Tuesday-- Hello out there, come on , wake up, get out of that bed,, we are going on a hike today...so get a shower, get dressed, put on your shoes! This is a hike today with Jesus.. He has been ready for some time,,,and it is time we take Him up on it,,, We are going to hike down a straight trail, no hills, no brier brush, just cool sailing ,, a cool and fair day,,, we are going to hike down, His trail, today,, and then you might, just might, want to hike on it each day,,, I hope!
In the beginning,, Genesis:2:7, the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
After the beginning had started, Genesis 2:18, The Lord God said , "It is not good for the man to be alone, I will make a help suit-able for him.
Genesis 2: 21-23: So the Lord God caused the man to fall unto a deep sleep: and while he was sleeping , he took one of man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman', for she was taken out of man."
Now in the beginning, God created Heaven and Earth,, He created Man, and He created Woman.. I believe , do you? Man, count your ribs!
God, thank You for us, and the use of Your earth, and Your promises,,, amen
John HIcks
Knowing I never came from anyone, except my God,, Look in the mirror and see where you came from and where you are going, you have to look deep, just passed the banana tree.. Ha!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Monday: Back from the long week-end, that is most of us... Those in re-tail, a long , long week-end! Now , we are full,, lots of shopping done,, we can kick back , and enjoy a Monday,, yes enjoy a Monday! Yes, I know, except for those who have jobs to go to , just be thankful , you have one!
Prayer Request: Ray Noll,, husband of Delores, who is back in the hospital with problems. Let's all give him our prayers for healing and relief, and back home soon.
I walked up on a fellow one day,,,he had his ear to a wall,,,I looked at him,,, he just continued to listen and after a while,, I put my ear up to the wall,, a few seconds later,,I said,,"I don't hear a thing!" He said, "It's been like that all day!".
Of course this is a joke, but it is a lot like our leaders of our government, in their messages today...they talk, we listen at the wall, and we hear nothing,, just the wind!
But, today, there is one who calls, and calls us second by second.. This one, the Leader of all is our salvation,, and He is calling to you , to me, today, this second.. If you have not heard Him,, then put your ear back to the wall,, the wall of faith,, open your heart,, then you will hear, and then , if you have not already accepted Him, ,, you should listen and react...Yes,, once you hear Him calling,,, "Come,, come to me!",, then you need to answer right then and there,, "Yes Lord, I am here,, I confess to You my sins,, please accept me in your heart." I can guarantee you.. He has His ear to the wall, listening at all times, and once you ask, He hears, He reacts, and "bamn", you are His,.. just so simple.
We need to stop in our tracks,,, listen to this voice calling out...if we don't, and if we don't change our ways,,,and the ways of our co-existers in this world,,,we may loose it all...We cannot turn a deaf ear to this voice,,,for we are on our way to the darkest times of this world,,,and the only thing that can turn it around is this voice we hear,,,"come to me,,,accept me,,,give me your heart and soul,,,show me your faith,,,I will make it right, Just call out to me,,,,I am listening!"
Yes,, this voice ,,, is the voice of the SON OF GOD,,,JESUS CHRIST,,,CALLING OUT !
Do you have your ear to the,, "Jesus Wall"?
Lord, thank You for being at the wall of calling for us, and that You listen 24/7. I pray that all will call , and call before it is to late. amen
John HIcks
I called, He heard, how about it,, it takes very little breath to call out to Him,, have you....Choice, yours!
Prayer Request: Ray Noll,, husband of Delores, who is back in the hospital with problems. Let's all give him our prayers for healing and relief, and back home soon.
I walked up on a fellow one day,,,he had his ear to a wall,,,I looked at him,,, he just continued to listen and after a while,, I put my ear up to the wall,, a few seconds later,,I said,,"I don't hear a thing!" He said, "It's been like that all day!".
Of course this is a joke, but it is a lot like our leaders of our government, in their messages today...they talk, we listen at the wall, and we hear nothing,, just the wind!
But, today, there is one who calls, and calls us second by second.. This one, the Leader of all is our salvation,, and He is calling to you , to me, today, this second.. If you have not heard Him,, then put your ear back to the wall,, the wall of faith,, open your heart,, then you will hear, and then , if you have not already accepted Him, ,, you should listen and react...Yes,, once you hear Him calling,,, "Come,, come to me!",, then you need to answer right then and there,, "Yes Lord, I am here,, I confess to You my sins,, please accept me in your heart." I can guarantee you.. He has His ear to the wall, listening at all times, and once you ask, He hears, He reacts, and "bamn", you are His,.. just so simple.
We need to stop in our tracks,,, listen to this voice calling out...if we don't, and if we don't change our ways,,,and the ways of our co-existers in this world,,,we may loose it all...We cannot turn a deaf ear to this voice,,,for we are on our way to the darkest times of this world,,,and the only thing that can turn it around is this voice we hear,,,"come to me,,,accept me,,,give me your heart and soul,,,show me your faith,,,I will make it right, Just call out to me,,,,I am listening!"
Yes,, this voice ,,, is the voice of the SON OF GOD,,,JESUS CHRIST,,,CALLING OUT !
Do you have your ear to the,, "Jesus Wall"?
Lord, thank You for being at the wall of calling for us, and that You listen 24/7. I pray that all will call , and call before it is to late. amen
John HIcks
I called, He heard, how about it,, it takes very little breath to call out to Him,, have you....Choice, yours!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Saturday- As we walk on our road, let us walk and pave it with the love of Jesus, and then we can have a smooth road to God, and Heaven..
Prayer of Thanks: My grandson, Noah fell out of a kitchen chair on his head,,, a ride to the hospital in an ambulance,, "ct" scan, and all was o.k. ,, just a big red spot on his head,, and after he won all of the staffs heart,, they sent him home, a well and sound baby under Mom and Dad's loving care... Thank You God, for grabbing him and easing him to the floor , unhurt.. all praises go to you!
We do travel a rough road in this life.. with all the bumps, holes, and hurts in it. There's satan, with a shovel, pick, temptations, all things to just demolish any road. We let him do his "digs" make his pot holes,, as he wants, and just limp by these holes, stepping on a spike, then falling down on barb wire,, these are all cuts and bruises of sin, on his road he has worked so hard,, to make us stumble and fall off , right into hell.
Now this road of satans' is this way , because we let it be . It does not have to be, it can be just as smooth as glass, and a view of the beauty of this world, it can carry laughter, singing, skipping, hand holding, smiles, love, just the fullest , greatest life we can imagine, and yes it also leads to the eternal life of spirit in Heaven with our Savior and God.
Which is better? the first road or the second road? I have taken the second one,, the first you don't even have to do anything to get on it.. just deny God,and you are on it. Now, the second road is easy too,, it has this "on ramp" that is just like a Cross.. at the top of the ramp stands Jesus, just as alive as you and I, with arms outstretched, and smiling. As you put your foot down, and call out to Him,, oh Jesus,,, I love you, and I want to walk with you through this life,, I accept you.. you are instantly standing next to Him, and He will wrap you up , and carry you down this road ,, and never let you fall off.. on through this life with happiness, and on to Heaven with a guarantee of a partner to get you in..
God, thank You , for Jesus, and the paved road to You,, amen
John HIcks
I never will walk that rough road again, for by choice, I choose my Savior, Jesus Christ, to trust and to walk with in this life, and I never want to feel the sting of sin again.. for I have the only One who can take this sin away... yes it is by choice of your road to travel,, come walk with all of us,, and ask Jesus to save you... make the choice,, now!
Prayer of Thanks: My grandson, Noah fell out of a kitchen chair on his head,,, a ride to the hospital in an ambulance,, "ct" scan, and all was o.k. ,, just a big red spot on his head,, and after he won all of the staffs heart,, they sent him home, a well and sound baby under Mom and Dad's loving care... Thank You God, for grabbing him and easing him to the floor , unhurt.. all praises go to you!
We do travel a rough road in this life.. with all the bumps, holes, and hurts in it. There's satan, with a shovel, pick, temptations, all things to just demolish any road. We let him do his "digs" make his pot holes,, as he wants, and just limp by these holes, stepping on a spike, then falling down on barb wire,, these are all cuts and bruises of sin, on his road he has worked so hard,, to make us stumble and fall off , right into hell.
Now this road of satans' is this way , because we let it be . It does not have to be, it can be just as smooth as glass, and a view of the beauty of this world, it can carry laughter, singing, skipping, hand holding, smiles, love, just the fullest , greatest life we can imagine, and yes it also leads to the eternal life of spirit in Heaven with our Savior and God.
Which is better? the first road or the second road? I have taken the second one,, the first you don't even have to do anything to get on it.. just deny God,and you are on it. Now, the second road is easy too,, it has this "on ramp" that is just like a Cross.. at the top of the ramp stands Jesus, just as alive as you and I, with arms outstretched, and smiling. As you put your foot down, and call out to Him,, oh Jesus,,, I love you, and I want to walk with you through this life,, I accept you.. you are instantly standing next to Him, and He will wrap you up , and carry you down this road ,, and never let you fall off.. on through this life with happiness, and on to Heaven with a guarantee of a partner to get you in..
God, thank You , for Jesus, and the paved road to You,, amen
John HIcks
I never will walk that rough road again, for by choice, I choose my Savior, Jesus Christ, to trust and to walk with in this life, and I never want to feel the sting of sin again.. for I have the only One who can take this sin away... yes it is by choice of your road to travel,, come walk with all of us,, and ask Jesus to save you... make the choice,, now!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Friday- WOW! What a day yesterday! We as a nation, are the greatest place on this earth, and anyone who does not believe in this , and believe that God gave it to us,, has a brain that in in relapse! I pray that the people of this United States of America will see how blessed they are, then assist those who are in need and share this great blessinig that He has bestowed upon us!
Prayer Request: Please pray for Charles Crews, who is in the last stages of cancer,, and needs all the prayers for his pain, and his mindful presence.
I just wonder ,, if the Pilgrims are looking back at us , what are they thinking of us now.. and how just far that one dinner with those Indians,, affected a nation so big, from that little sandy shore on their day, the very first Thanksgiving day?
Well , if they could have seen our celebration, they would have been proud... we first had fellowship with each other, as the dinner was prepared,,, then the welcoming, the reading of His word, a prayer to bless that abundant meal, eat,, then laugh, fellowship more and more,, and one of the best of all,, watching those young ones run, play hide n seek, laugh, and the look in their eyes as they see uncles, aunts, cousins, that for some, have never seen, and for all of them the look of "Wow! I did not know I had so many cousins! Ha,, They, these precious one are the future, as I was the future to many, and as I looked around,, I didn't for a short while worry about this world, for I could see the future running , laughing, building character, soul, and love for one another,, just as I saw their parents running around the same way. Yes this world is in good hands,, and I believe that is just how the Pilgrims were thinking as they looked at their young doing just that, and then seeing all of us giving thanks to the Master today as they did,, and I justt know that they are very, very proud of what they see as
John HIcks
Humble and thankful for all of you , my good friends and love ones!
Prayer Request: Please pray for Charles Crews, who is in the last stages of cancer,, and needs all the prayers for his pain, and his mindful presence.
I just wonder ,, if the Pilgrims are looking back at us , what are they thinking of us now.. and how just far that one dinner with those Indians,, affected a nation so big, from that little sandy shore on their day, the very first Thanksgiving day?
Well , if they could have seen our celebration, they would have been proud... we first had fellowship with each other, as the dinner was prepared,,, then the welcoming, the reading of His word, a prayer to bless that abundant meal, eat,, then laugh, fellowship more and more,, and one of the best of all,, watching those young ones run, play hide n seek, laugh, and the look in their eyes as they see uncles, aunts, cousins, that for some, have never seen, and for all of them the look of "Wow! I did not know I had so many cousins! Ha,, They, these precious one are the future, as I was the future to many, and as I looked around,, I didn't for a short while worry about this world, for I could see the future running , laughing, building character, soul, and love for one another,, just as I saw their parents running around the same way. Yes this world is in good hands,, and I believe that is just how the Pilgrims were thinking as they looked at their young doing just that, and then seeing all of us giving thanks to the Master today as they did,, and I justt know that they are very, very proud of what they see as
John HIcks
Humble and thankful for all of you , my good friends and love ones!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Here it is, Thanksgiving,,,a day of feasting,,,full stomachs,,,fellowship with love ones,,,and a day to stop and pray thanks,,,,to Him ,,,for it all!!!
These are two powerful, life changing words, THANK YOU,,have you used them lately?
Thessalonians 5:18- Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is Gods' will for you in Christ Jesus.
Take the time, to say to God, thank you for all we have...and also take the time to say it to others as they do things for you...It is something we don't use enough,,,and it is something that is needed to be used in abundance...
Stop as you feast today,,,reflect on what you have to be thankful for,,pray that others in this world will be as fortunate as you and I. Thank God for Jesus,,,His love for us all,,,and thank God for the U. S. A. and may He show us His mercy to continue to give us the freedom we have...may I repeat,,,
John HIcks
Prayer of thanks, for all, to have as much as I have,,,,Thanks to you all,,, for listening...
These are two powerful, life changing words, THANK YOU,,have you used them lately?
Thessalonians 5:18- Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is Gods' will for you in Christ Jesus.
Take the time, to say to God, thank you for all we have...and also take the time to say it to others as they do things for you...It is something we don't use enough,,,and it is something that is needed to be used in abundance...
Stop as you feast today,,,reflect on what you have to be thankful for,,pray that others in this world will be as fortunate as you and I. Thank God for Jesus,,,His love for us all,,,and thank God for the U. S. A. and may He show us His mercy to continue to give us the freedom we have...may I repeat,,,
John HIcks
Prayer of thanks, for all, to have as much as I have,,,,Thanks to you all,,, for listening...
Here it is, Thanksgiving,,,a day of feasting,,,full stomachs,,,fellowship with love ones,,,and a day to stop and pray thanks,,,,to Him ,,,for it all!!!
These are two powerful, life changing words, THANK YOU,,have you used them lately?
Thessalonians 5:18- Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is Gods' will for you in Christ Jesus.
Take the time, to say to God, thank you for all we have...and also take the time to say it to others as they do things for you...It is something we don't use enough,,,and it is something that is needed to be used in abundance...
Stop as you feast today,,,reflect on what you have to be thankful for,,pray that others in this world will be as fortunate as you and I. Thank God for Jesus,,,His love for us all,,,and thank God for the U. S. A. and may He show us His mercy to continue to give us the freedom we have...may I repeat,,,
John HIcks
Prayer of thanks, for all, to have as much as I have,,,,Thanks to you all,,, for listening...
These are two powerful, life changing words, THANK YOU,,have you used them lately?
Thessalonians 5:18- Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is Gods' will for you in Christ Jesus.
Take the time, to say to God, thank you for all we have...and also take the time to say it to others as they do things for you...It is something we don't use enough,,,and it is something that is needed to be used in abundance...
Stop as you feast today,,,reflect on what you have to be thankful for,,pray that others in this world will be as fortunate as you and I. Thank God for Jesus,,,His love for us all,,,and thank God for the U. S. A. and may He show us His mercy to continue to give us the freedom we have...may I repeat,,,
John HIcks
Prayer of thanks, for all, to have as much as I have,,,,Thanks to you all,,, for listening...
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Wednesday-The day before! Yes,, I hope all diet today, for tomorrow will be pig out day! God bless all of the cooks today, may they not burn anything today , for tomorrow! I know that I will get a big,, yes,, yes on this!
Prayer Request: For The "Cross Ministry" who are supplying "Crosses" , free of charge,, to all who want to declare their love and belief in Jesus Christ, and do it publicly by placing a small cross that looks so big in their yard.
For all of our Troops who are defending our freedom and our land, both here and overseas.. may God forge ahead of them and give them His protection in all that they might encounter!
May God grant me the brains, the speech, the tongue , the breath, and the complete ability to stand before man, and this world, and testify of His Goodness,, that He is the greatest of all,, and most of all ,,, the love He has for us all, and to put that invitation out to all who reads this,, and a challenge to these also,, the invitation of joining all of the ranks of His world.. in this world, and His world to come! Speak up for God, and that you are not afraid to stand for him in anyway that is possible,, do you believe,, will you speak?
Thank You God for being here for us all. amen
John HIcks
Just have to say it ,, I do speak and I am very proud, and never miss my chance to speak... how many times have you looked back and said, I wish I had told that person about God,, or told of your belief in Him , and did with pride and head up high? Thank about it,, I mean really stop and ponder on this question!
Prayer Request: For The "Cross Ministry" who are supplying "Crosses" , free of charge,, to all who want to declare their love and belief in Jesus Christ, and do it publicly by placing a small cross that looks so big in their yard.
For all of our Troops who are defending our freedom and our land, both here and overseas.. may God forge ahead of them and give them His protection in all that they might encounter!
May God grant me the brains, the speech, the tongue , the breath, and the complete ability to stand before man, and this world, and testify of His Goodness,, that He is the greatest of all,, and most of all ,,, the love He has for us all, and to put that invitation out to all who reads this,, and a challenge to these also,, the invitation of joining all of the ranks of His world.. in this world, and His world to come! Speak up for God, and that you are not afraid to stand for him in anyway that is possible,, do you believe,, will you speak?
Thank You God for being here for us all. amen
John HIcks
Just have to say it ,, I do speak and I am very proud, and never miss my chance to speak... how many times have you looked back and said, I wish I had told that person about God,, or told of your belief in Him , and did with pride and head up high? Thank about it,, I mean really stop and ponder on this question!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Tuesday-Welcome to another of God's days,, wake up , your mood is what you are , inside, put a smile on that face,, and then the world will smile with you.. put on a frown , and the world will frown with you, which one will you choose?
Prayer Request: For, Mary Brown,, the mother of Barbara Wilkinson, who is very, very sick in Charlotte N.C.
Who at work,,home, community, works harder than anyone else? I want you to just stop, and think, how hard this one works, to turn you to sin, and damnation. Now, I want you to think and ask your self,,do I work 1% as hard, as this one does,, for the word and testimony of God? One percent is not much,,, and if we all answer truthfully,,,we may be surprised at the answer within..
Well, this "one" who works to get our souls 24/7,,,52 weeks, 12 months/year, all the time...and yes, you know him,,,you have been around him and he around you,,,,and we all have at some time in our lives,, worked side by side with him...he works harder to get your soul than anyone else does,,,his name,,,satan,,,the devil,,, He sends out more messages each minute than the Internet,,,the phone,,,more signals than your T.V. or radio....yes ,,he is at work all the time,,,,pulling you and promising you,,, the world....his world,,,hell and damnation for eternity....but coating it with sugar and false-hood,, yes he is working harder and harder,never resting, not for a moment.
Now, you say the Lord is stronger, so why doesn't He work harder to get me if He loves me? God does love you, and He has already done the work,,,presented it to us in a greater effort than satan and all his angels can ever accomplish,,,but it is on a "do it yourself, by choice, God loves us, and He wants us to love Him back!
All we have to do is say please these words,, accept me God , I come through Your Son,,,, (He gave Him for us,,no greater love than this,,and what kind of work can this be,, for one to do..than give this gift?),,forgive me of my sin ,,,,BAM! IT IS DONE!!!....no more worry about the hard works of satan,,,,no fire nor heat,,,,just heaven for an eternity.... Now that's not having to work hard,,, is it???,,so easy and effortless...all of the work done!
Now that we have ask for and received Him,,can we not get out of our easy chair,,, go out into this world, and testify and work for the Him,,,The Living God, that has made it so easy for us to have a great life . here and later in eternity?? Do we want to set back and let satan continue to work and mane and kill? Or do we want to be greater than that little old 1%,, and get our percentage to say 100% , we are for our God,,,,,
Well,,, how about it, Your Choice!
Lord,,, thank You for giving us Jesus so we had a way over satan and the way to You and our eternity to be spent with You, amen
John HIcks
Working ,,,but still not as hard as needed,,,,come help stamp out all the sin we can,,,Let's do it together,,how about it? Will yo join me in the fight?
Prayer Request: For, Mary Brown,, the mother of Barbara Wilkinson, who is very, very sick in Charlotte N.C.
Who at work,,home, community, works harder than anyone else? I want you to just stop, and think, how hard this one works, to turn you to sin, and damnation. Now, I want you to think and ask your self,,do I work 1% as hard, as this one does,, for the word and testimony of God? One percent is not much,,, and if we all answer truthfully,,,we may be surprised at the answer within..
Well, this "one" who works to get our souls 24/7,,,52 weeks, 12 months/year, all the time...and yes, you know him,,,you have been around him and he around you,,,,and we all have at some time in our lives,, worked side by side with him...he works harder to get your soul than anyone else does,,,his name,,,satan,,,the devil,,, He sends out more messages each minute than the Internet,,,the phone,,,more signals than your T.V. or radio....yes ,,he is at work all the time,,,,pulling you and promising you,,, the world....his world,,,hell and damnation for eternity....but coating it with sugar and false-hood,, yes he is working harder and harder,never resting, not for a moment.
Now, you say the Lord is stronger, so why doesn't He work harder to get me if He loves me? God does love you, and He has already done the work,,,presented it to us in a greater effort than satan and all his angels can ever accomplish,,,but it is on a "do it yourself, by choice, God loves us, and He wants us to love Him back!
All we have to do is say please these words,, accept me God , I come through Your Son,,,, (He gave Him for us,,no greater love than this,,and what kind of work can this be,, for one to do..than give this gift?),,forgive me of my sin ,,,,BAM! IT IS DONE!!!....no more worry about the hard works of satan,,,,no fire nor heat,,,,just heaven for an eternity.... Now that's not having to work hard,,, is it???,,so easy and effortless...all of the work done!
Now that we have ask for and received Him,,can we not get out of our easy chair,,, go out into this world, and testify and work for the Him,,,The Living God, that has made it so easy for us to have a great life . here and later in eternity?? Do we want to set back and let satan continue to work and mane and kill? Or do we want to be greater than that little old 1%,, and get our percentage to say 100% , we are for our God,,,,,
Well,,, how about it, Your Choice!
Lord,,, thank You for giving us Jesus so we had a way over satan and the way to You and our eternity to be spent with You, amen
John HIcks
Working ,,,but still not as hard as needed,,,,come help stamp out all the sin we can,,,Let's do it together,,how about it? Will yo join me in the fight?
Monday, November 22, 2010
My Cup Runneth Over!
Monday- Welcome to the start of the Thanksgiving week! I know all are looking forward to this great Holiday,, that will show the world that we are a thankful nation, and that we are thankful to the one who made it, and who gave it to us, our Almighty God!
Prayer Request: To a friend on mine, James Streeman, who is feeling weak and bad,, please say some prayers for him, and let's see him back out into the yard more and more,, for that yard is not natural without James out and about!
My Cup Runneth Over!
My cup of life is full and overflowing,, I am so blessed by my God! What more could I want? Being a human being,, probably if I had pen and paper in hand, I could fill a book of wants,, that is not at all essential with my life of need? No, I actually need nothing! That is hard to believe, but if one will stop and look around them ,, and actually count their at hand blessing,, they might feel the same... maybe not.. but my Lord and Savior has accepted me, and that is the top,, and really only, need I have ever had,, and it cost me nothing, but gave so much.. how about you,, what do you not have , that you need to sustain this life, that you do not have.. is it Jesus, love, food, shelter, clothes, cars, any motor vehicle, warmth, cool, money? The only real need is the first one named, for that is the only need that will get you to where you are actually going.. and He is the only thing that will get you through that eye of that needle! Now, thank about life again, and see as you look down into your cup,, do you see life overflowing out of it, and with Jesus holding the handle of that cup.. or do you see, doubt, smoke, sin, dirt, mud, greed, not even half full and satan holding the handle of that cup? If you have accepted Jesus , really accepted Him,, then you will see
God, thank You for my cup of life,, my, Your Jesus, amen
John HIcks
As I walk this road of life, I lift up my eyes to the one who gave me the feet to walk this road, and I need not have to say a word, for I already know, my cup runneth over! Does yours, if not , call out to the one who can pour pure love into it, and make it run over, in an instance,, go ahead and call out!!!!!
Prayer Request: To a friend on mine, James Streeman, who is feeling weak and bad,, please say some prayers for him, and let's see him back out into the yard more and more,, for that yard is not natural without James out and about!
My Cup Runneth Over!
My cup of life is full and overflowing,, I am so blessed by my God! What more could I want? Being a human being,, probably if I had pen and paper in hand, I could fill a book of wants,, that is not at all essential with my life of need? No, I actually need nothing! That is hard to believe, but if one will stop and look around them ,, and actually count their at hand blessing,, they might feel the same... maybe not.. but my Lord and Savior has accepted me, and that is the top,, and really only, need I have ever had,, and it cost me nothing, but gave so much.. how about you,, what do you not have , that you need to sustain this life, that you do not have.. is it Jesus, love, food, shelter, clothes, cars, any motor vehicle, warmth, cool, money? The only real need is the first one named, for that is the only need that will get you to where you are actually going.. and He is the only thing that will get you through that eye of that needle! Now, thank about life again, and see as you look down into your cup,, do you see life overflowing out of it, and with Jesus holding the handle of that cup.. or do you see, doubt, smoke, sin, dirt, mud, greed, not even half full and satan holding the handle of that cup? If you have accepted Jesus , really accepted Him,, then you will see
God, thank You for my cup of life,, my, Your Jesus, amen
John HIcks
As I walk this road of life, I lift up my eyes to the one who gave me the feet to walk this road, and I need not have to say a word, for I already know, my cup runneth over! Does yours, if not , call out to the one who can pour pure love into it, and make it run over, in an instance,, go ahead and call out!!!!!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Sunday- Welcome to the day, that God chose to set down, and rest, look about, and I know , said to Himself,, job well done,, then He made man!
As I had previously said,, my family has been blessed with many miracles.. we also have had our sad times.. times of lost, and thanks to our parents teaching,, never lost but gone ahead , just as their forefathers have done ,, as if forging ahead into forming a welcome party for their off springs at a later date.. now to continue the "miracle",
I had just retired, moved back to Yatesville, never (hopefully) having to live through the week anywhere else.. when my wife and I had to go back to Mississippi to pick up my little Chevete. I had to leave it when I packed up and sold my house I had over there.. We had been out to eat, having a great time with our friends, and I had already picked up my little car and we had it at the motel.. when we got back, I decided I would fix a little light in the car, I had gotten my tool box out of my truck, finished the job, went to put it back into my tool box mounted on the truck.. I climbed into the back, my foot caught the tail gate, I lunged forward, all my weight, my left shoulder hit the truck tool box corner,, I fell back onto the floor of the truck bed,, I felt one of the worst pains I had ever felt. I hurt so bad, I could not cry out at the moment,, we were parked down from the room , across the parking lot,, and in the dark,, and then when I could cry out,, it was late,, no one could hear me,, I climbed out of the back of the truck with a lot of pain, then slipped, bam,, hit the pavement,, I nearly passed out.. I managed to stand up, walk to the room,, my wife rushed me to the hospital,, x-rays,, my shoulder crushed , into many , many pieces, they where going to operate there and then, I choose to come on home in pain, so my wife would not be there along with me in the hospital.. Well I made it home , plenty of pain, I don't know how I made it,,, but I did.. The orthopedic here, said after another x-ray,, I will , of course have to operate,, and you will , by the x-ray, not have much use of this arm.. your shoulder is crushed and there is not way to fix it, except to eliminate the pain, and give some movement, very little..
Now the day of the operation,, about an hour and a half,, he operated,, I went to the room, and in just about half an hour,, the doctor walked in,, smiling.. said,, "operation was a success,, I put a metal plate on you shoulder, attached it with screws, and all of the liters, & muscles seem to fit back into place.. don't know how,, but I believe you will be able to use this arm some... well my friends, after a page of explaining this mis-hap,, I have 98 percent use of this arm.. from broken splinters to a well working arm,, yes,, thanks to God,,no other could have done it,,, I know who did the real operation,. and preformed yet another one of
God , you are a good and gracious God, and I know you personally, and treasure your presence all around us.. amen
John HIcks
So Folks,,, don't let anyone tell you , God doesn't preform miracles in this modern time and day, for I know personally, and so does my family, we have had so many,, that I will have to write of others,, later.. believe in God, and if you have not invited Him into your life, please do.. today..
As I had previously said,, my family has been blessed with many miracles.. we also have had our sad times.. times of lost, and thanks to our parents teaching,, never lost but gone ahead , just as their forefathers have done ,, as if forging ahead into forming a welcome party for their off springs at a later date.. now to continue the "miracle",
I had just retired, moved back to Yatesville, never (hopefully) having to live through the week anywhere else.. when my wife and I had to go back to Mississippi to pick up my little Chevete. I had to leave it when I packed up and sold my house I had over there.. We had been out to eat, having a great time with our friends, and I had already picked up my little car and we had it at the motel.. when we got back, I decided I would fix a little light in the car, I had gotten my tool box out of my truck, finished the job, went to put it back into my tool box mounted on the truck.. I climbed into the back, my foot caught the tail gate, I lunged forward, all my weight, my left shoulder hit the truck tool box corner,, I fell back onto the floor of the truck bed,, I felt one of the worst pains I had ever felt. I hurt so bad, I could not cry out at the moment,, we were parked down from the room , across the parking lot,, and in the dark,, and then when I could cry out,, it was late,, no one could hear me,, I climbed out of the back of the truck with a lot of pain, then slipped, bam,, hit the pavement,, I nearly passed out.. I managed to stand up, walk to the room,, my wife rushed me to the hospital,, x-rays,, my shoulder crushed , into many , many pieces, they where going to operate there and then, I choose to come on home in pain, so my wife would not be there along with me in the hospital.. Well I made it home , plenty of pain, I don't know how I made it,,, but I did.. The orthopedic here, said after another x-ray,, I will , of course have to operate,, and you will , by the x-ray, not have much use of this arm.. your shoulder is crushed and there is not way to fix it, except to eliminate the pain, and give some movement, very little..
Now the day of the operation,, about an hour and a half,, he operated,, I went to the room, and in just about half an hour,, the doctor walked in,, smiling.. said,, "operation was a success,, I put a metal plate on you shoulder, attached it with screws, and all of the liters, & muscles seem to fit back into place.. don't know how,, but I believe you will be able to use this arm some... well my friends, after a page of explaining this mis-hap,, I have 98 percent use of this arm.. from broken splinters to a well working arm,, yes,, thanks to God,,no other could have done it,,, I know who did the real operation,. and preformed yet another one of
God , you are a good and gracious God, and I know you personally, and treasure your presence all around us.. amen
John HIcks
So Folks,,, don't let anyone tell you , God doesn't preform miracles in this modern time and day, for I know personally, and so does my family, we have had so many,, that I will have to write of others,, later.. believe in God, and if you have not invited Him into your life, please do.. today..
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Welcome Saturday,, we have waited all week for you to show up and now that you are here Mr. Saturday, we have lots for you today.. by we,, I mean, us, the readers of this, and also the one who made you Mr. Saturday! God Almighty!
I have told all of you about the miracles in my family.. and we have had many. Here is two in one writing. I retired April 2006,, and at that time,,, I was a heavy smoker,, about 2 to 3 packs of ole Winston Longs.. and I would fight you to save my cigs. I had three plants that kept smoking at a designated place, just for me.. yes that is right,, some did not know this, but in these three plants, I was asked if they cut out smoking what would I do.. and I said quit..and they knew , I would.. and I would have done just that,,, folks , I was hooked , and hooked since the age of slipping around and smoking roll your own, or a cob pipe(homemade). Yes,, my body had not known life without nicotine since the age of 5.. I decided to quite after I retired,, and did not know that day, that I would... I had made a "smoking booth" for me and my wife, in our utility room... I went in there on this morning at 10:00am, lite a cig, smoked half, looked at it,, cut the fire off of it, fell to my knees, and "I cried our to God,, please take this urge away,, and help me stop this destruction to my body!"I rose with a feeling like none other, than baptismal,, and I knew I was free, free from cigarettes.. and I was,, when an urge hit me, I looked up, smiled and it was gone.. a miracle from God!
I promised two,, but being long winded as I am,, I will do the second one of this chapter tomorrow.. please bare with me..
Miracle don't just happen, they are planned, and all of them come from God!
Lord, thank You for the miracles of mine, to all who reads this, and may you continue your blessings on us all.. and may we recognize those miracles You send us .. amen
John HIcks
I have heard people say, "Why don't we have the miracles today as they had in Biblical days?", and I say,, we do,, you just have not recognize them,, one outstanding is that you live in one right now!! Recognize it ?
I have told all of you about the miracles in my family.. and we have had many. Here is two in one writing. I retired April 2006,, and at that time,,, I was a heavy smoker,, about 2 to 3 packs of ole Winston Longs.. and I would fight you to save my cigs. I had three plants that kept smoking at a designated place, just for me.. yes that is right,, some did not know this, but in these three plants, I was asked if they cut out smoking what would I do.. and I said quit..and they knew , I would.. and I would have done just that,,, folks , I was hooked , and hooked since the age of slipping around and smoking roll your own, or a cob pipe(homemade). Yes,, my body had not known life without nicotine since the age of 5.. I decided to quite after I retired,, and did not know that day, that I would... I had made a "smoking booth" for me and my wife, in our utility room... I went in there on this morning at 10:00am, lite a cig, smoked half, looked at it,, cut the fire off of it, fell to my knees, and "I cried our to God,, please take this urge away,, and help me stop this destruction to my body!"I rose with a feeling like none other, than baptismal,, and I knew I was free, free from cigarettes.. and I was,, when an urge hit me, I looked up, smiled and it was gone.. a miracle from God!
I promised two,, but being long winded as I am,, I will do the second one of this chapter tomorrow.. please bare with me..
Miracle don't just happen, they are planned, and all of them come from God!
Lord, thank You for the miracles of mine, to all who reads this, and may you continue your blessings on us all.. and may we recognize those miracles You send us .. amen
John HIcks
I have heard people say, "Why don't we have the miracles today as they had in Biblical days?", and I say,, we do,, you just have not recognize them,, one outstanding is that you live in one right now!! Recognize it ?
Friday, November 19, 2010
TGIF, Friday! Made the weekly trip! Now the week-end, then the next week! Make Jesus a part of these weekly, and week-end trips.. He is your best traveling companion!
Prayer Request: Please pray for Todd Whitley's' Mom, who has to have surgery for health reasons.. she already has heart problems. Pray for the success of this surgery and the healing of her body.
A young man named Tyler Holland, who has just made the decision to accept Jesus as his savior, and must escape from his present surrounding of not knowing Him.. pray for Jesus to give him the strength to continue shouting out to his friends, as he is doing now! Pray for Tyler!
Have you ever been doing something naughty, and in comes Mom or Dad,, and you hear this shout from a brother or sister,, scatter! And then you run like your pants are on fire,, scatter to what ever place makes you invisible, you hope!
On the battle field,, in emergencies, or in just school house games.. you hear this word , usually shouted , rather than spoken,, SCATTER! It means , get the heck out of where ever you are.. don't hang around, danger,, possible death.. and you do move, with not needing a kick start! Yes, run for cover,, protection,, safety! You are scared of the outcome.. so you find a place that will give you safety from this whatever,, this "SCATTER"!
Each day, there is a voice crying out ,, look out there is satan,, run, run! he is destructive, he is sin, he is death,, run, run, "scatter"! How do you escape satan? Running is fine,, it gets you away for just a second, then he catches up with you and continues to guide you. Where do you go for protection from this danger,, this satan? You run to Jesus Christ, He is the only protector from this satan, and as you see satan,, call out , call out to Jesus,, "come take me, protect me!", and He will place you in protective custody, for not only then , but forever! You will never have to "scatter" from anyone or anything else, for not only here in this life, but forever, and ever, satan free!
Now, stop and check around you, open your eyes, your inter eyes, and see who is there, and if is satan, then holler , and holler loud...
Almighty God, thank You for sending us our Savior from satan,, Jesus Christ! amen
John HIcks
Loudly,, call out , for I can testify, He will come in an instant, and take you to places you have never dreamed of,, they are,,, peace at heart , and pictures of where you are going,,, and you will love both the feeling, and the destination. so , don't wait, call out now... your choice, don't waste the moment!
Prayer Request: Please pray for Todd Whitley's' Mom, who has to have surgery for health reasons.. she already has heart problems. Pray for the success of this surgery and the healing of her body.
A young man named Tyler Holland, who has just made the decision to accept Jesus as his savior, and must escape from his present surrounding of not knowing Him.. pray for Jesus to give him the strength to continue shouting out to his friends, as he is doing now! Pray for Tyler!
Have you ever been doing something naughty, and in comes Mom or Dad,, and you hear this shout from a brother or sister,, scatter! And then you run like your pants are on fire,, scatter to what ever place makes you invisible, you hope!
On the battle field,, in emergencies, or in just school house games.. you hear this word , usually shouted , rather than spoken,, SCATTER! It means , get the heck out of where ever you are.. don't hang around, danger,, possible death.. and you do move, with not needing a kick start! Yes, run for cover,, protection,, safety! You are scared of the outcome.. so you find a place that will give you safety from this whatever,, this "SCATTER"!
Each day, there is a voice crying out ,, look out there is satan,, run, run! he is destructive, he is sin, he is death,, run, run, "scatter"! How do you escape satan? Running is fine,, it gets you away for just a second, then he catches up with you and continues to guide you. Where do you go for protection from this danger,, this satan? You run to Jesus Christ, He is the only protector from this satan, and as you see satan,, call out , call out to Jesus,, "come take me, protect me!", and He will place you in protective custody, for not only then , but forever! You will never have to "scatter" from anyone or anything else, for not only here in this life, but forever, and ever, satan free!
Now, stop and check around you, open your eyes, your inter eyes, and see who is there, and if is satan, then holler , and holler loud...
Almighty God, thank You for sending us our Savior from satan,, Jesus Christ! amen
John HIcks
Loudly,, call out , for I can testify, He will come in an instant, and take you to places you have never dreamed of,, they are,,, peace at heart , and pictures of where you are going,,, and you will love both the feeling, and the destination. so , don't wait, call out now... your choice, don't waste the moment!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Thursday,,, how will you enjoy it? Praising God, I hope!
What is a foot-hold? It is something that a person can stand on and be secure,,,it can be climbing a mountain, a tree, a rope, or in the water...something you can comfortably stand on and know you are safe.
Have you ever been swimming, and get in the deep part, get a little tired,,, feet are far from the bottom. If you touch it , your head will be under water, you will not be able to breath. You quickly swim to shallow water, OR splash your way to the side and then inch towards the shallow water,,then put your feet down for that " foothold"...If you are in a lake or a stream, and this happens you look for that "foothold",,,quickly,,,so you don't drown....this "foot-hold" becomes the most important thing,,, the center of your life, for without it, your are
un-able to breath,, lost,,dead.
How about when we are walking in the deep sea of sin? We walk, and we are constantly going into deeper,,deeper sin,,,we are going over our head and it spells sure death,,,,we are looking feverishly for that "foot-hold" of salvation and life!!! Reach your foot out ,, you just can't find a foot-hold, it seems as if it is close , but just out of reach,,, then you raise your head toward the heavens, cry out with a scream,Lord, Lord, help, me , forgive me of my sins,,, I want you and I accept you as my Lord of Redemption and Salvation,,I give you my all,,,please accept me into your fold,,,save me,,,save me,,,, and then,,,all of a sudden,,you feel the solid pressure under your foot as you become stable , no more sinking,,,but the feeling of rising above this sea of sin and satan....yes,,, He answers just that quick, for He is watching and waiting to pull you to safety.....yes you have just found your
Lord, thank you for holding us all in the palm of your hand and keeping us up and out of the sea of sin...amen
John HIcks
Holding to my permanent "foot-hold" of the Cross,,,and to the one who paid for my sins,,,Want to hold on with me,,,,looking for that foothold?,, just ask Him ,,,He is waiting and wants to give you a "LIFT" !!!!
What is a foot-hold? It is something that a person can stand on and be secure,,,it can be climbing a mountain, a tree, a rope, or in the water...something you can comfortably stand on and know you are safe.
Have you ever been swimming, and get in the deep part, get a little tired,,, feet are far from the bottom. If you touch it , your head will be under water, you will not be able to breath. You quickly swim to shallow water, OR splash your way to the side and then inch towards the shallow water,,then put your feet down for that " foothold"...If you are in a lake or a stream, and this happens you look for that "foothold",,,quickly,,,so you don't drown....this "foot-hold" becomes the most important thing,,, the center of your life, for without it, your are
un-able to breath,, lost,,dead.
How about when we are walking in the deep sea of sin? We walk, and we are constantly going into deeper,,deeper sin,,,we are going over our head and it spells sure death,,,,we are looking feverishly for that "foot-hold" of salvation and life!!! Reach your foot out ,, you just can't find a foot-hold, it seems as if it is close , but just out of reach,,, then you raise your head toward the heavens, cry out with a scream,Lord, Lord, help, me , forgive me of my sins,,, I want you and I accept you as my Lord of Redemption and Salvation,,I give you my all,,,please accept me into your fold,,,save me,,,save me,,,, and then,,,all of a sudden,,you feel the solid pressure under your foot as you become stable , no more sinking,,,but the feeling of rising above this sea of sin and satan....yes,,, He answers just that quick, for He is watching and waiting to pull you to safety.....yes you have just found your
Lord, thank you for holding us all in the palm of your hand and keeping us up and out of the sea of sin...amen
John HIcks
Holding to my permanent "foot-hold" of the Cross,,,and to the one who paid for my sins,,,Want to hold on with me,,,,looking for that foothold?,, just ask Him ,,,He is waiting and wants to give you a "LIFT" !!!!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Wednesday- The ole "hump day"! You have crawled to the middle of the week. Now , did you bring the Lord with you to the top, and are you going to take Him with you on the way to the week-end , and through the rest of your life? Believe me, wax your slide,, with His word, and love, and you will slide right into Heaven, when the time comes,, and not off a cliff of no bottom.. no stop, just falling.. wax or not! Have a great "middle day"!
Definition of a Hero: a figure in mythology and legend renowned for exceptional courage and fortitude.
Yesterday, we had a great hero come to the front of our eyes, and receive the greatest medal of all metals for heroic duty while serving our country,,, Staff Sgt. Salvatore Giunta humbly accepted the Congressional Medal of Honor . This young man gave his all, while rescuing a fellow soldier. He was as humble, as the feat was great that he accomplished. This is the way of a real hero! He gave all of his comrades the glory, for as he said, without them, he could not have done this act, and this act of heroism, was what his duty as a soldier was expected of him. Yes my friends ,, a real hero,,, the act of exceptional courage and fortitude.. who will truly return to his duty with the same attitude.. God bless you Sgt Giunta, for this act, and for guarding our country and our freedom... job well done!
We have one other hero that we should make known to all we see, and give Him the Medal of Life,, for He gave His life,, hung on a cross with spikes driven into his hands and legs.. died for you and I ,, with no want from you , but your love , and then not only did He give his earthly body to death, but He went one step further,,, He gave us life! Yes today, as we celebrate Sgt Giunta, and I take nothing from him, and I also would expect, if asked, would agree with us in saying , today, everyday, lets stop, upon rising each and every day,, salute with a word of prayer ,,of thanks to our victor over death, risen and alive today,,, our Jesus, our
God, I give you thanks for a hero like Sgt Giunta, and I thank you for the PERSONAL HERO you gave each of us,, Your Son , Jesus, and life eternal .. all a gift from You.. our gratitude and love to You for this.. amen
John HIcks
Following my Hero each and every day, and all through these days.. who are you following ? Choice!
Definition of a Hero: a figure in mythology and legend renowned for exceptional courage and fortitude.
Yesterday, we had a great hero come to the front of our eyes, and receive the greatest medal of all metals for heroic duty while serving our country,,, Staff Sgt. Salvatore Giunta humbly accepted the Congressional Medal of Honor . This young man gave his all, while rescuing a fellow soldier. He was as humble, as the feat was great that he accomplished. This is the way of a real hero! He gave all of his comrades the glory, for as he said, without them, he could not have done this act, and this act of heroism, was what his duty as a soldier was expected of him. Yes my friends ,, a real hero,,, the act of exceptional courage and fortitude.. who will truly return to his duty with the same attitude.. God bless you Sgt Giunta, for this act, and for guarding our country and our freedom... job well done!
We have one other hero that we should make known to all we see, and give Him the Medal of Life,, for He gave His life,, hung on a cross with spikes driven into his hands and legs.. died for you and I ,, with no want from you , but your love , and then not only did He give his earthly body to death, but He went one step further,,, He gave us life! Yes today, as we celebrate Sgt Giunta, and I take nothing from him, and I also would expect, if asked, would agree with us in saying , today, everyday, lets stop, upon rising each and every day,, salute with a word of prayer ,,of thanks to our victor over death, risen and alive today,,, our Jesus, our
God, I give you thanks for a hero like Sgt Giunta, and I thank you for the PERSONAL HERO you gave each of us,, Your Son , Jesus, and life eternal .. all a gift from You.. our gratitude and love to You for this.. amen
John HIcks
Following my Hero each and every day, and all through these days.. who are you following ? Choice!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Tuesday- Today, as you put on your cloths, put on a smile, for you will look better with what you picked out to wear, if you wear it with a smile. God gave you the ease to smile , work to frown..!
As I walk down the street & road of life,, I carry my body with the soles of my feet,, everywhere I go. I choose my destination with these. I retrieve my food, my water with these, they are my life support,, without them, I can not go through this life. What am I getting at today.. you guessed it... the same thing with God.. and with Jesus, You cannot go without them,, they are your lifeblood, they are your way of destination down this road of life... Jesus is your Laminin of this life,He is your support system,, He is what holds us all together...
Now, one other thing for today,, if you go out here and buy these really expensive shoes,, I mean pay the big bucks for them, to wrap the soles of your feet,, then show them off to all you see,, care for them with clean-ness, kind-ness, and love.. then ,,,, if you treat the soles of your feet with so much comfort, & show off the wrap you have put on them...
then why do you not show off the wrap of your heart and soul,, Jesus Christ,, just as the soles of your feet, He is the carrier of your being, He is you,, so why not live and care for your soul like you do the wrap of your soles on the bottom of your feet.. and as your feet carries you from here to there,,, then carry Jesus with you, for you cannot move from here to there without your soles of your feet,, but taking Jesus with you is
God, May we all carry you, and Jesus with us where ever we go, and may You both be the headlight of our life for all to see us as we approach them.. amen
John HIcks
We all at times , try to carry ourselves just a little higher than our creator,, we must be humble at all times, and remember ,, who made us,, and who can not,,, in all their scientific world....
Shoes On Your Bare Feet!
As I walk down the street & road of life,, I carry my body with the soles of my feet,, everywhere I go. I choose my destination with these. I retrieve my food, my water with these, they are my life support,, without them, I can not go through this life. What am I getting at today.. you guessed it... the same thing with God.. and with Jesus, You cannot go without them,, they are your lifeblood, they are your way of destination down this road of life... Jesus is your Laminin of this life,He is your support system,, He is what holds us all together...
Now, one other thing for today,, if you go out here and buy these really expensive shoes,, I mean pay the big bucks for them, to wrap the soles of your feet,, then show them off to all you see,, care for them with clean-ness, kind-ness, and love.. then ,,,, if you treat the soles of your feet with so much comfort, & show off the wrap you have put on them...
then why do you not show off the wrap of your heart and soul,, Jesus Christ,, just as the soles of your feet, He is the carrier of your being, He is you,, so why not live and care for your soul like you do the wrap of your soles on the bottom of your feet.. and as your feet carries you from here to there,,, then carry Jesus with you, for you cannot move from here to there without your soles of your feet,, but taking Jesus with you is
God, May we all carry you, and Jesus with us where ever we go, and may You both be the headlight of our life for all to see us as we approach them.. amen
John HIcks
We all at times , try to carry ourselves just a little higher than our creator,, we must be humble at all times, and remember ,, who made us,, and who can not,,, in all their scientific world....
Shoes On Your Bare Feet!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Monday- Wake up ? Put a big smile on your face, for you and the Lord have things to do today! You are taking Him with you , aren't you?
This morning, I would like to just touch on the beggars of our country, yes beggars. When have you seen an administration go abroad, across our borders, begging for more trade, from us to them? Asking them to slow down on the trade they are flooding our borders with.. why do we ask,, why not take care of it ,here, and now.. We need to stand on the strength of our God, and our Stars and Stripes,, and stop these imports right in our ports,, slam our fists down, and say,, no more,, we are the ones who will tell you what, and how much will come into this nation.. and for those so rich here , that you want that extra little penny that China, and other nations give you, then pack it up bub, and go live with them, and come on Mr. President, Senate, and House,, stand up and fight for America, like our Soldiers are doing right this minute and have done, so you mister executives,, so you can stand tall, firm and with courage and reopen the plants, plow our own fields, put America to work, and go back in the exporting business,, speak English with pride and not with our heads lowered.. let's go back and be America The Proud! Put God at the helm of this ship, we call home, and lets fly our flags of Freedom, and Independence,, do you all know those two words, or are they new to you leaders of this Nation, this United States of America? Come on , stand for you have a nation of patriots,, just waiting to stand with you,, with God beside us,, we will , if you will
And take our nation back !
God, I ask you to give the leaders of this nation the strength and the stamina to tell the world , we are of You, and we stand with You and we stand for complete Freedom.. amen
John HIcks
I am on a high today, that makes me think that an embargo on incoming shipments should be enforced,,, bring on a boycott of entry at the harbors, and stand ready to defend our heritage or manufacturing here today, and cry out to God for forgiveness of greed and pray He will continue to carry this Nation on.......How about it? Are you a minuteman, or are you just a stand by, and watch? Stand ,stand up for God and Country.. I rest!
This morning, I would like to just touch on the beggars of our country, yes beggars. When have you seen an administration go abroad, across our borders, begging for more trade, from us to them? Asking them to slow down on the trade they are flooding our borders with.. why do we ask,, why not take care of it ,here, and now.. We need to stand on the strength of our God, and our Stars and Stripes,, and stop these imports right in our ports,, slam our fists down, and say,, no more,, we are the ones who will tell you what, and how much will come into this nation.. and for those so rich here , that you want that extra little penny that China, and other nations give you, then pack it up bub, and go live with them, and come on Mr. President, Senate, and House,, stand up and fight for America, like our Soldiers are doing right this minute and have done, so you mister executives,, so you can stand tall, firm and with courage and reopen the plants, plow our own fields, put America to work, and go back in the exporting business,, speak English with pride and not with our heads lowered.. let's go back and be America The Proud! Put God at the helm of this ship, we call home, and lets fly our flags of Freedom, and Independence,, do you all know those two words, or are they new to you leaders of this Nation, this United States of America? Come on , stand for you have a nation of patriots,, just waiting to stand with you,, with God beside us,, we will , if you will
And take our nation back !
God, I ask you to give the leaders of this nation the strength and the stamina to tell the world , we are of You, and we stand with You and we stand for complete Freedom.. amen
John HIcks
I am on a high today, that makes me think that an embargo on incoming shipments should be enforced,,, bring on a boycott of entry at the harbors, and stand ready to defend our heritage or manufacturing here today, and cry out to God for forgiveness of greed and pray He will continue to carry this Nation on.......How about it? Are you a minuteman, or are you just a stand by, and watch? Stand ,stand up for God and Country.. I rest!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Sunday, the Sabbath: His day of rest,, He made all days for us , and only used one day to rest , and we use the others for our self,, why not for Him,, Seven/Seven?
Let us all have the faith that Jesus said we have, and let us use it. I believe, me included , talk about the faith, and yet we really do not practice it the way it was intended to be used... how is that? Believing! That is how faith is used,,,so when we ask for something in our prayers,,,let's put the size of the mustard seed to work....God will grant us anything we ask for , if ,(and this is the biggest little word in our vocabulary, IF,,)we will ask GOD,, from the depths of our heart, and continue to believe. Believe!!! Even when we don't get the answer we ask for? Yes,,, for God may not answer in an instance, with lighting bolts, and thunder, but in a way He sees we need the answer.. So have that faith, that little grain,, that faith! He is listening,,,and also looking to see,,, if you do in fact ,, have that "little seed" ,,,of
Lord, I have faith, that You are with us all at all times. I thank You for all we have in advance for what we will have, for I know You are my hope, and my salvation, i have that faith. amen
John HIcks
Trying to reach deep , deep down for that "seed of faith", for Jesus said I have it ,, and I believe! How about it? Do you believe? Answer this question , not to me , but to yourself, and Him!!!
Let us all have the faith that Jesus said we have, and let us use it. I believe, me included , talk about the faith, and yet we really do not practice it the way it was intended to be used... how is that? Believing! That is how faith is used,,,so when we ask for something in our prayers,,,let's put the size of the mustard seed to work....God will grant us anything we ask for , if ,(and this is the biggest little word in our vocabulary, IF,,)we will ask GOD,, from the depths of our heart, and continue to believe. Believe!!! Even when we don't get the answer we ask for? Yes,,, for God may not answer in an instance, with lighting bolts, and thunder, but in a way He sees we need the answer.. So have that faith, that little grain,, that faith! He is listening,,,and also looking to see,,, if you do in fact ,, have that "little seed" ,,,of
Lord, I have faith, that You are with us all at all times. I thank You for all we have in advance for what we will have, for I know You are my hope, and my salvation, i have that faith. amen
John HIcks
Trying to reach deep , deep down for that "seed of faith", for Jesus said I have it ,, and I believe! How about it? Do you believe? Answer this question , not to me , but to yourself, and Him!!!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Saturday- For God gave to us, this life to enjoy,, this world to enjoy, so what have we gave back to Him lately? Well?
Prayer Request: For the family of Hayley Smith, 2 1/2 year old. who passed away on the 11th. God, you have an angel, please care for this family and give them comfort.
Have you ever heard the song,, "I will fly away on the winds of a dove"? We all seek a way,, a way to Heaven. There is but one way, and that is through Jesus Christ. There is no other.. God sent Him to us for that reason, to save us from death. Jesus is the only way we will "fly away" to and into Heaven,, trust me.. Now God made it so simple to come to Jesus , just as simple as it is to fall off a greased log, and that is as simple,, as "Simple Simon".. right? Just close your eyes in reverence, for just a minute,, ask these words,, Jesus , I come , I come to You, asking forgiveness of my sins, and I accept you as my Lord and Savior,, that is all ,, so , so simple. When you have done this, you will have your way,, your "wings",,
Lord, thank You for giving us the way , the way to You, through your son, the only way.. amen
John HIcks
Yes , I am thankful for my Jesus, and I can tell you all,, He is there for all,, not just one, nor a few, but for all,, there for the asking! Have you asked?
Prayer Request: For the family of Hayley Smith, 2 1/2 year old. who passed away on the 11th. God, you have an angel, please care for this family and give them comfort.
Have you ever heard the song,, "I will fly away on the winds of a dove"? We all seek a way,, a way to Heaven. There is but one way, and that is through Jesus Christ. There is no other.. God sent Him to us for that reason, to save us from death. Jesus is the only way we will "fly away" to and into Heaven,, trust me.. Now God made it so simple to come to Jesus , just as simple as it is to fall off a greased log, and that is as simple,, as "Simple Simon".. right? Just close your eyes in reverence, for just a minute,, ask these words,, Jesus , I come , I come to You, asking forgiveness of my sins, and I accept you as my Lord and Savior,, that is all ,, so , so simple. When you have done this, you will have your way,, your "wings",,
Lord, thank You for giving us the way , the way to You, through your son, the only way.. amen
John HIcks
Yes , I am thankful for my Jesus, and I can tell you all,, He is there for all,, not just one, nor a few, but for all,, there for the asking! Have you asked?
Friday, November 12, 2010
Friday-TGIF- Running water does not flow backwards, neither does life! So, if you are not a scout,, and prepared, then be one, be prepared,,,, at all times! Have a great and blessed day!
You would think I would be talking about Thanksgiving, since it is not hear yet,,, but I am talking about the "commercial christmas".. if you notice , I did not capitalize "Christmas", because to me when used as a "commercial", you are buying and selling the first six letters of this holiday. I ride down the roads of cities, towns, walk into large stores,, even some grocery stores, and I see Christmas items , already decorating the roads, the isles, and items on sale , now, and Thanksgiving is not even here! The season use to start , after Thanksgiving,, this what everyone geared up for , the spirit started,, all went shopping for gifts of grandeur,, ones that meant , well, meant they were bought , "just for you"..with spirit of love, not to out-do, take notice, yes, just a little drop of love,, you know for the season.. the "SEASON", that started it all.. the birth,, remember what is coming,, what celebration,, the real "GIFT", we receive each year,, ? The real celebration, the singing of angels in the Heavens, in the clouds of the sky,,, the coming of the Son,, the Son of God! The trumpets sound each year,, celebrating the birth,,,
Yes, that is the season I am looking for, and am getting excited about,, and yes, I will get real excited about it, just after Thanksgiving, for I have so much to be thankful about,,(don't you?) I must stop and give my Thanks to my Savior, my God,,, first, then,,, I will not only get down on my knees and thank Him again at Christmas, but I will shout and sing with the Heavens , celebrating at the right and correct time of
Enough of Commercialism!
God, I give thanks to You each day, and I celebrate you each day, and my prayer is, that all will fall to their knees and give you the glory of all,, for You are the all. amen
John HIcks
On my knees, and knowing from which my all comes from.. have you prayed, accepted your all,, as above at the start, be a scout and be prepared, celebrate the season of being saved ,,, now, not later!
Make the Heavens shout and sing with your acceptance of Him! Go ahead! Ask! He's listening!
You would think I would be talking about Thanksgiving, since it is not hear yet,,, but I am talking about the "commercial christmas".. if you notice , I did not capitalize "Christmas", because to me when used as a "commercial", you are buying and selling the first six letters of this holiday. I ride down the roads of cities, towns, walk into large stores,, even some grocery stores, and I see Christmas items , already decorating the roads, the isles, and items on sale , now, and Thanksgiving is not even here! The season use to start , after Thanksgiving,, this what everyone geared up for , the spirit started,, all went shopping for gifts of grandeur,, ones that meant , well, meant they were bought , "just for you"..with spirit of love, not to out-do, take notice, yes, just a little drop of love,, you know for the season.. the "SEASON", that started it all.. the birth,, remember what is coming,, what celebration,, the real "GIFT", we receive each year,, ? The real celebration, the singing of angels in the Heavens, in the clouds of the sky,,, the coming of the Son,, the Son of God! The trumpets sound each year,, celebrating the birth,,,
Yes, that is the season I am looking for, and am getting excited about,, and yes, I will get real excited about it, just after Thanksgiving, for I have so much to be thankful about,,(don't you?) I must stop and give my Thanks to my Savior, my God,,, first, then,,, I will not only get down on my knees and thank Him again at Christmas, but I will shout and sing with the Heavens , celebrating at the right and correct time of
Enough of Commercialism!
God, I give thanks to You each day, and I celebrate you each day, and my prayer is, that all will fall to their knees and give you the glory of all,, for You are the all. amen
John HIcks
On my knees, and knowing from which my all comes from.. have you prayed, accepted your all,, as above at the start, be a scout and be prepared, celebrate the season of being saved ,,, now, not later!
Make the Heavens shout and sing with your acceptance of Him! Go ahead! Ask! He's listening!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Thursday! The best way to dress up is to put on a smile.A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks."The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man Looks at outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." I Samuel 16:7
I ask that all stop for a moment, bow their head, thank God for the veterans, the veterans who have given their all, their life for our freedom, the veterans who have traveled those roads of battle, put their lives in harms way , for our freedom, the veterans who backed those up, so they could see and feel where they where with all they could give.. for our freedom. Yes , I can thank of no other, but one((JESUS), who have given so much,, as to put their life out in front of harms way(satan) and his soldiers of damnation, than our UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES, our first line of defense for this nation.. as they defend us still today, just as it was defended from the start..
God ,thank You for giving us our veterans, and thank You God for these United States of America, set up by You and for You. amen
John HIcks
USAF- 1960-1964
I ask that all stop for a moment, bow their head, thank God for the veterans, the veterans who have given their all, their life for our freedom, the veterans who have traveled those roads of battle, put their lives in harms way , for our freedom, the veterans who backed those up, so they could see and feel where they where with all they could give.. for our freedom. Yes , I can thank of no other, but one((JESUS), who have given so much,, as to put their life out in front of harms way(satan) and his soldiers of damnation, than our UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES, our first line of defense for this nation.. as they defend us still today, just as it was defended from the start..
God ,thank You for giving us our veterans, and thank You God for these United States of America, set up by You and for You. amen
John HIcks
USAF- 1960-1964
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Wednesday-Welcome to "Hump" day. As the saying goes, you are on top of the mountain, how you got there is history, how you come down off the mountain, is present, and only you can show the real you... remember , no matter how high you may climb,,there is no one, or thing, quite as high,, as a Christian on His knees , praying!
Prayer Request: Tommy Harber lost this part of his life. He passed away yesterday, after a long fight against cancer. I ask prayers for his wife, Lindsey, and his friends, for their comfort from grief of their lost..
There once was a man, who wanted to be closer to God,, He thought about it long and hard. He watched people praying to God,,, and they not only lowered their head, but also raised it towards the sky. All his life, parents, preachers had told him, Heaven was up,, and all had pointed or indicated, Heaven was up up in the sky, somewhere. Jesus , ascended , that is up , to the sky. So we know that Heaven is up,, that is a fact , to me, also to that man..
He finally made a decision,, he wanted to get close to Heaven, so when God called, he would be right up front, just as someone calling you in a game of sorts, to be called first, for God could see him easier. He did not know that God was already watching him very closely.. He had heard all the things about God, and Jesus, but he had not given his soul to Jesus, not accepted Him as his personal Savior.. the only way to Heaven, whether you live in the basement or on top of the mountain,, when you accept Jesus, you are as close to God as you are going to get here on this earth,, and you are in the eyesight of a glad God.
So , don't worry about how far God is from you, just worry about where your soul stands in the book of life.. and make sure you have accepted Jesus as your Savior.... for even as the man who climbed to the top of the mountain to live , and live closer to God.. all he had to do was , at the bottom , before the climb ,,,was accept Jesus.. and he would have been higher than he could have ever
Lord, I am thankful to You, for our way to You , and our final home, Heaven.. I now ask for all to reach out to Your Son, and cry out the words,, "Father, forgive me of my sins, I accept Jesus as my Savior".. amen
John HIcks
I am thankful that I reached out, and my mountain here has been climbed,, now all I have to do is live as He wants me to do, and know that the rest of my trip has been booked to the right place.. Have you made your reservations?
Prayer Request: Tommy Harber lost this part of his life. He passed away yesterday, after a long fight against cancer. I ask prayers for his wife, Lindsey, and his friends, for their comfort from grief of their lost..
There once was a man, who wanted to be closer to God,, He thought about it long and hard. He watched people praying to God,,, and they not only lowered their head, but also raised it towards the sky. All his life, parents, preachers had told him, Heaven was up,, and all had pointed or indicated, Heaven was up up in the sky, somewhere. Jesus , ascended , that is up , to the sky. So we know that Heaven is up,, that is a fact , to me, also to that man..
He finally made a decision,, he wanted to get close to Heaven, so when God called, he would be right up front, just as someone calling you in a game of sorts, to be called first, for God could see him easier. He did not know that God was already watching him very closely.. He had heard all the things about God, and Jesus, but he had not given his soul to Jesus, not accepted Him as his personal Savior.. the only way to Heaven, whether you live in the basement or on top of the mountain,, when you accept Jesus, you are as close to God as you are going to get here on this earth,, and you are in the eyesight of a glad God.
So , don't worry about how far God is from you, just worry about where your soul stands in the book of life.. and make sure you have accepted Jesus as your Savior.... for even as the man who climbed to the top of the mountain to live , and live closer to God.. all he had to do was , at the bottom , before the climb ,,,was accept Jesus.. and he would have been higher than he could have ever
Lord, I am thankful to You, for our way to You , and our final home, Heaven.. I now ask for all to reach out to Your Son, and cry out the words,, "Father, forgive me of my sins, I accept Jesus as my Savior".. amen
John HIcks
I am thankful that I reached out, and my mountain here has been climbed,, now all I have to do is live as He wants me to do, and know that the rest of my trip has been booked to the right place.. Have you made your reservations?
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Tuesday-I cried out ,, Please Lord , give me food, He did. Give me drink, He did. Give me shelter, He did. Give me health, He did. Give me love, He did.
Then He called out to us,, Love me, just love me! Did we?
Prayer Request: For the defendants of this nation to keep us free... military, state patrols, sheriff and deputies, local police, all those who put themselves in harms way, to keep harm from our doorsteps.. May God bless you all, and keep you in His protective arms, and thanks from all of us.
We all have a tendency to speak our minds.. and this is good, most of the times, but sometimes, we need to hold our tongues.. My children are always reminding me, when I make a statement, I am just going to tell that person, or those people just what I think, to stop, think, and assess my big mouth and its' uttering.. is it what needs to be said, or is it going to hurt more than create good? This is a great question for all of us to ask, before we engage the famous "tongue".. Stop, think , but go ahead with something,, something that is in your own words, and not the words of anger, which satan loves to put in our outbursts. We should always ask, is this something I would like to hear? Even if the words you are about to say is truth, is it the time, and place for it.. and is it the words you are feeling on impulse, or are they,, words of you? I am saying , we need to express exactly what we feel, do not lie to keep from hurting someones feeling, or to keep you safe, but say it in a way that is truth, but tactful.. Can we do this? We can if we will keep Jesus in our hearts ,, He will help with the hinge of the tongue..He will oil it, before you speak. with His blood, His love, and He will take satan out of the picture,, but will still let you speak as He would, and in
Lord, thank You for giving us Jesus, who works in so many ways, and one being keeping our words as You would want us to speak. amen
John HIcks
The one thing I have a problem with, speaking my own mind! It is a blessing, and it is a curse,, for I am constantly having to call upon the Lord to help me in all of my vocabulary. He has given me my talk of today, that is , think before I utter anything in my own words,, Who helps you in your speech?
Then He called out to us,, Love me, just love me! Did we?
Prayer Request: For the defendants of this nation to keep us free... military, state patrols, sheriff and deputies, local police, all those who put themselves in harms way, to keep harm from our doorsteps.. May God bless you all, and keep you in His protective arms, and thanks from all of us.
We all have a tendency to speak our minds.. and this is good, most of the times, but sometimes, we need to hold our tongues.. My children are always reminding me, when I make a statement, I am just going to tell that person, or those people just what I think, to stop, think, and assess my big mouth and its' uttering.. is it what needs to be said, or is it going to hurt more than create good? This is a great question for all of us to ask, before we engage the famous "tongue".. Stop, think , but go ahead with something,, something that is in your own words, and not the words of anger, which satan loves to put in our outbursts. We should always ask, is this something I would like to hear? Even if the words you are about to say is truth, is it the time, and place for it.. and is it the words you are feeling on impulse, or are they,, words of you? I am saying , we need to express exactly what we feel, do not lie to keep from hurting someones feeling, or to keep you safe, but say it in a way that is truth, but tactful.. Can we do this? We can if we will keep Jesus in our hearts ,, He will help with the hinge of the tongue..He will oil it, before you speak. with His blood, His love, and He will take satan out of the picture,, but will still let you speak as He would, and in
Lord, thank You for giving us Jesus, who works in so many ways, and one being keeping our words as You would want us to speak. amen
John HIcks
The one thing I have a problem with, speaking my own mind! It is a blessing, and it is a curse,, for I am constantly having to call upon the Lord to help me in all of my vocabulary. He has given me my talk of today, that is , think before I utter anything in my own words,, Who helps you in your speech?
Monday, November 8, 2010
Monday-What a wonderful day this is going to be,, once we are awake, and we see who is at our side,, we smile, then we just say,,, thank you, Jesus! I will now have a great day, because of you at my side!
I have touched on this before,, you have to make it yourself.. I am going to give a test this day,, you can take it or not.. but again, it is your choice!
Take a match, light it,,, touch it to your finger for five seconds, then blow it out! No? Why? Because the burning fire is too hot? Throw away the match, pick up satan,, much, much hotter,, burning forever,, no suave, no water, no help, once their, burn forever.
Now the real deal! The real choice,, pick up Jesus, cool , loving, caring, thirst no more,, never burn, but a life of wonder and laughter forever, and ever! Now , just that simple, I need not say anything else, except re-read at least once ,, before making your
God, I pray that all have made the decision,, to pick Jesus, whom you sent to sooth us, care for us, and most of all save our souls from a burning hell fire of destruction.. For those who have not reached out for Jesus,, I pray for their change of minds , now. amen
John HIcks
I have been burned by a hot match, I did not like it! I sure don't want to be burned by the fires of hell,,,do you? Think of the higher degree of burn!!!! Ugh!!!! This is just a no-brainer!! Right?
I have touched on this before,, you have to make it yourself.. I am going to give a test this day,, you can take it or not.. but again, it is your choice!
Take a match, light it,,, touch it to your finger for five seconds, then blow it out! No? Why? Because the burning fire is too hot? Throw away the match, pick up satan,, much, much hotter,, burning forever,, no suave, no water, no help, once their, burn forever.
Now the real deal! The real choice,, pick up Jesus, cool , loving, caring, thirst no more,, never burn, but a life of wonder and laughter forever, and ever! Now , just that simple, I need not say anything else, except re-read at least once ,, before making your
God, I pray that all have made the decision,, to pick Jesus, whom you sent to sooth us, care for us, and most of all save our souls from a burning hell fire of destruction.. For those who have not reached out for Jesus,, I pray for their change of minds , now. amen
John HIcks
I have been burned by a hot match, I did not like it! I sure don't want to be burned by the fires of hell,,,do you? Think of the higher degree of burn!!!! Ugh!!!! This is just a no-brainer!! Right?
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Sunday! Friendship with ones self is all to important , because without it , one cannot be friends with anyone else in this world! Without the friendship of God to us, we could not exist in this world, nor in Heaven! Friendship is very, very important, but it takes practice first from ones self!
Have you ever heard , when you take a new job..the boss says to you,, if you need anything, I have an "open door policy",, just come on in! Most times, that is the last thing he wants, to be bothered with you.. Just try to go through that door after you take the job.. yes, secretary , and wait, come back later,, you just try it!
Open door policy means, anytime,, no exceptions, I am available, 24/7.
The only open door policy that is really real , right down to "the buck stops here" , I am really here for you , 24/7, everyday,, forever and ever.. that is the door to Heaven, through Jesus Christ,,
When you accept Him as the boss over your soul,, then He prepares the door to open , to things here, and to Heaven. It never closes, for He is the doorman, and the way to take care of all of you,, yes all of you.. bold statement, but it is the only truth that exists, real truth.. so want a new job, of being a Christian? It will be the best job you ever had,, no paper word,, just a kneel, a prayer of request to Jesus, and boom, you have it all,, within, what a good feeling to belong to the only group, with a real and true
God, thank you for the invitation, and I pray that all will follow Jesus now, and through that door to You. amen
John HIcks
I have joined the group,, He keeps my door open at all times,, I can go to Him as much as I please, and never get a discouraging word in return.. do you have someone to go to ? that can guarantee the results they give you? He can! "Choice"!
Have you ever heard , when you take a new job..the boss says to you,, if you need anything, I have an "open door policy",, just come on in! Most times, that is the last thing he wants, to be bothered with you.. Just try to go through that door after you take the job.. yes, secretary , and wait, come back later,, you just try it!
Open door policy means, anytime,, no exceptions, I am available, 24/7.
The only open door policy that is really real , right down to "the buck stops here" , I am really here for you , 24/7, everyday,, forever and ever.. that is the door to Heaven, through Jesus Christ,,
When you accept Him as the boss over your soul,, then He prepares the door to open , to things here, and to Heaven. It never closes, for He is the doorman, and the way to take care of all of you,, yes all of you.. bold statement, but it is the only truth that exists, real truth.. so want a new job, of being a Christian? It will be the best job you ever had,, no paper word,, just a kneel, a prayer of request to Jesus, and boom, you have it all,, within, what a good feeling to belong to the only group, with a real and true
God, thank you for the invitation, and I pray that all will follow Jesus now, and through that door to You. amen
John HIcks
I have joined the group,, He keeps my door open at all times,, I can go to Him as much as I please, and never get a discouraging word in return.. do you have someone to go to ? that can guarantee the results they give you? He can! "Choice"!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Saturday! Jesus is like the water of a stream,, He continues to flow, give relief of thirst, cleans as He travels, can become a violet rush, when accosted by satans sin, then can recapture the moment of a summers innocent flow, he flows for ever, and ever, He is our stream of life!
Prayer Request: For Amanda Newby, the family of Larry Dale Vaughn, for God to whole all as the brother, the husband, the dad, and the friend to many,, passed on to God, Thursday night. .. God give them the relief from grief, and the knowledge of where Larry is at this time, with You.
We take God , about 99% of the time,, as the God of just setting upon a golden throne,, having given us the world,, and letting us live as we want, leisurely, stealing, killing, working with the horned devil, tearing down the earth, that He so lovingly gave us... that He is so unconcerned as to what we are doing.. If you think this , you are on the wrong road of life.. for God gives us all kinds of billboards on our road of this life..
We see great floods in this time,, floods that engulf thousands of lives in one roll onto the beaches, over the river banks,, valleys filled to the top of the hills with water,,, houses , towns , cities, completely destroyed. How can we miss these warning of just how great He is? I want each of you to close your eyes,, imagine a large , gigantic mountain,, setting idle one minute,, THEN BOOM! , the top blows completely off,, out comes a flume of smoke & ash , so thick you can't breath,, bowing some five miles up into the atmosphere,,, then a bright red orange fire of melted rock, yes melted rock,, call lava,,, comes flowing out of the top, the sides, down on the land, burning, crushing all living things, yes all,, one sweep of lava, hotter than anything you can even imagine,, burning all,, villages, towns, cities,, then into the oceans,, steaming with more gusto of heat than a large train engine.. Yes , killing all in front of its path.. then the cooling period,, and finally solid rock mountain again.. Then, out of the rock, comes a small plant, a flower, then a tree, then life as it was, over the years.. God took,, then God gave it back! Open your eyes, and all is safe around you. You are sparred in this eye closing moment,, by Gods' choice...
My point? Hell is hotter than that volcano,, so why do we go around committing sin? Why do we live our lives without God,, without Jesus, who is our way to Heaven , past this hole of satans fire,,falling into it WHY?
Believe me , God is of LOVE,, only does He show His fierceness when we sin so much,, His heart is broken and He lashes out with a vengeance of so great , we cannot imagine,, so pray for , forgiveness of your sins, and live by
Gods law,, accept Jesus as your Savior , and then you may see only at a distance, the wrath of God, but with Jesus' arms wrapped around you, then you will not have to experience
God, thank You for Your love of a Son , to protect us from all harm. amen
John HIcks
Yes, I have been in the path of the lava,, but snatched up and away from the path of burning, when I accepted Jesus! His arms engulfed me and has set me free,,, free from satans grasp.. Want to escape also,, just ask Jesus to come on in,, and He will also carry you in His arms ,, and it feels sooooo good.. come on!
Prayer Request: For Amanda Newby, the family of Larry Dale Vaughn, for God to whole all as the brother, the husband, the dad, and the friend to many,, passed on to God, Thursday night. .. God give them the relief from grief, and the knowledge of where Larry is at this time, with You.
We take God , about 99% of the time,, as the God of just setting upon a golden throne,, having given us the world,, and letting us live as we want, leisurely, stealing, killing, working with the horned devil, tearing down the earth, that He so lovingly gave us... that He is so unconcerned as to what we are doing.. If you think this , you are on the wrong road of life.. for God gives us all kinds of billboards on our road of this life..
We see great floods in this time,, floods that engulf thousands of lives in one roll onto the beaches, over the river banks,, valleys filled to the top of the hills with water,,, houses , towns , cities, completely destroyed. How can we miss these warning of just how great He is? I want each of you to close your eyes,, imagine a large , gigantic mountain,, setting idle one minute,, THEN BOOM! , the top blows completely off,, out comes a flume of smoke & ash , so thick you can't breath,, bowing some five miles up into the atmosphere,,, then a bright red orange fire of melted rock, yes melted rock,, call lava,,, comes flowing out of the top, the sides, down on the land, burning, crushing all living things, yes all,, one sweep of lava, hotter than anything you can even imagine,, burning all,, villages, towns, cities,, then into the oceans,, steaming with more gusto of heat than a large train engine.. Yes , killing all in front of its path.. then the cooling period,, and finally solid rock mountain again.. Then, out of the rock, comes a small plant, a flower, then a tree, then life as it was, over the years.. God took,, then God gave it back! Open your eyes, and all is safe around you. You are sparred in this eye closing moment,, by Gods' choice...
My point? Hell is hotter than that volcano,, so why do we go around committing sin? Why do we live our lives without God,, without Jesus, who is our way to Heaven , past this hole of satans fire,,falling into it WHY?
Believe me , God is of LOVE,, only does He show His fierceness when we sin so much,, His heart is broken and He lashes out with a vengeance of so great , we cannot imagine,, so pray for , forgiveness of your sins, and live by
Gods law,, accept Jesus as your Savior , and then you may see only at a distance, the wrath of God, but with Jesus' arms wrapped around you, then you will not have to experience
God, thank You for Your love of a Son , to protect us from all harm. amen
John HIcks
Yes, I have been in the path of the lava,, but snatched up and away from the path of burning, when I accepted Jesus! His arms engulfed me and has set me free,,, free from satans grasp.. Want to escape also,, just ask Jesus to come on in,, and He will also carry you in His arms ,, and it feels sooooo good.. come on!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Friday- TGFT-TGIF! Ready to start the W/E? Well God got you here, no one or nothing else did,, now the big question,, do you thank Him, and continue to take Him on with you ,, or ,, do you hit the "dump" button, and go on alone and to the darken caves of sin? Choice, yours! Need a light,,, to show you the way, then don't abandon the "travel pal" ,, Jesus! He is your light!
Prayer Requests: Larry Dale Vaughn, very sick in the Macon Hospital,, pray that God touches him and all of his family. Larry is the brother of Amanda Newby, a good friend
Tommy Harber, who is suffering from pancreas cancer, and is in the later stages, in ICU. please pray for him, family, and the friends who stand by him in this time of his life..
Let the flag of freedom, let the flag of Christianity fly high in the air, let the Cross stand firm & let them all shine bright! I have seen this country come as close as it has in two years to say in our elections,, we have had enough,, maybe we need to say it again in two more! Our country needed this stimulus more than it needed money.. yes , (I am sane of mind,) more than money! Our morals of the seated lawmakers need to be shaken,, yes, they may not be able to separate state and religion on the walls, and on the steps, in class rooms, etc.. but they can bring it inside of the mind and heart of themselves, and set up law for the people , by the people! Yes , a victory on Tuesday, and a victory to see if they take the heart of the people with them to office, or take the devil that dwells in some .. We have some good Christian "servers" in office, they just need some more to help stand with them..
Another note,, "Crosses" are being placed in yards all over,, Christian Flags are flying in King, N.C. with hands joined around that memorial,,, Yes,, citizens of these United States of America,, our country is on the road to recovery,, enough is enough, but we need more,,, more Jesus, more God,, and then watch this nation re-emerge, not only the greatest, but also the most God Believing, Most God Fearing Nation , on this God given planet!
I have the opportunity to have a place to fly my flag, the Stars and Stripes, the Christian flag , and place a Cross , and in my yard, they do fly, and stand, in the defiant of satan and all he stands for. Something all of you can fly and let stand, and that is the self explanation of God , Jesus and Country , by mouth and example,, so come with me and let's all join our hands , and minds, and for God , today and everyday.....
God , thank You for our nation, and thank You for Your son, who has come and died to save us all, and stands taller than any of us,, with arms open and a welcome home, at anytime we ask.. amen
John HIcks
Yes , yesterday , I was tagged as needing to re-emphasized the stand of mine for this country, this God I worship, and this Jesus , I carry,,, up front of my walk through this life,, and I do shout to the Heavens, of how I believe... do you stand with me, or do you just sit by with that dumb look , and let the satans go walking by,, smiling?
Thougths for today inspired by Bill & Millie
Prayer Requests: Larry Dale Vaughn, very sick in the Macon Hospital,, pray that God touches him and all of his family. Larry is the brother of Amanda Newby, a good friend
Tommy Harber, who is suffering from pancreas cancer, and is in the later stages, in ICU. please pray for him, family, and the friends who stand by him in this time of his life..
Let the flag of freedom, let the flag of Christianity fly high in the air, let the Cross stand firm & let them all shine bright! I have seen this country come as close as it has in two years to say in our elections,, we have had enough,, maybe we need to say it again in two more! Our country needed this stimulus more than it needed money.. yes , (I am sane of mind,) more than money! Our morals of the seated lawmakers need to be shaken,, yes, they may not be able to separate state and religion on the walls, and on the steps, in class rooms, etc.. but they can bring it inside of the mind and heart of themselves, and set up law for the people , by the people! Yes , a victory on Tuesday, and a victory to see if they take the heart of the people with them to office, or take the devil that dwells in some .. We have some good Christian "servers" in office, they just need some more to help stand with them..
Another note,, "Crosses" are being placed in yards all over,, Christian Flags are flying in King, N.C. with hands joined around that memorial,,, Yes,, citizens of these United States of America,, our country is on the road to recovery,, enough is enough, but we need more,,, more Jesus, more God,, and then watch this nation re-emerge, not only the greatest, but also the most God Believing, Most God Fearing Nation , on this God given planet!
I have the opportunity to have a place to fly my flag, the Stars and Stripes, the Christian flag , and place a Cross , and in my yard, they do fly, and stand, in the defiant of satan and all he stands for. Something all of you can fly and let stand, and that is the self explanation of God , Jesus and Country , by mouth and example,, so come with me and let's all join our hands , and minds, and for God , today and everyday.....
God , thank You for our nation, and thank You for Your son, who has come and died to save us all, and stands taller than any of us,, with arms open and a welcome home, at anytime we ask.. amen
John HIcks
Yes , yesterday , I was tagged as needing to re-emphasized the stand of mine for this country, this God I worship, and this Jesus , I carry,,, up front of my walk through this life,, and I do shout to the Heavens, of how I believe... do you stand with me, or do you just sit by with that dumb look , and let the satans go walking by,, smiling?
Thougths for today inspired by Bill & Millie
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Thursday-As the grains of the sands on the beach, we are first washed , then we are pulled back into the fold! Be washed in the blood of Jesus, then pulled into His fold. A choice for you to make, walk in mud, or on the beach!
Jesus call Lazarus from the grave, and showed victory over death, with restoring Lazarus to life. He called him by name,,,Lazarus, come forth!! What a sight that was, and if we close out eyes, we can see this great feat of Jesus. ... My biggest "mind alarm" was that Jesus did not call out, "my brother come forth", nor "come out and live"..but He call him by name,,,"Lazarus, come forth!"
I would like for all , to just stop! Just stop for one second,, the most important second of your life, and ask yourself this one question,,,,
Lord, I pray that you put all of our names in your book and when You decide to call us home. it will be by our names..... amen
John HIcks
Once nameless,, but now my name is known!!! Is yours??? IF NOT, just ask Jesus , and your name will be known and printed in Gods' book of life..... all you have to do, is call "His Name"
Jesus call Lazarus from the grave, and showed victory over death, with restoring Lazarus to life. He called him by name,,,Lazarus, come forth!! What a sight that was, and if we close out eyes, we can see this great feat of Jesus. ... My biggest "mind alarm" was that Jesus did not call out, "my brother come forth", nor "come out and live"..but He call him by name,,,"Lazarus, come forth!"
I would like for all , to just stop! Just stop for one second,, the most important second of your life, and ask yourself this one question,,,,
Lord, I pray that you put all of our names in your book and when You decide to call us home. it will be by our names..... amen
John HIcks
Once nameless,, but now my name is known!!! Is yours??? IF NOT, just ask Jesus , and your name will be known and printed in Gods' book of life..... all you have to do, is call "His Name"
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Welcome to good ole Wednesday!! Half way today,, and two to go!!!!!! Go today, the two, and eternally forward, with Jesus all the way!
We all seem to look to the future each minute, and that is what keeps us going. You have to be a "futuristic" to make it through this life. You can not stay in the past, nor the present, and be a positive to your future. You must plan, write stuff down, and then keep this plan,, and when it changes ,,, adjust, and re-plan!!!! We are a futuristic race, and that is a fact, it is all future. So,,, have you planned for your future in the time of eternity? I have! You buy insurance, for car, health, and life, well that is eternity planning, "future"! Have you included your personal SAVIOR in your planning? If not , you need to, and you need to stop, think , and do it NOW! The future has a way of changing in the flicker of a candle, how about it, do you want to accept Jesus? Give Him your complete soul, and being? If you have not done this, do so, NOW, be with God , be a real
Lord, thank you for letting me put you in my heart and testify to all about you daily. amen
John HIcks
Future in my pocket? Yes ,, my future is Jesus! So what's in your pocket? Is it full of Jesus, or just with a hole in it, and empty? Your choice!
We all seem to look to the future each minute, and that is what keeps us going. You have to be a "futuristic" to make it through this life. You can not stay in the past, nor the present, and be a positive to your future. You must plan, write stuff down, and then keep this plan,, and when it changes ,,, adjust, and re-plan!!!! We are a futuristic race, and that is a fact, it is all future. So,,, have you planned for your future in the time of eternity? I have! You buy insurance, for car, health, and life, well that is eternity planning, "future"! Have you included your personal SAVIOR in your planning? If not , you need to, and you need to stop, think , and do it NOW! The future has a way of changing in the flicker of a candle, how about it, do you want to accept Jesus? Give Him your complete soul, and being? If you have not done this, do so, NOW, be with God , be a real
Lord, thank you for letting me put you in my heart and testify to all about you daily. amen
John HIcks
Future in my pocket? Yes ,, my future is Jesus! So what's in your pocket? Is it full of Jesus, or just with a hole in it, and empty? Your choice!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Tuesday-------Wow! Another of God's Days that He gave us, and for free,,,, so enjoy!!
Prayer Request: Judy Gray, who lost her mother in a fire yesterday morning,, please pray for her in this lost.
Sam Hicks, who was hospitalized for kidney stones.. pray for him and the release of pain.
Announcement: The welcome of Luke Hicks to this world, born yesterday, 9 lbs. 6 oz.,congratulations, Paul and Christy.
Webster Definition : Example: one worthy of imitation.
We all should be "examples" to all around us. We all think we are that "example", but a lot of us, me included, fall short of this definition above. It takes a lot of effort, honesty, and doing right to be able to be worthy of imitation. I know some of these,, and I do look to them for some imitation. You know,, all of these are Godly, and believers in Jesus, and I think that should be the first requirement for anyone to be imitated .
If we all will pray hard, work hard in God's word, accept and carry Jesus with us, at all times(even in good times and hard times), and smile /laugh ,a lot, and I mean a lot, and speak the truth, no matter who or what, then I believe we could be imitated,,, as Christians, and this would make others want to quit imitating satan, and his ways, and accept Jesus,,,, become real Christians, and start enjoying this life as God intended us to do.
Now,, when all is done,,,, and all of our life is called into accountability, will we be able to look back and say , yes we were worthy to be an
Lord, please accept me, and guide me to be an example, in testimonial to You and the Father. amen
John HIcks
Talking,,,, Jesus!!!! What are you talking about???????
Prayer Request: Judy Gray, who lost her mother in a fire yesterday morning,, please pray for her in this lost.
Sam Hicks, who was hospitalized for kidney stones.. pray for him and the release of pain.
Announcement: The welcome of Luke Hicks to this world, born yesterday, 9 lbs. 6 oz.,congratulations, Paul and Christy.
Webster Definition : Example: one worthy of imitation.
We all should be "examples" to all around us. We all think we are that "example", but a lot of us, me included, fall short of this definition above. It takes a lot of effort, honesty, and doing right to be able to be worthy of imitation. I know some of these,, and I do look to them for some imitation. You know,, all of these are Godly, and believers in Jesus, and I think that should be the first requirement for anyone to be imitated .
If we all will pray hard, work hard in God's word, accept and carry Jesus with us, at all times(even in good times and hard times), and smile /laugh ,a lot, and I mean a lot, and speak the truth, no matter who or what, then I believe we could be imitated,,, as Christians, and this would make others want to quit imitating satan, and his ways, and accept Jesus,,,, become real Christians, and start enjoying this life as God intended us to do.
Now,, when all is done,,,, and all of our life is called into accountability, will we be able to look back and say , yes we were worthy to be an
Lord, please accept me, and guide me to be an example, in testimonial to You and the Father. amen
John HIcks
Talking,,,, Jesus!!!! What are you talking about???????
Monday, November 1, 2010
Monday- This morning, close your eyes,, reach just as far as you can,, wait a second,, ask Jesus in,, then feel His touch, then open your eyes and have the best day you will ever have, compared to the days of your "un-opened" eyes with Him!
Have you ever really felt Jesus? Felt Him within your heart? I have, many times! It is a feeling of warmth, relaxed, contentment, love, a feeling of all of those. The just knowing , does something to you,, and only you can feel this, no one can feel it for you, nor really tell you exactly the feel,, just close to it..." YOU HAVE TO EXPERIENCE IT, YOURSELF!"
This is the true fact, one fact that is bigger and more important that you accept, than any other you will have in this lifetime.. and it is another fact, that you need to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior,, and have this experience now.. for at the end of the road of life,, is too late.. If you do not know this feeling, then reach out your hand, and ask Jesus, He will come.. and if you know anyone that is not a re-born Christian, then it is our duty, to not let a minute, a second go by without witnessing to them.. you are a messenger from God to others, and all you have to do is hit the inner button of ones self, the one that you push, it says , I am ready God! Once pushed , look out for that feeling,, for you will
God, thank you for the button of life,, Your Son,, once pushed,, has no boundary's' ... amen
John HIcks
I've pushed my button, and I am rolling,, not the best , but doing the best one can. The "best of one", is the start, not the finish, for once started,,, the finish has already been won by the One who died for it! How about you, need a kick start? Just ask!!!!
Have you ever really felt Jesus? Felt Him within your heart? I have, many times! It is a feeling of warmth, relaxed, contentment, love, a feeling of all of those. The just knowing , does something to you,, and only you can feel this, no one can feel it for you, nor really tell you exactly the feel,, just close to it..." YOU HAVE TO EXPERIENCE IT, YOURSELF!"
This is the true fact, one fact that is bigger and more important that you accept, than any other you will have in this lifetime.. and it is another fact, that you need to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior,, and have this experience now.. for at the end of the road of life,, is too late.. If you do not know this feeling, then reach out your hand, and ask Jesus, He will come.. and if you know anyone that is not a re-born Christian, then it is our duty, to not let a minute, a second go by without witnessing to them.. you are a messenger from God to others, and all you have to do is hit the inner button of ones self, the one that you push, it says , I am ready God! Once pushed , look out for that feeling,, for you will
God, thank you for the button of life,, Your Son,, once pushed,, has no boundary's' ... amen
John HIcks
I've pushed my button, and I am rolling,, not the best , but doing the best one can. The "best of one", is the start, not the finish, for once started,,, the finish has already been won by the One who died for it! How about you, need a kick start? Just ask!!!!
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