you think of these little spring flowers rising up towards the Heavens, and I ask are you prepared for "your" rising, when the time comes? I am just asking , have you planted your seed of rising,, the choice of Jesus, given Him your all,, been blessed by His Blood,, saved , and ready for the blooming of your life as you rise to the Heavens to be the side of His Father, where He sits on the right side,, and will stand by your side at judgment? Make the choice, and be like the spring flower,, ready to rise,, as to when the "spring" of your life may bloom.
Lord , I ask that all come to know You, and see that you care for the "spring flower", and as they come to You, they know they are more important to You than the flower,,, and once they accept You, they are Yours forever.. amen
John HIcks
Make the choice of life,, today,, the choice? Jesus Christ,,, the only guaranteed choice!
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
TUESDAY-Waking on this great day of His, with Him, first and foremost.. and I hope you woke with a request of Him to be at your side,, and as you went to sleep, the same request, not only this day, but every day,, for He loves the company,, more than you,, oh yes, He does! So extend this invitation by just asking Him, for He loves to hear from you, and all of us.... so let's make Him the first priority on our list of the days of our lives! Have a great Tuesday!
Prayer Request: For little Tripp Halstead,, who is back in the hospital with a liver problem,,, please pray for God to heal this little feller,, for he has with-stood more than most of us grown ups could handle, and He still handles them with smiles, and an upbeat attitude.. God bless this little man!!!
For the Family of Rufus Whitmore, who has passed on to Heaven, that they understand and that God will console each one of them.
When I was a little boy, and that was some years back , in the late 40's and early 50's,, I listen to preachers cry out in the pulpit ,, the end is here , it is coming , look around you,, World Wars,, I, and II... we are starting the times Jesus told us to look for... well, it scared us as little kids.. BUT,, we listened,, and as we heard the Scripture... for they all ended with, "we don't know when ,but we know the signs, for Jesus said, even He did not know, but only the Father , in Heaven knows of the End Of Time,, but He did give us signs!" Well, I went through the "fall out shelter" days .... the building of bombs that can destroy the world.. saw the "Cuban Missile Crisis",, saw the enemy back down.. and now , I see the rumors and rumors of war ,with Iran, North Korea.. and I see the changes in the seasons. as to whether the trees know , to bloom or not to bloom... the plagues,, yes drought is a plague,,, diseased food,,, disease's call "super bugs" forming.. leaders turned against the people here,,, for greed, the cry for pleasure over reality of the real God, the killing of babies ,, before birth, by abortion,, the marrying of not man to woman, but to anything or anyone... yes the ones who are hanging out,, in the weather, camping on the sidewalks for what?,, why not camp out for God, and His word,,, His plan, His written word, in His book! These things are coming to pass ,,,now right in front of our lives,, both young and old...and do we see these changing of the times. or are they coming so fast we are letting them slip by without really seeing.. do we not see the 'ICE" breaking at the poles, the rising of the tides over their normal height? Do you see.. no,,, I am not as I was done to, trying to scare anyone,, but I am just saying do you see the times and I ask , have you accepted Jesus,, are you prepared for your flame to be extinguished, by what ever means????? I only say to you,
Lord, thank You for your mercies You have shown us all through-out our lives,, amen
John HIcks
On watch for my Lord, each and every day,, who do you look for? Make a choice, and live for Him , and not for the day!
Monday, April 1, 2013
MONDAY! APRIL FOOLS DAY As we go through this day, be careful as to what you hear and see, it could not be real...for jokes will abound.. so be prepared, and wear a smile, for most jokes will be on you.... One thing yesterday, not a joke! Yesterday was spent with the grandchildren ,,, and we sure did have fun,, all of our children was not there and they were missed a lot! We hid eggs, and re-hid eggs,,but before and at the at the noon meal,,, the true meaning of Easter came through, as we sat down to eat, I ask the same question, who would like to present the thanks today.. and as I looked at our Noah (2), he had his hands clasped, head bowed for the blessing, and then Anna, (6), said I would like to say the blessings, and her sister, Carley(8) next to her said, "o.k. Anna, you do it today", an both had their hands clasped, and heads bowed also! I was so impressed at the training of these three little ones, and under my breath, a silent "Thank You God for these little Christians", this is what life is all about!"
Prayer Request: For our nation, and for our world! We need it,, the need? For al to turn back to God first, our wants, second!
Preparing For That Rainy Day!
As I sat and discussed this yesterday,, my mind wandered later as the thought went through my mind of the preparation of retirement, and life later in life is advertised and pushed to the younger minds, in commercial after commercial on T.V., read in magazines, newspapers, on the Internet(and you know it never tells a lie, ha).. and to join the 401k at work,, and it is good to do this, prepare for one's ability to live after they get old and unable to work... but that is not all...
Now, if we as man can put our words out front, to prepare for the future,, our later days, in all the above diffeerent ways,, then why not have we advertised, spoke out loud and to our friends, and our non-Friends,, of taking out the insurance of all insurances of life, the one with no sub-titles,,, only this statement and this signature,,,,,,the only 401K, the only way, for life after life? Jesus gave this answer, and I put it in caps for the importance of the His message to you all, "THE ONLY WAY TO MY FATHER IS THROUGH ME",,, AND "IF YOU WILL ACCEPT ME, THEN YOU WILL BE THERE IN HEAVEN,, WITH MY FATHER, ME AND ALL OTHERS WHO HAVE SUCCEEDED YOU!"
Lord, I pray all will hear, and all will choose Jesus and the guaranteed way to You. amen
John HIcks
Still sounding off for my Lord, of my belief, and my cause, and that is to tell all I can about Him, and His saving power, and if you get tired of me saying it, so get tired, for I don't.. Have a great day and please , if you have not, make the choice, and see Heaven!
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